Oral Biology Test

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Oral Biology Test


1 / 60

What are the criteria for achieving to generate iPSc?

2 / 60

Transcription factor is a protein that controls the rate of transcription of genetic information from messenger RNA to DNA, by binding to a specific ribosomes.?

3 / 60

Why embryonic stem cells were banned for basic research?

4 / 60

Why transcription factors is the most import key to generate iPSc, cell reprogramming?

5 / 60

Embryonic stem cells are derived from embryos at a developmental stage before the time that implantation would normally occur in?

6 / 60

A,growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation. Usually it is a protein or a steroid hormone.?

7 / 60

What is the hierarchy of induced pluripotent stem cells?

8 / 60

Growth factor responsible for repair and regeneration: KGF, Keratinocyte growth factor?

9 / 60

What is the hierarchy of embryonic stem cells?

10 / 60

Protein synthesis consist of 2 steps. What are they, and where do they take place?

11 / 60

Event during or following protein translation ?

12 / 60

iPSc provided unlimited supplies of ________ cells could be used to generate transplants without the risk of immune rejection.?

13 / 60

A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation.?

14 / 60

When the first human iPSc were generated and published?

15 / 60

What are the function of transcription factors?

16 / 60

The disadvantage of mesenchymal stem cells is that this stem cells are heterogenous in nature which hard to purify.?

17 / 60

Cells responsible for repair and regeneration consist of?

18 / 60

What is the biggest conflict of using embryonic stem cells?

19 / 60

What is Yamanaka’s factors?

20 / 60

What is the hierarchy of mesenchymal stem cells?

21 / 60

Mesenchymal stem cells are multi-potent stem cells which is able to differentiate to adult cell like?

22 / 60

Concerning the palate, all of the following are true, except:

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The following are all derived from the stomodeal ectoderm such as:

24 / 60

The inferior parathyroid gland originates from:

25 / 60

The dental sac plays an important role in the formation of all of the following except:

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In human’s fertilization normally occurs in:

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The dental sac gives rise to:

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Advanced bell stage of tooth development refers to:

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Actual eruptive movements of tooth occur mainly in a:

30 / 60

After fertilization of ovum series of cell division give rise to an egg cell mass called:

31 / 60

The mesenchymal cells lying adjacent to the inner enamel epithelium:

32 / 60

Concerning teratogens and their effect on fetal development:

33 / 60

The caries, all are true except:

34 / 60

One of the following is important for the development of teeth is:

35 / 60

The dental lamina is induced to proliferate into a tooth bud by the:

36 / 60

Palatal processes of the maxilla are derived from:

37 / 60

The number of baby teeth is:

38 / 60

The vestibular lamina gives rise to:

39 / 60

Streptococcus mutants is involved in dental caries initiation Other bacteria also involved is:

40 / 60

Which minor salivary glands are purely serous:

41 / 60

The epithelial rests in the periodontal ligament are derived from:

42 / 60

The extrinsic muscles of the tongue:

43 / 60

Taste buds contain:

44 / 60

For a bacterium to be seriously considered in the etiology of dental caries, it must:

45 / 60

Chewing sequence could be divided into:

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The ectomesenchymal cell condensation just beneath the enamel organ is called:

47 / 60

The map of taste buds for:

48 / 60

The palate is derived from three primordia:

49 / 60

Concrescence is:

50 / 60

The muscles of mastication are derived from:

51 / 60

Odontogenesis of the primary dentition begins between:

52 / 60

The enamel organ:

53 / 60

Deglutition problem can lead to:

54 / 60

The maxillary processes:

55 / 60

The palatal shelves:

56 / 60

The region where the inner and outer enamel epithelium meets at the rim of the enamel organ is known as:

57 / 60

Median rhomboid glossitis is:

58 / 60

The Hertwing’s epithelial root sheath is composed of:

59 / 60

All of the muscles mastication is involved in closing the mandible except:

60 / 60

The tooth germ is composed of:

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