/321 196 Immunology Preparation (Pr. Kiet Vannseth) 1 / 321 1) The following statements are true for Antibodies, EXCEPT: a. Non immunogen b. They have hypervariable region c. Composed of variable and constant regions d. Made of heavy and light chains 2 / 321 2) The Cytotoxic T cells kill the cells/molecules below: a. Intracellular antigen b. Bacteria c. Infected cells d. Extracellular antigen 3 / 321 3) B and T cells are produced by stem cells located in:?: a. Liver b. Spleen c. Bone marrow d. Circulatery system 4 / 321 4) Which of the followings are NOT TRUE regarding an immune response: a. The principal function of the T3 complex is signal transduction to the cell's interior b. The T4 serves an auxiliary role with MHC class II proteins in helper cell reactions c. Lymphokines are produced by T-cells in response to antigen presentation by antibody d. The T8 serves an auxiliary role with MHC class I proteins in cytotoxic reactions 5 / 321 5) The following statement are true for Cytokines, EXCEPT: a. Are complement b. Control and regulate the immune response c. Secreted by specialized cells d. Lymphokines are cytokines 6 / 321 6) Graft between identical twins is called: a. Allograft b. Auto graft c. Xeno-graft d. Iso graft 7 / 321 7) The following cells of immune system cam make IgE: a. Eosinophils b. Mast cells and Eosinophils c. Monocytes d. Mast cells 8 / 321 8) The following statements are true for IgE, EXCEPT: a. Can cross the placental barrier b. They bind to mast cells c. They produce allergic reaction d. The least immunoglobulin in the plasma 9 / 321 9) The following viral hepatitis are chronic hepatitis, EXCEPT?: a. Heepatitis C b. Hepatitis B c. Hepatitis D d. Hepatitis A 10 / 321 10) The hapten carrier conjugate can activate B cells to secrete antibody : a. Immunoglobulin-Epitope b. Antigenic determinant c. Immunoglobulin d. Antigen 11 / 321 11) Which cells are proliferated from myeloid progenitor: a. Dendritic cells b. Lymphocytes c. TH1 d. B cells 12 / 321 12) Tumor Necrose Factor (TNF) produce by: a. Macrophage b. Tc c. Neutrophil d. Macrophage and Tc 13 / 321 13) IgE produce by : a. Mast cells b. B-cells c. T-cells d. Plasma cells 14 / 321 14) The percentage of TH cell among lymphocytes is?: a. 19% b. 46% c. 7% d. 23% 15 / 321 15) Variable domains are: a. Located at the N-terminal of heavy chains b. Specific recognition of antigen c. Transported IgG across the placenta d. Needed to bind complement 16 / 321 16) Biological effect of Complement C3a is: a. Anaphylaxis b. Edema c. Opsonisation d. Phagocytosis 17 / 321 17) What’s a specific term for a bacterial or other foreign protein that initiates antibody production by the body?: a. Complement b. Peptide c. MHC II molecule d. Antigen 18 / 321 18) Intracellular pathogen is presented to the Tc by: a. TH b. MHC I c. Lymphocytes d. MHC II 19 / 321 19) Which kind of cells worked in innate immune system and response to the tumor cells?: a. T cells b. NK cells c. B cells d. Macropages 20 / 321 20) The primairy response of antibody to the HBV is?: a. IgM b. IgE c. IgA d. IgG 21 / 321 21) Histamine is secreted by: a. Mast cells b. White blood cells c. Epithelial cell d. Red blood cells 22 / 321 22) Thymus growth occurs up to: a. 12 years b. 5 years c. 30 years d. 17 years 23 / 321 23) To stabilise the C3 convertase of the alternative pathway, the factors below are useful : a. Factor P b. C3-BP c. Factor F d. C1-INH 24 / 321 24) The following statement are for adaptive immune response, EXCEPT : a. Is mediated by the humoral and cellular of the immune b. Can be facilitated through macrophage cells c. Can be facilitated through T-cells d. Can be facilitated by antibodies 25 / 321 25) The tests below show that patient is already vaccinated against HBV?: a. HBsAg negative b. HBcAb negative c. HBsAb positive d. All answers 26 / 321 26) In the alternative pathway of the complement system, the factors below are useful to prevent the generation of C3 convertase : a. Factor P b. C3-BP c. Factor F d. C1-INH 27 / 321 27) Cytokines are produced by cells of