/215 37 Operative Dentistry I Preparation (Dr. Khov Sok) 1 / 215 1) What is the main cause of dental caries?: a. Bacteria b. Plaque/tartar c. Acides d. Poor oral hygiene 2 / 215 2) αα αααα»α Dental Trauma, crown fracture αα½αααΆα: a. Enamel-Dentin-Pulp Fracture b. Enamel Fracture c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Enamel-Dentin Fracture 3 / 215 3) What does “aseptic” mean during indirect pulp capping: a. Introduce new bacteria to the cavity b. Not introduce any new bacteria – or any other micro-organisms – into the area c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Prevent the dental caries from the cavity 4 / 215 4) Caries-infected dentine ααααΆααααΆαααα ααΎαααααΌα : a. αα·αααΆα αααΆααα b. αααααΈααΎαααααααα c. ααΆαααα ααα’ααα’αα αα αα»ααααααα d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 5 / 215 5) Caries-infected dentine : a. Dentine Tubular Structure α αΆααααααΎαααΆα αααααααα·αααααΎ b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. ααΆααααΆα αααΆαααΆαααα αα ααααΆαααα»αααααα·α ααΆα d. ααααΆααααΆααα»α αααα bacteria αα·α ααΆα 6 / 215 6) Fiber Optic Transillumination ααααΆαααα»ααα Dental Caries ααΆαα αααΎααα :: a. Lingual b. Occlusal c. Buccal d. Proximal 7 / 215 7) Carious pulp exposure, ααΆααααα»ααα αα»ααααα carious lesion α αΌααααααα dentine-pulp α αΎα : a. toxin αα αααα»α Bacteria αα·ααααααα αΌααα ααα Enamel b. toxin αα αααα»α Bacteria αα·ααααααα αΌααα ααα pulpal tissue c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. toxin αα αααα»α Bacteria αα·ααααααα αΌααα ααα dentine 8 / 215 8) Bruxism difficult to do restoration because : a. There are no stable occlusal b. The height of crown are short c. ααΆααααΈαααΆαααΎ d. The proximal is too big 9 / 215 9) Liner, they act as cavity sealers and may have the additional therapeutic benefits of: a. Antibacterial properties b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Fluoride release d. Adhesion to tooth structure 10 / 215 10) α αΌαααα αααΎαααΆαααααα ααααα·αααα αα αααα»α Diagnosis and Detection of Dental Caries : a. Fiber Optic Transillumination b. Access cavity c. Radiographs d. Detectable explorer 11 / 215 11) Advantage of detectable explorer : a. Can kill the bacteria b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Can fill the cavityα’ααααΆααααΆαααΆαααα αα d. The explorer tip can explore the small carious cavity 12 / 215 12) αα αααα»α Visual methods , 0 ααΆααααααΆ: a. Big change in enamel translucency after prolonged air-drying b. No or slight changes in enamel translucency after prolonged air-drying c. No or slight changes in dentin translucency after prolonged air-drying d. No or slight changes in enamel translucency with no air-drying 13 / 215 13) Erosion affected area: a. Only Buccal surface b. Only occlusal surface c. Only palatal surface d. Labial/palatal surfaces maxillary anteriors, occlusal/buccal surfaces of lower molars 14 / 215 14) Abrasion ααΌαα ααα»αααααΆα ααααΈ: a. α’αΆαααΈα ααΆααααα»α αααα½αααΊ Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) b. Hard tooth brushing (αα»αααααα ααααΆααααα) c. Occlusal tooth-tooth contact d. α’αΆαααΈαααααΈ αααα αααα½α (α αααΈα’αΆα αΆα) 15 / 215 15) Sealer, It has been showed that the application of the same mechanism allows desensitising agents to be equally effective in preventing: a. Amalgam fracture b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Postoperative sensitivity d. Composite fracture 16 / 215 16) Indication for the use of fluoride mouthwash are: a. Patients β₯ 8 years with high caries activity b. Patients with developing root caries c. Patients with orthodontic appliances + dry mouth (xerostomia) d. ααΆααα’ααααααΌα 17 / 215 17) Toothwear ααΊααΆααΆαααΆαααααααααααααααααα: a. ααααα·αα’αΆα αα»ααααα·αααΆα b. αααα½αααααααααααΈ ααΉα αα»ααααα·α c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. ααααα»ααααα·ααα αααααααα 18 / 215 18) What is the main prevention of dental caries?: a. Fluoride b. Oral hygiene c. Brushing d. Regular cleansing 19 / 215 19) Liner, they act as: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Temporary filling c. Cavity sealer d. Permanent filling 20 / 215 20) Cavity liners are placed to a thickness of typically: a. 5mm b. 2mm c. 0.5 mm d. 4mm 21 / 215 21) Abrasion affected area ( αααααααααααα αααααΆαα ) : a. Palatal surfaces b. Occlusal or incisal surface c. Buccally at cervical margin d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 22 / 215 22) Caries-affected dentine: a. ααΆααααΆα αααΆαααΆαααα αα ααααΆα ααα»αααααα·α ααΆα b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. ααααΆααααΆααα»α αααα bacteria αα·α ααΆα d. Dentine Tubular Structure α αΆααααααΎαααΆα αααααααα·αααααΎ 23 / 215 23) αα αααα»α components of the dental exam, Soft Tissue Examination, This examination requires the use of: a. Visual examination b. ααΆααααΈαααΆαααΎ c. Palpation d. Explorer 24 / 215 24) Fluorosis during tooth development in the risk from: a. 4-10 years old b. 1-2 years old c. 2-8 years old d. 1-4 years old 25 / 215 25) ααΌαα ααα» Pathological αααα Toothwear : a. Erosion +Abrasion + Dental Caries b. Erosion + Abrasion + Traumatism c. Erosion + Abrasion + Attrition d. Erosion + Abrasion + Fluorosis 26 / 215 26) Vital pulp therapy aims to treat: a. Reversible pulpal injury b. Function c. Maintain pulp vitality d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 27 / 215 27) αα αααα»α