/327 107 Dental Anatomy Preparation (Dr. Chan Borey) 1 / 327 1) Labiolingual diameter of crown αααα Permanent mandibular lateral incisor : a. 7 mm b. 6 mm c. 6.5 mm d. 7.5 mm 2 / 327 2) What number refers to the lower right canine tooth (American numbering system)? a. 22 b. 28 c. 27 d. 32 3 / 327 3) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary second molar left ααΊ : a. 27 b. 2 c. 15 d. 17 4 / 327 4) Root length αααα Permanent mandibular lateral incisor: a. 13.5 mm b. 14.5 mm c. 14 mm d. 13 mm 5 / 327 5) Which of the followings is the smallest root in permanent maxillary first molar ? a. Distobuccal root b. Palatal root c. Mesiobuccal root d. All the roots have same length 6 / 327 6) The oblique ridge is found in permanent maxillary first molar that crosses the occlusal surface obliquely. It is formed by the union of ? a. Triangular ridge of distobuccal cusp and distal ridge of mesiolingual cusp b. Triangular ridge of distolingual cusp and distal ridge of mesiolingual cusp c. Triangular ridge of mesiobuccal cusp and distal ridge of mesiolingual cusp d. Triangular ridge of distobuccal cusp and mesial ridge of mesiolingual cusp 7 / 327 7) Enamel completed αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor ααΊα a. 10-12 years b. 11 years c. 4-5 years d. 8-9 years 8 / 327 8) International FDI numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular lateral incisor left ααΊ : a. 22 b. 42 c. 32 d. 23 9 / 327 9) Mesiodistal diameter of crown αααα Permanent maxillary first molar: a. 11.5 mm b. 10 mm c. 11 mm d. 10.5 mm 10 / 327 10) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular canine left ααΊ :: a. 13 b. 27 c. 43 d. 22 11 / 327 11) Labio- or Bucco-lingual diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary second premolar: a. 8.3 mm b. 8 mm c. 8.8 mm d. 8.5 mm 12 / 327 12) Crown length αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor : a. 9.5 mm b. 10.5 mm c. 9 mm d. 10 mm 13 / 327 13) Mesiodistal diameter of crown at contact area αααα Permanent maxillary canine: a. 6 mm b. 7.5 mm c. 7 mm d. 6.5 mm 14 / 327 14) Crown completion αααα Permanent maxillary second molar ααΊα a. 12 Years b. 7-8 years c. 3-4 years d. 5-6 Years 15 / 327 15) Root length αααα Permanent maxillary central incisor: a. 13.5 mm b. 12 mm c. 12..5 mm d. 13 mm 16 / 327 16) αα ααΎ Lingual surface ααCrowns αααα Permanent incisors : a. ααΆα Fossae ααΈα αααααααααααααααααΎαααααΆαααααααΆααα Surface b. ααΆαααΆααααααααααααααααααΆαααααααΆααα Surface c. ααΆα Fossae ααΈααααααααααααααααααΎαααΆαααααααΆααα Surface d. ααΆαααΆααααααααααααααααααααΎαααααΆαααααααΆααα Surface 17 / 327 17) ααΆαααααααααααΎααααααααα»αααΆαα½ααααααΆSuccedaneous teeth ααΆαααααααα»αααΈ αααααααΉαααααααααΆααααΌααααα½α?: a. Canines b. Premolars c. Incisors d. Molars 18 / 327 18) The maxillary first premolar ααΆα Root : a. α ααα½ααα½ααααααααααααααΆααΉα Mandibular canine b. α ααα½αααΈα: Buccal and lingual c. α ααα½ααα½ααααααααααααααΆααΉα Maxillary canine d. α ααα½αααΈα: Mesial and distal 19 / 327 19) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular third molar right ααΊ : a. 38 b. 18 c. 32 d. 17 20 / 327 20) Permanent mandibular incisors ααΆααΌαα : a. ααΆααααααΈα α»αααΈαααα ααΌα ααΊααΈα‘ ααααΆαααΈ α’ b. ααΆααααααΈα α»αααΈααΌα αα ααααΊααΈα‘ ααΌα ααΆαααΈ α’ c. ααΆααααααΈα‘αΎαααΈααΌα αα ααααΊααΈα‘ ααΌα ααΆαααΈ α’ d. ααΆααααααΈα‘αΎαααΈαααα ααΌα ααΊααΈα‘ ααααΆαααΈ α’ 21 / 327 21) Select the letter of the permanent incisor that normally exhibit: this tooth is the most symmetrical incisor? a. Maxillary central incisor b. Mandibular central incisor c. Mandibular lateral incisor d. Maxillary lateral incisor 22 / 327 22) Crown completion αααα Permanent maxillary central incisor ααΊα a. 3-4 months b. 4-5 years c. 2-3 months d. 