
Periodontology I Preparation (Pr. Lim Sokun)

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1) A localised acute periodontal abscess:

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2) Which of the following is magnetized instrument?:

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3) Bacteria in plaque are held together by:?

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4) During a sequence of scaling appointments the most advantageous approach is to:

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5) Stippling is seen in :

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6) Determination of the shape and extent of defects in the alveolar bone can be made by:

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7) Leukotoxin are produced by which of the following periopathogens:

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8) Periodontitis is caused by:?

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9) A 27 years-old preswents to your office all of the following: loss of interdental and marginal stippling, blue-red tissue color, and bleeding upon gentle probing. Your Diagnosis is:?

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10) Excisional new attachment procedure involves:

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11) The most effective and versatile instrument for root planing is the:

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12) Tumor metastasing to gingiva is/are:

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13) When bone is lost evenly and uniformly around several teeth it is referred to as:

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14) Plaque Index was developed by:

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15) With aging, the solubility of the collagen in gingival connective tissue:

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16) Periodontal attachment loss measure clinically from:

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17) A traumatic occlusal force acting on a tooth with a healthy periodontium will likely cause:

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18) The straight sickle should not be used for removal of:

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19) 26After discontinuation of causative drug, the gingival enlargement undergoes spontaneous disappearance within few:

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20) The width of attached gingiva:

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21) A very tight grasp will:

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22) Microorganism which uses steroids as growth factor is:?

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23) The increase in thickness of cementum with aging is greater:

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24) Non eugenol periodontal dressing:

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25) When oral hygiene instruction is given during a scaling appointment, it should:

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26) Biofilm in general have:?

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27) Does sub-gingival scaling alters the microflora of periodontal pocket?

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28) Scaling process removes:

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29) Which of the following fibers increases with age in periodontal ligament?:

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30) Gingiva is supplied by:

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31) Which of the following has the highest rate of desquamation (i.e. number of cells shed per unit surface area) ?

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32) Guided tissue regeneration (GTR):

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33) All the following are phases of periodontal treatment plan except:?

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34) Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis?

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35) All of the following are true about fibroblasts except:

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36) Powered toothbrushes:

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37) The lamina dura on radiographs corresponds to: ?

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38) The inactive osteoblasts are:

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39) Which of the following fiber groups DO NOT contribute to tooth anchorage?

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40) Who was the first dentist to practiceonlyPeriodontitics:

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41) The attached gingiva is attached to:

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42) Which one for the following instruments is not used for subgingival scaling:

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43) Which of the following antibiotics can concentrate at sites of periodontal inflammation:

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44) Which of the following is the method of transferring information in a biofilm ?

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45) In CPITN:

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46) Classically the epithelial rete ridges show a saw tooth appearance, hyperkeratosis or parakeratosis, hydropic degeneration of basal layer and a dense band like infiltrate of Tlymphocytes microscopically in:

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47) Adequate stabilization for an extraoral hand rest can be achieved by keeping:

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48) Narrow < slit-like> areas of recession over the roots are called:

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49) Instrument used for detection of subgingival caculus:

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50) Periodontal attachment loss detect clinically:

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51) Kirkland and Orban knives are used for:

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52) The gingival groove, when present, is a good indicator of ?

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53) When using the periodontal probe, depths are measured from the:

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54) Reevaluation of the response to removal of local etiologic factors should be performed:

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55) The Basic Periodontal Examination (BPE):

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56) Which portion of the tooth germ is the primary source of the junctional epithelium?

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57) Which of the following is not included in the Green complex?:

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58) In human teeth, afibrillar cementum is most likely encountered as ?

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59) Horizontal bone loss is present in:

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60) On lingual surfaces, proper working angulation is achieved by positioning the handle so that it is:

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61) Which of the following is the most permeable portion of the gingival epithelium?