components of the dental exam, Extra-oral Examination ααααΌααα·αα·ααα: a. Neck (Lymph node) b. TMJ + Eyes + Face + Neck (Lymph node) c. TMJ + Eyes d. Face 28 / 215 28) The spots and stains left by fluorosis are: a. Temporary b. permanent and may brown or darken over time c. Disappear later d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 29 / 215 29) The Class II cavity preparation is done in: a. 4 stages b. 1 stage c. 3 stages d. 2 stages 30 / 215 30) ααααααααΌαααΆα αα·α ααααααααα αααααααα½αα ααα½α α’αΆα ααααααΆαααΆααααα½α αααααΆαααααΎα ααααα»αααααα ααΌα ααΆ: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. αααααααααααααα·ααα·α ααΊ ααΆαα α ααααΎα (overhanging margins of restoration) c. ααααααααααΆα pits and fissures αααα αα·α Proximal Surfaces d. αααααααααααΆαα’ααα αΆα αα·α ααααα (cervical) αα·α ααααααααααααα·αααααααα½α (crowded) 31 / 215 31) The Carious Process Lesion Within EDJ, Carious process α’αΆα ααααααα EDJ : a. ααααααα ααΎαααΆCavitation ααΆαααΆαααααααα ααΆααααααααααΈαα·αααααα (brown) b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. αααααααααα ααΎαααΆCavitation ααΆαααΆαααααααα ααΆααααααααααΈαα·α d. αα»αααααα ααΎαααΆCavitation ααΆαααΆαααααααα ααΆααααααααααΈαα·α 32 / 215 32) Dental Caries α’αΆα remineralization αααα‘ααααααααααΆαα·ααααα»α: a. ααααΆααααΆα caries ααα pulp b. ααααΆααααΆα caries ααα dentin αα·αααΆαααΆαααα αα c. ααααΆααααΆαααααΌα early decay αα·ααα·αααΆααααΆαααΆαααα αα d. ααααΆααααΆαααααΌα early decay αα·αααΆαααΆαααα αα 33 / 215 33) Restorative materials α ααα ααααΆ α’ ααααααααΊ: a. Temporary restorative materials + Permanent restorative materials b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Surgery material + endodontic material d. Prosthodontic material + orthodontic material 34 / 215 34) ααΆααααααΈ αααααααα’ααααΆα Dental Caries ααΆααα ααΎ: a. carbohydrate αα·α αα αααα»α α’αΆα αΆαααααΆαα ααααααααΎαααααααααααααααααΆαα b. calcium αα·α αα αααα»α plague biofilm ααααααααΎαααααααααααααααααΆαα c. carbohydrate αα·α αα αααα»α plague biofilm ααααααααΎαααααααααααααααααΆαα d. carbohydrate αα·α αα αααα»α α’αΆαααΈαααααα ααααααααΎαααααααααααααααααΆαα 35 / 215 35) Bi-wing technique is to find: a. Carie class III b. Carie class V c. Carie class II d. Carie class I 36 / 215 36) Carious process Within Dentine, Carious process αααααααααα Dentine α’αααααααΊα’αΆα α αΆααααααΎαααα½αααΌαααΆαααΎαα‘αΎαααααΌααα : a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Root infection c. Acute Pulpitis d. Periodontitis 37 / 215 37) ααα αΆαα Fluoride toothpaste αααααααΌαααααΎ ααΆααΌαα α αααααααΈ: a. 600-1000 ppm b. 5000-8000 ppm c. 2800-5000 ppm d. 1000-1500 ppm 38 / 215 38) The pH α’αΆα ααααΎααααα αΌαααα α¦α ααΆααΈ ααΎααααΈαααααααα ααααααΆαα·α ααααα·αααΎααΆααααα½α ααΈ α ααααααα’αΆαααααααΉαααΆαα (buffering capacity of saliva ) αα·αααΆααα»αααααααααααααΆααα»αααααααααααΆαααΆαα· Fluoride αααααα α ααΆ: a. Demineralization b. Forming of organic acid c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Remineralization 39 / 215 39) Erosion affected area ( αααααααααααα αααααΆαα ) : a. Buccal surfaces of lower molars b. Occlusal surfaces of lower molars c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Labial/palatal surfaces maxillary anteriors, 40 / 215 40) αα αααα»α components of the dental exam, Soft Tissue Examination ααααΌααα·αα·ααα: a. Lips + palate + tonsil area b. Cheeks + mucosa c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Tongue and floor of the mouth 41 / 215 41) Horizontal bitewing radiographs ααααΌαααΆαααααΎααααΆαα ααΆαααα½ααααα»αααΆα αα»ααα lesion αα : a. proximal surface of posterior teeth b. Occlusal surface c. Buccal surface d. Lingual surface 42 / 215 42) Sealer, In recent years, various desensitising agents have been used in the management of tooth: a. ααΆααααΈαααΆαααΎ b. Abrasion c. Discolor d. Yypersensitivity 43 / 215 43) Liners may not have sufficient thickness or strength to be used: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Alone in deep preparations c. Class 4 composite filling d. Alone in amalgam filling 44 / 215 44) ααΌαα ααα»αααααΆαα’ααααΆα Dental Trauma: a. αα½αααααΆαα αα·α ααα½ααααααΆαααΈα‘αΆαααααα α¬ ααΆααααααααα b. ααααα»ααΉααα»αα α αα·α ααΆααααααΆ c. αααααααααΆααα ααΆα ααα αα·α ααα½ααα ααα epilepsy ααααΎαα»ααα d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 45 / 215 45) ααΎααααααααααΉα dental caries and toothwear dental trauma : a. ααΎαα‘αΎαααααΆαα b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. ααΌα ααΆαααα αααααΆα d. ααΏαααΆα 46 / 215 46) Chlorhexidine ααΆααα½α Antimicrobial Agent αααααΆα :: a. Decreases streptococcus mutans presence b. Enhances the remineralization process + Improve flow and quantity of saliva c. Improve flow and quantity of saliva + Decreases streptococcus mutans presence d. Enhances the remineralization process + Decreases streptococcus mutans presence 47 / 215 47) Attrition commonly occur in combination with : a. Erosion b. Abrasion and Erosion c. Abrasion d. Abrasion, Erosion and Abrasion 48 / 215 48) The most important key of class II cavity preparation: a. Making the cavity extensions b. Making retention for materiel c. Avoid inclined planes d. Remove all carious lesions 49 / 215 49) Operative dentistry to restores damaged and defective teeth in order to maintain: a. Form and function b. Form, function and esthetic c. Form and esthetic d. Function and esthetic 50 / 215 