
Mental Health And Addiction Preparation

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1) Which one is protective factor at individual level

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2) Which of below condition defines mental health as a disorder?

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3) Mortality rate among people who use illegal drug is

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4) Before developing promotion and prevention in mental health, we need to consider the following conditions

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5) Schizophrenia has a risk premature death greater than the general population

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6) Global seizures of Methaphetamines are

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7) Prevention of mental disorders has

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8) What is Addiction?

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9) Recurrent rate of depression is higher in those who

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10) How β€œHealth” is defined, choose the incorrect one.

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11) The interventions for drug prevention among infancy and early childhood

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12) Which one is description of Comorbidity? Choose the wrong one

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13) Drug prevention for early childhood need to work with

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14) The Best Treatment for Opioid Addition is

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15) Which part of the world has the highest mortality rate due to drug use?

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16) Which statement is correct?

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17) The choice of intervention varies with:

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18) Police seized drugs is

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19) β€œHealth is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Since when did the WHO stressed this definition of health?

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20) Which advice is the best for people who inject drug re-use injecting equipment?

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21) Choose the one which is not in Illegal class?

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22) 1/3 to 1/2 of Overdose Death is related to

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23) Which one is description of Co-occurring disorder? Choose the correct one

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24) How much suicide rate in Cambodia estimated by WHO?

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25) Early education

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26) Mental Disorders can create a poverty trap because of

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27) From 2005 to 2013, Opium Poppy cultivation in Southeast Asia is

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28) Treatment Standard is

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29) Primary Prevention is aimed at

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30) Risk Minimization has

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31) For prevention of perinatal depression among pregnant women, screening depression among pregnant women is aimed at

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32) Harm Reduction is a significant HIV preventive program among

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33) People who inject drug are

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34) The population are defined as special groups because:

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35) How to classifies drug base on the legal issue?

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36) Which statement is correct to describe the global trend of drug use in the last decade.

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37) The acute emergency phase is:

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38) Mental Health Promotion Programmes targeted at vulnerable groups need to include

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39) Secondary Prevention is aimed at

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40) What is definition of Co-occurring disorder?

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41) Consequences of injecting drug Use are

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42) How much global point prevalence of Schizophrenia?

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43) Prevention and promotion in mental health should be done at

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44) β€œβ€¦ a state of well-being in which every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community”. This definition is belong to:

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45) In order to improve mental health we need to

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46) What is the core symptoms of Depression?

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47) People not-so well off tend to connect health with managing

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48) Which advice is the best for people who inject drug?

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49) Brief Intervention is recommended for drug prevention among

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50) Which indicator statement is correct?

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51) A 30 years old man has presented strange behavior since he was 25. Last 2 years, he became aggressive. The authority brought him to a mental health hospital against his will. A month later he seemed stable, but he did not allow to be back home. He was kept long years in the hospital. Which of the following vulnerable criteria the man is subject to?

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52) Which medication is used to treat Heroin Overdose.?

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53) In mental health emergencies condition, the Ministry of Health/Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse is responsible for action to close the gap between what is needed and what is currently available. What kind of action to be taken in order to reduce mental health disorders and promote mental health?

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54) In 2019, World Drug Reported that:

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55) Relapse Prevention is

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56) Choose the correct statement that is a World Drug Report in 2018:

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57) Spectrum of mental health promotion are

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58) The main component(s) of Harm Reduction is/are

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59) How much prevalence of major depression among HIV/AIDS patients

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60) Which one is mental health promotion at Macro level?

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61) Among the main developmental goals in middle childhood are

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62) The aim of drug prevention is to help people

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63) Which one is good describes about mental health problem? Choose the right one

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64) What is the core symptom of Depression?

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65) Needle and Syringe Program is

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66) Among the below principles that the Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse draws attention, which one should be the second principles?

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67) Early interventions is a part of

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68) Resilience is a capacity of individual in

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69) Which of the below statements is true?

