Microbiologie Test

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Microbiologie Test


1 / 60

Enterobacter αž‡αžΆαž”αžΆαž€αŸ‹αžαŸαžšαžΈ αŸ–



2 / 60

αžšαŸ„αž‚αžŸαž‰αŸ’αž‰αžΆ αž‚αŸ’αž›αžΈαž“αž·αž€ Specific αžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹ Cholerae :



3 / 60

Symptom of active tuberculosis is



4 / 60

Prevention for tuberculosis is



5 / 60

Serratia is sensitive to



6 / 60

Klebsiella is sensitive to



7 / 60

Enterobacter αž”αž„αŸ’αž€αž‡αž˜αŸ’αž„αžΊ αŸ–



8 / 60

Citrobacter αž‡αžΆαž”αžΆαž€αŸ‹αžαŸαžšαžΈ αŸ–



9 / 60

Vibrio αž‡αžΆαž”αžΆαž€αŸ‹αžαŸαžšαžΈ αŸ–



10 / 60

Cholerae αž”αžŽαŸ’αžαžΆαž›αž’αŸ„αž™αž’αŸ’αž“αž€αž‡αž˜αŸ’αž„αžΊαžŸαŸ’αž›αžΆαž”αŸ‹αžŠαŸ„αž™αžŸαžΆαžš αŸ–



11 / 60

Mycobacterium tuberculosis αž†αŸ’αž›αž„αžαžΆαž˜ αŸ–


12 / 60

A 17-year female was admitted complaining about a fever of 39.3oC and vomiting. She started
her menstrual period 4 days before she became ill. On the next day of admission, she had continued
fever, vomiting and loose stools. She was hypotensive of SBP of 78 & DBP 54 mmHg with a heart
rate of 120 beats per min. Physical exam found most prominent erythematous rash on her trunk.
Cultures were obtained from vaginal specimen show catalase positive, Gram positive cocci of
staphylococcus colonies. Which cytokines are responsible for systemic shock syndrome?

13 / 60

A 14-year-old male is brought to the Emergency Department by his mother. She is worried
because his face has become puffy and his urine has turned a tea-color. Patient history reveals the
child recently suffered from a sore throat. The physician suspects a bacterial infection. Which of the
following describes the likely bacterium responsible?

14 / 60

Which of the following bacteria have been found to be most resistant to the drug vancomycin?

15 / 60

A 6-year-old boy developed an erythematous rash around his face and arms. Swollen lymph nodes around the infection were reported on the physical examination but no other abnormality. A gram- positive and coagulase positive cocci were identified. What is most likely pathogen for above condition?

16 / 60

A 4-year boy was admitted establish the diagnosis of a generalized skin rash and fever. The
family histories were not known because the boy was in care center from age of 2 months. The boy
experienced frequent upper respiratory infections and tonsillitis. Diffused epidermal exfoliation from
the face, thorax, members, and scalp were observed. Culture of injured skin was positive for
Staphylococcus aureus. What factor is responsible for the problem?

17 / 60

A 25-y woman came to ER having 5-hour of fever, rash, and altered mental status. Her BP is low (76/58) and HR is fast. After physical exam, a used tampon is removed from genital tract. Culture of vaginal and nasal specimen reveals Gram positive in cluster. What most likely mechanism is responsible for problem?

18 / 60

A 19-y sexually active woman came to OPD having dysuria and pain when urinating. Urine
culture reveals Gram positive, Coagulase negative and novobiocin negative cocci. What pathogen is
most likely causing the presenting problem?

19 / 60

A 6-year-old boy presents to his pediatrician for sore throat and a headache. His symptoms
began approximately 2 days ago and have not improved. The boy appears uncomfortable and feels
warm. Physical examination is notable for perioral crusted lesions with tonsillar swelling with
exudates. Pharyngeal swap reveals gram positive cocci, with catalase negative and bacitracin
sensitive. Which Lancefield group the pathogen belongs?

20 / 60

Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. are

21 / 60

A 55-year-old man came to IPD complaining of weakness, malaise, and cough. He has history of
smoking and social drinking. General condition upon admission was moderate: axillar temperature of
38 Β°C, respiratory rate of 21/min, SpO2 of 92%, heart rate at 90 beats/min, and blood pressure of
130/70 mm Hg. Bilateral pneumonia was suspected on chest-x ray. Culture of sputum showed
coagulase positive, Gram positive cocci. Which of the following microorganism causes for this

22 / 60

What is the most common type of infection caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae?