the immune system in response to various antigen, EXCEPT: a. Cause histamine release b. Activate cell function c. Facilitate cell lysis d. Opsonization antigen 28 / 321 28) The following statement are for Target cell lysis and destruction, EXCEPT: a. Perforin released from antigen-specific cytotoxic T-cells b. Complement binding to IgE which have bound to epitopes on the cell surface c. Cytotoxic T-cells recognizing specific epitopes on the target cell surface d. Complement binding to IgG and IgM which have bound to epitopes on the target cell 29 / 321 29) The average incubation period of Hepatitis A is?: a. 7 days b. 15 days c. 30 days d. 60 days 30 / 321 30) The function of LGL cell is: a. Response to antibody b. Response to bacteria infection c. Kill pathogen d. Respose to tumor cells 31 / 321 31) The major function of major histocompatibility complex for antigen intracellular is: a. Bind complement for cell lysis b. Presentation antigen to Th-cells c. Presentation antigen to Tc-cells d. Degrade Th and Tc 32 / 321 32) B cells recognised antigen presented by APC?: a. Nonself – antigen b. T-dependent antigen c. Self – antigen d. T-independent antigen 33 / 321 33) The receptor BCR for an antigen on the membrane of B cell is?: a. Bivalent b. Monovalent c. Trivalent d. None about 34 / 321 34) Which of the following immunoglobulin can across placenta with the highest concentration?: a. IgG2 b. IgG1 c. IgG4 d. IgG3 35 / 321 35) The following answer is the best marker for Tc cells?: a. CD21 b. CD8 c. CD4 d. CD3 36 / 321 36) The function of major histocompatibility complex is: a. Bind antibody for cytokine secretion b. Bind epitope for presentation to T-cells c. Bind complement for cell lysis d. Degrade T4 and T8 polypeptides 37 / 321 37) The following answer is the function of IgG, EXCEPT : a. Activate complement b. Opsonize bacteries c. Primary response to antigen d. Cross placenta 38 / 321 38) How many serotypes of HCV in the world?: a. Many b. 4 c. 6 d. 2 39 / 321 39) Lymphocytes that develop immunocompetence in the thymus are?: a. LGL's b. B cells c. T cells d. NK cells 40 / 321 40) The following molecules can activate B cells to secrete antibody, EXCEPT: a. Allergen b. Antigenic determinant c. Antigen d. Hapten 41 / 321 41) In the complement system, the classic pathway initiates by the complement : a. C4 b. C5 c. MBL d. C1qrs 42 / 321 42) The Immunoglobulins are secreted by: a. B-cells b. T-cells c. Macrophages d. Plasma cells 43 / 321 43) The following answer is NOT true for interleukins?: a. Produced by antigen b. They are not in stock c. Regulation between cells d. Produced by T cells 44 / 321 44) The first sign of infection is the characteristic appearance of ?: a. HBsAb b. HBsAg c. HBcAb d. HBeAg 45 / 321 45) Organ transplantation of human from one place to another is called: a. Xeno-graft b. Autograft c. ISO-graft d. Allo-graft 46 / 321 46) The two types of lymphocytes are ?: a. Platelet and B cells b. Platelet and Erythrocyte c. T and B cells d. Erythrocyte and T cells 47 / 321 47) In the complement system, the lytic pathway initiated by the complement : a. C5 b. C4 c. C1qrs d. MBL 48 / 321 48) The TH cells produced cytokines to response the viral infection?: a. Tumor necrose factor b. IL-2 c. Interferon d. Chimokine 49 / 321 49) The immunoglobulin class which is the second abundant in the normal adult is: a. IgG b. IgD c. IgE d. IgA 50 / 321 50) Which of the following hepatitis viruses is RNA virus?: a. Hepatitis B virus b. Hepatitis D virus c. Hepatitis C virus d. Hepatitis A virus 51 / 321 51) Microbial Fragment Vaccines is used to prevent the diseases below, EXCEPT: a. Neisseria meningitides b. Hepatitis B virus c. Polio d. Haemophilus influenzae B 52 / 321 52) Which of the following statement is related to IgG physiology in humans?: a. Opsonisation through FcR on macrophages occurs with IgG2 and IgG4. b. It is confined to the bloodstream, giving the host protection against blood-borne pathogens. c. It can be arranged to resemble a pentamer of five distinct immunoglobulin molecules. d. IgG crosses the placental barrier, and thereby provides passive immunity to the fetus. 