/241 110 Oral Diagnosis Preparation (Pr. Tuy Tel) 1 / 241 1) A full thickness loss of surface epithelium with exposure of underlying connective tissue is call a. Erosion b. Pustule c. Plaque d. Bulla e. Ulcer 2 / 241 2) Which of the following conditions is most likely to be associated with a draining fistula? a. Traumatic bone cyst b. Reversible pulpitis. c. Hypercementosis. d. Chronic periapical periodontitis. 3 / 241 3) How can a periodontal pocket be recognized a. X-Ray b. Sharp explorer c. Study cast d. Bitewing radiograph e. Periodontal probe / Calibrated probe/ 4 / 241 4) Which of the following is /are abnormal functions ? 1. Difficulty walking 2. Inability to open mouth 3. Dysphonia ( difficulty speaking ) 4. Dysphagia ( difficulty swallowing ) a. All of the above b. 1,2,3 c. Only 4 d. 2,3,4 e. 2 and 3 5 / 241 5) A patient presents with a 3 week history of prolonged tooth pain to hot and cold. Three days ago the symptoms changed to moderate pain on biting combined with a dull, spontaneous ache relieved by cold. The most likely diagnosis is Chronic apical abscess. ? a. A cracked tooth. b. Acute pulpitis with periradicular periodontitis . c. A vertical root fracture. d. Reversible pulpitis. 6 / 241 6) Patient registration number Useful for: a. chief complaint of patient and medico legal aspects. b. maintaining a record, and chief complaint of patient, billing purposes, c. maintaining a record, and billing purposes and medico legal aspects d. All of the above. e. medico legal aspects. 7 / 241 7) Which of the following is not true regarding excisional biopsy ? a. Stabilize the lesion with transfixing suture b. Care the specimen c. Place the specimen in a bottle containing 10% formalin d. Local anesthetic should be injected in the lesion e. Apply traction to the lesion via the suture 8 / 241 8) To view the pillars of the fauces, tonsils, uvula and oropharynx by: a. Depressing the tongue and asking to say ( AH ) b. Retracting the tongue c. Asking the patient to open the mouth d. Asking the patient to clench the teeth e. Asking the patient to close the mouth 9 / 241 9) A genetic disorder that causes prominence in the lower portion in the face is called: a. Hypertrichosis b. Cherubism c. Hypertrophy of mandible d. Hirsutism e. Atrophy of mandible 10 / 241 10) Which muscle originated from temporal lines on the parietal bone of the skull ? a. Trapezius . b. Temporalis. c. Masseter. d. Medial pterygoid e. Lateral (external) pterygoid. 11 / 241 11) Which of the following are vital signs? a. Pupil size. b. All of the above. c. Blood pressure and Pulse rate and respiration. d. Body temperature and Pupil size. e. Blood pressure, Body temperature, Pulse rate and respiration. 12 / 241 12) Under normal conditions, the most definitive test to confirm the loss of pulp vitality is a. cutting into the dentin without anaesthetic. b. performing an electric pulp test. c. applying warm gutta percha to the crown. d. applying ethyl chloride to the crown. e. performing a radiographic examination of the tooth. 13 / 241 13) A patient is not able to close her left eye, wrinkle her forehead or smile on the left side. The most likely diagnosis is a. Cluster headache b. fracture of the base of the skull. c. Contralateral subarachnoid hemorrhage d. acute mastoiditis e. facial nerve paralysis (Bell's palsy). 14 / 241 14) The following are the nature of pain EXCEPT: a. Gnawing b. Dull c. Squeezing d. Severe pain e. Throbbing 15 / 241 15) Isolated gingival recession is most frequently seen on teeth that are: a. nonvital b. facially prominent c. heavily restored d. mobile 16 / 241 16) In teeth with complete pulp necrosis, the periapical area is involved if a. the radiograph shows an apical radiolucency. b. there is pain to thermal stimuli and the tooth throbs when the patient is lying down. c. there is pain on percussion and the radiograph shows an apical radiolucency d. there is pain to thermal stimuli, there is pain on percussion and the tooth throbs when the patient is lying down. e. All of the above. 