
Dental Pathology Preparation (Pr. Tuy Tel)

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1) Which of the following is soft tissue cyst which do not produce any radiographic changes?

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2) Which one of the following cysts is considered to be a soft tissue counterpart of lateral periodontal cyst?

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3) False about anodontia:?

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4) Spot the only inflammatory odontogenic cysts amongst the below given cysts?

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5) Chronic apical periodontitis is another name of?

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6) Which one of the following is the initial treatment for internal resorption?

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7) Multiple odontogenic keratocysts, basal cell carcinomas and bifid ribs are features of ________ syndrome.?

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8) In developing plaque; the adhesive polymer produced by streptococcus mutans is synthesis from?

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9) All of the following except _______ occur as a sequel to pulpitis.?

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10) Prolonged administration of broad spectrum antibiotics results in the formation of 😕

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11) The hardness of calculus is almost like that of?

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12) Dentinogenesis imperfect differs from amelogenesis imperfect in that, the former is:?

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13) Which of the following may affect the results of electric pulp testing?

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14) Q4. Facial edema, cheilitis granolomatosa and fissured tongue characterize which of the following syndromes?

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15) Tissue spaces are potential spaces located between?

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16) The most common cause of odontalgia is?

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17) As far as localised alveolar osteitis is concerned; which one of the following is true?

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18) In which situation the translucency of a tooth is lost?

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19) Microscopic features of ___________ in some areas sometimes resemble those of a low grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma.?

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20) Community water fluoridation MOST effectively achieves is**?

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21) What is the causative factor of plasma cell gingivitis?

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22) Loss of organization of radicular dentin with subsequent shortening of root length is a feature of?

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23) In young children what is the commonest finding after dental complaint?

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24) Which of the following is LEAST likely to cause pain?

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25) Which of the following dental sequel is likely in child with history of generalized growth failure in the first six months of life?

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26) Hypoplasia as seen in x rays**?

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27) Undermining of enamel occurs due to?

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28) Which of the following is fissural cyst?

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29) Which amongst the following characteristics is not associated with chronic hyperplastic pulpitis?

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30) Lamina dura is actually ?

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31) Giant cell hyaline angiopathy and Rushton bodies are associated with which of the following lesions?

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32) Botryoid odontogenic cyst is a variant of which of the following cysts?

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33) The lateral pharyngeal space is bounded laterally by?

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34) Internal resorption of RC usually?

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35) Small, superficial, keratin filled cysts that are found on the alveolar mucosa of infants are most likely to be?

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36) The factor that is least associated with increased incidence of dental caries is?

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37) Amelogenesis imperfecta is?

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38) A deep pit lined by enamel seen in the lingual surface of maxillary lateral incisor is most likely to be:?

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39) When percussion on the occlusal surface of a tooth results in a positive response, the most likely etiology of inflammation is?

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40) Infection in sublingual space may arise as an extension from ______ space.?

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41) If a periapical abscess drains intraorally through a sinus tract after perforating the buccal cortical plate and surface epithelium it forms a mass of granulation tissue known as?

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42) Which one of the following odontogenic cysts grows in an anteroposterior direction within the medullary spaces of bone?

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43) True ankyloglossia occurs as a result of:?

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44) Inferior portion of _______ space is called as pterygomandibular space.?

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45) ANUG is now believed to be caused by a fusiform bacteria and?

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46) Focal reversible pulpitis is most commonly seen in all of the following cases except?

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47) Which of the following tests is most useful in differentiating between an acute apical abscess and an acute periodontal abscess?

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48) Ludwig’s angina is a severe form of?

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49) Pulpitis aperta and pulpitis clausa refer to types of pulpitis classified on the basis of?

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50) Mediastinitis results from downward extension of ______ space infection.?

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51) A permanent tooth with local hypoplastic deformity in crown is called:?

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52) Patient presents with rapidly progressive root caries on many teeth. Which of the following laboratory results would be a possible indicator of this?

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53) Apical periodontal cyst usually occurs as a sequela of?

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54) Which of these factors has not been assigned an essential role in Miller’s chemicoparasitic theory of dental caries?

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55) Factors that interfere with reattachment of fibrous connective tissue to the tooth include all of these except?

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56) Hairy tongue is characterized by:?

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57) Which one of the following is an important factor in the recurrence of odontogenic keratocysts?

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58) Clinical evidence of dentinogenesis imperfect is:?