53 / 321 53) T-cell receptors or antibodies react with antigens: a. Because both are made by lymphocytes b. Because both 'have light chain and heavy chain polypeptides c. Because they have specific receptors for antigen d. Cause histamine release 54 / 321 54) Identity the phagocytic cells from the following combinations: a. Macrophage and neutrophil b. Eosinophil and neutrophil c. Lymphocyte and eosinophil d. Macrophage and eosinophil 55 / 321 55) The following statements are true for the antigenic determinant : a. Is the combining site of an antibody b. Small part of the antigen c. Is paratope d. Is paratope and Small part of the antigen 56 / 321 56) Immunity acquired after an infection is?: a. Active immunity b. Innate immunity c. Response immunity d. Passive immunity 57 / 321 57) The function of Natural Killer cell is: a. Kill pathogen b. Response to antibody c. Damaged the target cell membrane d. Response to bacteria infection 58 / 321 58) Which among the following is anti-bacterial ?: a. Lysozyme b. Interferon c. Hormone d. Protein 59 / 321 59) The following statements are true for Antibodies, EXCEPT : a. Fc receptor for complement b. Made of heavy and light chains c. Extra domain for IgM d. Receptors for antigens are monovalent 60 / 321 60) All of the following are true, EXCEPT: a. An epitope is a portion of an antigen b. IgM antibody is pentavalent c. The variable contain the antigen recognition site d. IgG antibody is bivalent 61 / 321 61) The first antibody secreted by B cells during infection is?: a. IgG b. IgE IgA c. IgM 62 / 321 62) Which of the following statements about leukocyte function is false?: a. Leukocytes are involved in the immune response. b. Neutrophils engulf damaged cells and pathogens by phagocytosis. c. Macrophages are phagocytic cells that are involved in the adaptive response. d. Eosinophils deliver toxic granules to kill parasites. They are also involved in allergic reactions. 63 / 321 63) The function of T cytotoxic lymphocyte is?: a. Lyse pathogen b. Lyse target cell c. Lyse bacterie d. Lyse paasite 64 / 321 64) Which of the followings are TRUE regarding an Immune response : a. The T4 secrete antibody b. The T8 serves an auxiliary role with MHC class II in cytotoxic reactions c. The function of the T3 complex is signal to the cell's interior after recognition the antigen d. The T4 serves an auxiliary role with MHC class I in helper cell reactions 65 / 321 65) The following vaccines is Microbial Fragment Vaccines?: a. Varicella b. Hepatitis A c. Clostridium tetani d. Polio 66 / 321 66) The following statements are true for Class I MHC molecules, EXCEPT : a. On the APC cells membrane b. Tc cells kill an infected cells c. Recognized by the CD8 d. Participated in Th function 67 / 321 67) The first screening test to detect HBV infection is?: a. HBcAb b. HBcAg c. HBsAb d. HBsAg 68 / 321 68) Which of the following causes AIDS ?: a. Bacteria b. Retrovirus c. TMV d. Fungus 69 / 321 69) The Complement that gives Anaphylotoxin much potent is: a. C3a b. C2b c. C5a d. C4a 70 / 321 70) The function of antibody produced by B cells are?: a. All answers b. Neutralisation c. Complement fixation d. Opsonisation 71 / 321 71) Which of the following immune cells are effective to destroying intracellular pathogens: a. B cells b. T cytolytic cells c. T helper cells d. Antibodies 72 / 321 72) The light chains of antibodies are distinguished by: a. Their constant specific region b. Their variable region domains c. The J-chains that bind to them d. Kappa or lambda types 73 / 321 73) All of the following are true about antibodies, EXCEPT: a. They occur on the surface of B-lymphocyte b. They are glycoproteins. c. They fix complement. d. They are polypeptide 74 / 321 74) Which of the following technic is the best method to detect early infection of hepatitis?: a. RIA b. ELISA c. PCR d. Agglutination 75 / 321 75) The following statements are true for Immunoglobins, EXCEPT: a. All have receptors for complement