17 / 241 17) Which of the following is depressor of mandible ? a. Trapezius b. Temporalis c. Internal pterygoid d. lateral pterygoid e. Masseter 18 / 241 18) Which of the following is one of the principle jaw-opening muscles? a. Platysma. b. Lateral (external) pterygoid. c. Masseter. d. Temporalis. e. Medial pterygoid 19 / 241 19) Which of the following is/are mandibular nerve ? 1/ Frontal nerve 2/ lingual nerve 3/ lachrymal nerve 4/ Inferior alveolar nerve a. 1 and 3 b. All of the above c. 3 and 4 d. 1,2 and 3 e. 2 and 4 20 / 241 20) Which of the following tests is useful in the diagnosis of anemia? a. A complete blood count b. Hemoglobin determination c. Differential white cell count and hematocrit determination d. Hematocrit determination, hemoglobin content and red cell count. 21 / 241 21) which of the following are trues regarding patient history ? a. chief complaint, b. family history c. health history d. history of chief complaint e. all of the above 22 / 241 22) A patient with bruxism is likely to demonstrate ? a. increased mobility of teeth. b. premature wear of occlusal surfaces. c. All of the above. d. TMJ discomfort e. radiographic evidence of the widening of the periodontal ligament. 23 / 241 23) Which of the following mucosae is normally keratinized? a. Buccal and labial b. Ventral tongue. c. Hard palate d. Soft palate. 24 / 241 24) Granulation tissue which extends coronally from the pulp of a carious tooth is known as a. epulis granulomatosum b. a pyogenic granuloma c. a fibroma d. a pulp polyp. 25 / 241 25) Regarding to cherubism, with statement is false? a. It is a bilateral swelling that increase in size of mandible b. It causes prominence in the lower portion in the face c. It is very rare disorder d. It is a genetic disorder e. A unilateral swelling that increase in size of mandible 26 / 241 26) Enlargement of lymph node is characteristic sing of : 1/ Acute infection 2/ Chronic infection 3/ Metastatic cancer 4/ Tooth wear a. 2 and 3 b. All of the above c. 1,2,3 d. Only 4 e. 2,3,4 27 / 241 27) Which of the following is immediately distal to the intermaxillary suture? a. Mandibular central incisor. b. Maxillary central incisor. c. Mandibular canine. d. D. Maxillary canine. 28 / 241 28) The tissue which cannot be seen on dental radiographs is a. cementum. b. enamel c. pulp periodontal ligament. d. dentin 29 / 241 29) which one of masticatory muscles is broad, fan-shaped, and situated along the side of the head, a. Temporalis b. Masseter c. Medial pterygoid d. Lateral pterygoid 30 / 241 30) The following are the component of the external auditory meatus EXCEPT of: a. Anthelix b. Antitragus c. Ear lobe d. Tragus e. Meatus 31 / 241 31) Which of the following is not diagnosis aids in Dentistry?: a. Electricity pulp testing b. Measurement blood pressure c. Thermal test d. Radiography e. Biopsy 32 / 241 32) A cold stimulus applied to a tooth will produce a hypersensitive response if the tooth a. has a hyperemic pulp b. has a periodontal pocket c. has chronic pulpitis E/ has a necrosis pulp d. is non vital 33 / 241 33) The following nodes drain the scalp EXCEPT for: a. Pre auricular nodes (Parotid) b. Post auricular nodes (mastoid) c. Sub mental nodes d. Occipital nodes 34 / 241 34) Denture stomatitis can be associated with a. xerostomia. b. inadequate denture hygiene. c. candida albicans infection. d. All of the above. e. ill-fitting dentures. 35 / 241 35) The muscle primarily responsible for moving the mandible to a lateral position is the a. lateral (external) pterygoid. b. temporalis. c. buccinator. d. medial (internal) pterygoid. e. masseter 36 / 241 36) The following signs and symptoms are associated with severe pain EXCEPT of: a. insomnia b. vomiting c. happiness d. sweating e. Pallor 37 / 241 37) Which of the following radiographic findings are attributable to trauma from occlusion? a. Widening of the periodontal ligament space and Widening of the lamina dura. b. Widening of the periodontal ligament space, Vertical destruction of the interdental septum and Widening of the lamina dura. c. Vertical destruction of the interdental septum and Narrowing in width of the periodontal ligament space. d. All of the above. e. Narrowing in width of the periodontal ligament space. 