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59) A health 6 year old child presents with carious maxillary second primary molar with a necrotic pulp. Which treatment would be preferred?

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60) Which is considered to be one of the most important predisposing factors in the causation of ANUG?

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61) The occurrence of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis is dependent to a great extent on the relation and proximity of ______ to the maxillary sinus.?

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62) The phenomenon by which bacteria circulating in blood accumulate at the site of pulpal inflammation is called as?

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63) Delayed eruption of at least part of the dentition is a recognized feature of all of the following except:?

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64) Pulp reacts to electric pulp vitality tester at higher levels in chronic pulpitis due to?

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65) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is on the rise globally in association with?

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66) Which of the following anomalies occurs during the initiation and proliferation stages of tooth development?

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67) The pterygomandibular space abscess must be distinguished from the _______ space.?

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68) Nasolabial cyst is thought to arise from:?

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69) Spot the only fissural/inclusion cyst amongst the below given cysts?

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70) The chief inorganic component in calculus is?

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71) Fordyce’s spots are:?

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72) Bitewing x rays are taken to assist in the detection of caries**?

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73) All are true about supernumerary tooth except:?

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74) What clinical evidence would support a diagnosis of acute dento-alveolar abscess?
1.Anegativereaction to the electric vitality tester.
2.A positive reaction of short duration to cold.
3.A positive reaction to percussion.
4.Presence of a draining fistula.

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75) Lingual tonsil arises:?

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76) Which primary teeth are LEAST affected with the nursing bottle syndrome?

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77) Which surface of a tooth has maximum susceptibility for occurrence of dental caries?

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78) Submental space extends from the anterior border of submandibular space to?

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79) Odontolithiasis is better known as?

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80) Identify which amongst the below given bacteria does not cause dental caries.?

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81) The lateral radicular cyst arises from?

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82) Ghost teeth is seen in which of the following?

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83) Dental anomaly of teeth associated with defective bone formation is seen in:?

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84) Carcinoma arising within the odontogenic cyst linings is a complication seen most commonly in which cyst?

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85) The sinus polyps of chronic maxillary sinusitis microscopically show?

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86) Ectopic sebaceous glands in the mouth are called”?

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87) A child has sustained a traumatic exposure of primary central incisor, he presents to you for treatment two days after the injury. Which of the following should be considered?

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88) A well-defined radiolucent lesion attached to the neck of an impacted mandibular third molar in a 20-year-old male is most likely to be?

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89) Mottled enamel is due to:?

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90) The syndrome which consist of clef palate, micrognathia and glossoptosis is known as?

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91) Pain which increases in intensity as the patient lies down is characteristic of?

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92) Function(s) of the dental pulp include(s) ?
4.dentin repair.

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93) A radiograph reveals a radiolucency associated with the apex of tooth 1.5. There is a large restoration but the tooth is asymptomatic and the associated soft tissues appear normal. What is the most likely diagnosis?

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94) Phlegmon is also known as?

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95) A smooth, translucent swelling on gingival mucosa overlying the crown of an erupting tooth is suggestive of?

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96) All, of the following except _______ are potentially serious complications of ANUG.?

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97) Which one of the following situations can be a source of focal infection in oral cavity?

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98) The localized form of aggressive periodontitis is largely caused by all of the following bacteria except?

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99) A caries increment of __ or more new carious lesions over one year is considered characteristic of rampant caries?

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100) A dentigerous cyst develops due to collection of fluid between _________ and tooth surface.?

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101) Which amongst the following drugs are capable of inducing gingivitis either directly or systemically?

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102) This space is one of the most commonly involved of all facial spaces?

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103) Which types of bacteria predominate in the organic matrix ofcalculus?

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104) Histological features of thin epithelial lining, ameloblast-like basal cell layer with overlying layers resembling stellate reticulum and abundant ghost cell within the epithelial lining are suggestive of?

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105) A lateral periodontal cyst must be distinguished radiologically from which other odontogenic cyst?

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106) Condensing osteitis is another name for?

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107) Which one of following odontogenic cysts is not usually associated with an unerupted tooth?

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108) The etiology of which of the following gingival enlargements is still unknown?

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109) Microdontia is seen most commonly affecting:?

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110) The appearance of normal thickness enamel with extremely thin dentin and abnormally large pulp chamber is indicative of?

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111) Pregnancy gingivitis is essentially a?

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112) Select a false statement regarding calcifying odontogenic cyst from below given statements?

