
Dental Imagery II Preparation (Dr. Muy Say)

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1) This patient survived a little run-in he had with farmer Brown’s shotgun. This is a bit tricky: Identify the metallic objects that have produced (a) ghost image(s):

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2) Microdontia is:?

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3) To expose intraoral radiographs using the paralleling technique, to the long axis of the periapical film the central ray is directed:

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4) To whom should an initial interpretation be given?

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5) Which line that draw from occlusal surface of the first molar to second molar?

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6) What is the term used to describe the appearance of dental caries in a processed radiograph?

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7) An interpretation of a dental radiograph allowed providing to:

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8) Many techniques are available to the dentist for carrying out oral assessments. Which of the following is only used to determine if a tooth is dead?

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9) How did you see the trabecular in compact bone?

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10) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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11) An elongated image on a dental radiographic is most likely the result of:

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12) An interpretation of a dental radiograph can be provided by:

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13) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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14) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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15) For X-ray interpretation, what is the knowledge for?

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16) An anomaly is present in this patient. It is:?

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17) What is the meaning of radiopaque in the radiograph?

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18) Observe the bifurcation area of these three molars. All have the same round, radiopaque, anomalous appearance.

What term best describes this?

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19) Study models are taken for many purposes during assessment and treatment in the dental workplace. Which of the following is not one of their many uses?

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20) The most common type of odontogenic cyst is:

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21) Though the contacts occlusion is mostly open, what went wrong with this bitewing?

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22) Radiolucency appears on maxillary X-ray. What diagnosis?

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23) This patient is a 60-year-old man with markedly shortened crowns. He does not work in an environment where particulate matter or acid-containing fumes can pollute the air. He has no known eating disorders and is healthy systemically. By the process have the crowns acquired this appearance is:

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24) What kind the Cortical bone of socket?

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25) Observe the radiograph of this fixed 4-unit prosthesis (bridge). What materials is the prosthesis made of?

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26) This patient has a history of a fractured mandible. What do you make of what we see at the apex of the 2nd molar?

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27) In this periapical radiograph, there are two white arrow heads. To what structures do they point?

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28) What is hyperdontia?

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29) How did you see the trabecular in spongy bone?

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30) What the meaning of radiolucent in the radiograph?

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31) To prevent overlapping when taking a bitewing film, the central ray must be directed through the:

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32) Regarding this image, select the one most accurate choice listing what can be seen in this image:

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33) The arrow point in film x-ray, What diagnosis?

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34) Use of the FDI index of tooth charting enables dental professionals from many countries to accurately read dental charts. Which of the following is the FDI notation for the upper left deciduous first molar?

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35) Patient age 46, Male. Got swollen at right mandibular. X-ray appears what diagnosis?

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36) The patient in this case is an elderly female who indicates she has had several fractures and back pain over the past 5 years. The history and radiographic appearance of the mandible are most consistent with of the following disease entities is:

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37) A 25-yearold female patient reported. Intraoral examination revealed a firm well-defined swelling in the region tooth #46. Intraoral periapical radiograph revealed a radiolucent lesion in the tooth #46 approximately 9 mm in diameter with well-corticated borders. On the basis of clinical and radiographic findings:

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38) Which one is exostosis?

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39) What is one way you can reduce exposure of radiation to the patient?

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40) One of the following would appear most radiolucent at a center of the tooth on processed radiograph is:

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41) Common radiographic projection for fracture the canine region?

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42) Note that the lips are slightly open and the tongue are not quite up against the palate; the lead apron may have ridden up very slightly on the shoulder. Several additional errors are in this panoramic radiograph. See if you can find them all:

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43) What is an example of X-ray equipment that can be sterilized?

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44) The advantages of digital radiographs are?

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45) For X-ray interpretation, what is the knowledge for?

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46) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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47) Following which procedures as the X-ray operator will reduce your exposure to radiation:

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48) What kind of radiograph?

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49) This question deals with only the structure indicated by the arrow heads. Select the best choice?

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50) Which methods are used commonly to access tooth deep of third molar?

