Immunology Test

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Immunology Test


1 / 60

The pathway of the complement that can lyse bacteria is:

2 / 60

The basic monomeric Immunoglobulin unit is:

3 / 60

The type of an immunoglobulin is determined by:

4 / 60

The component of immune system that can cause inflammation is :

5 / 60

Which type of antibody is MOST effective in activating complement?:

6 / 60

The tests below show that patient has an chronic infection of HBV?:

7 / 60

To stabilise the C3 convertase of the alternative pathway, the factors below are useful :

8 / 60

The function of cytokines are :

9 / 60

The vaccine prepared from living and inactivated microbe is considered as?:

10 / 60

Which of the following DOES NOT play a role in antigen presentation:

11 / 60

The following hepatitis can be prevented by vaccination :

12 / 60

Intracellular pathogen is presented to the Tc by:

13 / 60

In the complement system, the classic pathway initiates by the complement :

14 / 60

Which nonspecific defense cells specialize in attacking cancer cells and virus-infected cells?:

15 / 60

These blood cells have memory after pathogens infection, EXCEPT? TH cells?:

16 / 60

Which of the following is a β structural chain in class I MHC?:

17 / 60

Which of the immune cells/molecules are effective to neutralise and opsonse extracellular

18 / 60

These cytokines secreted by T helper cell?:

19 / 60

All of the following statements are true for the diagnosis of HBV infection, EXCEPT?:

20 / 60

The following immunoglobulin(s) become monomer when they attaché antigen :

21 / 60

Which of the following antibody fragments consists of a dimer of the heavy-chain constant
region but lacks the CH1 domains?:

22 / 60

Lymphocytes that develop immunocompetence in the thymus are?:

23 / 60

The immunoglobulin class which is the least abundant in the normal adult is :

24 / 60

When hepatitis vaccin start to use since year?:

25 / 60

The following statements are true for Antibodies, EXCEPT:

26 / 60

Clinical abnormalities of the Immune system can result from the activities below:

27 / 60

The function of major histocompatibility complex is:

28 / 60

Clinical abnormalities of the Immune system can result from the following statement, EXCEPT:

29 / 60

Papain cleaves what region of immunoglobulin?:

30 / 60

The screening test for HBV infection is?:

31 / 60

Immunoglobulins do which of the following?:

32 / 60

Complements are chemically:

33 / 60

Biological effect of Complement C3a is:

34 / 60

Which immunoglobulin is the principal one that is unkown function:

35 / 60

Molecule binding to their receptors at high affinity :

36 / 60

T- independent antigen presented to the following lymphocyte?:

37 / 60

The cancer of T cells are called?:

38 / 60

The function of Natural Killer cell is:

39 / 60

Which cell is directly secreted immunoglobulin:

40 / 60

The answer below is/are artificial active immunization?:

41 / 60

In a chronic infection of Hepatitis B, the typical serologic course are :

42 / 60

Class II MHC are :

43 / 60

The variable regions in the heavy chains participate in:

44 / 60

T cells secreted cytokine to activate cells in blood vessel, This phenomen is called:

45 / 60

The Natural Killer Cells work in the immune system :

46 / 60

The following statements are true for Antibodies

47 / 60

Which of the followings are TRUE regarding an Immune response:

48 / 60

Superantigens presented to T cells by :

49 / 60

The incubation period of HBV in the body is?:

50 / 60

The tests below show that patient is susceptible to an HBV infection?:

51 / 60

The function of immune system is to response:

52 / 60

The following statements are true for Antibodies:

53 / 60

Which of the following components of the adaptive immune system secretes immunoglobulin

54 / 60

The following statement are for Target cell lysis and destruction, EXCEPT:

55 / 60

All of these tests show that patient has been infected with HBV, EXCEPT?:

56 / 60

Which of the following binds to an Fc receptor on mast cells and basophils?:

57 / 60

The following answer is the function of IgG, EXCEPT :

58 / 60

The immunoglobulin(s) that have long hinge region are/is:

59 / 60

The family of hepatitis C virus is?:

60 / 60

Which of the following immunoglobulin is first synthesized in an immune system to response
an pathogen?:

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