Microbiologie Test

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Microbiologie Test


1 / 60

During one week, a 7-year boy develops pustules on his face. Then, some of the pustules break,
forming shallow erosions in appearance of a honey-colored crust. Next, new lesions form around the
crust. The boy’s¬ father has similar lesions after one week of the son’s illness. The Gram stain from a
skin pustule showed gram positive in grape-like clusters. The colonies were catalase positive. What
is the most likely microorganism?

2 / 60

A 10-year-old male is taken to his physician by his parents due to a sore throat. The bacteria
from throat specimen are gram-positive and bacitracin inhibits their growth. The child is given
treatment of Penicillin G and sent home. 20 years later, the patient presents to the emergency
department with dyspnea on exertion and CXR showed an enlarged cardiac silhouette and
pulmonary edema. The patient’s current symptomatology most likely occurred secondary to which of
the following?

3 / 60

Which of bacteria having property of catalase positive, coagulase negative and Novobiocin sensitive?

4 / 60

A 17-year female was admitted complaining about a fever of 39.3oC and vomiting. She started
her menstrual period 4 days before she became ill. On the next day of admission, she had continued
fever, vomiting and loose stools. She was hypotensive of SBP of 78 & DBP 54 mmHg with a heart
rate of 120 beats per min. Physical exam found most prominent erythematous rash on her trunk.
Cultures were obtained from vaginal specimen show catalase positive, Gram positive cocci. The
patient was given intravenous fluids and IV antibiotics and transported to the hospital. Which
pathogen causes the systemic syndrome?

5 / 60

A 25-y woman came to ER having 5-hour of fever, rash, and altered mental status. Her BP is low (76/58) and HR is fast. After physical exam, a used tampon is removed from genital tract. Culture ofvaginal and nasal specimen reveals Gram positive in cluster. What factor is responsible for systemic shock syndrome?

6 / 60

Which of the following bacteria have been found to be most resistant to the drug vancomycin?

7 / 60

60-man is hospitalized for pneumonia and urine catheter is placed. Patient feels better after 2
days, however he has dysuria and urgency. A urine culture reveals gramm+ in pairs and chain.
Antibiogram is resistant to vancomycin.What is most likely pathogen for this condition?

8 / 60

A 14-year-old male is brought to the Emergency Department by his mother. She is worried
because his face has become puffy and his urine has turned a tea-color. Patient history reveals the
child recently suffered from a sore throat. The physician suspects a bacterial infection. Which of the
following describes the likely bacterium responsible?

9 / 60

Staphylococcus spp. and Streptococcus spp. are

10 / 60

A 10-year-old male is taken to his physician by his parents due to a sore throat. The bacteria
from throat specimen are gram-positive and bacitracin inhibits their growth. The child is given
treatment of Penicillin G and sent home. Which of the following is most likely cause the problem?

11 / 60

Part of the success of the Streptococcus pyogenes bacterium lies in its ability to evade
phagocytosis. Which of the following helps in this evasion?

12 / 60

A 39-y patient is on Central Venous Perfusion line in an ICU. Culture around the line grows
Gramm positive, Coagulase negative cocci in cluster. What the pathogen most likely reacts with
Novobiocin test?

13 / 60

A 6-year-old boy presents to his pediatrician for sore throat and a headache. His symptoms
began approximately 2 days ago and have not improved. The boy appears uncomfortable and feels
warm. Physical examination is notable for perioral crusted lesions with tonsillar swelling with
exudates. Pharyngeal swap reveals gram positive cocci, with catalase negative and bacitracin
sensitive. Which Lancefield group the pathogen belongs?

14 / 60

A 6-year-old boy presents to his pediatrician for sore throat and a headache. His symptoms
began approximately 2 days ago and have not improved. The boy appears uncomfortable and feels
warm. Physical examination is notable for perioral crusted lesions with tonsillar swelling with
exudates. Pharyngeal swap reveals gram positive cocci, with catalase negative and bacitracin
sensitive. Which group of hemolysis the pathogen belong?

15 / 60

La période d’incubation de la salmonella est en général :

16 / 60

La morphologie du méningocoque est de la forme :

17 / 60

Escherichia coli présente :

18 / 60

Le Méningocoque est une/un :

19 / 60

Il existe 4 groupes/espèces de Shigella et multiples sérotypes qui peuvent rendre malade. Le groupe ou espèces de Shigella qui a le nombre de sérotype le plus petit est le shigella:

20 / 60

La cryptococcose est due une :

21 / 60

La pseudomonas aeruginosa produit :

22 / 60

Les sangsues sont classées au groupe des :

23 / 60

Le Bordetella est un

24 / 60

Periode incubation du légionellose est de :

25 / 60

Parmi les propositions suivantes concernant la pneumocystose, laquelle est vraies ?