50) αααααα’αΆαα» αααααα’ααααΆα ααααΌαααΆαααααΆα α’ααααααΎ Fluoride toothpaste αααα»αααα αΆαα: a. >2000ppm b. <600ppm c. >1000ppm d. >600ppm 51 / 215 51) Definition of direct pulp capping: a. The cavity is sealed with a bactericidal agent b. It is a procedure in which only the infected dentin caries is removed c. Techniques for treating a pulp exposure with a material that seal over the exposure site and promote the reparative dentin formation with maintaining pulp vitality d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 52 / 215 52) Enamel Hypoplasia caused by: a. Trauma, high fever b. Malnutrition, or hypomineralize c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Systemic childhood infectious diseases 53 / 215 53) Disadvantage of detectable explorer : a. Can kill the bacteria b. Transfer bacteria from the tip of explorer to other uninfected pits and fissure c. Can fill the cavityα’ααααΆααααΆαααΆαααα αα d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 54 / 215 54) Standard care(non-operative therapy)- low risk caries: a. Dietary modification b. Use of fluoride c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Plaque control and Oral hygiene instruction 55 / 215 55) Attrition ααΌαα ααα»αααααΆα ααααΈ: a. α’αΆαααΈα ααΆααααα»ααααα½αααΊ Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) b. Hard tooth brushing (αα»αααααα ααααΆααααα) c. Occlusal tooth-tooth contact d. α’αΆαααΈαααααΈ αααα αααα½α (α αααΈα’αΆα αΆα) 56 / 215 56) Diagnosis and Detection of Dental Carie: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Detectable explorer and Radiograph c. Visual and Laser caries detector d. Fiber Optic Transillumination 57 / 215 57) Direct restorative materials: a. ααΆααα’ααΆαααΎ b. Inlay, Onlay (gold, composite resin, porcelain) c. Metalic restoration (amalgam ) d. Esthetic restorative materials (composite resin, Glass- ionomer cements) 58 / 215 58) Trauma to the mouth α’αΆα ααααα’ααααα½α ααΌα ααΆαααΌα ααΆαααααα: a. Vertical/Horizontal Root Fracture b. Crown Fracture , Crown-root fractures c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Luxation and Avulsion 59 / 215 59) Developmental Conditions including : a. Enamel Fluorosis b. Enamel Hypoplasia c. Tetracycline Stain d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 60 / 215 60) Visual methods: a. Discoloration b. Magnification loupes c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Detection of white spot 61 / 215 61) Which the following is not a treatment result in the restoration?: a. Proper tooth form, b. Esthetics c. Un-esthetics d. Function, 62 / 215 62) GV Black classified carious lesion into: a. 3 types b. 6 types c. 5 types d. 4 types 63 / 215 63) The common temporary fillings are: a. Zinc oxide and eugenol cement + Zinc phosphate cement b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Composite + Amalgam d. Inlay + Onlay 64 / 215 64) Recording of dental examination : a. Abbreviations of tooth surfaces + Abbreviations of treatments b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Cavity classifications + Charting symbols d. Tooth diagrams, numbering systems, and color coding 65 / 215 65) α ααααα’αααααααΊα’αΆαα»ααααα8ααααΆα αα»αααααΎ Fluoride mouthwash ααΈααααα: a. αα·ααααααΆαα’ααααΆαFluorosis ααΎαααααααααα»ααααααααααΆαα b. ααααΎα’αααααααααΉαααΆαααα’ c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. α’αΆα αααααΆαα’ααααΆαFluorosis ααΎαααααααααα»ααααααααααΆαα 66 / 215 66) ααα½α plaque bacteria ααΆααααααααΆαααααΎααααΆααΌααΈα α αααΈα’αΆα αΆα dietary carbohydrate ααΆαα·ααα sucrose and glucose αααααΎαα’αααα ααΆ: a. Organic acids b. Lipide c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Glucide 67 / 215 67) Tetracycline Stain caused by : a. Broad spectrum of Codeine b. Broad spectrum of antibiotic especially Tetracycline c. Broad spectrum of steroid d. Broad spectrum of non steroid anti-inflammatory (NSAID) 68 / 215 68) Bases have few benefits and make the restoration more prone to: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Periodontitis c. Fracture d. Dental caries 69 / 215 69) αααα»αααααΈα’ααααΆα Carious Lesion, Fiber Optic Transillumination ααΉααααα αΆαααΆααΌαααΆα: a. No shadow b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Totally no light d. Darken shadow 70 / 215 70) Caries-infected dentine ααααΆααααΆαααα ααΎαααααΌαααΆαααα ααα’ααα’αα αα αα»ααααααα ααΎααααΈαααααΆα : a. αα»αα’αααααααΆααααα α’ααα αΆα b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. αα»αα’αααααααΆαα αααααΆα αααααα’α·αααααααααΆαααα d. αα»αα’αααααααΆααααα Occlusion 71 / 215 71) Class IV, carious lesions on: a. Proximal surfaces of posterior teeth b. Proximal surfaces including incisal edges of anterior teeth c. Proximal surfaces of anterior teeth d. Proximal surfaces but not including incisal edges of anterior teeth 72 / 215 72) The disadvantage of rubber dam: a. Extra time b. Difficult breathing c. Patient discomfort d. All are correct 73 / 215 73) Dental caries ααααΎα’ααααΆα: a. Neutralization αα ααΎααααααααααααα b. Remineralization αα ααΎααααααααααααα c. Demineralization αα ααΎααααααααααααα d. Restoration αα ααΎααααααααααααα 74 / 215 74) Class I, carious lesions on: a. Lingual surface of anterior teeth b. Buccal or and lingual surfaces of posterior teeth c. All are correct d. Occlusal surface of posterior teeth 75 / 215 75) αα αααα»α Visual methods , 1 ααΆααααααΆ: a. Translucent (white ) hardly visible on the wet surface but distinctly visible after air-drying b. Opacity (white ) hardly visible on the wet surface but distinctly visible after air-drying c. Translucent (white ) hardly visible on the wet surface but distinctly visible without air-drying d. Opacity (white ) hardly visible on the wet surface but distinctly visible without air-drying 76 / 215 76) ααααααααααΆαααΎαααααα»αααααα: a. Lower central and lateral incisor 95% b. Lower cuspids 95% c. Upper cuspids and lower first bicuspid 95% d. Upper and lower first molar 95% 77 / 215 77) Direct Pulp Capping, failure is due to remaining : a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Absence of exposure c. Bacteria or exposure to new bacteria from leakage d. Absence of chlorhexidine 78 / 215 78) Fluorosis caused by : a. Excessive calcium intake b. Excessive sugar intake c. Excessive fluoride intake d. Excessive phosphate intake 79 / 215 79) Standard care(non-operative therapy)- low risk caries, use of fluoride from : a. Tooth paste, fluoride drops b. Mouth rinses, varnish c. Tablets , dentifrice d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 80 / 215 80) αα αααα»α Dental trauma, enamel-dentin pulp fracture treatment, If young patients with open apices, it is very important to preserve pulp vitality by : a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Partial pulpotomy in order to secure further root development c. This treatment is also treatment of choice in patients with closed apices d. Pulp capping 81 / 215 81) Restoration αα·αααααΉαααααΌαααΊααΆααΌαα ααα»α αααααΆαα’ααααΆα: a. erosion + attrition b. periodontal disease + occlusal disharmonies c. periodontal disease + pulpitis d. dental caries + periodontal disease 82 / 215 82) Prognosis αααα»αααααΈ ααααα»ααααααααααΆααααΆαααααΌα (early caries) ααΎαα’αΆα ααααααα’αααααααΊα’ααααααΎαααΎα: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. ααΆααααααα Composite c. ααΆααααααα Amalgam d. ααΆαααααΆααΆααααααααΆα(preventive treatment plan) 83 / 215 83) αα αααα»α Dental trauma, enamel-dentin pulp fracture sensibility test : a. Usually positive b. Lack of response at initial examination indicates an increased risk of later pulpal necrosis c. Test is important in assessing risk of future healing complications d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 84 / 215 84) The function of cylindrical burs: a. To make retention for materiel. b. To flatten the floor of cavity c. To drill and remove soft tissue d. To make the 4 walls proper 85 / 215 85) The ideal base material is a: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Thermal insulator c. Cariostatic d. Non-toxic 86 / 215 86) Dental trauma ααααΌαααΆαααααΆααΆα α¬ αααααααααααααΆαααΆαααΆαααααΆαα ααΎααααΈ : a. αααα ααα»αααΆα b. αααααααΆαααΊα αΆαα c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. αααααααΆαα‘αΎααα·α 87 / 215 87) What precaution should be taken in indirect pulp capping: a. Being careful not to expose the pulp b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. All infected dentin is excavated with large round burs and excavators d. Rubber dam should be placed for infection control 88 / 215 88) Indirect restorations may require: a. ααΆααα’ααΆαααΎ b. 1 visit c. 2 or more visits d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 89 / 215 89) ααα½α plaque bacteria ααΆααααααααΆαααααΎααααΆααΌααΈα α αααΈα’αΆα αΆα dietary carbohydrate ααΆαα·ααα sucrose and glucose αααααΎαα’αααα ααΆ organic acids αα ααΎααααααααααααα ααααα α αααααααααα α‘βα£ ααΆααΈ ααΆααααΎα’αα plaque pH ααααΆααα α»αααα 5.5 αααα αΎαααΊααΆα ααα»α α αΆααααααΎααα: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Remineralization c. Oxidation d. Demineralization 90 / 215 90) Carious pulp exposure, The cavity ααααααΈαααΆααααααααΏααααααΆααα : a. Dentine αα»ααα»α b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. ααΉαααααααα»ααα»α d. enamel αα·α ααααααΆαααααα enamel αα»ααααααα»ααα»α 91 / 215 91) Diagnosis: a. ααααααααααααααααααα·αααΆ b. ααΊααΆααΆαααααΆααααααααααααααΊ c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. ααα’ααααΎαααΌαααΈααΆααααΌα ααΆα, ααΈαααΆαααΆααααααΆ 92 / 215 92) The advantage of rubber dam: a. Reduce contamination b. All are correct c. Prevention of bacteria d. Airway protection 93 / 215 93) αα αααα»α Dental trauma, luxation : a. Tooth is displaced in a labial b. Fractures of supporting alveolus may occur c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Tooth is displaced in lingual or lateral direction 94 / 215 94) Caries active/high risk ααααΌαααΆαααΆα αΆαααΆα ααα : a. Pulp capping b. Caries control ααΎααααΈαααααααΌα risk factors c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. ααΆα cavity 95 / 215 95) Caries-affected dentine αααααΆααααααα ααΆαααααα Affected Curious Dentine ααα : a. α’αΆα αα½ααα»αααΆααααααΆα ααΆαααΆααααα½αααΈ Reparative dentine b. α’αΆα αα½ααα»αααΆααααααΆα ααΆαααΆααααα½αααΈ Vital Tissue called Dentine-pulp complex c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. αα·αα’αΆα αα½ααα»αααΆααααααΆα ααΆαααΆααααα½αααΈ Vital Tissue called Dentine-pulp complex 96 / 215 96) Carious pulp exposure, ααααα·αααΎ Carious process αα·αααααΌαααΆααααααααΆαα α¬ ααααΆααΆαα’ααααΆαααααΉαααααΌαααΆααααααΆααα αα½αααΆααααΆαααΆαααα’αΆα αα·α ααααα·αααααΆααααααΆααα»αααΆααααααααΆαα ααΆαααΆαααΆααα ααΆααααα»ααα αα»ααααα : a. carious lesion α αΌααααααα αααα CEJ b. carious