10-11 years 23 / 327 23) The height of contour of the labial surface of permanent maxillary lateral incisor is located in: a. The cervical third b. Near junction of incisal and middle third c. 2/3 of crown d. Middle third incisal ridge 24 / 327 24) Root completion αααα Permanent maxillary third molar ααΊα a. 18-25 years b. 10 – 11 Years c. 17-21 Years d. 12- 16 years 25 / 327 25) αα αααααααΎ Cervical cross section αα ααΎ Maxillary central incisor, Pulp cavity ααΆαααΆαα a. ααΌα b. ααΌααααααα c. αααααααΎ d. ααααΈααα 26 / 327 26) The most common cusp form of mandibular second premolar is: a. U or H type b. U type c. Y type d. H type 27 / 327 27) Initial of calcification αααα Permanent mandibular first molar ααΊα a. 6 – 7 Years b. 2-2.5 years c. At birth d. 2 1β4 – 2 1β2 years 28 / 327 28) αα ααΎ Occlusal Aspect αα Permanent maxillary first premolar ααααααααααΎαααΆα: a. Buccal and lingual cusp, marginal ridges, triangular ridge, developmental groove, triangular fossa and central groove. b. Cusp, marginal ridges, triangular ridge, developmental groove, central groove and pit. c. Cusp, marginal ridges, triangular ridge, developmental groove, triangular fossa and central groove . d. Buccal and lingual cusp, marginal ridges, triangular ridge, developmental fossa, central groove and pit. 29 / 327 29) Where are the mandibular teeth located? a. Upper jaw b. Posterior c. Anterior d. Lower jaw 30 / 327 30) Cervico-occlusal Length of Crown αααα Permanent maxillary second premolar: a. 8.2 mm b. 8.5 mm c. 8.8 mm d. 8.3 mm 31 / 327 31) αα ααΎ Lingual surface of crown ααααPermanent maxillary canine ααααααααααΎαααΆα:: a. Cingulumαα½α Lingual ridgeαα½α Marginal ridges ααΈααα·α lingual fossaeααΈα b. Cingulumαα½αLingualridge ααΈα Marginalridges ααΈααα·α lingualfossaeααΈα c. Cingulumαα½α Lingual ridgeαα½α Marginal ridgesαα½ααα·α lingual fossaeααΈα d. Cingulumαα½α Lingual ridgeαα½α Marginal ridges ααΈααα·α lingual fossaeαα½α 32 / 327 32) From the occlusal aspect of permanent mandibular second premolar ααααααααααΎαααΆα: a. 3-cusp type appears square and the 2-cusp type appears rounded b. 3-cusp type appears pentagon and the 2-cusp type appears rounded. c. 3-cusp type appears parallelogram and the 2-cusp type appears rounded. d. 2-cusp type appears square and the 1-cusp type appears ovoid. 33 / 327 33) Crown out line of permanent maxillary lateral incisor ααΎαααΆαLabial aspect ααΆnααΆαααΆα a. Conic b. Triangular c. Trapezoidal d. Rhomboidal 34 / 327 34) Crown length αααα Permanent maxillary canine: a. 10.5 mm b. 9.5 mm c. 10 mm d. 9 mm 35 / 327 35) Permanent dentition ααΆαααα»αααααα: a. ααΎαααΈα’ααΆααααααΆααΆα α£α’ ααααα αα·α α αΆααααααΎααα»αααΈα’αΆαα»α§ααααΆααα α’α‘ ααααΆα b. ααΎαααΈα’ααΆααααααΆααΆα α£α’ ααααα αα·α α αΆααααααΎααα»αααΈα’αΆαα»α¦ααααΆααα α’α‘ ααααΆα c. ααΎαααΈα‘ααΆααααααΆααΆα α£α’ ααααα αα·α α αΆααααααΎααα»αααΈα’αΆαα»α¦ααααΆααα α’α‘ ααααΆα d. ααΎαααΈα’ααΆααααααΆααΆα α£α’ ααααα αα·α α αΆααααααΎααα»αααΈα’αΆαα»α¦αααα α’α‘ ααααΆα 36 / 327 36) Sometimes tubercule of Carabelli is found in permanent maxillary first molar. What is the position of the tubercule of Carabelli ? a. Lingual to distolingual cusp b. Buccal to mesiolingual cusp c. Buccal to distolingual cusp d. Lingual to mesiolingual cusp 37 / 327 37) Eruption αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar ααΊα: a. 12 – 13 years b. 11 -12 years c. 9 – 10 years d. 10 – 11 years 38 / 327 38) The identifying number of permanent mandibular right first molar in the American numbering system is: a. 30 b. 46 c. 26 d. 19 39 / 327 39) αααααααααα Succedaneous ααΆααα’ααα a. ααΆ Permanent teeth and primary teeth b. ααΆ Primary teeth c. ααΆ Permanent teeth d. αα·ααααααΆ Permanent teeth 40 / 327 40) Labiolingual diameter at crest of curvature