
Health Policy Preparation

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1) Transactional leadership focus on …. whereas transformational leadership is about exploration

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2) For the first time that our Constitution allow lay people to submit a bill to the Parliament with a collection of signatures of 20,000 Thai citizen to officially support their membership in the …. in 2002

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3) Health Assembly Thailand: The uniqueness of Health Assembly Process is that it allows … to get involved

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4) What is the essential service 10 in the local health system assessment?

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5) The key targets of social health insurance include:

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6) What local public health system is:

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7) What are the factors influencing health financing sub-functions?

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8) The goal of UHC to equally entitle all citizens to quality health care according to their needs, as.

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9) The way in which ……. play out in the policy arena can exacerbate and entrench inequalities (clearly, inequality may undermine the effectiveness of governance) or pave the way to more equalizing and inclusive dynamics

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10) The 2030 SDG related to health is mainly focused on:

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11) Some options for raising more domestic investment for health are as follows:

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12) The World’s Largest Lesson and SDG: We all have to achieve the 17 SDG by 2030 to protect the planet against climate change, and make the world safer, … and more just for everyone.

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13) Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means access to comprehensive health care services, from health promotion, disease prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, long-term and palliative care , without financial barrier or poverty from medical bill.

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14) What is the scope of the sustainable development goal (SDG) 2030 agenda?

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15) Why health insurance is important?

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16) What is the essential service 5 in the local public health system assessment?

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17) Why health system assessment is important?

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18) The true success is not in the learning, but in its application to the benefit of ….

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19) The leading sources of inefficiency of medicines include:

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20) What are the important characteristics of health system?

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21) Public figure needs to adopt ….to advocate for a Public Policy, to influence Public Opinion, to make Public Goods and Public Services accessible and affordable for people.

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22) What are the three goals for health sector of the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)?

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23) In the background of the UHC, Human security recognizes that forced payments for healthcare are source of ….

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24) What are the goals of the MDGs that Cambodia are met by 2015?

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25) The World’s Largest Lesson and SDG: The first global issue is the climate change and the second is the … Some people are having far more than they need. A most of people do not have nearly enough

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26) Other factors that cause barriers for right holders (beneficiaries) participation are legacies of historical trauma; the patron-client system; gender norms, which both prevent women from speaking up and cause others to put lower priority on the fulfilment of their rights; cultural norms; and a lack of role models, which causes people … the prevailing unequal patron-client relationships.

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27) National Health Security Office makes a decision on annual health priority packages depending on ….

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28) What are the two priority activities to shape the assessment in health system assessment approach?

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29) The three dimensions of universal health coverage include:

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30) Poverty is perceived in various ways. How to define poverty?

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31) What are the main determinants for health?

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32) The return of investment of UHC is …. % (based on Thailand data)

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33) As compared to Total Health Expenditure (THE) in 2015, Out of Pocket expenditure (OOP) in Thailand is …

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34) Health Assembly Thailand: Health problems are turning into social issues. Fixing social issue needs ….

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35) Human Development Index (HDI) is made of … Indicators

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36) Diffusion of Innovation Theory explains how, over time, an idea or product gains momentum and diffuses (or spreads) through a specific population or social system. The end result of this diffusion is that people, as part of a social system, adopt a new idea, behavior, or product. To have such adoption, … of the people is needed to start the change because 34% of β€œEarly Adopters” and 34% of β€œβ€™Late Adopters” will follow.

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37) What is the Target 8 of the 2030 SDG?

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38) What are the main factors associated with health and poverty?

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39) Thailand achieved UHC when the country Per Capita GDP were …. USD (in 2002).

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40) How can poverty be measured and monitored by UNDP for developing countries?

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41) Health system dynamics framework emphasizes that a health system should be geared towards outcomes and goals, but jointly adds that they are, and indeed should be, based on explicit choices of……

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42) The 5 key points including in the declaration by Cambodia and development partners on enhancing aid effectiveness in October 2006 are as follows:

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43) What is the target of goal 4 of MDGs to reduce child mortality?

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44) SDG: Equality means treating 2 people the same. … according to what they need or deserve.

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45) The population-based community health profiles to monitor health status and to identify community health problems are as follows:

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46) Health Assembly Thailand: Health Policy Process is composed of …

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47) Towards UHC implementation are not only using financial mechanisms to extend coverage but also ….

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48) What is the goal for health of the SDG 2030?

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49) Leadership: The first critical question about the leadership is….:

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50) The budget for drugs in rural hospital increased from only thousand dollars a year to …. due to freezing capital investment in urban hospitals.

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51) How to mobilize the assessment team for health system performance assessment?

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52) Leadership: The Buddhism precepts are commitments to abstain from 1) harming living beings, 2) stealing 3) sexual misconduct 4) … and 5) intoxication.

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53) WHO defined in 2000 a health system as:

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54) National Health Security Office (NHSO) creates participatory governing structures with ….

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55) The 2030 SDG addressing social dimensions are as follows:

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56) What are the environmental dimensions included in 2030 SDG?

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57) What are the three inter-related health financing strategic options for universal health coverage proposed by world health resolutions (WHR) in 2010?

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58) Thailand: The essential drugs have more than …. items from paracetamol to expensive drugs.

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59) Thailand achieved UHC with comprehensive package and almost no co-payment in ….

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60) The target 6.A of goal 6 to combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other communicable diseases, is:

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61) What are the key actions to promote a pro-poor health approach?

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62) Five big mountains in the UHC of Thailand are 1) Political Commitments 2) …. 3) Power struggle- MOPH and providers Vs NHSO and people 4) Sustainability – People’s ownership and innovative financing 5) Evidence informed decision – to support decision to prioritized actions and investments

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63) What is the difference between Primary Health Care (PHC) and Primary Care (PC) in Cambodia context?

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64) What are the impacts of good performance of health system?

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65) What is the greatest global challenge and indispensable equipment for sustainable development?

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66) The three dimensions of universal health coverage include:

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67) One Doctor for 1000 patients in Bangkok (Thailand) while one Doctor for …. patients in Esarn Region

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68) What are the leading sources of inefficiency of health system leakages?

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69) The leading sources of inefficiency of health workers are:

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70) Health system dynamics framework considers some elements to be more important than others. We assert that the organization and delivery of health care services is the core of the central axis that includes leadership, governance as well as ….

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71) What are the problems of private health insurance?

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72) In the background of the UHC, Human dignity recognizes that inequalities in access to treatment or gross disparities in health outcomes creates …

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73) What is the Target 3 of the 2030 SDG?

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74) What are the key components of the World Health Assembly Resolution (WHR) in 2005 to urge countries to develop health financing system?

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75) What are the three levels of responsibility of public health system in Cambodia?

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76) The 2009 Common Country Assessment (of the United Nations in Cambodia) analyzed the causes of major interactions between rights holder and duty bearers. These are 1) Rule of law 2) Dynamics of Poverty and 3) ………

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77) The essential service 4 in the local public health system assessment is:

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78) On Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Thailand started to cover the poor in 1975 when Per Capita GDP was …USD.

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79) To make equitable, quality and efficient health system and financial protection, Thailand ….

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80) The number of MRI in Bangkok (Thailand) Hospitals is … times than those in the Esarn Region

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81) By the end of 2015 Cambodia achieved some MDG, what are these goals?

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82) What is the target of the 2030 SDG related to communicable diseases?

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83) Economic crisis has a ……… impact on the expansion of UHC coverage in Thailand

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84) Financial protection refers to the economic consequences of disease and in practice signals arrangements for access to care of decent quality and for ensuring income and financial support in case of illness. The ability of a country’s health system to offer financial protection to its population is an important factor …. the health system.

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85) What is the target of goal 3 (ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages) to improve maternal health?

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86) Normative claim is a claim that asserts that such-and-such …. the case.

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87) How is community involved in health system?

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88) Public Health Introduction: What are the social determinants of health?

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89) 48. Poverty is perceived in various ways, can you provide a definition of poverty?

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90) Why health system assessment is important

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91) How many goals does Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have?

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92) Income and wealth inequalities gives more space to particular interest groups to shape decisions in their favor. Those privileged can capture…., molding it to fit their preferences, potentially leading to even more inequalities (Human Development Report, HDR 2019 of the United Nations)

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93) The key activities to Sharpe the assessment of health system performance are as follows:

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94) The major role of consumers in health system is:

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95) Triangle that moves the mountain is comprised of 1) ……………… 2) Social Movement 3) Political / Policy linkages

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96) The fifth big mountains in the UHC of Thailand is Evidence informed decision – to support decision to prioritized actions and investments. However, evidences are not always welcome because of …. and conflict of interest

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97) What are the social dimensions of the 2030 SDG?

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98) WHO describes the building blocks of health system, what are these building blocks?

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99) Choose the correct answer:

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100) To conceptualize health system governance, Building-block approach focus on the internal workings (including ….) within typically government-run organizations or health care facilities.