38 / 241 38) A common clinical sign of occlusal traumatism is a. Tooth mobility. b. Gingival recession. c. Temporomandibular joint pain – dysfunction syndrome. d. Pulp calcifications. e. Pocket formation. 39 / 241 39) Which of the following is false a. Temporalis retracts the mandible b. Temporalis originates from temporal lines of parietal bone of the skull c. Temporalis elevates the mandible d. Temporalis is one of the mastication muscles e. Temporalis inserts to the coronoid process of the mandible 40 / 241 40) The electric pulp tester has not value in determining whether 1. the pulp is hyperemic or hyperplastic. 2. there is a partial necrosis of the pulp. 3. there is a partial or total pulpitis. 4. the pulp is vital or nonvital. a. All of the above. b. (4) only c. (2) and (4) d. (1) and (3) e. (1) (2) (3) 41 / 241 41) A patient presents with a 3 week history of prolonged tooth pain to hot and cold. Three days ago the symptoms changed to moderate pain on biting combined with a dull, spontaneous ache relieved by cold. The most likely diagnosis is a. A cracked tooth. b. A vertical root fracture. c. Chronic apical abscess. d. Acute pulpitis with periradicular periodontitis e. Reversible pulpitis. 42 / 241 42) A larger circumscribed elevated area is call a. Macule b. Papule c. Pustule d. Plaque e. vesicle 43 / 241 43) Severe throbbing tooth pain which temporary relieve with heat is a symptom of a. Chronic apical abscess. b. Late stage of acute pulpitis (acute suppurative pulpitis). c. Pulp hyperemia. d. A pulp polyp (chronic hyperplastic pulpitis). e. Chronic pulpitis (chronic ulcerative pulpitis). 44 / 241 44) The following are signs of congenital heart disease EXCEPT a. Heart murmur b. Clubbing of the fingers and toes c. Right ventricular hypertrophy d. Cyanosis e. Telangiectasia. 45 / 241 45) The redness of inflamed gingiva is due to a. increase vasodilatation b. subgingival deposit c. increase collagen fiber density d. the degree of keratinization e. All of the above 46 / 241 46) Which one of the following is not symptoms of secondary Sjogren’s syndrome? a. Rheumatoid arthritis b. Hyper elasticity of the skin c. Dry eyes (Xerophthalmia) d. Dry mouth (Xerostomia) 47 / 241 47) Which of the muscles of mastication is associated with the condylar head and the articular disc? a. Internal pterygoid. b. Masseter. c. Temporalis. d. External pterygoid 48 / 241 48) A 2cm discrete, white lesion of the buccal mucosa has not result after elimination of all local irritations. The most appropriate management would be to: a. Refer patient to family physician b. Re-examine at 6 month interval c. Cauterize it d. Apply toluidine blue staining e. Perform an incisional biopsy 49 / 241 49) Which of the following is/are abnormal structure ? a. Swelling b. Edema c. All of the above d. Ankyloglossia ( tongue tie) e. Tori 50 / 241 50) Which muscle originated from zygomatic arch and maxilla? a. Masseter. b. Trapezius . c. Temporalis. d. Medial pterygoid e. Lateral (external) pterygoid. 51 / 241 51) Which of the following is /are the indications for biopsy ? 1/ Any lesion that persists for more than 2 weeks with no apparent etiology 2/Any inflammatory lesion that does not respond to local treatment after 10-14 days 3/ Persistent hyperkeratotic changes in surface tissues 4/ Any lesion that regress after removal its cause a. 1,2,3 b. 2,3,4 c. 2 and 3 d. Only 4 e. All of the above 52 / 241 52) The normal range of gingival depth “Epithelial attachment”in healthy mouth is a. 1-2 mm b. 0-5mm c. 0-3mm d. 2-3mm 53 / 241 53) The following are the component of the external auditory meatus EXCEPT of: a. Antitragus b. Meatus c. Tragus d. Ear lobe e. Anthelix , 54 / 241 54) The normal pulse rate for an adult is around a. 68-72 beats/minute. b. 120-130beats/minute c. 80-90 beats/minute d. 100-120 beats /minute e. 50-60 beats / minute 55 / 241 55) Which of the following may affect the results of electric pulp testing? a. Pain threshold. (seuil de la douleur ) b. Analgesics. c. All of the above. d. Emotional factors. e. Recent trauma. 