αααα Permanent maxillary canine: a. 7.5 mm b. 8.5 mm c. 8 mm d. 7 mm 41 / 327 41) The first evidence of calcification of permanent maxillary lateral incisor appears at the age of : a. 2 years after birth b. 6 month after birth c. 10-12 month intrauterine life d. 1 year after birth 42 / 327 42) First evidence of calcification αααα Permanent first maxillary premolar ααΊα: a. 1.5-2.75 years b. 1-2 years c. 1.5 – 1.75 years d. 3-4 years 43 / 327 43) Initial of calcification αααα Permanent second maxillary premolar ααΊα: a. 1-2 years b. 2-2.5 years c. 1.5 – 1.75 years d. 3-4 years 44 / 327 44) Cervico-incisal of crown length αααα Permanent mandibular lateral incisor: a. 10.5 mm b. 10 mm c. 9.5 mm d. 9 mm 45 / 327 45) Crown length αααα Permanent mandibular canine : a. 11 mm b. 9.5 mm c. 11.5 mm d. 10.5 mm 46 / 327 46) Eruption αααα Permanent maxillary second premolar ααΊα a. 10-12 years b. 10 – 11 years c. 11 -12 years d. 12 – 13 years 47 / 327 47) Permanent maxillary incisors ααΆααΌαα : a. ααΆααααααΈα‘αΎαααΈαααα ααΌα ααΊααΈα‘ ααααΆαααΈ α’ b. ααΆααααααΈα‘αΎαααΈααΌα αα ααααΊααΈα‘ ααααΆαααΈ α’ c. ααΆααααααΈα α»αααΈααΌα αα ααααΊααΈα‘ ααΌα ααΆαααΈ α’ d. ααΆααααααΈα α»αααΈαααα ααΌα ααΊααΈα‘ ααααΆαααΈ α’ 48 / 327 48) αα αααααααΎ Buccolingual section αα Pulp cavity αααα Maxillary second premolar ααααααααααΎαααΆα: a. Pulp horns ααΈαααΊ Mesial ααααΆαDistal b. Pulp horns ααΈαααΊLingual ααααΆαBuccal c. Pulp horns ααΈαααΊ Buccal ααααΆαLingual d. Pulp horns ααΈαααΊDistal ααααΆαMesial 49 / 327 49) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary central incisor right ααΊ : a. 1 b. 8 c. 11 d. 9 50 / 327 50) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular central incisor left ααΊ : a. 21 b. 24 c. 25 d. 11 51 / 327 51) ααΎααΎαααΆα Mesial surface αα Crown of Permanent maxillary first molar ααααααααααΎα Cervical outline: a. Irregular and convex occlusally b. Irregular and slightly convex occlusally c. Irregular and slightly convex toward the root d. Irregular and convex occlusally 52 / 327 52) How many teeth are in the primary dentition? a. 20 b. 32 c. 50 d. 10 53 / 327 53) International FDI numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular second molar right ααΊ : a. 17 b. 47 c. 27 d. 37 54 / 327 54) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular first premolar left ααΊ :: a. 12 b. 28 c. 21 d. 14 55 / 327 55) Eruption αααα Permanent mandibular first molar ααΊα a. 6-7 years b. 5 – 6 Years c. 6 years d. At birth 56 / 327 56) Which of the following sequence of eruption of permanent teeth is normally seen in the maxilla ?: a. 1, 6, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 b. 6, 1, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 8 c. 1, 6, 2, 4, 3, 5, 7, 8 d. 6, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8 57 / 327 57) Root length αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar: a. 14.5 mm b. 15.5 mm c. 14 mm d. 15 mm 58 / 327 58) At the age of nine years, the mandibular permanent first molar has its distal contact with which of the following teeth? a. Second deciduous b. Second permanent molar c. First premolar d. No distal contact 59 / 327 59) Root completion αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor ααΊα a. 10-11 years b. 11 years c. 4-5 years d. 8-9 years 60 / 327 60) International FDI numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor right ααΊ : a. 32 b. 12 c. 42 d. 22 61 / 327 61) Permanent mandibular second premolars ααΊααΆ Succedaneous tooth ααααα»ααααα½α: a. Deciduous mandibular second molar b. Deciduousmandibularsecond premolar c. Deciduous mandibular first molar d. Deciduous mandibular first premolar 62 / 327 62) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular third molar left ααΊ : a. 18 b. 17 c. 28 d. 32 63 / 327 63) Length over all αααα Permanent maxillary central incisor: a. 22 mm b. 23 mm c. 22.5 mm d. 23.5 mm 64 / 327 64) Crown shape from occlusal surface of maxillary molars are : a. Rectangular/pentagonal b. Square / pentagonal c. rectangular/ parallelogram d. Square /parallelogram 65 / 327 65) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor left ααΊ : a. 10 b. 12 c. 7 d. 2 66 / 327 66) αααααααα½αααα Crowns of permanent incisors ααΆααααααααα»ααααααααΈ Crowns ααααPermanent teeth αααααααα½αααΆα: a. Incisal edge, Mamelons, ααΈααΆαααα·ααα»ααα Marginal ridges, Lingual fossa αα·α Cingulum b. ααΈααΆαααα·ααα»ααα Marginal ridges, Incisal edge, Mamelons, Lingual fossa c. Lingual fossa , Cingulum, Incisal edge, Mamelons d. Mamelons, Lobes, Lingual fossa, Lingual fossa αα·α Cingulum 67 / 327 67) The maxillary first premolar ααΆα pulp chamber αα½αααααα ααααα:: a. Facio-lingual ααΌααΆαααΆα Mesio-distal b. Facial α α ααα’ααααΆα Lingual c. Facial ααΌααΆαααΆα Lingual d. Facio-lingual α ααα’ααααΆα Mesio-distal 68 / 327 68) When viewed from buccal aspect the form of the maxillary first premolar is ? a. Trapezoidal b. Rectangular c. Rhomboidal d. Pentagonal 69 / 327 69) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar left ααΊ :: a. 5 b. 14 c. 4 d. 12 70 / 327 70) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary first molar left ααΊ : a. 16 b. 14 c. 26 d. 3 71 / 327 71) Which tooth tissue contains the blood vessels and nerves of the tooth? a. Cementum b. Pulp c. Enamel d. Dentin 72 / 327 72) Root completion αααα Permanent maxillary canine ααΊ: a. 11-12 years b. 13-15 years c. 12-14 years d. 11 years 73 / 327 73) What is the area that is referred to when talking about the surface of the tooth that is on the cheek side? a. Occlusal b. Buccal c. Lingual d. Palatal 74 / 327 74) Tooth surface: a. ααααααααααααΆααα’ααααΆα 5 Surfaces b. ααααααααααααΆααα’ααααΆα 4 Surfaces αα·αOne edge c. ααααααααααααΆααα’ααααΆα 5 Surfaces αα·αOne edge d. ααααααααααααΆααα’ααααΆα 4 Surfaces αα·αOne edge 75 / 327 75) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary central incisor leftααΊ : a. 8 b. 9 c. 21 d. 2 76 / 327 76) Mesiodistal diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar: a. 4.5 mm b. 5 mm c. 4 mm d. 5.5 mm 77 / 327 77) Initial of calcification αααα Permanent mandibular second molar ααΊα a. 2 1β4 – 2 1β2 years b. At birth c. 2.5-3 years d. 6 – 7 Years 78 / 327 78) The identifying number of permanent mandibular left canine in the universal numbering system is: a. 3 b. 22 c. 43 d. 33 79 / 327 79) Crown completion αααα Permanent mandibular second premolar ααΊα: a. 6 Years b. 6-7 years c. 5 β 6 Years d. 12 years 80 / 327 80) International FDI numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary first molar left ααΊ : a. 46 b. 36 c. 26 d. 16 81 / 327 81) American numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar left ααΊ :: a. 14 b. 24 c. 34 d. 12 82 / 327 82) Permanent maxillary second molar has ? a. 5 cusps b. 5 cusps or 3 cusps c. 4 cusps or 3 cusps d. 4 cusps 83 / 327 83) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular first premolar right ααΊ :: a. 28 b. 21 c. 12 d. 4 84 / 327 84) The identifying number of permanent maxillary left central in the FDI numbering is: a. 8 b. 9 c. 11 d. 21 85 / 327 85) FDI numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary third molar left ααΊ : a. 16 b. 18 c. 28 d. 38 86 / 327 86) Crown completion αααα Permanent mandibular central incisor ααΊα a. 10 years b. 3-4 years c. 6-8 years d. 4-5 years 87 / 327 87) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary second premolar right ααΊ :: a. 25 b. 15 c. 5 d. 4 88 / 327 88) Labio- or Bucco-lingual diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary first molar: a. 9 mm b. 9.5 mm c. 10 mm d. 10.3 mm 89 / 327 89) American numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary second premolar right ααΊ :: a. 4 b. 13 c. 25 d. 45 90 / 327 90) How many molars are located in each arch? a. 2 b. 3 c. 12 d. 6 91 / 327 91) FDI numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular first molar left ααΊ : a. 26 b. 30 c. 19 d. 36 92 / 327 92) Length over all αααα Permanent maxillary canine : a. 26 mm b. 27 mm c. 26.5 mm d. 27.5 mm 93 / 327 93) Mesiodistal diameter of crown at contact area αααα Permanent mandibular central incisor: a. 5.5 mm b. 6.5 mm c. 5 mm d. 6 mm 94 / 327 94) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular central incisor right ααΊ : a. 31 b. 24 c. 25 d. 41 95 / 327 95) Mesiodistal diameter of crown at contact area αααα Permanent mandibular first premolar: a. 7.2 mm b. 6.5 mm c. 6.2 mm d. 7 mm 96 / 327 96) Eruption αααα Permanent maxillary third molar ααΊα a. 18 – 25 Years b. 12-16 years c. 17-21 years d. At birth 97 / 327 97) Mesiodistal diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary canine: a. 5.5 mm b. 4 mm c. 4.5 mm d. 5 mm 98 / 327 98) Labiolingual diameter of cervix αααα Permanent mandibular lateral incisor : a. 5.8 mm b. 5.5 mm c. 4.5 mm d. 5.3 mm 99 / 327 99) Labio- or Bucco-lingual diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar : a. 6.5 mm b. 8 mm c. 7.3 mm d. 8.5 mm 100 / 327 100) Root length αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor : a. 13 mm b. 12 mm c. 11.5 mm d. 13.5 mm 101 / 327 101) Which of the following root is the largest in permanent maxillary molar? a. Lingual root b. Buccal root c. Distobu ccal root d. Mesiobuccal root 102 / 327 102) Anatomical crown of tooth is? a. Portion crown of tooth wich is visible in mouth b. Portion of tooth wich is covered by enamel c. Portion of tooth may or may not correspond to anatomical croun d. Portion of tooth wich is visible in mouth 103 / 327 103) International FDI numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar right ααΊ : a. 12 b. 24 c. 5 d. 14 104 / 327 104) The height of contour of the labial surface of permanent maxillary central incisor is located in: a. The cervical third b. Middle third incisal ridge c. The cervical d. 2/3 of crown 105 / 327 105) The permanent mandibular second premolar ααΆα: a. 1 or 2 Cusp b. 2 Cusp c. 2 or 3 Cusp d. 3 Cusp 106 / 327 106) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular canine right ααΊ :: a. 13 b. 43 c. 22 d. 27 107 / 327 107) Permanent maxillary central incisor : a. ααΆαα«ααα½αααΆαααΆααΆααΈααααααααααα αα·αααΆα Apex ααΌα b. ααΆαα«ααα½αααΆαααΆαααααααΎααααααααααα αα·αααΆα Apex αααα½α c. ααΆαα«ααα½αααΆαααΆααΆααΈααααααααααα αα·αααΆα Apex αααα½α d. ααΆαα«ααα½αααΆαααΆααααΈαααααααααααααα αα·αααΆα Apex αααα½α 108 / 327 108) Labiolingual diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary canine: a. 7 mm b. 6.5 mm c. 7.3 mm d. 7.5 mm 109 / 327 109) In the permanent dentition, the mandibular second premolar is the fifth tooth from : a. The midline in each upper quadrant b. The mandibular central incisor in each upper quadrant. c. The mandibular central incisor in each quadrant. d. The midline in each lower quadrant 110 / 327 110) Permanent maxillary second premolars ααΊααΆ Succedaneous tooth ααααα»ααααα½α: a. Deciduous maxillary second premolar b. Deciduous maxillary second molar c. Deciduous maxillary first premolar d. Deciduous maxillary first molar 111 / 327 111) Labio- or Bucco-lingual diameter at crest of curvature αααα Permanent maxillary second premolar: a. 9.5 mm m b. 8.5 mm c. 9 mm d. 8 mm 112 / 327 112) Function of teeth : a. Mastication, speech and growth of jaws b. Mastication, appearance and speech c. Mastication and speech