Community Dentistry Test

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Community Dentistry Test


1 / 60

The basic of unit of society is:

2 / 60

The concentration of sodium fluoride used for topical application is?

3 / 60

You have a 9-year-old patient with a mixed dentition, Which index would you use to calculate decay?

4 / 60

Who is called as β€œ Father of Public Health ”?:

5 / 60

Measures for the quantification of dental epidemiological data are collectively known as:?

6 / 60

A decision about a course of action is:

7 / 60

Single host factor which is very much related to disease is:

8 / 60

A sample in which every element in the population has an equal and independent chance of being selected is termed:?

9 / 60

Father of Biostatistics is:

10 / 60

A series of meetings designed to convey specific instruction and information in particular areas of work is known as:

11 / 60

Tooth brushing appears to be the most effective in prevention of:

12 / 60

Awakening the fundamental desire to learn is called:

13 / 60

Fluoride ions absorbed by the body are eliminated by:?

14 / 60

Group discussions are:

15 / 60

The epidemiological trial is:

16 / 60

Total area of a normal curve is:

17 / 60

In rural community the type of relationship:

18 / 60

Group takes the decision in:

19 / 60

community is the population living in a small geographical area with common:

20 / 60

β€œProgramme Operation” in community health care is same as:

21 / 60

The major component of dental plaque is:

22 / 60

Defluoridation of water can be done by:

23 / 60

A trial which determines the feasibility and practicality of a study is called a:

24 / 60

Screening for dental caries among school children is:

25 / 60

Which among the following is NOT a type of communication method?:

26 / 60

Object of dental health education include:

27 / 60

Which of the sugar is least cariogenic:

28 / 60

Which of the following factors is common for dental caries and periodontal disease?

29 / 60

Which one of the following is an objective of health education?

30 / 60

Examining a patient in dental office is equivalent to community dental health:

31 / 60

The β€œappropriateness” of the health services is known as:

32 / 60

Examining a patent in dental office is equivalent to Community dental Health:

33 / 60

Tools of dental public health are:

34 / 60

The Purpose of planning is:

35 / 60

Survey is basically the same as:

36 / 60

The day-to-day follow-up of activities during the implementation of health programme is known as:

37 / 60

Hypothesis is:

38 / 60

Chose the most effective mechanical device for cleaning interdental surface of teeth:

39 / 60

The prevention that is done at the late pathogenesis stage of a disease is call as:

40 / 60

Culture means a system of customs, ideas, values and skills which is transmitted socially from:

41 / 60

The date obtain directly from the individual s called as:

42 / 60

The most acceptable mouth protectors are:?

43 / 60

The optimum amount of fluoride in drinking water that does not produce mottling of enamel yet causing reduction in dental caries is:

44 / 60

Society is:

45 / 60

The recommended level of fluoride in drinking water for temperate climate zone is:

46 / 60

The primary objective of diet counseling for the prevention and control of caries is to:?

47 / 60

Oral cancer can be prevented by:

48 / 60

The major role of the teacher in dental health education is to:

49 / 60

The most simple and effective method of educating a child to the problem of caries control is:?

50 / 60

Which of the following sugars is least cariogenic?

51 / 60

What the minimum level is of nicked in saliva at which it can give rise to allergic reactions in humans?

52 / 60

The stage in β€œadoption of new ideas and practices” where a person weighs the pros and cons the practices before adopting them is:

53 / 60

Which index would you we for a group of elderly patients in nursing home?:

54 / 60

The term social dentistry means:

55 / 60

School dental health programs should include provisions for:

56 / 60

The β€œ Unusual ” occurrence of disease in a community clearly in excess of β€œ expected occurrence is known as:

57 / 60

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment is a part of:?

58 / 60

Acidogenic bacteria survive and produce acid best in dental plaque which is rich in:?

59 / 60

If you were doing a plaque index with debris for a group of preschool children, which one would you use?

60 / 60

Examination of a 7 year old child revealed 6 milk teeth with activity carious lesions, 4 missing 3rd molars, 1 primary and 1 permanent tooth missing and 1 filled permanent tooth.?

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