56 / 241 56) Regarding to congenital heart disease ,which one of the following is NOT its ? a. Clubbing of the fingers and toes b. Telangiectasia. c. Right ventricular hypertrophy d. Heart murmur e. Cyanosis 57 / 241 57) Which of the following are vital signs? Blood pressure. Body temperature Pulse rate and respiration. Pupil size. a. (1) (2) (3) b. (2) and (4) c. (1) and (3) d. All of the above. e. (4) only 58 / 241 58) which statement is false regarding to thyroid glands: a. It is one of the larger endocrine glands, b. H in shape c. Secrete saliva d. Secrete T3 and T4 hormone e. Present 2 lobes that separated by isthmus 59 / 241 59) Transillumination is used to a. To detect tooth cracks b. Calculus c. Pulp-stones d. To find intrinsic tooth coloration e. Hemorrhagic pulp 60 / 241 60) The physiologic wear of hard dental tissue resulting from tooth brushing is known as a. abrasion. b. erosion. c. decalcification. d. E/ abfraction e. attrition. 61 / 241 61) The etiology of erosion of the teeth is? a. excessive ingestion of citrus fruits b. unknown c. brushing d. deficiency of vitamin A and D e. hyperacidity of saliva 62 / 241 62) The following are the characteristic signs and symptoms of Bell’sPalsy EXCEPT for: a. Increase lacrimation b. Loss of the naso-labial fold c. Difficulty in speeking. d. Commisure of the mouth drops. e. Food collects in the vestibule 63 / 241 63) Which of the following is not diagnosis aids: a. Biopsy b. Radiography c. Electricity pulp testing d. Measurement blood pressure e. Thermal test 64 / 241 64) All of the following are the locations of minor salivary glands EXCEPT 1’/Labial and buccal mucosa 2/ Tongue and floor of the mouth 3/Soff palate and 2/3 posterior of hard palate 4/Gingiva and 1/3 anterior of hard palate a. only 3 b. only 4 c. 1,2,3 d. 2,3 e. 1,3,4 65 / 241 65) Which one of the following teeth is most frequently impacted? a. Mandibular cuspid. b. Mandibular first molar c. Maxillary cuspid. d. Maxillary first premolar. e. Mandibular second molar. 66 / 241 66) Which of the following is not true regarding to medical history a. Maybe not interest for dentist b. May modify any treatment plan c. May indicate a patient serious problem d. Is mandatory for medicolegal reasons e. Provide important clues to the diagnosis 67 / 241 67) Regarding to the lingual papillae , which one of the following had not taste buds ? a. circumvallate papillae b. All of the above c. Folate papillae d. Fungiform papillae e. Filiform papillae 68 / 241 68) Which of the following is NOT a sign of congenital heart disease? a. Telangiectasia b. Cyanosis c. Right ventricular hypertrophy d. Heart murmur e. Clubbing of the fingers and toes 69 / 241 69) “spoon-shaped” nails (koilonychia) may be seen in a. congenital heart conditions. b. hypertension c. diabete d. infective endocarditis e. hypochromic anaemias. 70 / 241 70) The white appearance of the oral mucosa seen following extended local application of aspirin is the result of a. edema b. hyperparakeratosis. c. coagulation necrosis. d. acanthosis. e. Acantholysis 71 / 241 71) All of the following are symptoms EXCEPT: a. Numbness b. swelling c. Dry mouth d. Pain e. Burning sensation 72 / 241 72) In which situation the translucency of a tooth is lost a. Complete calcification of pulp chamber b. Hyperaemia c. All of the above d. Pulp stone e. Death of the pulp 73 / 241 73) Which of the following irreversible pulpitis can present as the asymptomatic conditions? a. Acute pulpitis, Acute suppurative pulpitis, Hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp) b. Hyperplastic pulpitis (pulp polyp) Pulpal necrosis c. Acute pulpitis and Pulpal necrosis d. Acute suppurative pulpitis e. Acute suppurative pulpitis and Pulpal necrosis 74 / 241 74) A small circumscribed non elevated area of discoloration is call a. macule b. pustule c. papule d. Bulla e. plaque 75 / 241 75) Function(s) of the dental pulp include(s) a. defensive, sensory, circulatory. b. defensive and circulatory. c. All of the above d. dentin repair. e. sensory and dentin repair. 