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113) Microabscess formation within inflamed pulp is characteristicOf?

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114) Which amongst the following correctly depicts the stages in formation of calculus?

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115) Taurodontism is characterized by:?

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116) One of the early microscopic signs of advancement of inflammatory process into the periodontium is?

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117) The emergency treatment for painless necrotic pulp is?

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118) Most common missing tooth in the permanent dentition is:?

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119) Which amongst the following is not an intracranial complication of dental infections?

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120) During the course of gingivitis if bony changes become evident on a radiograph, the condition is then referred to as?

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121) An eruption cyst is a soft tissue analogue of?

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122) In which type of osteomyelitis will you find focal gross thickening of periosteum with peripheral reactive bone formation?

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123) Dilated odontome is a synonym of?

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124) Nursing bottle caries is a type of _______ caries?

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125) A pseudopocket is?

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126) Lack of development of six or more teeth is denoted by the term?

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127) Pterygomandibular space infection arises as a result of extension of infection in ________ region.?

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128) All of the following statements except one are true regarding chronic periodontitis?

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129) All of the following statements except _______ are true regarding odontogenic keratocyst?

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130) An infrabony pocket is a pocket with bone on its ________ wall.?

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131) Ludwig’s angina is diagnosed as such only when submandibular, submental and ______ spaces are involved together.?

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132) Acute dental caries occurs most frequently in children and young adults because?

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133) Bohn’s nodules are:?

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134) What DOES NOT prevent the calculus formation “build up”?

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135) Gorlin cyst is more commonly referred to as?

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136) The submaxillary or submandibular space is bounded laterally by?

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137) The lesion that is least likely to produce any noticeable signs or Symptoms is called.?

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138) In enamel caries, the advancing front of the lesion is called?

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139) The base of invagination of crown/root in dens invaginates contains?

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140) The tooth that is most susceptible to dental caries is?

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141) A primordial cyst is now believed to represent?

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142) _________ is least likely to produce any noticeable signs or symptoms.?

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143) The most appropriate emergency management of a mature permanent tooth with acute irreversible pulpitis is?

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144) Absence of caries in _______ teeth helps to distinguish nursing bottle caries from rampant caries?

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145) Cholesterol clefts observed in periapical granulomas are derived From?

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146) What term is applied to a radiolucent lesion within the alveolar ridge at the site of a previous tooth extraction?

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147) A common odontogenic tumor, odontoma is most commonly associated with?

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148) A median palatal cyst arises from?

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149) According to miller, which of these acids was held responsible for producing the lesions of dental caries, according to Miller?

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150) The tooth most commonly involved by dentigerous cyst is?

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151) All of the following except _______ are common radiological features associated with a periapical granuloma.?

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152) Which one of the following is not a radiographic variety of dentigerous cyst?

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153) Root resorption is commonly seen in?

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154) All of the below given factors are responsible for causing dental caries except?

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155) Gardner syndrome does not include”?

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156) Maximum accumulation of calculus can be seen in which of the following regions?

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157) Turner’s tooth is seen in:?

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158) From the properties given below identify which one does render carbohydrates cariogenic?

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159) Which product of the streptococci is responsible for adherence of the dental plaque to the smooth surfaces of teeth?

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160) What are the commonest congenitally missing teeth?

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161) The MOST cariogenic sugar is?

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162) Palmar and plantar hyperkeratosis, generalized hyperhidrosis, peculiar dirty colored skin along with aggressive periodontitis is referred to as?

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163) All of the following occur as a sequel to pulpitis Except?

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164) About geographic tongue, all are true except:?

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165) Which of the following is type of nursing bottle caries ?

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166) Which amongst the following cysts has a predilection for occurrence in mandibular canine-premolar region?

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167) Transillumination is used to**?

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168) What contra indicate pulp capping?

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169) The swelling in case of Ludwig’s angina, usually occurs in?

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170) All, except ________, are believed to be causative factors of desquamative gingivitis.?

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171) Most accepted explanation for anachoretic pulpitis is?

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172) True generalized microdontia is chacaterised by:?

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173) Using fluoride in the root surface caries is to protect?

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174) Which antibiotic administered in childhood may result in tooth discolouration?

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175) Buccal space is bounded posteriorly by ______ muscle.?

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176) What is the most frequent cause of acute osteomyelitis of jaw?

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177) The mechanism of cariostatic action of chlorhexidine is?

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178) The most accepted theory on mechanism of action of ingested fluoride is?