lesion α αΌααααααα αααα dentine-pulp c. carious lesion α αΌααααααα αααα enamel-dentine d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 97 / 215 97) αα αααα»α Dental trauma, enamel-dentin fracture confined to enamel + dentin with loss of tooth structure but not : a. Involving dentin b. Involving enamel c. Involving pulp d. Involving root 98 / 215 98) Caries-affected dentine ααααααΆααααΎαααΆααΆαααα : a. Translucent whiteαα·αα’αΆα αα½ααα»αααΆααααααΆα ααΆαααΆααααα½αααΈ Vital Tissue called Dentine-pulp complex b. αααααα αααα c. Paler brown ααΉααααα ααα’α·α α αΎαααα·αααα»ααα·αααααΎ d. ααααα’αΆαααααα 99 / 215 99) Carious process α’αΆα ααααααα EDJ αα»ααααααααΎαααΆCavitation ααΆαααΆααααααααααΆααααααααααΈαα·αα ααα»ααααααΎααααααααΎαααΆαααααααα»α ( Translucent) αααααΆαααααΆααααΆααααααΆααααααΎαα‘αΎαααΌα : a. Cavitation b. Bacteria c. Reparative Dentine d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 100 / 215 100) αα αααα»α Dental trauma, enamel-dentin pulp fracture radiographs : a. Occlusal b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Periapical d. Recommended to rule out displacement or possible presence of luxation or root fracture 101 / 215 101) Enamel Hypoplasia appear as: a. Translucent white or black spot on the teeth b. Chalky white or brown spot on the teeth c. Translucent white or brown spot on the teeth d. Translucent white or white spot on the teeth 102 / 215 102) Caries control Oral hygiene instruction most reliable means of : a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Controlling plaque and providing clean tooth surface c. Controlling gingival loss d. Controlling bone loss 103 / 215 103) Attrition affected area ( αααααααααααα αααααΆαα ) : a. Palatal surfaces b. Occlusal or incisal surface c. Buccally at cervical margin d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 104 / 215 104) αα αααα»α Visual methods , 5 ααΆααααααΆ: a. No enamel breakdown in opaque or discolored enamel and/or dark brown discoloration from the underlying enamel b. Localized dentin breakdown in opaque or discolored enamel and/or dark brown discoloration from the underlying dentin c. Large cavity and loss of dentin d. No dentin breakdown in opaque or discolored enamel and/or dark brown discoloration from the underlying dentin 105 / 215 105) αα αααα»α Dental trauma, enamel-dentin pulp a fracture involving : a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Loss of tooth structure c. Enamel + Dentin d. Exposure of pulp 106 / 215 106) Erosion is a loss of dental hard tissue as a result of : a. Tooth to tooth contact b. αα½αααααα·α ααααΆαα c. Chemical process not involving bacteria d. Bacteria 107 / 215 107) Erosion ααΌαα ααα»αααααΆα ααααΈ : a. α’αΆαααΈαααααΈ αααα αααα½α (α αααΈα’αΆα αΆα) + hard tooth brushing (αα»αααααα ααααΆααααα) b. α’αΆαααΈαααααΈ αααα αααα½α (α αααΈα’αΆα αΆα) + α’αΆαααΈα ααΆααααα»ααααα½αααΊ Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) c. hard tooth brushing (αα»αααααα ααααΆααααα) d. α’αΆαααΈα ααΆααααα»ααααα½αααΊ Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GORD) + hard tooth brushing (αα»αααααα ααααΆααααα) 108 / 215 108) Role of Calcium Hydroxide: a. Used as cavity linning + It served as blocking dentin tubules b. Protection of pulp against chemical irritation of non-metallic fillings c. ααΆααα’ααααααΌα d. The high pH of the CH will neutralize acid + Kill bacteria and stimulate formation of reparative dentin 109 / 215 109) Which the following is a main function of rubber dam?: a. Improved vision b. Reduce patient communication c. Reduce contamination d. Isolate the operation site 110 / 215 110) Treatment Options and Treatment planning: a. ααΆαααααα α α·αααααΊααΆαααααΈααΆα ααααΉαααααααααα Diagnosis αα·α Prognosis b. ααααΎαααΎααααααα cavity c. ααααΎαααΎααα½αααααΎ α§αααααααΆαααα d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 111 / 215 111) αα αααα»α Visual methods , 2 ααΆααααααΆ: a. Opacity (white brown) distinctly visible after long air-drying b. Translucent (white brown) distinctly visible without air-drying c. Translucent (white brown) distinctly visible after long air-drying d. Opacity (white brown) distinctly visible without air-drying 112 / 215 112) Fluoride mouthwash: α’ααα’αααααααΊαααααΆαα’αΆαα» β₯ 8ααααΆα ααααΎααααΆαα: a. ααΆααααααααααΆααααα αΆαα 0.2% NaF αα·α αα½ααααααΆα αααααααααΆααααα αΆαα 0.5% NaF b. ααΆααααααααααΆααααα αΆαα 0.05% NaF αα·α αα½ααααααΆα αααααααααΆααααα αΆαα 0.2% NaF c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. ααΆααααααααααΆααααα αΆαα 0.5% NaF αα·α αα½ααααααΆα αααααααααΆααααα αΆαα 0.9% NaF 113 / 215 113) Disadvantage of detectable explorer : a. Too sharp explorer is contraindicated as they can cause fracture and cavitation b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Can fill the cavityα’ααααΆααααΆαααΆαααα αα d. Can kill the bacteria 114 / 215 114) MTA has more advantage over CaOH2: a. Rapid cell growth promotion in vitro + Greater ability to maintain the integrity of pulp tissue b. Produce the formation of a dentin bridge at a faster rate + High ability to fight against the penetration of microorganisms c. Thicker dentinal bridge, less inflammation, less hyperemia and less pulpal necrosis d. ααΆααα’ααααααΌα 115 / 215 115) Successful outcome for vital pulp therapy is very dependent on the : a. Age of tooth + treatment modality (Capping material) b. Type and location of injury