76 / 241 76) The most chief complaint of patient in Dentistry is: a. Pain b. Burning sensation c. Oral ulceration d. Bleeding e. Numbness 77 / 241 77) Lateral mandibular motion ranges from: a. 5-7mm b. 6-8mm c. 8-10mm d. 10-12mm 78 / 241 78) An acute periapical abscess must be associated with: 1/ pain 2/ sensitivity to percussion 3/ non-vital tooth 4/periapicalradiolucency a. 2 and 4 b. 1,2,3 c. all of the above d. 4 only e. 1 and 3 79 / 241 79) Caries which is close to the pulp chamber; on x rays you find dent in dent; the right treatment is a. Pulpotomy b. Pulpectomy c. Zinc oxide eugenol cement and amalgam d. Calcium hydroxide on pulp and amalgam e. All of the above 80 / 241 80) A patient presents with apparent paralysis of one side of the face which appeared the day before. What is the most likely diagnosis? a. Trigeminal neuralgia b. Glossodynia c. Myasthenia gravis. d. Bell's palsy. 81 / 241 81) The normal range of mouth opening for a male patient is ? a. 30-40mm b. 10-20mm c. 55- 65mm d. 40-50 mm e. 20-30mm 82 / 241 82) A child has sustained a traumatic exposure of primary central incisor, he presents to you for treatment two days after the injury. Which of the following should be considered a. Pulpotomy and formocresol b. Pulpotomy and Ca(OH)2 c. Pulpectomy (RCT) d. None of the above e. Direct pulp capping 83 / 241 83) Which one of the following the periodontal pocket can be recognized ? a. Study cast b. X-Ray c. Periodontal probe / Calibrated probe/ d. Bitewing radiograph e. Sharp explorer 84 / 241 84) Regarding to oral mucosae, which one of the following is normally keratinized? a. Lateral tongue. b. Buccal and labial c. Soft palate. d. Ventral tongue. e. Hard palate. 85 / 241 85) Application of cold to tooth will provide temporarily relieve pain in a. pulpal necrosis b. chronic pulpitis c. Acute suppurative pulpitis d. hyperemic pulp e. acute apical abscess 86 / 241 86) Which of the following foods is LEAST cariogenic? a. Fruit jello. b. Potatoes. c. White bread. d. Cheese. e. Canned fruit. 87 / 241 87) 153. Which of the following radiographic findings are attributable to trauma from occlusion? 1. Widening of the periodontal ligament space. 2. Vertical destruction of the interdental septum. 3. Widening of the lamina dura. 4. Narrowing in width of the periodontal ligament space. a. (1) and (3) b. (1) (2) (3 c. All of the above. d. (4) only e. (2) and (4) 88 / 241 88) All of the following are keratinised EXCEPT of a. Palatal epithelium b. Buccal mucosa c. Alveolar mucosa d. Attached gingiva 89 / 241 89) Which of the following lingual papillae have taste buds ? 1/ circumvallate papillae 2/ foliate papillae 3/ filliforme papillae 4/ fungiforme papillae a. 1,2,3 b. 1,2,4 c. only 3 d. 2,4 e. 1,3 90 / 241 90) The following are vital sign EXCEPT. a. Pupil size. b. Pulse rate and respiration c. Blood pressure. d. Body temperature. 91 / 241 91) What would not cause an airway obstruction? a. Flexion of the neck b. Laryngeal muscles paralysis c. Extension of the neck d. Airway obstruction 92 / 241 92) The most prominent feature of acute apical periodontitis is a. Painless on percussion b. Tenderness of tooth to pressure c. All of the above d. Intermittent pain e. Extra oral swelling 93 / 241 93) The second branch of trigeminal nerve is called: a. Inferior alveolar nerve b. Nasolacrimal nerve c. Maxillary nerve d. Ophthalmic nerve e. Mandibular nerve 94 / 241 94) Which of the following statements is correct?. a. The basal lamina is a product of epithelial cells. b. All of the above. c. The basal lamina is divided into lamina lucida and lamina densa d. Epithelial cells are united to the basal lamina by hemidesmosomes. 95 / 241 95) Which of the following conditions may result from cross-brushing the teeth? a. Attrition b. Erosion c. Abrasion d. Hypoplasia 96 / 241 96) A small circumscribed elevated area is call a. papule b. vesicle c. pustule d. macule e. plaque 97 / 241 97) Which one of the following statements is FALSE? a. The interdental papillae in the posterior regions are broader than in the anterior region. b. Stippling in healthy gingiva varies with location. c. Healthy gingiva does not bleed. d. Healthy gingiva is bright red in color. 