Oral Biology Test

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Oral Biology Test


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Inner enamel epithelium:

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The down growth of an epithelial thickening buccal to the dental lamina is known as:

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No basal lamina is found between the cells of the:

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The following Which contain blood vessels is:

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Another term for the deglutition of food is:

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An oblique facial cleft is the result of:

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Third stage of deglutition is:

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The reduced enamel epithelium is derived from:

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An oblique facial cleft is formed when the:

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Supernumerary roots occur mainly with:

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One of the following Which of induces the dental papilla cells to be differentiated into odontoblasts is:

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All of the following is the ectodermal in origin, except:

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Initiation of caries by Streptococcus mutans is by the production of the:

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One of the following indicates the major components of a tooth germ:

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One of the following is a component of tooth germ:

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The stratum intermedium:

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All the statement below is true about the classification of taste, except:

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Pharyngeal mucosa is innervated by the glossopharyngeal nerves because it develops from the:

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All of the following is true of parotid glands, except:

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Shedding is predominantly the:

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All the statement about early dental development, except:

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Dental follicle cells:

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Cleft palate may result from all of the following except

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For a bacterium to be seriously considered in the etiology of dental caries, it must:

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Initiation of dental caries depends on:

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Turbid dentin in carious tooth is all except:

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Facial swellings refer to:

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The occipital somite’s myotomes give rise to:

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All of the following is derived from the enamel organ except:

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The little bumps can see on someone’s tongue are:

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Concerning the tongue:

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The salivary gland is:

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Primordium for the permanent dentition appears as an extension of dental lamina into the ectomesenchym at:

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Streptococcus mutants is involved in dental caries initiation Other bacteria also involved is:

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In humans, which branchial arch rudimentary is:

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Fluorosis is caused by:

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The taste sensations appear to be located from the parts of:

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One of the following is true about ankylosis:

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The cell rests of Malassez are derivatives of:

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The epithelial rests in the periodontal ligament are derived from:

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Which minor salivary glands are purely serous:

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Normal function of saliva:

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A growth factor is a naturally occurring substance capable of stimulating cellular growth, proliferation, healing, and cellular differentiation.?

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A protein that works with transcription factors to increase the rate of gene transcription?

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What is the biggest conflict of using induced pluri-potent stem cells?

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Yamanaka’s factors were chosen because they were known to be involved in the maintenance of pluripotency, which is the capability to generate all other cell types of the body.?

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Repression, or suppression – decrease the rate of gene transcription?

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What is the outcome of repair?

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Transcription factor sometimes is called sequence-specific DNA-binding factor.?

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Cre-Lox recombination is a site-specific recombinase technology, used to carry out deletions, insertions, translocations and inversions at specific sites?

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Who are/ is the pioneer of generating iPSc?

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In our blood, there is a small amount of stem cells which are ready to be differentiate to any cell type under the control of growth factors.?

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Mesenchymal stem cells is derived from bone marrow. So they can differentiate into hematopoietic cell line.?

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Growth factor responsible for repair and regeneration: KGF, Keratinocyte growth factor?

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Transcription can be divided into 3 stages: initiation, elongation, and termination, each regulated by a large number of proteins such as transcription factors?

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Periodontium which includes?

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What do Growth Factors Do?

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The biggest concern of using iPSc as a regenerative tool is the possible of cancer provoke due to infection of transcription factors.?

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Controlling the rate of gene transcription for example by helping or hindering RNA polymerase binding to DNA?

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