c. Integrity of the cavity restoration d. ααΆααα’ααααααΌα 116 / 215 116) Dental caries microorganism αα αααα»ααααα»αααΆαααααααΆαα§ ααΊ : a. Lactobacillus acidophilus + Lactobacillus oris b. Lactobacillus salivarius + Actinomyces naeslundii + Actinomyces viscosus c. Streptococcus mutan + Streptococcus sobrinus d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 117 / 215 117) Liners may not have sufficient thickness or strength to be used alone in deep preparations; therefore they are frequently overlaid by a: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Base material c. Sealer d. Inlay 118 / 215 118) Fluorosis is the appearance of: a. Translucent white b. Opacity white c. Chalky white opaque flecks d. Dark brown 119 / 215 119) αααααΉαααα’αααα ααΎ History and Examination ααΎαα αΆααααααΆααα’αααΈ Caries activity/risk status ααΌα ααΆα ααααα: a. Caries inactive/low risk + Caries active/high risk b. Caries active/high risk c. Caries inactive/low risk d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 120 / 215 120) Carious process Within Dentine, Carious process αααααααααα Dentine ααΊα αΆααααααΎα ααΆα: a. ααΆαααα αα ααΆαααα ααΎ Occlusal and Smooth Surfaces b. α’ααααΆααααΆα αααα αααα c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. ααΆααααααΆαα ααααα α£ αα·ααΆααΈααΆαααΎα αααα αα 121 / 215 121) Caries-infected dentine ααααΈααααααααααααα·αααααΌα αααααααα ααα : a. Enamel α’αΆα ααααΆααααααα ααΎαααΆα α¬ ααΆα cavity ααααααα αα·ααα»ααα»αααααΆαα b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Dentin α’αΆα ααααΆααααααα ααΎαααΆα α¬ ααΆα cavity ααααααα αα·ααα»ααα»αααααΆααααααααααα d. Pulp chamber α’αΆα ααααΆααααααα ααΎαααΆα α¬ ααΆα cavity ααααααα αα·ααα»ααα»αααααΆαα 122 / 215 122) Carious process αααααααααα Dentine : a. ααΆα’αΆα αααααΆαα’ααααΆαααααα»αααααΈ αααααααα·α ααααΆαα α¬ αααααααααΆαααΆαααααΆαα b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. ο½ααΆα’αΆα αααααΆαα’ααααΆαααααα―αα―α d. αα ααΆαααα’α’ααααΆαααΆαα 123 / 215 123) Class II, carious lesions on: a. Proximal surfaces of posterior teeth b. Occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth c. Proximal surfaces of anterior teeth d. Buccal or and lingual of posterior teeth 124 / 215 124) Active Care β high risk caries ααΆα: a. Decontamination procedures b. Decontamination procedures αα·α Demineralization procedures c. Remineralization procedures d. Decontamination procedures αα·α Remineralization procedures 125 / 215 125) Enamel Hypoplasia the enamel: a. Should be hard b. Should be strong c. Should be soft and thin d. Should be hard and strong 126 / 215 126) Prognosis: a. ααΊααΆααΆααα α’ααααΎα ααααααααααααααα αααα·αααΆ b. ααΊααΆααΆααααΆααααααΆαα’αααΈαααααΉαααΎαα‘αΎα αα αααααΆααα»α αααα»αααααΈααααα α α·αααααΆααααΆααΆα ααΊ α’αα c. ααΊααΆααΆααα α’ααααΎαααΌα ααΈααΆααααΌα ααΆα, ααΈαααΆαααΆα αααααΆ d. ααΊααΆααΆαααααΆαα ααααααααααααΊ 127 / 215 127) Sealer, It has been showed that the application of the same mechanism allows desensitising agents to be equally effective in preventing postoperative sensitivity when: a. Zinc oxide eugenol are placed b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Glass ionormer are placed d. Amalgam restorations are placed 128 / 215 128) The Carious Process Lesion Within Enamel, Clinical Manifestation ααΊ ααΆααααααα αα ααααααααααΈαα·αααΆα αααααΆααααα αααααααα’αΆαααα»αα: a. ααα»ααααα’ααααΆααααΆααααα αααα b. ααΆααααα αααα c. αα·αααΆα αααααΎ αααααααΆαα ααααΎαααΎααααα ααααα d. ααΆααααααΆααααααααΆαααΎααααα αα 129 / 215 129) αα αααα»α components of the dental exam, Intra-oral Examination ααααΌααα·αα·ααα: a. Radiographs b. Examination of the periodontal tissue c. Examination of the teeth + Soft Tissue d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 130 / 215 130) Factor Influence Radiographic Interpretation αααααΆα: a. Errors in explorer b. Errors in transillumination c. Errors in technique and Exposure d. Errors in film brand 131 / 215 131) Carious pulp exposure, ααΆααααα»ααα αα»ααααα carious lesion α αΌααααααα αααα dentine-pulp α αΎα toxin αα αααα»α Bacteria αα·ααααααα αΌααα ααα pulpal tissue αααααΆαα’ααααΆα : a. Acute pericoronitis b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Acute inflammatory response (sharp pain on hot, cold or sweet) d. Acute periodontitis 132 / 215 132) Indication of direct pulp capping: a. Non hemorrhagic or easily controlled + No pulp infection with granuloma or abcess b. Recent Traumatic Λ 24hours + The exposure side is less than 1mm c. Tooth remaining vital + Absence of history of pain d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 133 / 215 133) Carious process αααααααααα Dentine : a. ο½ααΆααααΆααα ααΆααα α αααα’αΆαααα»αα ααΆαααααααααααααα·α αααα»α b. ααΆααααΆααα ααΆααα α ααΆαααααααααααααα·α αααα»α c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. ααΆααααΆααα ααΆααα αααααα ααΆαααααααααααααα·α αααα»α 134 / 215 134) Tetracycline Stain, ααααα·αααΎ antibiotic taken by mother during pregnancy: a. deciduous teeth affected b. permanent deciduous teeth affected c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. permanent teeth affected 135 / 215 135) The ideal base material is a thermal insulator, non-toxic, cariostatic, has: a. Is able to stimulate reparative dentine formation b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Is strong enough to withstand the forces of amalgam condensation and masticatory forces