Information Technology Test

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Information Technology Test


1 / 60

Handout Master is defined by _______________.?

2 / 60

Formatting a cell in Currency, you can specify _______________.?

3 / 60

Page Up Key uses for ___________________________________.?

4 / 60

Which of the following commands is used to insert a cell into a worksheet?

5 / 60

Which of the following is not a function of the control unit?

6 / 60

Which of the following component displays the contents of active cell?

7 / 60

When you modify the ribbon, which of the following is created?

8 / 60

β€œCTR+PageDown” is used to ______________________________.?

9 / 60

Which would you choose to move selected text from one place to another?

10 / 60

___________ is the raw material used as input and ___________ is the processed data obtained as
output of data processing.?

11 / 60

A desktop computer is also known as a ___________.?

12 / 60

What is the advantage of using SPSS over calculating statistics by hand?

13 / 60

The default file extension for a 2016 Power Point presentation is _____________.?

14 / 60

When you type a document on a computer, every letter you type is saved to the computer’s
___________ or temporary storage area.?

15 / 60

Which enables us to send the same letter to different persons?

16 / 60

Which of the following is an acceptable name for a named range?

17 / 60

Which of the following can be customized for quicker access to your most commonly used

18 / 60

Approximately what percentage of people would have scores lower than an individual with a
z-score of 1.65 in a normally distributed sample?

19 / 60

The physical devices of a computer are called _________.?

20 / 60

An arrow in the lower-right corner of a group on the ribbon tells you that which of the following
is available?

21 / 60

What is entered by the function =TODAY()?

22 / 60

Which is the basic element of Power Point?

23 / 60

A person who designs the programs in a software package is called _________.?

24 / 60

Which feature enables you to preview headers and footers, page breaks, and other features that
will print?

25 / 60

You want to format a cell so the text is spread evenly throughout the cell, wrapping
automatically and adjusting the row height, if necessary. Which of the following alignment
options should be used?

26 / 60

In word processing, an efficient way to move the 3rd paragraph to place it after the 5th
paragraph is _________.?

27 / 60

What is the file extension of Spreadsheet Application?

28 / 60

How can you remove borders applied in cells?

29 / 60

The hardware device commonly referred to as the β€˜brain’ of the computer is the ______.?

30 / 60

An experimenter measured 30 children’s IQ. He then rank-ordered the children and assigned
them a score from 30 (most intelligent) to 1 (least intelligent) to create a new variable. Does this new
variable consist of _____________.?

31 / 60

What does LAN stand for?

32 / 60

Shortcut key for the Slide Show view is ___________.?

33 / 60

If a user needs information instantly available to the CPU, it should be stored __________.?

34 / 60

In which sub-dialog box can the Chi Square test be found?

35 / 60

___________ is the key we use to run the selected command.?

36 / 60

Which of the following are assumptions underlying the use of parametric tests (based on the
normal distribution)?

37 / 60

The smallest unit of data in computer is ____________.?

38 / 60

How much information can be stored in a kilobyte?

39 / 60

When a formatted number does not fit within a cell, it displays ___________.?

40 / 60

END Key used to ___________________.?

41 / 60

How many sheets are there, by default, when we create a new Excel file?

42 / 60

__________ key is used for Help in Power Point.?

43 / 60

The main directory of a disk is called the __________ directory.?

44 / 60

The file formats ________________ can add to power point shows.?

45 / 60

What do you call a a specific instruction designed to do a task?

46 / 60

WWW means __________.?

47 / 60

The process of transferring files from a computer on the Internet to your computer is called

48 / 60

What is the shortcut key to β€œUndo” the last action in a document?

49 / 60

Which part of the computer is used for calculating and comparing?

50 / 60

What is the file extension of word processing Application?

51 / 60

Which command would you use to save a document for the first time?

52 / 60

Which of the following is not useful for changing the font size?

53 / 60

__________ are often delivered to a PC through an e-mail attachment and are often designed to
do harm.?

54 / 60

Which of the following is where you can save, select a template, change document properties,
and close or exit Excel?

55 / 60

What does the operation “Recode Into Different Variables” do to the data?

56 / 60

The collection of links throughout the Internet creates an interconnected network called the

57 / 60

What is the relationship between the sum of squared errors (SS), the sample size (n) and the
variance (s2)?

58 / 60

A Button you can click to take you to a different slide, a file, a website, sound, etc. is called

59 / 60

The only language which the computer understands is _____________.?

60 / 60

The set of programs which consists of full documentation. ?

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