98 / 241 98) Which of the following cells are characteristic of chronic inflammation of the dental pulp? a. Neutrophils and Plasma cells b. Neutrophils and Eosinophils. c. Lymphocytes, Macrophages and Plasma cells d. Neutrophils, Macrophages and Plasma cells e. Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Lymphocytes. 99 / 241 99) Which of the following is/ are ducts of sublingual gland? 1/ Wharton’s duct 2/Bartholin’s duct 3/ Rivinus’s duct 4/ Minor salivary glands duct 5/ Stenson’s duct a. All of the above b. 2, 3 c. 2,3,4 d. 3,4,5 e. 1,2.3 100 / 241 100) The earliest clinical sign of gingivitis is : a. Bleeding on probing b. Change in consistency of the attached gingiva c. Pocket formation d. Change in color of the attached gingiva/ e. Increase tooth mobility 101 / 241 101) All of the following are abnormal structure EXCEPT for : a. Tori b. Swelling c. Edema d. Ankyloglossia ( tongue tie) e. Difficulty swallowing 102 / 241 102) Which of the following agents is most effective in cold testing? a. Air jet. b. Ice water c. Ethyl chloride. d. CO2 (dry ice). 103 / 241 103) Granulation tissue is composed of a. fibroblasts and eosinophils. b. plasma cells and giant cells. c. fibroblasts, capillaries and chronic inflammatory cells. d. epithelioid cells and tissue phagocytes. 104 / 241 104) Enlargement of thyroid gland can be caused by a. Excess sodium b. Excess calcium c. Excess iodine d. Insufficient iodine e. Insufficient fluoride 105 / 241 105) In teeth with complete pulp necrosis, the periapical area is involved if 1.there is pain to thermal stimuli. 2. there is pain on percussion. 3. the tooth throbs when the patient is lying down. 4. the radiograph shows an apical radiolucency. a. (4) only b. (2) and (4) c. (1) (2) (3) d. (1) and (3) e. All of the above. 106 / 241 106) Abrasion is most commonly seen on the a. lingual surface of posterior teeth b. facial surfaces of teeth. c. occlusal surface of posterior teeth. d. incisal edges 107 / 241 107) Which one of the following is not sign and symptom of Ehlers-Danlos syndrome a. Xerostomia b. Fragility of the skin and blood vessels, c. Hyperelasticity of the skin, d. Hyperlaxity of the joints, e. Delay wound healing 108 / 241 108) The success of indirect pulp capping is dependent upon a. a well sealed restoration. b. removal of all caries at the enamel-dentin junction. c. use of calcium hydroxide. d. All of the above. 109 / 241 109) The apical region of a non-vital tooth with a deep carious lesion may radiographically show Widening of the periodontal space. Loss of lamina dura. A circumscribed radiolucency. Calcification of the periodontal membrane. a. All of the above. b. (1) (2) (3) c. (4) only d. (1) and (3) e. (2) and (4) 110 / 241 110) The earliest radiographic sign of occlusal trauma is a. ankylosis. b. widening of the periodontal ligament space c. alteration of the lamina dura. d. hypercementosis e. root resorption. 111 / 241 111) How would you diagnose a periapical abscess a. Pain when eating cold food b. Pain when eating hot food c. The thickness of periodontal ligament on X-Ray d. Pain on percussion 112 / 241 112) The masseter muscle originates from the a. coronoid process. b. angle of the mandible. c. zygomatic arch. d. pterygoid fossa. 113 / 241 113) An elevated area containing pus is call a. Pustule b. Scar c. Macule d. Vesicle e. Fistula 114 / 241 114) Which of the following may be caused the migration of teeth 1. lip habits 2. tongue habits. 3. Bruxism 4. periodontitis. a. All of the above b. (1) (2) (3) c. Only (4) d. (1) and (3) e. (2) and (4) 115 / 241 115) When lateral deviation on opening the mouth ( e.g right side) causes pain; the pain is toward : a. The right side b. The left temporalis c. None of the above d. Bilaterally e. The left side 116 / 241 116) A circumscribed accumulation of fluid within or below epithelium,larger than 5mm in diameter is call a. macule b. plaque c. vesicle d. Pustule e. Bulla 117 / 241 117) The electric pulp tester has not value in determining whether a. the pulp is hyperemic or hyperplastic and there is a partial or total pulpitis. b. the pulp is vital or nonvital. c. there is a partial necrosis of the pulp and the pulp is vital or nonvital. d. All of the above. e. the pulp is hyperemic or hyperplastic, there is a partial necrosis of the pulp and there is a partial or total pulpitis 118 / 241 118) The cardinal signs of inflammation are 1 redness. 