d. Persistent antibacterial properties 136 / 215 136) Dental caries ααΊααΆ: a. ααααΊααΎααααααΆααααααΌα b. ααααΊααΎαα‘αΎααααααΆααα»ααααααααααΆαα c. ααααΊααΎαα‘αΎααααααΆαα’αΆαααΈαααααα d. ααααΊ microbial 137 / 215 137) Indication of Indirect pulp capping: a. No evidence of pathosis or caries invaded b. No pulp exposure + No pain history c. Clinical signs and symptoms of vitality d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 138 / 215 138) For deeper cavities in which there is less than 2 mm of remaining dentine a preparation liner should be placed in the: a. Pulpal horn b. Deepest aspects of the preparation c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. Apical 139 / 215 139) αα αααα»α Dental trauma, enamel-dentin pulp fracture percussion test : a. If tenderness is observed evaluate tooth for a possible luxation or root fracture injury b. Lack of response at initial examination indicates an increased risk of later pulpal necrosis c. Not tender d. ααΆααααΈαααΆαααΎ 140 / 215 140) Position During Dental Treatment, operating position: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. DIRECT REAR POSITION (12 O'CLOCK) c. RIGHT REAR POSITION (11 O'CLOCK) d. RIGHT FRONT POSITION (7 O'CLOCK) + RIGHT POSITION (9 O'CLOCK) 141 / 215 141) ααΆαααααααΆα ααααααααααααα α’αΆα αααααΆα ααααΈααΌαα ααα» α ααα ααα»ααααΆααααΆα: a. α£ b. α€ c. α₯ d. α¦ 142 / 215 142) Indirect restorative materials: a. Inlay, Onlay (gold, composite resin, porcelain) b. Inlay, Onlay (gold, composite resin, porcelain) βand Crown (Veneers, porcelain fused to metal, zirconia) c. Crown (Veneers, porcelain fused to metal, zirconia) d. Amalgam 143 / 215 143) Permanent Fillings α ααααΆααΈαααΊ: a. onlay + inlay b. direct restorations + indirect restorations c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. crown + amalgam 144 / 215 144) The following are the art and science of operative dentistry, except: a. Treatment, b. Prognosis of defects of teeth c. Api-cectomy d. The diagnosis, 145 / 215 145) α’ααα’αααααααΊhigh risk αααααΆαmultiple lesion αα·α dry mouth ααααΎααααΆααα»αααααααααααΆαααα αΆαα fluoride αααααααΊα αααααααΈ: a. 1000-1500 ppm b. 600-1000 ppm c. 2800-5000 ppm d. 5000-8000 ppm 146 / 215 146) Which the following is a sign of dental caries?: a. Painful b. Painful at first c. Painless d. Painless at first 147 / 215 147) αα ααααα·αα·αααα’αααααααΊ ααααααααα·αα αΆαααΆα αααααΌαααααΎααΆαααααα α α·αααααΌα ααΆαααααα: a. Diagnosis + Prognosis b. Prevention of further disease + Restoration c. Treatment option and treatment planning d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 148 / 215 148) DIRECT REAR POSITION (12 O’CLOCK), working areas include: a. FACIAL SURFACES OF MAXILLARY RIGHT POSTERIOR TEETH b. FACIAL SURFACES OF MANDIBULAR RIGHT POSTERIOR TEETH c. LINGUAL SURFACES OF MANDIBULAR TEETH d. OCCLUSAL SURFACES OF MANDIBULAR RIGHT POSTERIOR TEETH 149 / 215 149) The pH α’αΆα ααααΎααααα αΌαααα α¦α ααΆααΈ ααΎααααΈαααααααα ααααααΆαα·α ααααα·αααΎααΆααααα½α ααΈ: a. α ααααααα’αΆαααααααΉαααΆαα (buffering capacity of saliva ) b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Bacteria d. ααΉαα’ααα·α 150 / 215 150) αααα»αααααΈααΆα Carious Lesion, Fiber Optic Transillumination ααΉααααα αΆαααΆααΌαααΆα: a. Darken shadow b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. No shadow d. Totally no light 151 / 215 151) αα αααα»α Visual methods , 3 ααΆααααααΆ: a. No dentin breakdown in opaque or discolored enamel and/or dark brown discoloration from the underlying dentin b. Localized dentin breakdown in opaque or discolored enamel and/or dark brown discoloration from the underlying dentin c. No enamel breakdown in opaque or discolored enamel and/or dark brown discoloration from the underlying enamel d. Localized enamel breakdown in opaque or discolored enamel and/or dark brown discoloration from the underlying enamel 152 / 215 152) The Carious Process Lesion Within EDJ, Carious process α’αΆα ααααααα EDJ αα»αααααα ααΎαααΆCavitation ααΆαααΆαααααααα ααΆααααααααααΈαα·αα ααα»ααααααΎαααααα ααΎαααΆαααα : a. αααα ααααΆαα (deep black) b. α αααα’αΆαα (chalky white) c. αααα»α ( Translucent) d. ααααα (brown) 153 / 215 153) Indirect pulp capping during 6-8 weeks waiting period: a. The carious process is arrested b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. A protective layer of reparative dentine is formed d. Soft caries hardened 154 / 215 154) Carious lesion ααΎααα ααΎααααααααααααααΆααααααα: a. Chlorhexidine ααααααααΌααα·αααΆαααα’αΆαα αα b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Anesthesia ααααααααΌααα·αααΆαααα’αΆαα αα d. Plague ααααααααΌααα·αααΆαααα’αΆαα αα 155 / 215 155) The following are the indications of operative dentistry: a. Caries; malformed, discolored, b. Non-esthetic, or fractured teeth; c. Restoration replacement or repair. d. All are correct 156 / 215 156) αα αααα»α components of the dental exam, Soft Tissue Examination, The purpose of this part of the examination is to: a. Detect dental caries b. Detect any abnormalities in the head and neck area of a patient c. Detect hypoplasia d. Detect tooth wear 157 / 215 157) The most popular currently used cavity liners are: a. Zinc oxide eugenol b. ααΆααααΈαααΆαααΎ c. Calcium hydroxide d. Glass-ionomer cements 158 / 215 158) Deep caries management, 3 vital techniques: a. Direct pulp capping b. Indirect pulp capping c. Coronal pulpotomy