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51) Please choose the correct answer in the radiograph:?

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52) Observe the posterior maxillary tooth. What term(s) best describe(s) this tooth?

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53) To examine the apex of a tooth, the type of x-ray film to be used is:

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54) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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55) Which line that draw from cervical first molar to second molar?

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56) This radiograph has been cropped. Select the most accurate choice describing what we can see:

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57) Patient age 34 got facial asymmetry no pain long time ago at ramus of mandibular region.Β  What diagnosis?

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58) The arrow points to a normal anatomic structure. Which one is it?

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59) When is easy time of using the root of mandibular second molar as guide?

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60) The items necessary on the label of a patient’s x-ray mount are:

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61) Why does digital radiography require less radiation than traditional x-rays?

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62) Oh yes, you can believe it! Stuff like this happens. Okay, select the most complete list of errors:

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63) What error occurred when a foreshortened image appears on a radiograph?

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64) This young adult is missing her 1st premolars; there is also a technique error in this film. Which choice best represents this case?

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65) Pick an advantage of being able to in hance a digital image?

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66) Observe this radiograph. One of the other films in the series was blank. What went wrong here?

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67) Here we see a very good radiograph of the 3rd molar region. List the anomalies seen in this radiograph:

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68) The 2nd premolar is vital and asymptomatic, and the patient is a black female. Identify the radiolucency to which the arrow is pointing:

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69) Patient age 18 got swollen on molar area of mandibular. Radiograph appears what diagnosis?

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70) Which of these structures appear radiolucency?

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71) Patient age 30 got pain at canine area of mandibular. What diagnosis?

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72) Calcareous (radiopaque) deposits in the ducts of the major or minor salivary glands or within the glands themselves are called:

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73) The patient female age 30 years old, have problems with front teeth. X-ray show What diagnosis?

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74) This radiograph demonstrates an area of radiopacity at the apex of the maxillary second premolar. The tooth is of normal color and is vital. the best diagnosis of this lesion is:

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75) This patient is a 32-year-old white woman. This was the only lesion she had, and the adjacent teeth were vital. The condition we see here is:

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76) Patient age 12 never had accident. What diagnosis?

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77) The patient age 23, did the X-ray show opacity. What diagnosis?

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78) What step helps prevent a large radiolucent area near the palate as seen on panoramic x-rays?

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79) What kind of film in this Radiograph?

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80) Which of these structures appear radiopaque?

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81) You see with the central and a lateral incisor. What is the problem here is?

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82) One of following would appear most radiopaque cover all area of tooth crown is:

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83) Notice that there are at least two, possibly three, missing permanent teeth with the retention of at least one or two primary teeth. Among the following list, what is the most likely diagnosis?

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84) Look closely at the maxillary sinus. The arrow points to a radiolucent line bound by a more radiopaque line on each side that cuts diagonally across the maxillary sinus is:

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85) Please choose the correct answer at the film:?

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86) An asymptomatic, 16 years old Caucasian female was referred to a private office for evaluation of an impacted third molar located on the left mandible, with an unremarkable medical history. Intraoral and extra oral examination identified no signs of oral pathology. Panoramic radiograph revealed:

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87) An elongated image will appear:

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88) Choose the infection control guidelines for the darkroom:

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89) The two major types of dental examination are:

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90) An elongated image will appear :

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91) Two technique errors are visible in this image. Identify the cause of the two errors?

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92) Macrodontia is:?

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93) The following represents the most common type of pathologic radiolucency is:

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94) What kind of film in this Radiograph?

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95) Common radiographic projection for investigation site of fracture of dento-alveolar?

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96) Digital x-ray sensors:

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97) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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98) By arrow in the film radiograph, what diagnosis?

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99) Excessive bending of the radiograph film will cause:

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100) What meaning of tramline?

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101) Patient age 27 got facial asymmetry no pain long time ago at ramus of mandibular region.Β  What diagnosis?

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102) This patient is a 72-year-old man. Notice that the pulp and root canal spaces are significantly diminished. What is the cause of this?