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62) Trauma from occlusion does not produce:

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63) A conventional intraoral finger rest with a “built-up” fulcrum is difficult to establish in what region of the mouth?:

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64) Which of the following is not true of the file?:

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65) Air is used to deflect the free gingival margin in order to detect:

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66) Localized aggressive periodontitis is best treated in early stage by:

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67) To position a curet for a vertical stroke on an anterior tooth, the handle of the instrument should be:

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68) The explorer is used to detect:

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69) Regional lymphnode enlargement is present in:

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70) The alveolus is lined with?

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71) Which of the following is more mineralzed?:

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72) Periostat is:

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73) Which of the following instrument has a two-point contact with the tooth:

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74) Leukemic gingival enlargement:

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75) Which ancient medical book recommended cleaning the teeth twice a day with an astringent stick that has been chewed into a brush form:

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76) Dried calculus is easier to detect than wet calculus with the explorer because it is:

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77) The mesial furcation of the upper molars is located:

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78) A good finger rest or hand rest must be located to allow:

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79) Which of the following features of the ultrasonic scaling device does not contribute directly or indirectly to the impairment of tactile sensitivity? :

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80) 40 years diabetic patient, present clinically with periodontal attachment loss and diagnosed as having periodontitis. According to AAP 1999 classification of periodontal diseases, the type of periodontitis in this case is:?

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81) A serious limitation of the hoes is that they:

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82) When scaling the distal surfaces of the posterior teeth with opposite cutting edge of the same blade that adapts to the r surfaces, the handle should be:

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83) Failure of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath to separate from the dentin surface during root development may give rise to which of the following anomalies?

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84) Regarding alveolar bone destruction in periodontitis:

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85) U.S. food and drug administration for the adjunctive therapy of periodontitis has approved doxycycline hyclate:

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86) Subclinical gingivitis is:

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87) The best way to detect bony detects is:

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88) 15The main route of entry of leukocytes into oral Cavity is through:

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89) The narrowest zone of gingiva is found in the region of?

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90) The results of the extraoral and intraoral examination should be recorded in the patient’s chart whenever:

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91) Stillman’s clefts are caused by:

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92) Cementum 😕

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93) The major type of collagen associated with bone matrix is?

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94) The air syringe is held with a:

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95) Crater-like deformities are seen in:

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96) The mucogingival junction is located between the:

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97) Implant surgery is done in:

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98) Cyclosporin- induced gingival enlargement, is more frequent in:

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99) Significant serum antibody response to specific Plaque organisms is found in:

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100) If calculus at the junctional epithelium is not detected and removed, the periodontal disease process will continue because the calculus:

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101) The active ingredient in periochip is :

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102) 12Which of the following is absent in parakeratinized gingiva:

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103) Concerning the following organisms associated with periodontal diseases:

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104) Which of the following organism’s role is decreased with age:

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105) The biofilms found on tooth surface are termed as:?

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106) Clinical measurements of probing depths are likely to be influenced by:

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107) Chlorhexidine gluconate:

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108) Although all of the following procedures may be necessary phases of periodontal therapy, which of these is absolutely essential for successful treatment and a favorable prognosis?:

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109) Drug induced gingival enlargement is more severe in:

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110) Which of the following structures is NOT part of the enamel organ?

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111) Metronidazole:

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112) The submandibular salivary glands are best examined by:

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113) The gram negative bacteria most numerous in oral cavity is:?

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114) The ultrasonic sealer only dislodges calculus that:

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115) How many working ends of a hoe are needed to make a complete s that will adapt to all tooth surfaces?:

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116) Incorrect adaptation of the tip as shown above would result in:

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117) 21The periodontal pathogenicity of Actinobacillus Actonomycetemcomitans is primarily attributed to its Production of:

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118) Synthetic resorbable suturing materials in periodontal surgery is:

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119) The lactoperoxidase thiocynate system present in saliva is against:?

