Oral Biology Test

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Oral Biology Test


1 / 60

The ICM, inner cell mass, cells have the potential to generate any cell type of the body, after implantation, they are ————– as they differentiate to other cell types with more limited developmental potential. ?

2 / 60

iPSc were generated by:?

3 / 60

In our blood, there is a small amount of stem cells which are ready to be differentiate to any cell type under the control of growth factors.?

4 / 60

Transcription factor sometimes is called sequence-specific DNA-binding factor.?

5 / 60

All four factors are absolutely necessary. In particular, the gene c-Myc is known to promote tumor growth in some cases, which would not affect iPSC usefulness in transplantation therapies. ?

6 / 60

Stem cell hierarchy from top to bottom?

7 / 60

Why generation of iPSc is so attractive to scientist worldwide?

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iPSCs were reprogrammed to an embryonic stem cell-like state by introducing genes important for maintaining the essential properties of embryonic stem cells (ESCs). ?

9 / 60

The main reason for formation of scale is due to detraction of connective tissue.?

10 / 60

The inner cell mass cells have the potential to generate any cell type of the body, but after implantation, they are quickly depleted as they differentiate to other cell types with more limited developmental potential. ?

11 / 60

Embryonic stem cells were banned for basic research practice because it is an unethical practice. Moreover, it cannot create patient-match specific cell line.?

12 / 60

What is the biggest conflict of using embryonic stem cells?

13 / 60

Four transcription factors (Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and c-Myc) sometimes is called Yamanaka’s factors.?

14 / 60

Transcription factors sometime is called ?

15 / 60

What are the gold standard transcription factors using for generating iPSc?

16 / 60

A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation.?

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Growth factors are proteins that regulate many aspects of cellular function, including survival, proliferation, migration and differentiation.?

18 / 60

First stage of deglutition is:

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Appositional stage is confined from:

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The occipital somite’s myotomes give rise to:

21 / 60

The extrinsic muscles of the tongue are supplied by:

22 / 60

All of the following is a function of dental sac except:

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During the pre-eruptive phase of tooth eruption:

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One of the following is a component of tooth germ:

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Four basic qualities:

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Supernumerary roots occur mainly with:

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The vestibular lamina gives rise to:

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Concerning cleft lips and cleft palates:

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The term for a fertilized egg from conception until the end of two months development:

30 / 60

Another term for the deglutition of food is:

31 / 60

The enamel organ:

32 / 60

An oblique facial cleft is formed when the:

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The number of roots that are formed is determined by the:

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Component of mastication are:

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The number of baby teeth is:

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Eruptive phase:

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The dental sac gives rise to:

38 / 60

The embryological origin of the hyoid bone is:

39 / 60

The map of taste buds for:

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Shedding is predominantly the:

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Taste Buds are located:

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A unilateral cleft lip is formed when:

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The down growth of an epithelial thickening buccal to the dental lamina is known as:

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The apposition stage of tooth development begins:

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One of the following occurs during the pre-eruptive phase of a tooth:

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The muscles are derived from the first brachial arch:

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The following Which contain blood vessels is:

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The origin of enamel is:

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All of the following does occur during the eruptive phase, except:

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Initiation of caries by Streptococcus mutans is by the production of the:

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All of the following is a part of the tooth germ except:

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Caries associated with pre-eruptive enamel hypoplasia:

53 / 60

Concerning the palate, all of the following are true, except:

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The medial pterygoid follows the same angle as masseter arising from the medial pterygoid plate, where does it attach on the mandible at:

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One of the following is important for the development of teeth is:

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Pharyngeal pouches:

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Cavity formation in a tooth, due to dental caries is due to:

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When a tooth first erupts into the oral cavity, the attachment epithelial cuff of epithelium derived from:

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Primordium for the permanent dentition appears as an extension of dental lamina into the ectomesenchym at:

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During tooth eruption into the oral cavity, what happens to the epithelial covering of the enamel:

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