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70) Drug prevention for Infancy needs to work with

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71) A 40 years old man has been presenting chronic psychotic symptoms for 5 years. Due to such a condition he was seen as a lazy, indecisive and unintelligent man. His condition is believed impossible to recover. Therefore, he has no education, no job, no relationship and no home. This person is suffering from:

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72) β€œConditions that predate the associated disorders and some of them are subject to change via a preventive interventions are defined as:

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73) β€œConditions that modify, ameliorate or alter a person’s response to some environmental hazard that predisposes to a maladaptive outcome were defined by Reuter in 1985 as:

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74) Mortality rate among people who use Tobacco drug is

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75) The burden of mental disorders will increase by 2020

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76) In Cambodia, Heroin is usually used by

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77) How much percentage of major depression among people with Hypertention?

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78) Drug prevention is to help people

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79) Most of People with mental health condition are

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80) In case there are 100 mentally ill patients in Community, how many beds you should allocate for in-patient service?

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81) Which one is good describes about mental disorder? Choose the right one

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82) What make groups vulnerable?

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83) Which Statement is True, in the absence of harm reduction activities,

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84) For Adolescence and Adulthood, preventive interventions should be done

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85) Mental Disorders have significant impact on

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86) Which statement is correct

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87) Nearly half of people living with depression live in the South-East Asia region and West Pacific Regions because of

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88) Based on the global suicides, which age group are the highest suicide?

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89) Since the first contact session, Brief Intervention is used

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90) People who inject drugs need urgent access to

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91) A warm childrearing style is

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92) With Harm reduction, new HIV infections among PWID will be

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93) Choose the correct statement one.

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94) β€œGirls are only for house work. Bringing the girls to mental health clinic is a waste of time”. Because of ……………., the girls are excluded from her community. Choose the below words to fit the blank.

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95) Benzodiazepine is in class of:

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96) Methadone Maintenance Therapy is

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97) Psychoactive substances devises in to:

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98) Each person’s ability to deal with the social world is associated with

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99) Employees with substance abuse problems are more likely

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100) What is the fastest rout of administration drug?

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101) Choose the one which is in Illegal class?

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102) The World Health Organization (WHO) is the United Nations agency responsible for action:

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103) Which of below challenges that people with vulnerability do not necessarily experience?

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104) Preparation before the emerge of disaster

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105) What is the prevalence of depression in Cambodia?

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106) Younger people do not tend to emphasize Health as the importance of

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107) In disaster response, in order to provide services for All, we should be establish

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108) The populations who exposed to extreme stressors are at risk for:

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109) Which one is risk factor at Social level

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110) Which statement is correct?

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111) By 2012, Number of people who use illegal drugs in Cambodia are

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112) Classroom environment improvement program aim

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113) Which one is description of Co-occurring disorder? Choose the wrong one

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114) In adult, how much percentage of cases, depression follow a chronic course with no remission

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115) Harm Reduction is to help people to

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116) WHO defines Mental Health as?

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117) How much global percentage of PWID who have HIV?

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118) Which Statement is correct?

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119) A 35 years old man has had a history of severe mental disorder when he was 12. The authority as well as parents assume that he cannot manage his own affairs and make decision about his own life. For these reason, he had not been supported to go to school. He could not access to health-related information. He could not access to complaint mechanism each time he got violated. What is best vulnerable criteria the man is subject to?

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120) Which New Psychoactive Substance is common in Southeast Asia?

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121) Primary prevention has

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122) Mental health promotion allow people to

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123) From 2011 to 2015, new HIV infection among PWID rose by

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124) Mental health promotion for old age is about

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125) Mental Disorders seen at Primary Health Care Settings are

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126) Hospital Based is not recommended for mental health service development because of

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127) How much percentage of depressive patients end their lives by commuting suicide?

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128) Early parenting training is

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129) What is the slowest rout of administration drug?

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130) Depression has a risk of death greater than the general population.

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131) Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which describes as:

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132) Danger of HIV transmission is

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133) Vulnerable groups share common challenges related to

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134) Which of the below statements is not true?

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135) In disaster response, which intervention should be done first

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136) Which one is best describe about Anxiety:

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137) People hold different conceptions of health because of

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138) School Policies for Drug Prevention should consider

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139) In disaster response, mental health interventions should be

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140) Employees with substance use problems have

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141) Which one is not a statement for Depression?

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142) Which one is not mental disorder?

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143) Effective Mental Health interventions need

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144) Brief Intervention can be used

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145) Poverty, war, inequality, etc. are at increased risk of poor mental health such as depression (Patel, 2005). These circumstances are classified in which determinants of mental health?

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146) Tertiary Prevention is aimed at

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147) Drug abuse is defined as

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148) Which service ha the lower cost and high demand?

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149) What is definition of Comorbidity?

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150) Which statement is the best description about Mental Health problem?

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151) Poor access to basic commodities and services such as water, essential health services, the rule of law, etc., and exposing to predominating cultural beliefs, attitudes or practice, etc., can also affect mental health of an individual, household or their community. These circumstances are classified in which determinants of mental health?

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152) Which statement is correct?

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153) Mental Health definition by WHO, which one is the best description?

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154) Base on the report of UNODC World Drug in 2020, which statement is correct.

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155) People with comfortable living conditions tend to think of health in the context of

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156) Drug prevention program targeting entertainment venues is effective for

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157) Which one is description of Comorbidity? Choose the correct one

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158) Mental health emergency populations are:

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159) Which of the below statements is true?

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160) Which of below condition defines mental health problems?

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161) Alcohol and Tobacco policies is an effective prevention for

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162) Personal and social skills education program is

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163) How much prevalence of major depression among Diabetic?

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164) What is the global prevalence of depression?

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165) Which advice is the best for people who use drug?

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166) How much percentage of people who inject drug are living with Hepatitis C?

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167) Promotion of mental health is the operation by which we improve the place which mental health occupies on the scale of values of

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168) Alzheimer’s disease is not characterized by:

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169) Which statement is correct?

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170) Which advice is the best for people who use drug?

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171) Needle and Syringe Program can reduce health, social and economic harms of drug use to

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172) Rehabilitation is

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173) School policies should be recommended

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174) Reason to avoid psychiatric hospital because of

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175) The position of the Mental Health and Substance Abuse Department is to assist:

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176) Which of below strategies would close the gap between what is needed in mental health emergencies and what is currently available?

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177) Most of Overdose Death is related to

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178) How β€œHealth” is defined by WHO?

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179) What is the model of Mental Health Service in Cambodia?

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180) The peak prevalence of depression is among

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181) Which statement is correct?

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182) Older people tend to define health as

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183) During middle childhood increasingly more time is spent

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184) Drug Use has consequences on

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185) Brief Intervention helps substance abuser to

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186) Providing treatment of pregnant women with substance use disorder is

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187) Which one is classified in legal class of drug?

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188) Community-based multi component initiatives can be applied for

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189) Which one is protective factor at environmental level

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190) All vulnerable groups experience many challenges related to their social and economic status, social support and living conditions. Which of below challenges is not characteristic of vulnerability?

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191) What is the triple interaction in development of mental disorders?

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192) Harm Reduction Program should be implemented in

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193) The goals and traditions of public health and health promotion

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194) Choose the one which is not define about Mental Health Illness or Mental Health disorder?

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195) Which statement is a report of World Drug in 2018?

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196) Parenting skills program

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197) β€œI cannot come to see a psychiatrist. If someone see me, I will never get married”. Because of this …….…, the girl excluded herself from community. Choose the below words to fit the blank.

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198) Mental Health Promotion among Early childhood has

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199) The Cambodia Ministry of Health (MoH) is the National agency responsible for action:

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200) Individual psychological Vulnerabilities need to be addressed

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201) Mental Health Promotion is involved in

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202) The Most frequent illegal drug use in Cambodia is.

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203) Which substance below is not in legal class?

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