2. pain. 3. swelling. 4. heat a. (2) and (4) b. All of the above. c. (4) only d. (1) (2) (3) e. (1) and (3) 119 / 241 119) “spoon-shaped” nails (koilonychia) may be seen in ? a. diabete b. infective endocarditis c. hypertension d. hypochromic anaemias e. congenital heart conditions. 120 / 241 120) On inspection of lateral boarder of the tongue at the base, which structure would you expect to find a. Lymph nodes b. Circumvallate papillae c. Filiform papillae d. Foliate papillae e. Fungiform papillae 121 / 241 121) Percussion of a tooth is used to evaluate 1.ankylosis. 2.pain. 3.mobility. 4. vitality. a. (4) only b. 2) and (4) c. All of the above. d. (1) and (3) e. (1) (2) (3) 122 / 241 122) The electric pulp tester might be of some value in determining whether the pulp is a. Hyperemic or hyperplastic, There is a partial necrosis of the pulp and There is a partial or total pulpitis. b. All of the above. c. The pulp is vital or non-vital d. There is a partial necrosis of the pulp and The pulp is vital or non-vital. e. Hyperemic or hyperplastic and There is a partial or total pulpitis. 123 / 241 123) Which of the following, if left untreated, is most likely to result in a periapical lesion? a. Diffuse calcification of the pulp b. Reversible pulpitis c. Acute suppurative pulpitis d. Internal resorption e. Chronic hyperplastic pulpitis 124 / 241 124) “Tic douloureux” is synonymous with a. psychogenic facial pain. b. trigeminal neuralgia. c. facial paralysis. d. temporomandibular joint dysfunction syndrome. 53. Percussion of a tooth is used to evaluate 125 / 241 125) Which of the following is the hardest? a. Ename b. Silicate cement c. Amalgam d. Composite resin e. Gold 126 / 241 126) Which of the following is/ are ducts of sublingual gland? a. Bartholin’s duct and Rivinus’s duct b. Wharton’s duct, Bartholin’s duct and Rivinus’s duct c. Bartholin’s duct, Rivinus’s duct and Minor salivary glands duct d. All of the above e. Rivinus’s duct, Minor salivary glands duct and Stenson’s duct 127 / 241 127) Condensing osteitis in the periapical region is indicative of a/an a. None of the above. . b. pulpal abscess. c. chronic inflammation of the pulp. d. acute inflammation of the pulp. e. early apical abscess formation. 128 / 241 128) The electric pulp tester might be of some value in determining whether the pulp is 1. Hyperemic or hyperplastic. 2. There is a partial necrosis of the pulp. 3. There is a partial or total pulpitis. 4. The pulp is vital or non-vital. a. All of the above. b. (1) and (3) c. (1) (2) (3) d. (2) and (4) e. (4) only 129 / 241 129) A smooth, elevated, red patch devoid of filiform papillae, located in the midline of the dorsum of the tongue immediately anterior to the circumvallate papillae is indicative of a. A granular cell tumor. b. Median rhomboid glossitis. c. Iron deficiency anemia. d. A fibroma. e. Benign migratory glossitis. 130 / 241 130) A cusp fracture can be detected by a. Percussion b. Radiograph c. Visually d. History e. Touching the tip of the cusp / Pressure on the cusp by using tooth sloth 131 / 241 131) The normal range of mouth opening for a male patient is : a. 10-20mm b. 40-50 mm c. 55- 65mm d. 20-30mm e. 30-40mm 132 / 241 132) A cusp fracture can be detected by a. Percussion b. Touching the tip of the cusp / Pressure on the cusp by using tooth sloth c. Visually d. Radiograph e. History 133 / 241 133) Palpable node characteristics: 1/Acute infection 2/Chronic infection 3/ Metastatic cancer 4/ Tooth wear a. 2 and 4 b. All of the above c. 1,2,3 d. 1,3,4 e. only 4 134 / 241 134) The muscle primarily responsible for moving the mandible to a lateral position is the a. Buccinators b. Masseters c. lateral pterygoids d. Internal pterygoids e. Temporalis 135 / 241 135) On inspection of lateral border of the tongue at the base, which structure would you expect to find? a. Circumvallate papillae b. Foliate papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Lymph nodes e. Filiform papillae 136 / 241 136) Which of the following are possible causes of Bell’s Palsy? a. All of the above. b. Incorrect injection technique and Inflammation of the facial nerve. c. Surgical trauma. d. Viral infection and Surgical trauma. e. Incorrect injection technique, Viral infection and Inflammation of the facial nerve. 