Dental Imagery Test

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Dental Imagery Test


1 / 60

Advantages of paralleling technique:

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ពេលភ្ជាប់ Contact High tension element ឈ្មោះអ្វី ដែលរត់ពី Cathode ទៅ anticathode? (ឃ្លាណាខុស):

3 / 60

ដើម្បីធ្វើអោយត្រជាក់ Anticathode គេប្រើៈ ៈ



4 / 60


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ទឹកDeveloper មានលក្ខណៈ?:

6 / 60

Screen មានស្រទាប់សំខាន់ធ្វើពី?:

7 / 60

តំបន់ថតសរុបមាន ១៤តំបន់ ពេលថតឡើង ១៥តំបន់ តើគេបន្ថែមត្រង់ណា?:

8 / 60

Leaded Apron ប្រើកម្រាស់សំណ:

9 / 60

Manmade sources of radioactive sources are produced by:

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Cone បង្កើតលើងសម្រាប់?:

11 / 60

Paralleling Technique មិនសូវប្រើច្រើនដូច Bisecting Technique ព្រោះ? (ចូររកឃ្លាខុស)?:

12 / 60

តើឃ្លាណាមួយដែលខុសចំពោះ Technic data មាន?:

13 / 60

ក្នុងបច្ចេកទេស bite wing porte film ក្រដាស់ឈ្មោះអ្វី?:

14 / 60

In bisecting technique:

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ក្នុងបច្ចេកទេស film bitewing film ចែកជា ២ដោយសារ:

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វិទ្យុថត Cross Sectional C.R :

17 / 60

F O D ចម្ងាយ?:

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19 / 60

The number of X-ray or Gamma photons that are transmitted through a material depends
on the:

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Bitewing Radiograph មើលឃើញ Recurrent Carie ព្រោះ :

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Somatic mutation បង្កគ្រោះថ្នាក់ដល់:

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Collimators are used to:

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Unguided film holders:

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X-ray generators produce radiation through:

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Lateral Oblique of mandible ពេលថតតំបន់ Premolar តើ C.R ចង្អុលត្រង់ណា?:

26 / 60

វិទ្យុថត Periapical មើលធ្មេញពី:

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Film មានប៉ុន្មានស្រទាប់?:

28 / 60

Short Cone មានប្រវែងៈ

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គេដាក់ Safeligh នៅកន្លែងណា?:

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The conditions for infection control to occur is:

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ក្នុងចម្ងាយ 1 inch I ស្មើ១០០mR តើក្នុងចំងាយ 2 inch I ស្មើប៉ុន្មាន? :

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តើឃ្លាណាមួយដែលខុសចំពោះ Radiopaque materials to X-Ray are:

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កាំរស្មី X រកឃើញដោយលោកៈ

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Bite-wing (BW):

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កាំរស្មី X តែងៈ

36 / 60

Bite-wing includes:

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ចំពោះម៉ាស៊ីនវិទ្យុថតធ្មេញដែលមានថាមពល70kv-10mA xRay ចេញ1 Second:

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ហ្វិលលេខ 2 មានវិមាទ :

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F.FD ជាចម្ងាយ:

41 / 60

ក្នុងបច្ចេកទេសវិទ្យុថត Bite wing គេទប់ហ្វិលដោយសារអ្វី?:

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The Film contrast is determined by:

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The developer solution basic ingredients is:

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Bisecting Technique ប្រើប្រាស់មុំដែលកើតពី:

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បណ្តាវ័យទាំង4របស់មនុស្ស វ័យណារង X-ray ជាងគេ ?:

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The overall blackness or darkness of an image is termed:

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Chemical solution used in development process to reduce the exposed, energized silver halide

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The amount of geometric unsharpness in a radiograph is affected by:

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The mandibular topographic view anterior ប្រើ vertical angle ::

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ហ្វិល Occlusal របស់កុមារអាយុក្រោម៥ឆ្នាំជាហ្វិល:

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Vertical angulation សំរាប់ថត canine លើ:

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វិទ្យុថត Periapical មើលឃើញ (ចូររកឃ្លាខុស):

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Newtons Inverse Square Law is useful in radiography because it indicates how the radiation
intensity is affected by:

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X-Ray មាន wave length ប៉ុន្មានយ៉ាង?:

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វិទ្យុថត Symphyse មើលឃើញ?:

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តើ Sinus ធម្មតាមានភាពយ៉ាងណា?:

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A beam of energy that has the power to penetrate substances and record image shadows on
photographic film.:

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Distal tube shift projection គឺជាវិទ្យុថត

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