d. Mastication, appearance, speech and growth of jaws 113 / 327 113) α«ααα Permanent mandibular lateral incisor : a. ααααΈααααααΆα Permanent mandibular central incisor b. αααααααΌα ααΆα Permanent mandibular central incisor c. ααααΈαα·αααΌα ααΆα Permanent mandibular central incisor d. ααααα·αααααΆα Permanent mandibular central incisor 114 / 327 114) Which of the following is the last succedaneous tooth the erupt ? a. Mandibular first premolar b. Maxillary canine c. Mandibular canine d. Maxillary first premolar 115 / 327 115) Labial surfaceααCrown αααα Maxillary canine ααΆαααΆαα a. Elevation and Depression b. ααααααΆααααΆα Mesial and Distal c. ααααααΆααααΆα Mesiodistally and inciso-cervically d. Cusp, Labial ridge and developmental groove 116 / 327 116) Clinical crown of tooth is ? a. Portion crown of tooth wich is visible in mouth b. Portion of tooth may or may not correspond to clinical croun c. Portion of tooth wich is visible in mouth d. Portion of tooth wich is covered by enamel 117 / 327 117) Crown completion αααα Permanent maxillary third molar ααΊα a. 12-16 Years b. 17-21 years c. 7-8 years d. 25 Years 118 / 327 118) Universal numbering system ααMaxillary central incisor ααΊ: a. 11,21 b. 41, 51 c. 21, 22 d. 8, 9 119 / 327 119) International FDI numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary second molar left ααΊ : a. 27 b. 47 c. 17 d. 37 120 / 327 120) Completion of enamel αααα Permanent mandibular first molar ααΊα a. 7-8 years b. 2 1β2 – 3 Years c. 3-4 years d. 6 Years 121 / 327 121) Which of the following cusps is the largest in the permanent maxillary first molar ? a. Distobuccal b. Mesiolingual c. Mesiobuccal d. Distolingual 122 / 327 122) αα ααΎ Labial surface of crown ααααPermanent maxillary canine ααααααααααΎαααΆα:: a. Cusp α ααα½αα‘ αα·α Labial ridgeα ααα½αα‘ααααααΆαα Developmental groove α ααα½αα’ b. Cusp α ααα½αα’ αα·α Labial ridge α ααα½αα‘α αΎααα·αααΆα Developmental groove αα c. Cusp α ααα½α α’ αα·α Labial ridge α ααα½αα’ααααααΆαα Developmental groove α ααα½αα’ d. Cusp α ααα½αα‘ αα·α Labial ridgeα ααα½αα‘ α αΎααα·αααΆα Developmental groove αα 123 / 327 123) αα αααβ Occlusal surface αααα Maxillary molars ααααααααααΎαααΆα4 Cusps αααααΆαααα αααΆαααααΆααααΊ: a. ML>MB> DB>DL b. DB >MB> ML >DL c. ML >DL> DB >MB d. MB>ML> DB>DL 124 / 327 124) Under universal numbering system of the permanent molars they are : a. 32,31,30,29,28,27, 1,2,3,17,18,19, b. 1,2,3,15,16,17,18,19,20,30,31,32 c. 1,2,3,14,15,16,17,18,19,30,31,32 d. 32,31,30,29,28,27, 1,2,3,14,15,16, 125 / 327 125) Mesiodistal diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent mandibular central incisor: a. 3 mm b. 3.5 mm c. 4.5 mm d. 5.5 mm 126 / 327 126) Root length αααα Permanent mandibular first premolar: a. 14.3 mm b. 14.5 mm c. 13.5 mm d. 14 mm 127 / 327 127) The mandibular first premolar is : a. Bigger in general size than the second mandibular premolar b. Smaller in general size than the second maxillary premolar c. Bigger in general size than the second maxillary premolar d. Smaller in general size than the second mandibular premolar 128 / 327 128) Root length αααα Permanent maxillary second premolar: a. 14.5 mm b. 14.3 mm c. 13.5 mm m d. 14 mm 129 / 327 129) When we see from the occlusal aspect in the permanent maxillary second molar is ? a. Rhomboidal or Heart-shaped b. Parallelogram c. Heart-shaped d. Rhomboidal 130 / 327 130) Maxillary central incisor ααΆα Mesial surface ααααααΆααΆααααΉα: a. Distal surface ααMaxillary lateral b. Mesial surface ααMaxillary lateral c. Mesial surface ααMaxillary central αα½αααα d. Distal surface ααMaxillary central αα½αααα 131 / 327 131) The most important function of teeth is? a. Esthetics b. Facilitate digestion c. The prepare food for swallowing and to