Immunologie Générale Et Appliquée Test

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Immunologie Générale Et Appliquée Test


1 / 60

What kind of cell is most numerous in the periarterial lymphatic sheath (PALS) of the spleen?

2 / 60

All secondary lymphoid tissues?

3 / 60

The germinal center is an important site of?

4 / 60

During the negative selection of T-cells in the thymus?

5 / 60

Where B lymphocytes mature?

6 / 60

Which of the following can be accurately called a cytokine?

7 / 60

The germinal center reaction generates long lived plasma cells which secrete protective high affinity B cells for many years. Where do these cells reside?

8 / 60

Clonal selection occurs when a B-lymphocyte encounters?

9 / 60

Which of the following mechanisms contributes most to both Ig and TCR diversity?

10 / 60

When antigens enter through the skin, in what organs are they concentrated?

11 / 60

In both B and T cell development, there is stage when a pre-antigen receptor (pre B cell receptor or pre T cell receptor) is expressed. Which of the following accurately describes an important function of these pre-antigen receptors?

12 / 60

សារធាតុមួយណាដែលបញ្ចេញដោយ lymphocyte T activé

13 / 60

ភាពខុសគ្នារវាង réponse humoral primaire និង secondaire មានទំនាក់ទំនង នឹង :

14 / 60

protéine C réactif ត្រូវបានផលិតដោយសារ

15 / 60

កោសិកា ដែលមានម៉ូលេគុល CMH classe I និងមានភ្ជាប់ peptide គឺជា cible របស់

16 / 60

Inflammation ជា ដើមហេតុ ដំបូងនៃៈ

17 / 60

តើម៉ូលេគុលណាមួយជាម៉ូលេគុលរបស់ HLA classe II:

18 / 60

វ៉ាក់សាំង ការពាររបេងជា វ៉ាក់សាំងដែល ភ្ញោចជាសំខាន់

19 / 60

Bactérie extracellulaire ត្រូវបាន lysé យ៉ាងប្រសើរដោយសារ

20 / 60

marqueur របស់ lymphocyte B

21 / 60

កោសិកា Natural killer

22 / 60

នៅក្នុងការឆ្លើយតបរបស់ប្រព័ន្ធភាពសុំាទៅនឹងអង់ទីហ្សែន មួយៈ

23 / 60

What is the minimum percentage of children which needs to be vaccinated successfully in order to achieve herd immunity to diphtheria:

24 / 60

In the vaccine response, INF gamma, TNF alpha and IL12 act on?

25 / 60

In the application Antigen- Antibody reaction, which one is correct?

26 / 60

What vaccine should be avoided for the pregnant woman?

27 / 60

The characteristic of antigen-antibody interactions occur in tertiary stage:

28 / 60

In the application Antigen- Antibody reaction, which one is correct?

29 / 60

The immune cells that is linked between innate and adaptive immunity are:

30 / 60

Mode of IPV vaccine administration is:

31 / 60

In an immune response the type of cell which gets activated earliest is:

32 / 60

All are mechanism of action of complement but except:

33 / 60

The following statements are criteria for a good vaccine but which is incorrect statement?

34 / 60

The complement system involved in the inflammation are:

35 / 60

The class II MHC molecule appeared to bind with receptor of:

36 / 60

The naive T cells are:

37 / 60

The cytotoxic T-cells is involved in:

38 / 60

Immunogen is:

39 / 60

What is the mode of administration for PCV-13 vaccine?

40 / 60

What vaccine should not be frozen:

41 / 60

All are functions of immunoglobulins but except:

42 / 60

The herd immunity is:

43 / 60

For vaccination against mycobacterial diseases such as tuberculosis, the most important facet of the immune response to be stimulated is:

44 / 60

The role of the macrophage during an antibody response is to:

45 / 60

The complement system involved in phagocytic function are:

46 / 60

Small chemical groups on the antigen molecule that can react with antibody

47 / 60

A vaccine that activates both cell- mediated and humoral immunity would most likely be :

48 / 60

Primary lymphoid organs include

49 / 60

An immunoglobulin is a:

50 / 60

Which of the following is not an ideal property of a vaccine?

51 / 60

Which of the following statements are true regarding polio vaccines:

52 / 60

A patient presents with an increased number of lymphocytes in his peripheral blood. Which of the following is an appropriate technique to find out which type of lymphocytes these are?

53 / 60

Successful immunization can be impaired by:

54 / 60

Often patients are immune to diseases like chicken pox once infecte. This immunity is an example of?

55 / 60

To drive antigen for proliferating and differentiating into armed effector T cells, The activated T cells produce :

56 / 60

To which one of the following groups would it be acceptable to give a live attenuated viral vaccine?

57 / 60

The immunoglobulins participated in complement system formation are:

58 / 60

The main advantage of passive immunization over active immunization is that:

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The characteristic of antigen-antibody interactions occur in primary stage:

60 / 60

The complement system consists of about:

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