Dental Histology Test

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Dental Histology Test


1 / 60

Buco – labial plate contributes to formation of :

2 / 60

Carbohydrateprotein substance corresponding to the blood group antigens are not secreted by:

3 / 60

Specify terms of eruption for first temporary molars :

4 / 60

The peripheric processes of odontoblasts are situated in :

5 / 60

Principal mass of a tooth represents :

6 / 60

Warthin’s tumor is commonly seen in:

7 / 60

Retzius strips ( striae ) appear in transverse section of tooth as a :

8 / 60

Oral epithelium forms in mesenchime a growth in shape of :

9 / 60

Which one is not Secondary dentin is deposited preferential on :

10 / 60

From where do all these structures originate? ______________________:

11 / 60

The most numerous cells of the pulp are :

12 / 60

In radicular cement is distinguished :

13 / 60

The fibers from radicular cement have one direction and are joined :

14 / 60

Perineural invasion is common in:

15 / 60

Characteristic cells for health pulp are :

16 / 60

The two main types of cementum are called and:

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Sialadenosis commonly involves:

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From enamel organ is developed :

19 / 60

Name four causes of external staining ____.:

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Bone is (vascular or avascular) ____________________, cementum is ______:

21 / 60

Normally the maxilla has a shape of :

22 / 60

From dental sac (follicle) of dental germs is developed :

23 / 60

In Bulimia parotid glands are:

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Characteristic cells for health pulp are :

25 / 60

Periodontium is situated in :

26 / 60

Health teeth react to currents of about :

27 / 60

Lightning segments of Hunter – Schreger bands are called :

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What is the content of a dentinal tubules :

29 / 60

Fine intrinsic collagen fibers are formed by _______________________.:

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During life happens :

31 / 60

The function of dental pulp :

32 / 60

The organic substance of dentine is composed from :

33 / 60

Specify terms of germs mineralization for second temporary molar :

34 / 60

Enamel prism in transversal section has a shape of :

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Sublingual salivary gland is situated:

36 / 60

Basic elements of the enamel are :

37 / 60

Enamel covers :

38 / 60

Name two common conditions which affect teeth and enamel due to aging ____.:

39 / 60

Select the components of enamel organ :

40 / 60

Calcium content of saliva is low in:

41 / 60

The composition of the innorganic matter of enamel is :

42 / 60

component of saliva that helps dissolve foods so they can be tasted and digestive reactions can begin:

43 / 60

protects the mouth’s mucous membrane from infection and the teeth from decay:

44 / 60

Enamel covers :

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the secretion of saliva:

46 / 60

Dentin Embryologic development:

47 / 60

The base of inorganic matter is :

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Sialolithiasis is common in:

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Daily average volume of saliva produced in a human being is:

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Structural element characteristic to the dentinal canaliculi is :

51 / 60

Dental pulp is devided in :

52 / 60

Number of tubules on 1mm2 oscillate from :

53 / 60

Because enamel is formed in a ‘layering’ pattern, ground tooth sections show brownish lines

called ___, also known as incremental lines.:

54 / 60

What is the basic unit of the enamel structure :

55 / 60

Chemical composition of radicular cement :

56 / 60

Salivary fistula is commonly originates from:

57 / 60

Corresponding to the content of fibrillar structure , in the dentin is distinguished the

following zones :

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The functions of periodontium are :

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The main function of fibroblasts of the pulp is to form :

60 / 60

What are the basic unit of the enamel structure :

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