d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 159 / 215 159) Components of the Dental Exam: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Recording the Dental Examination + Tooth Diagrams and Color Coding c. General History + Extra-oral Examination + Intra-oral Examination d. Diangosis + Treatment plan 160 / 215 160) Materials Used in indirect pulp capping: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Zinc Oxide Eugenol c. Glass ionomer d. Calcium Hydroxide 161 / 215 161) Direct restorations are: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Fillings placed immediately into a prepared cavity in a single visit c. Prepare cavity on the first visit d. Filling placed 3 time on a tooth 162 / 215 162) Class III, carious lesions on: a. Proximal surfaces including incisal edges of anterior teeth b. Proximal surfaces of posterior teeth c. Proximal surfaces of anterior teeth d. Proximal surfaces but not including incisal edges of anterior teeth 163 / 215 163) Role of Zinc Oxide Eugenol: a. Good sealing capability intermediate base for temporary filling b. An antimicrobial for temporary filling c. ααΆααα’ααααααΌα d. Protection of pulp against thermal shock 164 / 215 164) αα αααα»α components of the dental exam, General History ααααΌααααααααΆ: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. Systemic Diseases c. Major Complaint d. Name + Age + Address 165 / 215 165) Indirect pulp capping, when done correctly, are more successful at maintaining: a. Long-term vitality than direct pulp capping b. Short-term vitality than direct pulp capping c. Periodontal tissue d. ααΆααααΈαααΆαααΎ 166 / 215 166) Chair and patient position: a. Almost supine + Recline 15 degree b. Almost supine + Recline 90 degree c. Almost supine + Recline 25 degree d. Almost supine + Recline 45 degree 167 / 215 167) Carious pulp exposure, toxin αα αααα»α Bacteria αα·ααααααα αΌααα ααα pulpal tissue αααααΆαα’ααααΆα acute inflammatory response (sharp pain on hot, cold or sweet) ααΆααα ααα: a. Acute periodontitis b. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ c. Chronic response αα ααααααααααααΆαα d. Acute pericoronitis 168 / 215 168) Vital pulp therapy includes 2 therapeutic approaches : a. Indirect pulp capping in case of deep dentinal cavitiesβ and Direct pulp capping/pulpotomy in case of pulp exposure b. Direct pulp capping/pulpotomy in case of pulp exposure c. Indirect pulp capping in case of deep dentinal cavities d. Endodontic 169 / 215 169) Carious process αααααααααα Dentine α’αααααααΊ α’αΆα α αΆααααααΎαααα½αααΌαααΆαααΎαα‘αΎαααααΌααα Acute Pulpitis αααααΆαα’αα : a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. ααΆαααΆαααΊα αΆαα ααΆαααα αΌα αα ααααααααααΌα αααααααα αααααΆαα αα·α ααα’αα c. ααΆαααΆαααΊα αΆαα αα½αααααα 2β3 αα·ααΆααΈαα ααα αααααααΌααααα αααα αααααΆαα αα·α ααα’αα ααΌα ααΆαααα αα·αααααΆα α d. αα·αααΆα ααααααααΌα αααααααα αααααΆαα αα·α ααα’αααα ααΊα αΆααααα 170 / 215 170) RIGHT POSITION (9 O’CLOCK), working areas include: a. OCCLUSAL SURFACES OF MANDIBULAR RIGHT POSTERIOR TEETH. b. FACIAL SURFACES OF MAXILLARY RIGHT POSTERIOR TEETH c. FACIAL SURFACES OF MANDIBULAR RIGHT POSTERIOR TEETH d. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ 171 / 215 171) Operative dentistry is the art and science of: a. The diagnosis, b. Treatment, c. Prognosis of defects of teeth d. All are correct 172 / 215 172) ααΎαα ααα»ααααΆααα·αααααααααα Caries: a. Carbohydrate, tooth, diet and time b. Carbohydrate, biofilm, tooth and time c. Bacteria, tooth, diet and time d. Plaque, tooth, diet and time 173 / 215 173) Restoration αα·αααααΉαααααααααα ααΎ form, function, strength, and esthetic, ααα»ααααααα ααααΌααα·ααα ααΎα ααα»α ααααΆαααα½ααααααΊ: a. αααααΆαα·αα’ααααΌα ααΆααααααΆαα·ααΆαα»ααα·αααααα b. αααααΆαα·αα’ααααΌα ααΆααααααααααΆααααΌαααααααααα c. αααααΆαα·αα’ααααΌα ααΆααααααααααααα d. αααααΆαα·αα’ααααΌα ααΆααααααΉαααααα 174 / 215 174) Caries active/high risk: a. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ b. ααΆαααΎαααΌα active lesion αα·αα ααα½αααΎαα‘αΎααα lesion ααΎαααΈ2 αααα»αα’αα‘α»αααα α’αα α£ ααααΆα c. αα·αααΆαααΎαααΌα active lesion αα·αα ααα½αααΎαα‘αΎααα lesionαα d. ααΆαααΎαααΌα active lesion ααα»αααααα·αααΆαααΎαααΌαα αααΌαααΎαα‘αΎααα lesion αα 175 / 215 175) Role of Glass Ionomer: a. fluoride released b. Contraindication for the permanent filling of class I and Class II restoration c. ααΆααα’ααααααΌα d. Biocompatibility 176 / 215 176) Caries-infected dentine ααααΆααααΆαααα ααΎαααααΌαααΆαααα ααα’ααα’αα αα αα»ααααααα ααΎααααΈαααααΆααα»αα’αααααααΆαααααααΆα αααααα’α·αααααααααΆααααααΈααααα : a. ααααααααα Necrotic ααΆαααα α αΎααα·αα’αΆα ααΆααααααααΆααα½ααα»ααααα―αα―αααΆααα b. ααααααααα ααΆαα·ααΆαα»ααα·αα’ααα αΆαααΌα ααΆααα αΎα c. ααΆααα’ααααΆαααΎ d. ααααααααα ααΆα αααααααα ααα’ 177 / 215 177) Dentist most preferable sitting position is : a. DIRECT REAR POSITION (12 O'CLOCK) b. RIGHT FRONT POSITION (7 O'CLOCK) c. RIGHT REAR POSITION (11 O'CLOCK) d. RIGHT POSITION (9 O 'CLOCK) 178 / 215 178) Class VI, carious lesions on: a. Proximal surfaces of posterior teeth b. Occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth c. Incisal edges of anterior teeth d. Cusp tip of posterior teeth 179 / 215 179) Microorganism ααααααααααΆααα αα αααα»αααΆααααααΎα α’ααααΆα dental caries ααΊ : a. Streptococcus mutan b. Lactobacillus salivarius c. Lactobacillus acidophilus d. Streptococcus sobrinus