General Histology Test 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 579 You will have 60 minutes to complete all the questions. After the timer reaches 60 minutes, the exam will end and be saved automatically. Good luck! *Fingers crossed* The timer has been reached. The exam has now been terminated and saved. General Histology Test 1 / 60 The lining of stomach is: a. Simple columnar epthilium b. Simple squamous epithelium c. Simple cuboidal epithelium d. Pseudostratified epithelium 2 / 60 Which cell type of bone cells is multinucleated cell? a. Osteoclast b. Bone lining cell c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast 3 / 60 Which cell type differentiates into plasma cells? a. B-lymphocyte b. Macrophage c. T-lymphocyte d. Monocyte 4 / 60 The cellular digestive system is: a. Ribosome b. Golgi apparitus c. Mitochondria d. Lysosome 5 / 60 Which of the following is not made of a framework of reticular fibers? a. Bone marrow b. Lymph node c. Spleen d. Thymus 6 / 60 The life span of eosinophil is: a. Less than 1 week b. More than 1 week c. More than 2 weeks d. Less than 2 weeks 7 / 60 The shape of thrombocyte is: a. Biconcave disk b. Spherical disk c. Biconvex disk d. Ovoid disk 8 / 60 What type of tissue makes up the “Adam’s apple”? a. Fibrocartilage and elastic cartilage b. Hyaline cartilage c. Fibrocartilage d. Elastic cartilage 9 / 60 The percentage of protein in plasma is: a. 6-7% b. 10-11% c. 8-9% d. 3-4 % 10 / 60 Collectively, what is the cytoplasm and nucleus called? a. Cristae b. Glycocalyx c. Protoplasm d. Plasmalemma 11 / 60 What do you call a tissue composed of a conglomeration of cells which are tightly packed together, yet which does not have a free surface? An example of such a tissue would be the parenchyma of the adrenal gland. a. Pseudostratified b. Transitional c. Endothelium d. Epithelioid tissue 12 / 60 What is actin? a. Myofibrils b. Muscle fibers c. Myosin d. Myofilament 13 / 60 The location of transitional epithelium is: a. Intestine b. Ureter c. Pancreas d. Uterus 14 / 60 What are the supporting cells in the central nervous system called? a. Schwann cells b. Neuroglia c. Basket cells d. Ganglion 15 / 60 Which one component is not loose connective tissue? a. Elastic b. Adipose c. Reticular d. Areolar 16 / 60 The simple squamous epithelium can find at: a. Pharynx b. Mucosa of mouth c. Thyroid d. Endothelium 17 / 60 What structure is called yellow cartilage? a. Compact bone b. Elastic cartilage c. Hyaline cartilage d. Fibrocartilage 18 / 60 Which of the formed elements of blood is involved in haemostasis? a. Plasma cell b. B-Lymphocyte c. Thrombocyte d. Megakaryocyte 19 / 60 How many types of cartilage are there? a. 2 b. 1 c. 4 d. 3 20 / 60 The diameter of eosinophil is: a. About 9-12 microns b. About 10-14 microns c. About 16-18 microns d. About 14-16 microns 21 / 60 Which one is not the function of astrocytes? a. Help form the choroid plexus b. Regulate tissue fluid composition c. Provide structural support d. Help form the blood-brain barrier 22 / 60 The shape of erythrocyte is: a. Spherical disk b. Ovoid disk c. Biconcave disk d. Biconvex disk 23 / 60 Which of the following is involved in the blood brain barrier? a. Ependymal cells b. Microglia c. Astrocytes d. Oligodendrocytes 24 / 60 The function of transitional epithelium is: a. Stretching b. Filtration c. Absorption d. Osmosis 25 / 60 How many percent of all leucocytes in healthy individuals are basophils? a. 27% b. 8% c. 1% d. 30% 26 / 60 The most abundant protein in plasma is: a. Alpha globulin b. Beta globulin c. Albumin d. Gamma globulin 27 / 60 How many percent of all leucocytes in healthy individuals are monocytes? a. 27% b. 1% c. 8% d. 30% 28 / 60 What is cancellous bone? a. Dense bone b. Compact bone c. Spongy bone d. Immature bone 29 / 60 All the following are the fibers that were found in connective tissue but except: a. Areolar b. Elastic c. Collagen d. Reticular 30 / 60 What is areolar tissue? a. Mucous connective tissue b. Loose irregular connective tissue c. Dense irregular connective tissue d. Dense regular connective tissue 31 / 60 Which cell type of bone cells is in role for resorption of bone? a. Osteoclast b. Bone lining cell c. Osteocyte d. Osteoblast 32 / 60 What are the bundles of longitudinal contractile elements within a muscle cell called? a. Myosin b. Myofilaments c. Myofibrils d. Muscle fibers 33 / 