facilitate digestion d. In speech and personal appearance 132 / 327 132) Universal system ααMaxillary central incisor ααΊ: a. 11,21 b. 21, 22 c. 41, 51 d. 8,9 133 / 327 133) Cervico-occlusal Length of Crown αααα Permanent mandibular second premolar : a. 8.5 mm b. 8.3 mm c. 8 mm d. 8.2 mm 134 / 327 134) Labio- or Bucco-lingual diameter at crest of curvature αααα Permanent mandibular first premolar: a. 9.5 mm b. 9 mm c. 8 mm d. 8.5 mm 135 / 327 135) How many lobes are required for the development of mandibular first premolar? a. 4 lobes b. 6 lobes c. 5 lobes d. 3 lobes 136 / 327 136) Crown shape from occlusal of mandibular molar is ? a. Rectangular/pentagonal and M-D>B-L b. Square /parallelogram and B-L>M-D c. Rhomboidal/parallelogram and B-L>M-D d. Rectangular/ parallelogram and M-D>B-L 137 / 327 137) In which direction does the palatal root of the upper first molar usually curve towards: a. Mesial b. Facial / buccal/ c. Distal d. Lingual 138 / 327 138) Labiolingual diameter of crown αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a. 6.5 mm b. 7 mm c. 7.5 mm d. 6 mm 139 / 327 139) Labiolingual diameter of crown αααα Permanent mandibular central incisor: a. 6.5 mm b. 7.5 mm c. 6 mm d. 7 mm 140 / 327 140) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar right ααΊ :: a. 14 b. 12 c. 5 d. 24 141 / 327 141) Cervico-occlusal Length of Crown αααα Permanent maxillary first premolar: a. 8 mm b. 9.5 mm c. 9 mm d. 8.5 mm 142 / 327 142) Labio- or Bucco-lingual diameter of crown αααα Permanent maxillary first molar: a. 12 mm b. 10.5 mm c. 10 mm d. 11 mm 143 / 327 143) Root completion αααα Permanent mandibular second premolar ααΊα a. 10 – 12 Years b. 12- 13 years c. 13-14 years d. 12Years 144 / 327 144) Mesiodistal diameter of crown αααα Permanent maxillary central incisor: a. 8.5 mm b. 9.5 Cm c. 9 mm d. 8 mm 145 / 327 145) Eruption αααα Permanent mandibular canine ααΊα: a. 6 – 7 years b. 8 – 9 years c. 9 – 10 years d. 11 -12 years 146 / 327 146) Mesiodistal diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor: a. 5 mm b. 5.5 mm c. 6.5 mm d. 6 mm 147 / 327 147) Mesiodistal diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary second premolar: a. 4.5 mm b. 4.3 mm c. 5 mm d. 5.3 mm 148 / 327 148) Crown out line of permanent maxillary canine ααΎαααΆαLabial aspect ααΆαααΆαααΆα a. Rhomboidal b. Triangular c. Trapezoidal d. Pentagonal 149 / 327 149) Root completion αααα Permanent mandibular first premolar ααΊα: a. 13 years b. 10 – 12 Years c. 12- 13 years d. 12 Years 150 / 327 150) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary canine left ααΊ : a. 11 b. 6 c. 13 d. 43 151 / 327 151) Mesiodistal diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent mandibular first premolar : a. 5 mm b. 5.3 mm c. 4.5 mm d. 4.3 mm 152 / 327 152) Eruption αααα Permanent mandibular second molar ααΊα a. At birth b. 6 – 7 Years c. 12 years d. 11-13years 153 / 327 153) Completion of enamel αααα Permanent mandibular third molar ααΊα a. 18-25 years b. 16-21 Years c. 17 – 21 Years d. 12-16 years 154 / 327 154) International FDI numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary first molar right ααΊ : a. 36 b. 3 c. 16 d. 46 155 / 327 155) The identifying number of permanent mandibular left second molar in the FDI numbering is: a. 2 b. 18 c. 37 d. 17 156 / 327 156) ααΎααΎαααΆα Buccal surface αα Crown of Permanent maxillary first molar ααααααααααΎα Cervical outline: a. Irregular and slightly convex occlusally b. Irregular and slightly convex toward the root c. Irregular and convex occlusally d. Irregular and convex toward the root 157 / 327 157) Permanent mandibular central and lateral incisor ααΆα: a. αααααα Anatomy ααΌα ααααΆαα·ααα·αααααααα»αααΆαα²ααααααΆαα αα·ααα αααα b. αααααα Anatomy