23 / 60

A 17-year female was admitted complaining about a fever of 39.3oC and vomiting. She started
her menstrual period 4 days before she became ill. Physical exam found most prominent
erythematous rash on her trunk. Vaginal specimen revealed Staphylococcus aureus. The patient was
given intravenous fluids and IV antibiotics and transported to the hospital. Which is true about the

24 / 60

Which biochemical test to distinguish between Staph epidermidis and Staph areus?

25 / 60

A 17-year female was admitted complaining about a fever of 39.3oC and vomiting. She started
her menstrual period 4 days before she became ill. Physical exam found most prominent
erythematous rash on her trunk. Vaginal specimen shows catalase positive, Gram positive cocci. The
patient was given intravenous fluids and IV antibiotics and transported to the hospital. Which of the
following microorganism causes the condition?

26 / 60

A 6-year-old boy presents to his pediatrician for sore throat and a headache. His symptoms
began approximately 2 days ago and have not improved. The boy appears uncomfortable and feels
warm. Physical examination is notable for perioral crusted lesions with tonsillar swelling with
exudates. Pharyngeal swap reveals gram positive cocci, with catalase negative and bacitracin
sensitive. Which group of hemolysis the pathogen belong?

27 / 60

The bacteria involved in the production of dental caries is

28 / 60

A 10-year-old male is taken to his physician by his parents due to a sore throat. The bacteria
from throat specimen are gram-positive and bacitracin inhibits their growth. The child is given
treatment of Penicillin G and sent home. 20 years later, the patient presents to the emergency
department with dyspnea on exertion and CXR showed an enlarged cardiac silhouette and
pulmonary edema. The patient’s current symptomatology most likely occurred secondary to which of
the following?

29 / 60

A 19-y sexually active woman came to OPD having dysuria and pain when urinating. Urine
culture reveals Gram positive, catalase positive cocci. Which two lab tests would be most helpful to
distinguish the causal organism from other members?

30 / 60

Le pou de teΜ‚te, Pediculus capitis est:

31 / 60

Le thérapeutique pour traiter les microfilaires lymphatiques est:

32 / 60

La puce chique ou Tunga penetrans est :

33 / 60

Les aouΜ‚tats sont des larves de Thrombicula autumnalis qui appartient au groupe des trombidions.

Ce sont des parasites:

34 / 60

Les ixodes doivent trouver combiens d’hoΜ‚tes successifs pour asurer leur dévelppement:

35 / 60

Aspergillose diffuse invasive correspond au développement des champignons dans quelle partie du corps human?

36 / 60

Combien de pourcentage les Aspergillus fumigatus est responsable des aspergilloses humaines ?

37 / 60

Les tiques peuvent se transmettre :

38 / 60

La gale est un ectoparasite qui se localise

39 / 60

La contamination se fait par voie:

40 / 60

Le diagnostic biologique des microfilaires de W. bancrofti se fait par :

41 / 60

Parmi les caracteΜ€res attribués aux poux humains, lequel est exact?

42 / 60

Parmi les parasites suivants lesquels sont responsables de myiases furonculoïdes

43 / 60

Les tiques sont :

44 / 60

Les tiques appartiennent aΜ€ la famille suivantes:

45 / 60

Le plus important signe clinique de la gale est:

46 / 60

Parmi les propositions suivantes concernant la clinique de la pneumocystose, laquelle est vraies ?

47 / 60

Les contres indications de l’hirudotherapie sont :

48 / 60

La complication générale aΜ€ distance du shigellose est :

49 / 60

Il existe 4 groupes/espeΜ€ces de Shigella et multiples sérotypes qui peuvent rendre malade. Le groupe ou espeΜ€ces de Shigella qui a le nombre de sérotype le plus petit est le shigella:

50 / 60

Les salmonella mesurent :

51 / 60

Les caracteΜ€res bactériologiques de l’haemophilus influenza Hib pousse dans des conditions :

52 / 60

Le vaccin contre les infections aΜ€ méningocoques B utilisé dans le cas :

53 / 60

Complication D’E-coli:

54 / 60

Les complications locales du shigellose sont :

55 / 60

Le nom du Bordetella qui est l’hoΜ‚te spécifique des mammifeΜ€res est :

56 / 60

La pseudomonas aeruginosa produit :

57 / 60

SymptoΜ‚mes au niveau général de la légionellose :

58 / 60

La morphologie du cryptococcose est de la forme :

59 / 60

Définition d’Escherichia coli : E-coli est une :

60 / 60

Les sangsues sont classées au groupe des :

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