60 In which muscle type(s) are intercalated discs absent? a. Skeletal muscle b. Smooth muscle and skeletal muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Cardiac muscle 34 / 60 The diameter of large lymphocyte is: a. About 20 microns b. About 10 microns c. About 15 microns d. About 25 microns 35 / 60 Identify the incorrect statement: a. Human blood platelets have, in contrast to red blood cells, never been individual nucleated cells b. The contribution of red blood cells to total blood volume is also called haematocrit c. Liver and spleen are important sites of haemopoiesis during foetal development d. Most of the lymphocytes in the blood stream will be B-lymphocytes 36 / 60 All the following are resident cells of cellular components of connective tissue but except: a. Lymphocyte b. Adipocyte c. Fibroblast d. Mesenchymal cell 37 / 60 Which connective tissue cell type secretes histamine? a. Mast cell b. Fibroblast c. Myofibroblast d. Histiocyte 38 / 60 Which structure helps to maintain the appropriate microenvironment for peripheral nervefibres? a. White matter b. Grey matter c. Muscle-tendon junction d. Perineurium 39 / 60 What type of tissue lines the esophagus? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Simple columnar epithelium d. Stratified squamous epithelium 40 / 60 Which of the following is not lined by a serosa? a. Peritoneal cavity b. Respiratory tract c. Pleural cavity d. Pericardial cavity 41 / 60 What type of tissue composes the kidney tubules? a. Simple squamous epithelium b. Stratified squamous epithelium c. Simple cuboidal epithelium d. Transitional epithelium 42 / 60 The goblet cells is: a. Acinar b. Unicellular c. Tubular d. Multicellular 43 / 60 Which of the following is a unicellular gland? a. Goblet cell b. Basket cell c. Basal cell d. Squamous cell 44 / 60 Which of the following is the most abundant neuroglia cell? a. Oligodendrocytes b. Ependymal cells c. Microglia d. Astrocytes 45 / 60 What structure is at the base of cilia? a. Nucleoli b. Centrioles c. Peroxisomes d. Microfilaments 46 / 60 The simple columnar epithelium can find at: a. Thyroid b. Lining of urinary bladder c. Lining of uterus d. Mucosa of mouth 47 / 60 What is the connective tissue covering of a muscle fascicle? a. Perimysium b. Sarcolemma c. Endomysium d. Epimysium 48 / 60 In which muscle type(s) are the contractile filaments organized into sarcomeres? a. Cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle b. Smooth muscle and skeletal muscle c. Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle d. Cardiac muscle 49 / 60 The collagen fiber can find at: a. Lungs b. Lymph node c. Tendon d. Spleen 50 / 60 Which cell type provides structural and nutritional support to neurones in the central nervous system? a. Microglial cell b. Ependymal cell c. Schwann cell d. Astrocyte 51 / 60 Identify the incorrect statement: a. Only stratified epithelia contain two or more rows of cell nuclei b. Epithelia are classified by the number of cell layers c. Epithelia are classified by the shape of the epithelial cells in the surface layer d. Microvilli increase the surface area of the epithelia cells 52 / 60 The lining of uterus is: a. Simple columnar epthilium b. Simple cuboidal epithelium c. Pseudostratified epithelium d. Simple squamous epithelium 53 / 60 Which is the largest leukocyte? a. Eosinophil b. Neutrophil c. Monocytes d. Lymphocytes 54 / 60 What is the connective tissue covering around the brain and spinal cord? a. Myelinated nerve fibers b. Meninges c. Nodes of Ranvier d. Cell bodies 55 / 60 Which of the following is not considered neuroglia? a. Microglia b. Astrocytes c. Schwann cells d. Oligodendrocytes 56 / 60 What are neurons in the retina? a. Pseudounipolar b. Multipolar c. Unipolar d. Bipolar 57 / 60 The location of stratified cuboidal epithelium is: a. Pancreas b. Uterus c. Stomach d. Spleen 58 / 60 Which of the following is a multinucleated cell? a. Osteoblast b. Osteon c. Osteocyte d. Osteoclast 59 / 60 All the following are the epithelial cell junctions but except: a. Synapse b. Gap junctions c. Tight junctions d. Desmosomes 60 / 60 In which muscle type(s) are satellite cells present? a. Skeletal muscle b. Smooth muscle and skeletal muscle c. Smooth muscle d. Cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle Your score isThe average score is 76% Facebook 0% Restart quiz Any comments? Send feedback