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103) Transposition tooth is:?

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104) This patient had a tonsillectomy years ago and has the following symptoms: a sensation like a fishbone stuck in the throat on swallowing and occasional lightheadedness when turning the head. The condition depicted here is caused by:

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105) The inverted Y landmark is composed of which two structures?

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106) When the x-ray tube rotates around the patient’s head in one direction while the film rotates in the opposite direction, the procedure is known as a/an:

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107) Which technique that easy to interpretation of unerupted maxillary canines?

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108) Pick all the benefits of digital imaging:

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109) In this patient we can see a number of errors. The most complete and accurate list is:

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110) Digital X-ray systems:

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111) What kind of cortical bone?

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112) complex odontoma is:?

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113) Answer in the arrow point on film x-ray:?

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114) Match the descriptive term that indicates the problem; after that, list the cause:?

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115) When an x-ray film has been exposed to ionizing radiation, it requires processing to develop the image. Which of the following is not a feature of an automatic processor?

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116) Main radiographic features of large squamous cell carcinoma radiographic investigation shown:?

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117) The term used to describe the appearance of dental caries in a processed radiographic:

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118) What happened in the root of tooth #4?

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119) Please choose the correct answer at A and B part:?

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120) The patient age 26, got swollen on the salivary gland area, dry mouth, difficult for eating and pain when feel hungry. In radiograph at arrow show what diagnosis?

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121) At least two errors are in this edentulous maxillary posterior periapical view. Select the best choice:

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122) When exposing a periapical film using the bisecting technique, if the cone does not cover the film, the results on the radiograph will be:

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123) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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124) All the following terms has been used to describe the radiographic appearance of fibrous dysplasia:

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125) These structures appear radiopaque is:

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126) Please choose the correct answer in the radiograph:?

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127) What absorbs more of the long wave length radiation not useful in producing a good diagnostic image?

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128) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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129) In case the fracture displacement to overlap of the fragment is shown in radiograph:?

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130) The film captures a major part of the maxillary or mandibular on a single radiograph?

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131) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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132) Note the extruded maxillary 3rd molar. What term(s) best describe?

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133) What is your assessment of the periapical radiolucent area at the apex of the lateral incisor?

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134) The maxillary lateral incisor (part A) and the mandibular central incisor (part B) both have periapical radiolucency in this 59-year-old white man. The nature of the periapical lesion and the one tooth with the visible cause identified is:

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135) Panoramic radiographs are?

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136) The extra oral radiographic projection that demonstrates the bones of the face and skull as well as the soft tissue profiles of the face is a/an:

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137) Patient age 50, Male. Got swollen at palatal of maxillary and expansion to the nasal cavity.Β  What diagnosis?

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138) Incorrect horizontal angulation of cone will cause:

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139) Patient age 16 got traffic accident affect to the molar region of mandibular.Β  What diagnosis?

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140) The most likely diagnosis of a slow growing, bony-hard, exophytic growth on the midline of the palate that had been present for many years is:

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141) The ill-defined radiolucency associated with the root of this molar tooth is most likely of the following lesions such as:

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142) Follow bisecting technique, the cause of elongation of tooth images on the film is:

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143) In case fracture step deformation due to separation and displacement of fragment is shown in radiograph:?

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144) Interproximal caries can be seen best on film:

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145) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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146) Please choose the correct answer on the radiograph:?

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147) Please choose the correct answer on this radiograph:?

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148) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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149) The use of an intraoral camera is a good way to:

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150) What is the fusion teeth?

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151) Some patient attends with a suspected carious lesion in the lower right first molar tooth. Which radiographic view would normally be taken to diagnose this lesion?

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152) What is the microdontia?

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153) All of the following are true of dentigerous cysts except:

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154) The Occlusal plane on a properly positioned patient for intraoral films should be parallel to the:

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155) All of the following statements are true of the radicular or periapical cyst except:

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156) Which is the proper method for mounting radiographs?

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157) Who is allowed to make an initial interpretation of a dental radiograph?

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158) When mounting x-rays, the maxillary teeth will have roots pointing:

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159) Pick all the benefits of digital imaging:

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160) What tissue is the most radio-resistant?

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161) What type of device does digital radiography use to record images taken of the patient’s teeth?

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162) By arrow on the periapical radiograph, what diagnosis?

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163) Name the following intraoral radiograph:

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164) In Radiograph image spite of the fact that many of the teeth are obscured, three different errors can be noted:

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165) The mixed periapical radiolucent radiopaque lesion is associated with teeth which are normal in appearance and test vital with pulp testing. The most likely diagnosis of this lesion is:

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166) Compound odontoma is:?

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167) When mounting x-rays, what landmark will show up on the maxillary first molars apical area view is:

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168) What is Taurodontism?

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169) What region do you begin exposing if the patient has a bad gag reflex?

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170) Excessive formation of cementum on the surface of the root is termed hypercementosis and may be associated with of the following:

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171) In part A, there is a black arrow and in part B a white arrow. Together they depictΒ  the anatomic structures is:

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172) The advantages of digital radiographs are:

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173) Which one is the other mandibular anomalies?

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174) The patient age 15 years old had tumor at molar of mandibular region. X-ray shows what diagnosis?

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175) Please choose the correct answer from arrow point at radiopaque zone:?

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176) Please choose the correct answer on this radiograph:?

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177) Please select the correct answer at 2-part A and B:?

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178) Common radiographic projection for fracture the ramus of mandible?

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179) Observe these teeth carefully. What condition is present?

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180) What you can see the problem here is:?

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181) The film captures a major part of the maxillary or mandibular on a single radiograph is:

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182) Which of the following best describes the appearance of bone on a radiograph?

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183) We can see at least two errors in this image. Which do you think they are?

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184) In this, you can see on radiography. The problem here is: ?

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185) Patient age 39 got facial asymmetry no pain long time ago at ramus of mandibular region.Β  What diagnosis?

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186) In case fracture no displacement of the fragment is shown in radiograph:?

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187) Based upon the radiographic appearance and projected photomicrograph, the most likely diagnosis of the radiolucency observed at the root apex of this non-vital tooth is:

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188) Which essential requirements for interpretation?

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189) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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190) Name two materials associated with taking the radiograph:

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191) Name the following is the intraoral radiograph:

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192) Okay, this is the one you have been waiting for. What happened?

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193) One major error is in this radiograph. What is the cause?

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194) This patient’s lips are closed (you can see them), There are, however, several errors. they are:

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195) Patient age 40 got facial asymmetry no pain long time ago at Canine and premolar of mandibular region.Β  What diagnosis?

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196) Please choose the correct answer at the red round line:?

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197) What kind of film in this Radiograph?

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198) Which is the good place for film interpretation?

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199) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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200) The patient age 25, arrow in x-ray shows what diagnosis?

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201) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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202) What is an example of a radiopaque anatomical structure on a processed radiograph?

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203) Forget the bent film and chemical stains. The radiopaque lesion represent is:

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204) Because of the blackness of the fingerprints, chemical that I think contaminated this film is:

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205) A patient come to the dental clinic and is diagnosed with dental anodontia. Which one of the following features does the patient exhibit?

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206) Please choose the correct answer at the arrow point:?

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207) The correct term(s) that best describe the radiopaque objects is:

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208) We are considering the radiolucent lesion between the lower premolars. Based on this radiograph, what would be your most likely clinical diagnosis before biopsy:

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209) What kind of film that use for interpretation?

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210) Which methods are used commonly to assess tooth depth?

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211) What type of film allows the entire dentition to be viewed on a single film?

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212) All of the following are true of periapical cysts except:

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213) The purpose of the collar on the lead apron is to reduce the dose of radiation to the:

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214) Note the dilacerated premolar root. The condition that affects this sinus is: ?

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215) Select the most appropriate term for the anomaly associated with the 1st (most mesial) molar:

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216) Debris/Dark spots on processed radiograph is most likely caused by?

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