b. Five major classes IgM, IgG, IgA, IgD, IgE c. Are antibodies d. Possess both variable and constant regions 76 / 321 76) The function of MHC class II is: a. Recognized by the CD8 b. Recognized by CD4 c. Participated in the presentation of Ag d. Unable to carry antigen fragment 77 / 321 77) Which of the following statements about HBV is NOT correct?: a. RNA virus b. Hepato carcinoma c. Can replicate d. Parenteral route 78 / 321 78) Complements are chemically: a. Proteins b. Glycoproteins c. Lipoproteins d. Glycogens 79 / 321 79) The function of immune system is to response: a. Can be facilitated by antibodies b. All answers c. Mediated the humoral and cellular immune system d. Facilitated by T-cells 80 / 321 80) The first immunoglobulin response to the viral hepatitis A infection is?: a. IgA b. IgG c. IgE IgM 81 / 321 81) Variable regions of immunoglobulin are: a. Able to fix complement b. N-terminal of heavy chains c. C-terminal of heavy chains d. Specific recognition of antigen 82 / 321 82) Which of the following immunoglobulins is present normally in plasma at the highest concentration?: a. IgG b. IgE c. IgM d. IgA 83 / 321 83) Each of the following is a characteristic of antibodies, EXCEPT : a. They contain carbohydrates b. They are proteins with variable and constant regions c. They are only secreted by T-cells d. They combine specifically with antigen 84 / 321 84) All of the following are true, EXCEPT : a. An antigenic determinant is a paratope b. The variable regions contain the antigen recognition site c. An epitope is a fragment of a macromolecule d. The class of an immunoglobulin is determined by its heavy chain 85 / 321 85) In a chronic infection of Hepatitis B, the typical serologic course are : a. HBsAg b. HBcAb c. HBsAb d. HBsAg and HBcAb 86 / 321 86) The family of Hepatitis B virus is named: a. Hepadnavirus b. Flavivirus c. Retrovirus d. CMV 87 / 321 87) The following immunoglobulin is used to produe vaccine?: a. IgA b. IgG c. IgM d. IgG4 88 / 321 88) Which type of antibody is not effective in activating complement?: a. IgG4 b. IgG1 c. IgG2 d. IgG3 89 / 321 89) The following immunoglobulin can opsonize antigen during acute phase infection?: a. IgM b. IgG c. IgE IgA 90 / 321 90) The natural passive immunity are characterized by?: a. Immunoglobulins b. Kill vaccin Immune cell c. Placental transfert 91 / 321 91) The T-cell receptor is: a. Bivalent b. Secreted by the T-cell c. Recognized antigen fragments d. Recognized antibody 92 / 321 92) Which of the immune cells/molecules are effective to neutralise and opsonse extracellular pathogens?: a. Antibodies b. B cells c. Complement d. T cells 93 / 321 93) The following statements are true for Antibodies a. Are made from alpha and beta chains b. Have variable region c. Contain cytoplasmic region d. Are carbohydrates 94 / 321 94) Which of the following represent immune system dysfunctions: a. Facilitated by antibodies b. T cells proliferation c. Mast cells release histamine d. Severe immunodeficiency 95 / 321 95) All of the following are true for IgE molecules, EXCEPT: a. They anti-parasitic immune responses. b. They can cause the release of histamine. c. They can fix complement. d. They involved in allergic reactions. 96 / 321 96) Which cells secreted most cytokine in innate immune: a. Plasma cell b. T lymphocyte c. Macrophage d. B lymphocyte 97 / 321 97) Which of the following bacteriocidal mechanisms is oxygen dependant?: a. Lactoferrin b. Defensins c. NADPH oxidation d. Hydrolytic enzymes 98 / 321 98) Individuals unable to make the C4b would be expected to have frequent infections of the : a. Bacteria b. Thalassemia c. Liver disease d. Diabetis 99 / 321 99) Biological properties of C5a are: a. Attract and activate PMN b. Anaphylactic much potent c. All answers d. Chimotactic activity 100 / 321 100) The family of hepatitis C virus is?: a. Flavivirus b. Rotavirus c. Ribovirus d. Hepanavirus 101 / 321 101) Complement Deficiencies of C5, C6, C7, C8 and C9 can causes : a. Susceptibility to pyogenic bacterial infections b. Lack of