Dental Occlusion Test

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Dental Occlusion Test


1 / 60

តើពពួក Incisores and Canines រងនូវកម្លាំងពីមធ្យមទៅអតិបរិមាយ៉ាងដូចម្ដេច?

2 / 60

What is A?

3 / 60

Lytle was the first to introduce the term occlusal disease. At that time, he defined it as the process resulting
in the noticeable loss or :

4 / 60

Many problems of discomfort are related to occlusal disharmony for example teeth that are sensitive to hot
or cold after a restoration is placed are frequently symptomatic because:

5 / 60

តើ Plan sagittal មួយចែកសារពាង្គកាយយ៉ាងដូចម្ដេច?

6 / 60

The two cavities present when separate articular disc are:

7 / 60

In occlusion the teeth have_______________?

8 / 60

Patient lost their tooth in 2 ways:

9 / 60

This picture show of unstable dental occlusion which is cause<br>

10 / 60

The 4 main Muscle of Mastication muscles are:

11 / 60

តើគម្លាតរវាងធ្មេញមុខលើ និង ក្រោមហៅថា Espaceliber មានប្រវែងប៉ុន្មាន?

12 / 60


13 / 60

What is symptom?:

14 / 60

តើ Plan sagittal ជាប្លង់ដូចម្ដេច?

15 / 60

When a molar has no opposing tooth, it can become:?

16 / 60

Maxillary facial and mandibular lingual cusps require sufficient occlusal length and horizontal overlap for:

17 / 60

TMJ articulation anatomy consist of :

18 / 60

Normal dentition in centric occlusion, opposing contact may be expected at_____________?

19 / 60

Centric occlusion happened when :

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When the conlyle-disk assemblies at most superior anterior portion as in the picture is defined as

21 / 60

The Non-functional cusps of lower Posterior teeth located at :

22 / 60

តើ Plan sagittal មានស្ថានភាពដូចម្ដេច?


23 / 60


24 / 60

Maxillary facial and mandibular lingual cusps require sufficient occclusal length and horizontal overlap for_____________?

25 / 60

The INCORRECT statement of mandibular fist molar:

26 / 60

តើលោក Akerman អោយ Confficient ចំពោះធ្មេញ Dent de sagesse ប៉ុន្មាន?

27 / 60

Group function occlusion is common in:?

28 / 60

Achieving functional harmony in an environment of optimally healthy teeth, joints, periodontium, and
musculature, and in combination with the best possible esthetic result, is the essence of :

29 / 60

In an ideal occlustion buccal cusps of maxillary teeth, occlude with______________?

30 / 60

The key to occlusion is:

31 / 60

What does the muscle A in the picture called?:<br>

32 / 60

Curve of Wilson is:

33 / 60

តើ Muscles Diduteurs មានមុខងារធ្វើអ្វី?

34 / 60

One noticeable characteristic of Abrasion which cause by tooth brushing is :

35 / 60

The incisal edges and the incisal thirds of facial surfaces of mandibular incisors and canines generally oppose lingual surfaces of maxillary incisor and canines:

36 / 60

Depression movement of mandible caused by :

37 / 60

The maxillary teeth which have single antagonist are:

38 / 60

Types of Cusps:

39 / 60

Which one is INCORRECT statement of Masseter muscle? :

40 / 60

The Chewing cycle consists of 3 phase in order:

41 / 60

What is the classification of occlusion (based on mandibular position)?:

42 / 60

What are the parts of ecentric occlusion?:

43 / 60

One noticeable characteristic of Erosion that present on enamel surface is :

44 / 60

What does the muscle A in the picture called?:<br>

45 / 60

The two cavities present when separate articular disc are:

46 / 60

Masticatory system consists of net:

47 / 60

Attrition wear of anterior teeth is one of the most common untreated problems to solve this problem we
have to :

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Name of the line in the picture below :

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50 / 60

The TMJ is:

51 / 60

តើ Coefficients នៃធ្មេញចង្គូមមានប៉ុន្មាន?

52 / 60

តើ Plan de camper និង Plan d’occlusion មានស្ថានភាពយ៉ាងដូចម្ដេច?

53 / 60

When Canine guided:

54 / 60

In centric occlusion, the cusp tip of the maxillary canine is in alignment with which mandibular tooth_____________?

55 / 60

Which one is the incorrect statement of the complete dentistry?:

56 / 60

តើលោក Akerman អោយ Confficient Incisive ប៉ុន្មាន?

57 / 60

Occlusal disease is the deformation or disturbances of function of any structure with in the masticatory
system that are in disequilibrium with a harmonious interrelationship between:

58 / 60

When a molar has no opposing tooth, it can become_______________?

59 / 60

តើ Plan de comper ជាប្លង់ដូចម្ដេច?

60 / 60

Facial occlusal line in the maxillary arch is formed by_______________?

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