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120) Necrotising ulcerative gingivitis (NUG):

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121) Which of the following dose not increase the flow of crevicular fluid:

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122) The mobility of the teeth is graded 3 if:

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123) In order to open the angulation of a curet blade in relation to the tooth surface, the shank must be moved:

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124) CELLULAR cementum is most likely found around ?

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125) The amount of gingival crevicular fluid is:

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126) The effect of hormonal imbalance on periodontal tissue is:

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127) Furcation is best detected by which probe:

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128) Mandibular first molars with grade I furcation involvement:

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129) A sludge of metal shavings and oil that develops on the face of the blade indicates that:

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130) Prevalence of gingivitis increased during:

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131) In the presence of HEAVY function the periodontal ligament undergoes certain changes as compared to a ligament in light function. Which of the following statements best describes these changes?

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132) Vertical, infrabony defects are frequently seen on radiographs:

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133) Furcation involvement is measured by:

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134) Who described scaling of teeth with a sophisticated set of instruments in 10th century itself:

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135) Rolling the handle of the explorer between the thumb and fingers is important because it:

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136) According to the random burst model of periodontal disease progression:

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137) Cementum that usually fills resorption lacunae:

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138) If periodontal procedures have tobe carried out more than once, the minimum gap between two prophylactic antibiotic regimes in case of prophylaxis against SABE, should be:

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139) Select the most appropriate answer in pregnancy the severity of gingivitis starts increasing during:

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140) 16Which of the following is found in acellular Afibrillar cementum:

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141) The main function of gingiva is :

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142) The most common crystalline forms present in supragingival calculus are:

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143) The average width of the periodontal ligament around a functional permanent tooth is ?

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144) Calculocementum is :

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145) If the probing pocket depth is 6mm and gingival recession is 2mm then the total clinical attachment loss is:

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146) Instrument used for crushing of subgingival calculus:

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147) The most objective and reliable indication of successful scaling and root planing is:

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148) The predominant inflammatory cell in early lesion:

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149) The distance between the apical extent of the calculus and alveolar crest in human periodontal pockets is:

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150) Dcntogingival unit comprises:

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151) Which of the following tissues is the MOST likely source of cementogenic cells in adults who have undergone root planing?

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152) The best way to examine the dorsum of the tongue is to:

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153) The modified pen grasp is distinguished from other grasps because:

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154) The aim of root planing is to:

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155) Which one of the following species of Streptococci is usually not found in dental plaque?

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156) For complete removal of calculus on a proximal surface, strokes should be extended:

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157) Adhesion molecule present in cementum:

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158) The sequence in which quadrants or sextants are scaled in a series of appointments:

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159) While activating the instrument, the finger rest acts as a:

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160) The most reliable means of detecting periodontal pockets:

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161) Levi Spear Parmly is :

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162) Under absolutely normal conditions,the depth gingival sulcus is about:

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163) The width of the attached gingiva with age :

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164) Basal bone is not part of the periodontium, as it is located under the alveolar process that houses the dentition. Following completion of amelogenesis in humans, the anatomic crown is lined with a layer of reduced enamel epithelium. This layer is derived primarily from which of the following?

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165) In humans, bundle bone is most likely to be found?

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166) The explorer should be inserted with a:

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167) The best diagnostic sign of gingival inflammation is:

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168) In order to close the angulation of a curet blade in relation to the tooth surface, the shank must be moved:

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169) A wire edge is produced:

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170) Which of the following is not a gingival fiber group?

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171) Which of the following best describes the histology of a predominantly resorbing bone surface?

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172) Gingival bleeding on probing appears:

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173) A glycoprotein that promotes new attachment and increased cell proliferation is:?

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174) Which portion of the tooth germ is the primary source of the periodontal ligament?

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175) Cross-section of sickle scaler is:

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176) Gingival Inflammation Involving the entire attached gingiva Is tarmodi :

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177) Average human biologic width is:

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178) The primary objective of scaling and root planing is to: