Histologie Test

23 votes, 4.8 avg

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Histologie Test


1 / 60

What are the receptors for vision?

2 / 60

Which structure is part the uvea?

3 / 60

What type of epithelium lines the vestibule?

4 / 60

Which structure is avascular?

5 / 60

What is the anterior pigmented portion of the retina called?

6 / 60

Which cell is a type of neuron?

7 / 60

What type of tissue lines the pharynx?

8 / 60

What is the space anterior to the lens?

9 / 60

What is the space posterior to the iris?

10 / 60

Which of the following is NOT a layer of the cornea?

11 / 60

Which structure is part of the conducting portion of the airway?

12 / 60

In which structure does gas exchange NOT occur?

13 / 60

What is within the membranous labyrinth?

14 / 60

What is the most anterior portion of the uvea?

15 / 60

What type of tissue lines the paranasal sinuses?

16 / 60

Where are the sensory receptors for hearing?

17 / 60

Where does aqueous humor from anterior chamber collect into?

18 / 60

Where are the sensory receptors for position?

19 / 60

Which cell is a respiratory macrophage?

20 / 60

Which cartilage of the larynx is made of elastic cartilage?

21 / 60

What part of the respiratory tree is the functional unit where gas exchange occurs?

22 / 60

Which cell type is most numerous in olfactory mucosa?

23 / 60

Which of the following is a type of neuron?

24 / 60

What type of epithelium is found in the respiratory mucosa of man?

25 / 60

What is the middle layer of the eyeball?

26 / 60

Which layer of the cornea is acellular?

27 / 60

Which of the following is the receptor for color?

28 / 60

Which layer of the cornea is acellular?

29 / 60

Which cell type is the receptor cell within the organ of Corti?

30 / 60

Which of the following is NOT part of the retina?

31 / 60

What structure is similar to a “bunch of grapes?

32 / 60

Where is the blind spot?

33 / 60

What is the suspensory ligament of the lens?

34 / 60

Which segment of the nephron functions to filter fluid from blood into urinary space?

35 / 60

Identify the INCORRECT statement

36 / 60

Identify the CORRECT statement(7)

37 / 60

Identify the CORRECT statement

38 / 60

Which of the following layers lies nearest the outer surface of the epidermis?

39 / 60

The macula densa consists of:

40 / 60

The region of the kidney containing distal convoluted tubules is called the:

41 / 60

Vessels which connect interlobular arteries with glomerular capillaries are called:

42 / 60

Interstitial cells within the renal glomerulus, whose functions are uncertain but may include phagocytosis and maintenance of the glomerular basement membrane, are the:

43 / 60

Juxtaglomerular cells secrete:

44 / 60

In which layer of the epidermis do cells contain keratohyalin granules?

45 / 60

Filtration slits are located between adjacent:

46 / 60

The region of the kidney containing larger collecting ducts is called the:

47 / 60

The capsule of the kidney consists of:

48 / 60

Identify the INCORRECT statement

49 / 60

Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the stratum basale?

50 / 60

Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the epidermis?

51 / 60

Identify the INCORRECT statement

52 / 60

Arteries which form arches along the border between the cortex and the medulla of the kidney are called:

53 / 60

The region of the kidney containing proximal convoluted tubules is called the:

54 / 60

Which connective tissue layer lies closest to the epidermis:

55 / 60

Identify the INCORRECT statement(5)

56 / 60

The loose, adipose connective tissue layer of skin is:

57 / 60

Glomerular capillaries are supported on the outside (adjacent to the urinary space) by:

58 / 60

Identify the CORRECT statement

59 / 60

Identify the INCORRECT statement

60 / 60

The region of the kidney containing glomeruli is called the:

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