Immunologie Générale Et Appliquée Test

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Immunologie Générale Et Appliquée Test


1 / 60

Cytokine ដែលមានតួនាទីសំរាប់ la survie de lymphocytes T:

2 / 60

lymphocyte Th2 ផលិត cytokine

3 / 60

TLR-4 (Toll Like Receptor-4) ជា pattern recognition receptor) ដែលស្គាល់ៈ

4 / 60

Interleukine 2 (IL-2) សំយោគដោយៈ

5 / 60

សារធាតុមួយណាដែលបញ្ចេញដោយ lymphocyte T activé

6 / 60

Cytokine ចំបង ដែលផលិតដោយ lymphocyte Th2 គឺ:

7 / 60

Toxines ត្រូវបាន neutralisé ដោយ

8 / 60

កោសិកា Natural killer

9 / 60

នៅក្នុងការឆ្លើយតបរបស់ប្រព័ន្ធភាពសុំាទៅនឹងអង់ទីហ្សែន មួយៈ

10 / 60

Which of the following antibodies have a positive effect on babies through breast feeding?

11 / 60

In the immune response to a hapten–protein conjugate, in order to get anti-hapten antibodies, it is essential that:

12 / 60

The following statements are related to hepatitis B and pregnancy which statement is incorrect?

13 / 60

HBV vaccine and HBIG are given at same time at two different injection sites within:

14 / 60

Serum which contains antibodies is called:

15 / 60

The effectiveness is:

16 / 60

Which of the following antibodies would most likely be found in body secretions such as tears, milk, saliva and mucus?

17 / 60

The bonds involved in antigen-antibody interactions are

18 / 60

An epitope is:

19 / 60

Successful immunization can be impaired by:

20 / 60

The inability of very young children to respond to the measles vaccine due to the persistence of maternal antibody is similar in principle to and exploited in which of the following?

21 / 60

In an immune response the type of cell which gets activated earliest is:

22 / 60

The circulation of a two month old breast-fed baby will contain maternal:

23 / 60

Which of the following immune cells/ molecules are most effective at destroying intracellular pathogens?

24 / 60

Adjuvant used in HPV vaccine is:

25 / 60

Which of the following immune cells/molecules are most effective at destroying intracellular pathogens?

26 / 60

An immunoglobulin is a:

27 / 60

What is the mode of administration for PCV-13 vaccine?

28 / 60

Newborns get their antibodies from mother’s milk. This is an example of?

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The impact is:

30 / 60

All are the measure for post rabies exposure prophylaxis, but except one?

31 / 60

Hemolytic disease of the newborn caused by Rh blood group incompatibility requires maternal antibody to enter the fetal bloodstream. Therefore, the mediator of this disease is:

32 / 60

Injection of immunoglobulin is:

33 / 60

All are therapeutic applications of polyclonal antibodies but except one?

34 / 60

The type of T-cells that destroy host cells bearing foreign antigen:

35 / 60

The classical pathway of complement activation is:

36 / 60

Often patients are immune to diseases like chicken pox once infecte. This immunity is an example of?

37 / 60

During the maturation of a B lymphocyte, the first immunoglobulin heavy chain synthesized is:

38 / 60

Which of the following is not an ideal property of a vaccine?

39 / 60

The complement system involved in the inflammation are:

40 / 60

All are immune cells in innate immune system but except:

41 / 60

An epitope:

42 / 60

A patient presents with an increased number of lymphocytes in his peripheral blood. Which of the following is an appropriate technique to find out which type of lymphocytes these are?

43 / 60

The classical pathway of complement activation is:

44 / 60

The immune cells that is linked between innate and adaptive immunity are:

45 / 60

The immune cells that is linked between innate and adaptive immunity are:

46 / 60

The site of T-cell maturation is the?

47 / 60

What kind of cell is most numerous in the periarterial lymphatic sheath (PALS) of the spleen?

48 / 60

The secretion of antibodies by lymphocyte B cells provides?

49 / 60

Most naïve T cell activation occurs where and in response to what?

50 / 60

Which of the following can be accurately called a cytokine?

51 / 60

Which of the following cell types is NOT known to act as an antigen-presenting cell for CD4+ T cells?

52 / 60

Which of the following statements regarding the functional properties of cytokines is false?

53 / 60

A standard treatment of animal bite victims, when there is a possibility that the animal was infected with the rabies virus, is administration of human immunoglobulin preparations containing anti–rabies virus antibodies. Which type of immunity would be stablished by this treatment?

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Precursors of macrophages are called?

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Tissue macrophages are derived from which type of circulating blood cell?

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The germinal center is an important site of?

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Antigen-presenting cells?

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Cytokines attract which of the following to the affected tissue?

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Which subsets of T cells recognize antigens presented by class II MHC molecules?

60 / 60

The spleen is largely involved with the response to antigens which are in the?

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