αα»αααααΆαα·αααααααα»αααΆαα²ααααααΆαα αα·ααα αα c. αααααα Anatomy ααΌα ααααΆαα·αααααααα»αααΆαα²ααααααΆαα αα·ααα αα d. αααααα Anatomy αα»αααααΆαα·ααα·αααααααα»αααΆαα²ααααααΆαα αα·ααα αααα 158 / 327 158) Labiolingual diameter at crest of curvature αααα Permanent mandibular canine : a. 8 mm b. 7 mm c. 8.5 mm d. 7.5 mm 159 / 327 159) The maxillary first premolar has which of the following characteristics for differentiation from other anterior teeth ? a. Anterior teeth crown a longure than the maxillary premolar crown b. Both contact areas are more nearly at the same level c. Greater relative faciolingual measurement as compared with the mesiodistal measurement d. Broader contact area 160 / 327 160) Crown shape from occlusal aspect of permanent mandibular first molar is? a. Rhomboid b. Trapezoid c. Pentagonal d. Parallelogram 161 / 327 161) Which are the only teeth that have a prominent lingual ridge?: a. Molar b. Incisor c. Canine d. Premalar 162 / 327 162) ααΎααΎαααΆα Buccal surface αα Permanent maxillary first molar Crown ααααααΆααΆαααΆα a. Parallelogram with small uneven side occlusally b. Trapezoidal with the small uneven side present cervically c. Rectangular with small uneven side occlusally d. Trapezoidal with small uneven side cervically 163 / 327 163) Lingual fossa of maxillary central αααα·ααα α: a. ααΎCingulum b. α ααααα Marginal ridges c. α ααααα Marginal ridges αα·αααααα Cingulum d. ααααα Cingulum 164 / 327 164) Mesiodistal diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent mandibular second premolar: a. 5.3 mm b. 5 mm c. 4.3 mm d. 4.5 mm 165 / 327 165) Universal numbering system αααα Permanent mandibular second molar right ααΊ : a. 18 b. 47 c. 31 d. 37 166 / 327 166) Root of permanent maxillary central incisor ααΎααΆααααΆααα·αααααααα αα·α Cervical line ααΆαααΆαααΆ : a. Ovoid b. Conic c. Triangular d. Round 167 / 327 167) αααααααα Mixed dentition ααΆααΉαααΆαααααααααααααααΎα: a. Different colors and hues b. Permanent first molar αα»αα αα, Different colors and hues c. Mal posed teeth, Crowding of the teeth, Different colors and hues d. Crowding of the teeth and mal posed teeth 168 / 327 168) When we see from the buccal aspect in the permanent maxillary first molar, the point of furcation of the two buccal roots is located approximately? a. 2mm below the cervical line b. 4mm below the cervical line c. 5mm below the cervical line d. 3mm below the cervical line 169 / 327 169) International FDI numbering system αααα Permanent maxillary canine left ααΊ : a. 6 b. 23 c. 11 d. 13 170 / 327 170) Labio- or Bucco-lingual diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent mandibular first premolar: a. 8.8 mm b. 8.5 mm c. 8.3 mm d. 8 mm 171 / 327 171) Eruption αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor ααΊα a. 4-5 years b. 11 years c. 8-9 years d. 10-12 years 172 / 327 172) Eruption αααα Permanent maxillary second molar ααΊα a. At birth b. 6-7 years c. 12 years d. 7 – 8 Years 173 / 327 173) On each side of the crown of the lingual ridge a mesial and distal lingual fossae are present is: a. Canine b. Incisor c. Molar d. Premalar 174 / 327 174) Maxillary central incisor ααΆαDistal outline of the crown a. ααΌα ααΆαMesial outline ααα b. ααΌα ααΆα Incisal outline ααα c. αααααα·α ααΆαααΆαMesial outline d. ααααααΆαααΆαMesial outline 175 / 327 175) Mesiodistal diameter of crown αααα Permanent maxillary lateral incisor : a. 7.5 mm b. 6.5 mm c. 6 Cm d. 7 mm 176 / 327 176) ααΆαααααΆααααααΌαααΈ Primary dentition αα Permanent dentition ααΆαα αΆααααααΎα ααΆαα½αααΉαααΆααα»αα αααα: a. Permanent first premolar b. Permanent first molar c. Permanent canine d. Permanent central incisor 177 / 327 177) Mesiodistal diameter at cervical line αααα Permanent maxillary central incisor :