opsonisation c. Inability to attack the Gram-negative bacteria d. Anaphylaxia 102 / 321 102) The following cells of immune system cam make inflammation: a. Mast cells b. Mast cells and Basophils c. Monocytes d. Basophils 103 / 321 103) Which of the following immune cells/molecules are most effective to destroying intracellular pthogens ?: a. B cells b. T helper cells c. Plasma cells d. T cytotoxic cells 104 / 321 104) Which immunoglobulin is the principal one found in secretions such as mucus : a. IgD b. IgA c. IgG d. IgM 105 / 321 105) One principal function of the Class I and Class II major histocompatibility complex is to : a. Stimulate production of interleukins b. Mediate immunoglobulin class c. Transduce the signal to the T-cell interior d. Present antigen for recognition by the T-cell receptor 106 / 321 106) The variable regions in the heavy chains participate in: a. Antigen receptor b. Complement receptor c. Cytokine receptor d. Cellular receptor 107 / 321 107) Regulatory T cells (Treg cells), formerly known as ?: a. Suppressor T cells b. Natural T reg c. Adaptive T reg d. CD4+ T reg 108 / 321 108) The vaccine prepared from living and inactivated microbe is considered as?: a. Antibody b. Atenuated vaccin c. A toxoid d. Denatured 109 / 321 109) Which lymphocyte are Large Granular Lymphocytes?: a. T cells b. Macropages c. B cells d. NK cells 110 / 321 110) The variable regions in the light chains participate in: a. Epitope binding. b. Fc receptor binding. c. Interaction of the Fab with cytokines. d. Affinity of the complement receptors. 111 / 321 111) Which antigen is direct presented to B cell?: a. T- Independent antigen b. T- dependent antigen c. Non self- antigen d. Self- antigen 112 / 321 112) The major role of the complement C3b is to work in conjunction with: a. T-cell for production of lymphokines b. Antibodies to opsonize cells c. Antibodies to lyse cells antgen d. MHC for cell recognition 113 / 321 113) Which of the following is a β structural chain in class I MHC?: a. β2 –microglobin b. α2 c. β1 d. α1 114 / 321 114) The following answers are true for IgM antibodies, EXCEPT: a. Cause of allergy b. Fix complement c. Anti infectious d. Pentametric form 115 / 321 115) These cells can be infected by Mycobacterium tuberculosis: a. Macrophage b. Eosinophil c. Lymphocyte d. Neutrophil 116 / 321 116) Identity the phagocytic cells that have Toll like Receptor on their membrane: a. Basophil b. Neutrophil c. Macrophage d. Eosinophil 117 / 321 117) The percentage of lymphocytes leave the thymus to become mature immunocompetent T cells is?: a. 2% b. 98% c. 10% d. 90% 118 / 321 118) Light chains are : a. Have only a constant region b. Specific for each class of antibody c. Reactive with antigen d. Complement fixation 119 / 321 119) The following activities are belong to the B-cells : a. Act as antigen-processing cells b. Antibodies response to antigens c. Receptor antigen monovalent d. Differentiate into plasma cells 120 / 321 120) Which of the following is NOT true of interleukins?: a. Relation between cells of immune system b. They have receptors on the target cell. c. Produced by cells of the immune system. d. They bind antigen with a high specificity 121 / 321 121) In chronic infection of hepatitis B, the antibody persists in the whole life is?: a. HBcAg b. HBsAb c. HBsAg d. HBcAb 122 / 321 122) The answers below are characteristic of antigen, EXCEPT: a. Are toxin b. React with antibody c. Contain epitopes d. Contain paratopes 123 / 321 123) The functional activity of the T-cell: a. Occurs after recognition of an epitope b. All answers c. Is related with CD4 or CD8 associated polypeptides d. Can be mediated through cytokines 124 / 321 124) The following statement is the basic monomeric immunoglobulin unit, EXCEPT: a. Composed of glycoproptein chains b. Same protein type for all antibody classes c. The receptor is TCR d. Able to associate with J- chain to form multimers 125 / 321 125) The following answers is receptor for complement on immunoglobulins: a. Heavy chain b. Hinge region c. Fab region d. Fc region 126 / 321 126) The following vaccines is not used in United State?: a. Varicella b. Polio c. Tuberculsis d. Hepatitis A 127 / 321 127) The following diseases can be prevented by vaccination?: a. Hepatitis C and E b. Hepatitis B and C c. Hepatitis D and C d. Hepatitis A and B 128 / 321 128) Which of the following are mechanisms for neutrophil phagocytosis: a. Azerophilic granules and defensins b. Azerophilic granules c. Hydrolytic enzymes d. defensins 129 / 321 129) The drug to cure post exposure of HBV is?: a. IgG b. IgA c. IgM d. IgE 130 / 321 130) Which of the following is antiviral: a. Protein b. Hormone c. Interferon d. Lysozyme 131 / 321 131) Which cell is Monocyte: a. CD14 b. CD8 c. CD15 d. CD4 132 / 321 132) The region of immunoglobulin term: Binds to various cellular receptors and to complement: a. Fab region b. Heavy chain c. Fc region d. Light chain 133 / 321 133) Which of the following is NOT a structural chain in class I MHC?: a. α2 b. β1 c. α1 d. β2 –microglobin 134 / 321 134) The followings statement are TRUE, EXCEPT : a. MHC Class I generally occur on all cells of the immune system b. MHC Class II bind antigen and are recognized by the T-cell receptor and the CD4 c. MHC Class II carrying antigen presented to cytotoxic T cells d. MHC Class 1 bind antigen fragments and are recognized by the Tc-cell receptor 135 / 321 135) One principal function of the Class I and Class II major histocompatibility complex is to: a. Stimulate production of interleukins b. Transduce the signal to the T-cell interior c. Help T cell for the recognition Antigen d. Mediate immunoglobulin class 136 / 321 136) The following viral hepatitis is enteric hepatitis?: a. Hepatitis D b. Hepatitis A c. Heepatitis C d. Hepatitis B 137 / 321 137) Which immunoglobulin is the principal one that is unkown function: a. IgG b. IgA c. IgM d. IgD 138 / 321 138) Which nonspecific defense cells specialize in attacking cancer cells and virus-infected cells?: a. NK cells b. TH cells c. B cells d. Macrophages 139 / 321 139) Which cell is Granulocyte: a. Monocyte b. Basophil c. Macrophage d. Lymphocyte 140 / 321 140) The function of MHC class II is: a. Presentation Ag to Th cell b. Recognized by CD4 c. Unable to carry antigen fragment d. Recognized by the CD8 141 / 321 141) Complement deficiencies of C3b can cause: a. Predisposition to SLE b. Glucose oxidase deficiency c. Bacterial infection d. Overproduction of C2b 142 / 321 142) Which of the following statements about leukocyte function is false?: a. Eosinophils kill parasites b. Neutrophils phagocytose pathogens . c. Eosinophils release histamine . d. Leukocytes are cells of the immune response. 143 / 321 143) Where is the variable region of Immunoglobulin?: a. CH3 b. VL c. CH2 d. CL 144 / 321 144) Which of the following are true statements: a. IgE lyses allergen b. IgM and IgG can fix complement c. IgD provides immunization d. IgA can fix complement 145 / 321 145) The followings statement are FALSE for Target cell lysis and destruction : a. Tc recognizing specific epitopes b. C3b fix to IgG and IgM which have epitopes c. Perforin released from Tc d. C3b fix to IgE which have epitopes 146 / 321 146) The class of an immunoglobulin is determined by: a. The light chain b. Class I and II MHC c. The antigen d. The heavy chain 147 / 321 147) The J-chain is : a. For immunoglobulin multimer formation b. For immunoglobulin multimer formation and Facilitates secretion of pentameric lgM c. Facilitates secretion of pentameric lgM d. Made only by epithelial cells 148 / 321 148) The following statements are not true for Immunoglobins a. Possess both variable and constant regions b. All have receptors for complement c. Five major classes of immunoglobulin d. They have Fab 149 / 321 149) How many receptors for antigen on the surface of T lymphocyte: a. 1 b. 10 c. 2 d. 4 150 / 321 150) The J-chain of immunoglobulin is : a. Made by T cells b. Present in IgG c. Present in IgM d. Made only by epithelial cells 151 / 321 151) The Natural Killer Cells work in the immune system : a. Kill