Histologie Test

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Histologie Test


1 / 60

What are the small tunnels seen in bone?

2 / 60

What is another term for a platelet?

3 / 60

What forms the skeleton of the fetus?

4 / 60

Which cell is a macrophage found in the central nervous system?

5 / 60

Which fiber type fatigues more readily?

6 / 60

What are the spicules on spongy bone called?

7 / 60

Which of the following is NOT a membranous organelle?

8 / 60

The basement membrane in connective tissue is made up of

9 / 60

Which is the most abundant fiber in connective tissue?

10 / 60

Which type(s) of muscle tissue visible striations and intercalated discs?

11 / 60

Which meninge is made of a dense irregular connective tissue?

12 / 60

What is spongy bone

13 / 60

What type of adipose tissue tends to increase as humans age?

14 / 60

What is the term for the general process that cells use to expunge material from the cell?

15 / 60

On a cross section of a muscle, how many thin filaments surround each thick filament?

16 / 60

What type of tissue lines most of the gastrointestinal tract?

17 / 60

Which fiber type is smaller in diameter?

18 / 60

Which of the following forms myelin in the central nervous system?

19 / 60

What are sensory neurons?

20 / 60

What is the covering of a bone surface?

21 / 60

Which of the following is a component of the ground substance?

22 / 60

What are the collagen fibers that extend into bone at an angle called?

23 / 60

Which germ layer(s) form epithelial tissue?

24 / 60

What structure contributes to the cells cytoskeleton?

25 / 60

What is the cell body of a neuron called?

26 / 60

What comes from a megakaryocyte?

27 / 60

What type of epithelial cells are as tall as they are wide?

28 / 60

Which type of cartilage forms the epiphyseal growth plate?

29 / 60

What are the supporting cells in the central nervous system called?

30 / 60

What is the space that an osteocyte rests in?

31 / 60

What cell surface modification is made of microtubules?

32 / 60

What are the gaps that occur within the myelin sheath?

33 / 60

What type of epithelial cells are taller than they are wide?

34 / 60

What is the connective tissue covering around the brain and spinal cord?

35 / 60

Which of the following is NOT primarily composed of connective tissue?

36 / 60

Which of the following tissue types is avascular?

37 / 60

What process is nicknamed “cell drinking”?

38 / 60

What is areolar tissue?

39 / 60

What cell produces the cartilaginous matrix?

40 / 60

Which of the following is the most abundant in a peripheral smear of blood?

41 / 60

Which of the following is an element of the central nervous system?

42 / 60

What is released at a synapse?

43 / 60

Where is cardiac muscle found?

44 / 60

What type of muscle has intercalated discs?

45 / 60

What sits in a lacuna?

46 / 60

Which of the following is a granulocyte?

47 / 60

Which fiber type has more myoglobin?

48 / 60

What color do elastic fibers stain with Verhoeff Elastic stain?

49 / 60

Which of the following is NOT a membranous organelle?

50 / 60

Which of the following is NOT a term used for a neutrophil?

51 / 60

What is the surface modification seen on the cells of the epididymis?

52 / 60

What type of basic tissue type is cartilage?

53 / 60

What do you call the space where a chondrocyte sits in?

54 / 60

What are the conglomerations of gray matter deep within the cerebrum and cerebellum called?

55 / 60

Lymphoidal organs are composed primarily of

56 / 60

Les fibres collagenes មើលដោយ Microscope optique: ចូរគូសចំលើយមួយដែលត្រឹមត្រូវ:

57 / 60

Les cellules mobiles មាន: ចូរគូសចំលើយមួយដែលមិនត្រឹមត្រូវៈ

58 / 60

មុខងាររបស់ Adipocytes: ចូរគូសចំលើយមួយដែលត្រឹមត្រូវ:

59 / 60

Les cellules du système immunitaires: ចូរគូសចំលើយមួយដែលមិនត្រឹមត្រូវៈ

60 / 60

លក្ខណៈណ្វៃយ៉ូរបស់ Adipocyte : ចូរគូសចំលើយមួយដែលត្រឹមត្រូវ:

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