26 / 60

Un sujet malien résidant en France depuis 10 mois sans retour au pays consulte pour une ulcération de la malléole externe. Cette lésion serait apparue à la suite de la rupture d’une phlyctène, survenue elle même spontanément, sans aucun traumatisme ni piqûre. De quelle parasitose s’agit-il vraisemblablement ?
Quel est le pourcentage de lésions au niveau des membres inférieurs dans la dracunculose?

27 / 60

Ectoparasitoses : Poux (pédiculoses), puces, punaises et tiques Pthirus pubis(1)

28 / 60

Comment confirmez-vous le diagnostic les dermatophytoses ?

29 / 60

Un sujet malien résidant en France depuis 10 mois sans retour au pays consulte pour une ulcération de la malléole externe. Cette lésion serait apparue à la suite de la rupture d’une phlyctène, survenue elle même spontanément, sans aucun traumatisme ni piqûre. De quelle parasitose s’agit-il vraisemblablement ?
Quel traitement est à mettre en œuvre suite à l’extériorisation d’une dracunculose ?

30 / 60

L’agent de la gale humaine, Sarcopte scabiei

31 / 60

Les tiques sont :

32 / 60

Malassezia furfur est une levure connue de longue date en pathologie humaine, responsable :

33 / 60

La pneumocystose est une parasitose cosmopolite due à un micro-organisme extra-cellulaire appelé:

34 / 60

Parmi les propositions suivantes quelle est celle se rapportant à la gale?

35 / 60

Les tiques peuvent se transmettre les maladies suivantes:

36 / 60

Des programmes de lutte contre les filarioses sont actuellement officiellement en cours en Afrique pour:

37 / 60

Le diagnostic de l’hypodermose à Hypoderma bovis se fait :

38 / 60

Les manifestations cliniques de la Bancroftose :

39 / 60

Combien de pourcentage les Aspergillus fumigatus est responsable des aspergilloses humaines ?

40 / 60

Un sujet malien résidant en France depuis 10 mois sans retour au pays consulte pour une ulcération de la malléole externe. Cette lésion serait apparue à la suite de la rupture d’une phlyctène, survenue elle même spontanément, sans aucun traumatisme ni piqûre. De quelle parasitose s’agit-il vraisemblablement ?
Quelle(s) mesure(s) peut (peuvent) contribuer à l’éradication de la dracunculose ?

41 / 60

Jean de retour de 10 jours de vacances au Sénégal vient vous consulter pour le motif ci-dessous (voir photo).
Quelles mesures de prevention permettent d’éviter l’apparition de tells lesions?

42 / 60

La transmission des Filarioses lymphatiques (Bancroftose, Wuchereriose ou Brugiose) se fait par:


43 / 60

Mycobacterium leprae ឆ្លងតាម ៖



44 / 60

Symptom of active tuberculosis is



45 / 60

Cholerae បណ្តាលអោយអ្នកជម្ងឺស្លាប់ដោយសារ ៖



46 / 60

Citrobacter is sensitive to



47 / 60

Citrobacter ជាបាក់តេរី ៖



48 / 60

Serratia ជាបាក់តេរី ៖



49 / 60

ការចម្លងរោគដែលបង្កអោយជា Cholerae តាមរយៈ :



50 / 60

Klebsiella ជាបាក់តេរី ៖



51 / 60

រោគសញ្ញា គ្លីនិក Specific របស់ Cholerae :



52 / 60

Mycobacterium leprae បង្កជម្ងឺ ៖



53 / 60

Klebsiella បង្កជម្ងឺ ៖



54 / 60

Incubation period of Cholerae is



55 / 60

Vibrio ជាបាក់តេរី ៖



56 / 60

Serratia បង្កជម្ងឺ ៖



57 / 60

Enterobacter ជាបាក់តេរី ៖



58 / 60

ការចម្លងរោគដែលបង្កអោយជា Cholerae តាមរយៈ :



59 / 60

Prevention for leprosy is



60 / 60

Klebsiella is sensitive to


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The average score is 90%


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