extracellular antigen b. Innate immunity c. Adaptive immunity and Innate immunity d. Adaptive immunity 152 / 321 152) Clinical abnormalities of the Immune system can result from the activities below: a. Abnormal lymphocyte proliferation b. Plasma cells secrete antibody c. Neutrophils kill bacteria d. T cell secrete cytokine 153 / 321 153) Class of immunoglobulins occurs : a. Mediates immunoglobulin class switching b. Causes the histamine release c. Binds complement d. Immunizations, going from IgM to IgG 154 / 321 154) The basic monomeric Immunoglobulin unit is: a. One of five major classes b. Four polypeptide chains and One of five major classes c. Four polypeptide chains d. Synthesized by a T-cell 155 / 321 155) The Biological Effects of C3b is : a. Susceptibility to bacterial infections b. Lack of opsonisation c. Phagocyte activation d. Anaphylaxia 156 / 321 156) The following immunoglobulin(s) become monomer when they attaché antigen : a. IgG b. IgE c. IgA d. IgM 157 / 321 157) These organ is primary lymphoid organ of human?: a. Thymus b. Tonsil c. Spleen d. Lymph node 158 / 321 158) In chronic infection of hepatitis B, the antigen persists in the whole life are?: a. HBsAg b. HBcAg c. HBeAg d. All answers 159 / 321 159) Which type of cell destroys body cells that cause by infection?: a. Memory T cells b. Memory B cells c. Cytotoxic T cells d. Plasma B cells 160 / 321 160) Skin is a________ barrier: a. Physiological b. Phagocytic c. Inflammatory d. Anatomical 161 / 321 161) The component of immune system that can cause fever is : a. T lymphocytes b. Complement c. Immunoglobulin d. Macrophage 162 / 321 162) The C5 convertase of Classic and Lectin pathway is: a. C4b2b3a b. C4b2a4b c. C3bBb3b d. C4b2a3b 163 / 321 163) All of the following are true with respect to IgM antibodies, EXCEPT : a. They occur on the surface of lymphocytes b. They fix complement c. They mediate allergic reaction d. They are glycoproteins 164 / 321 164) Immunoglobulins are chemically: a. Glycogens b. Glycolipids c. Glycoproteins d. D. Lipo-proteins 165 / 321 165) Individuals make up over C4a would be expected to have: a. Liver disease b. Bacteria c. Diabetis d. Anaphylaxia 166 / 321 166) The following statement are MOST closely related to each, EXCEPT: a. Epitope b. Allergen c. Antibody d. Antigen 167 / 321 167) The chronic HCV infection develop hepatocellular carcinoma in the rate of?: a. 20% b. 10% c. 5% d. 50% 168 / 321 168) Which of the following is NOT a major feature (characteristic) of the adaptive immune system?: a. Specificity b. Improvement c. Memory d. Diversity 169 / 321 169) The most infection chronic and acute HBV is in?: a. Male b. Children c. Adult d. Female 170 / 321 170) How many percentage of chronic HBV infection can lead to Cirrhosis?: a. 50% b. 25% c. 10% d. 15% 171 / 321 171) Molecule binding to their receptors at high affinity : a. Antibody b. Antigen c. All answer d. Cytokines 172 / 321 172) The following cells are cells mediated immunity in adaptive immune response?: a. All answers b. B cells c. Tc cells d. T cells 173 / 321 173) Which cell is directly secreted immunoglobulin: a. Macrophage b. Plasma cell c. B lymphocyte d. T lymphocyte 174 / 321 174) B Cells are activated by?: a. Antibody b. Antigen c. Memory cells d. Interferon 175 / 321 175) The fragment of Antigen is called: a. Antigenic determinant b. Immunoglbulin c. Hapten d. Immunogen 176 / 321 176) The following receptor is for T cells?: a. TCR b. Scavenger receptor c. Toll like receptor d. BCR 177 / 321 177) The incubation period of HBV in the body is?: a. 45-180 days b. 30-90 days c. 60-100 days d. 30-60 days 178 / 321 178) The component of immune system that can cause inflammation is : a. T lymphocytes b. Macrophage c. Complement d. Immunoglobulin 179 / 321 179) The classical pathway of the complement is initiated by: a. Factor B b. C1qrs c. MBL d. C3 180 / 321 180) Class II MHC are : a. Not able to carry an antigen fragment b. Used to kill by cytotoxic T-cells c. Used to participate in cytotoxic function d. Recognized by the CD4 protein