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101) By increasing the UHC coverage from 45% in 1987 to 72% in 197 the debt service ratio in Thailand is decreasing from 24.7% in 1987 to … in 1997

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102) Based on the National Health in 2016, Government Expenditure for health as compared to Total Health Expenditure (THE) in Cambodia is …

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103) Multiple Poverty Index (MPI) is made of … Indicators

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104) To conceptualize health system governance, Government-centered approach focus on …., the government, above or to the exclusion of non-government health system actors;

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105) What is a key question to keep people informed about health issues and healthy choices?

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106) The tipping point to move the mountain are 1) Three groups of people 2) …….3) Stickiness of the issues

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107) What is health system performance assessment?

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108) National Health Security Office is an independent institution and has …. of Ministry of Public health budget (Thailand)

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109) The bas relief of Rahou eating chariots and people in …. temple depicts the inequalities, power asymmetries and effectiveness of governance in Thirteen Century of Khmer Empire.

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110) What is the main role of health center within the context of Minimum Package of Activities (MPA)?

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111) Social protection goes further and addresses the vulnerability of people who have fallen ill through services for relief from deprivation thus tackling …. causes of inequity and power imbalances

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112) What is a greater impact where poor people are not covered by adequate health insurance?

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113) Some important characteristics of health system are as follows:

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114) What is the definition of health?

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115) What is the essential service 2 in the local public health system assessment?

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116) What is the global Target 1 of the 2030 SDG?

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117) ……. are concerned with satisfying the physiological, safety, and belonging needs of followers. These leaders exchange rewards and privileges for desirable outcomes

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118) With UHC coverage expansion, life expectancy at birth in Thailand increases from 70.3 years old in1998 to … years old in 2014

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119) What is the target 5.A of goal 5 of MDGs to improve maternal health?

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120) In the example of the analysis of Health system dynamics framework in Democratic Republic of Congo is an illustration of ….

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121) The first three steps to guide the assessment of community health needs are as follows:

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122) Higher percentage of households with catastrophic expenditure is associated with:

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123) What is a user fees scheme in health sector?

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124) Informal interactions are …. communication in non-working places like rest room, corridor after work in coffee break time using spoken language sometimes with emotions

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125) Referring to the 2009 Common Country Assessment (of the United Nations in Cambodia) the participation of right holders (beneficiaries) is constrained by low awareness of rights and low capacity of rights holders (a consequence of poor educational levels), low trust in institutions, low social cohesion, and ……

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126) What is the scope of the SDG 2030 agenda?

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127) Descriptive claim describes how people behave and what types ……they claim to follow.

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128) In addition to pre-paid and pooled resources, the options can be applied to ensure greater coverage and lower financial barriers are as follows:

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129) …. is one of the means enabling Thailand to move towards achieving the sustainable development goals

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130) Investing in health care system not only saves lives, it is also a crucial investment in the wider economy. This is because ill-health impairs productivity, hinders job prospects and adversely affects ….

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131) Descriptive claim is a claim that asserts that such-and-such …. the case.

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132) What are the overall goals/outcomes of WHO health system?

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133) What is the main cause of catastrophic health expenditure?

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134) Actor is a stakeholder who interacts with our system, either directly or indirectly. … Actors are Stakeholders

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135) The human right to health and healthcare means that everyone has the right to the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, which includes access to … medical services, sanitation, adequate food, decent housing, healthy environment

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136) Software refers to …. the health systems, such as β€˜the ideas and interests, values and norms and affinities and power that guide actions and underpin the relationships among system actors and elements

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137) What are the most of the illnesses associated with poverty?

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138) What are the different types of health insurance?

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139) The main criteria of health system performance include:

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140) What are the key components of the World Health Assembly Resolution (WHR) in 2005 to urge countries to develop health financing system?

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141) Health is …………….

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142) In Thailand the disparity is revealed that 1% of richest group holds …. of country wealth

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143) The three components to support service delivery in the building block interactions of health system are as follows:

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144) The Foolish Old Man … the Mountain

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145) What are the new sources of domestic funds to support health sector?

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146) Real governance, encompassing both the formal and informal rules governing …. of health care, and both the formal and informal ways in which the rules are made, changed, monitored and enforced whether in the government-centered, building-block or institutional approach to health system governance

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147) Who decides the right to health of the people?

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148) Hardware refers to…… health systems’ such as finance, medical supplies, information systems, human resources, infrastructure, the organizational structures to provide policies, services, and interventions and their intended targets, users and beneficiaries;

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149) Thailand spends … USD for UHC’s budget per capita per year

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150) The reasons why the health insurance are not important?

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151) Normative claim attempts to evaluate or create moral standards and prescribes how people ….to act

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152) What are the three inter-related health financing strategic options for universal coverage proposed by world health resolutions (WHR) in 2010?

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153) What are the three main impacts of the strong health care system?

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154) In the background of the UHC, solidarity implies that the burden of funding healthcare be distributed fairly, and that the better-off should … the worst -off.

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155) How to collect the data for the assessment of health system performance?

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156) To enable active citizen involvement National Assembly of Thailand signed National Health Security Act in 2002, to support the…. representatives in the National Health Security Board”

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157) A major question to make sure people receive the medical care they need is:

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158) In Thailand, Community UHC Fund pay by local government generates … MUSD to support health promotion and long-term care in 2016

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159) The three main factors influencing performance of health financing are as follows:

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160) The analysis of the Health System Dynamics Framework (Formal/Informal, Actors/ Stakeholders, Descriptive/ Normative, Hardware / Software) is focusing on ….

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161) How to mobilize assessment team in the health system assessment approach?

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162) The principle of …., father of modern medicine and public health in Thailand: Put the public interest firs, self-interest as second

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163) WHO organized the health system into six building blocks as follows:

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164) What are the main components of health sector reform in Cambodia?

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165) Sin tax which orders 2% additional levy on tobacco and alcohol excise tax generates … Millions of US Dollars in 2015 to support Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HiTAP) in Thailand

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166) What are the 3 major players/elements of health care system?

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167) The integrated health system dynamics framework acknowledges that social, economic, political and other factors are major …. of health and the well-being of people.

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168) What is the main role of providers in health system?

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169) Based on the National Health in 2016, Out of Pocket expenditure (OOP) as compared to Total Health Expenditure (THE) in Cambodia is …

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170) The major role of contributors in health system is:

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171) An essential function of health system governance is therefore to seek a balance, taking into account the values and principles of actors in the system through a process of negotiation on the basis of fair processes, whilst (1) being accountable …. – and, (2) minimizing harmful effects, especially for the most vulnerable groups.

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172) What the main health expenditures?

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173) Leadership: The definition of … is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results

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174) In the example of the analysis of Health system dynamics framework in India is an illustration of ….

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175) Health system dynamics framework framework consisting of ten elements and their dynamic interactions: 1) goals and outcomes; 2) values and principles; 3) service delivery; 4) ……….; 5) the context; 6) leadership & governance; and 7-10) the organization of resources (finances; human resources; infrastructure and supplies; knowledge and information).

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176) What are the 3 main functions of health financing?

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177) Select the correct statement

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178) Thailand have so many military governments in the past. We don’t like it. But believe me or not every time we have military government is …. for health development and health system reform.

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179) Power asymmetries can even lead to breakdowns in institutional functions, weakening the effectiveness …. When institutions are captured by the wealthy, citizens are less willing to be part of social contracts (the sets of rules and expectations of behavior that people voluntarily conform to that underpin stable societies).

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180) Formal interactions are an official way of …. communication in working places like department/ offices during working time using direct expression and written language

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181) Universal health coverage includes financial risk protection, access to quality essential healthcare services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for …

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182) The main challenges of donors funding to support health sector are as follows:

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183) What is the horizontal equity for receiving health care?

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184) What is the Target 3.8 of the 2030 SDG?

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185) The 2015 MDG related to health are as follows:

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186) Cambodia Per Capita GDP were …. USD in 2020.

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187) UHC is built on ….

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188) In Universal Health Coverage 1) X axis represents Population Coverage 2) Y axis represents Financial Protection 3) Z axis represents

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189) The options to encourage greater efficiency of health services are as follows:

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190) Triangle that moves the mountain is consist of 1) Policy Makers 2) Academia/ Services providers 3) ….

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191) Health Assembly Thailand: Heath systems in Thailand are well recognized. But heath issues have changed from previous kinds of illness and diseases. For this reason, the …. has supported the development of Healthy Public Policy instead of public health policy

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192) What are the three fundamental health financing challenges for universal coverage?

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193) The health system performance criteria are as follows:

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194) What are the main service components of Minimum Package of Activities (MPA) for health center?

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195) To address human resource issue Thailand adopts the policy in rural recruitment, local training and …. compulsory public works, motivation and incentives

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196) What are the steps in the health system assessment approach?

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197) The main steps in the health system assessment approach include:

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198) What are the health services to cover universal health coverage?

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199) …… leaders empower followers to feel good about ourselves by reinforcing our inner feelings of competence, respect and self-worth and provide external feedback and recognition that support self – esteem.

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