137 / 241 137) Which of the following are vital signs? a. Height and weight. b. Complete blood count c. Pupil size and reactivity. d. Pulse rate and respiration. 138 / 241 138) Sterilization of carious dentin without pulp injury is assured by the application of a. chlorhexidine. b. None of the above. c. 70% ethyl alcohol. d. absolute alcohol. e. phenol. 139 / 241 139) Which of the following cells are characteristic of chronic inflammation of the dental pulp? Neutrophils. Eosinophils. Lymphocytes. Macrophages. Plasma cells a. (3) (4) (5) b. (1) and (5) c. (1) and (2) d. (1) (4) (5) e. (1) (2) (3) 140 / 241 140) The following are abnormal functions EXCEPT for : a. Difficulty walkin b. Dysphonia ( difficulty speaking ) c. Dysphagia ( difficulty swallowing ) d. Inability to open mouth e. A swelling 141 / 241 141) Which of the following is/are the nature of pain : 1. Throbbing 2. Squeezing 3. Dull 4.Severe pain a. 1,2and,3 b. 3 and,4 c. 2 and 3 d. Only 4 e. All of the above 142 / 241 142) For an exophthalmia, the Schirmer’s test which is wetting of the paper in 5minutes, the result is: a. 10-15mm b. <5mm c. 8-10mm d. >15mm 143 / 241 143) Ankyloglossia is caused by a. Large lingual frenum b. Short labial frenum c. Short lingual frenum d. Large labial frenum e. Edentulous ridge 144 / 241 144) A clenching habit may be a factor in a. generalized recession. b. increased tooth mobility. c. marginal gingivitis. d. suprabony periodontal pocket formation. 145 / 241 145) Which of the following are salivary glands, EXCEPT a. Thyroid gland b. Vn Ebner gland c. Parotid gland d. Sublingual gland e. Submandibular gland 146 / 241 146) What would cause an airway obstruction a. Flexion of the neck b. The tongue muscles relax and full back into the pharynx c. Head gently tilted towards one side. d. Extension of the neck 147 / 241 147) 151. Which of the following are characteristic symptoms of acute suppurative pulpitis? 1. Spontaneous throbbing pain. 2. Prolonged pain initiated by heat. 3. Increased pain while lying down. 4. Increased pain by cold. a. (1) (2) (3) b. (4) only c. (2) and (4) d. All of the above. e. (1) and (3) 148 / 241 148) The following are sign and symptom in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Except for: a. Xerostomia b. Hyperelasticity of the skin, c. Delay wound healing d. Hyperlaxity of the joints, e. Fragility of the skin and blood vessels, 149 / 241 149) Which of the following are possible causes of Bell’s Palsy? 1. Incorrect injection technique. 2. Viral infection. 3. Inflammation of the facial nerve. 4. Surgical trauma. a. (4) only b. (1) and (3) c. (1) (2) (3) d. (2) and (4) e. All of the above. 150 / 241 150) Which of the following muscles passes obliquely across the side of the neck.? a. Lateral pterygoid b. Sternocleidomastoid c. Temporalis d. Masseter e. Medial pterygoid 151 / 241 151) Pathologic migration of teeth is due a. tongue thrust b. grinding c. lip incompetence d. All of the above e. bruxism 152 / 241 152) A patient suffering from periodontal disease may complain of a. Loose teeth. b. All of the above. c. Bleeding gingiva. d. Pain. e. Gingival recession. 153 / 241 153) Swelling after RCT is mainly caused by a. All of the above b. Entrapped Bacteria, or the presence of bacteria in the periapical region. c. Over filled root canal d. Under filling the root canal system 154 / 241 154) Joint deformity and swelling will indicate a. congenital heart conditions b. infective endocarditis c. arthritis d. hypertention e. iron deficiency anemia 155 / 241 155) Migration of teeth may be associated with a. All of the above b. lip habits, tongue habits and bruxism c. lip habits, bruxism d. periodontitis e. tongue habits and periodontitis. 156 / 241 156) In health, attached gingiva a. Displays varying degrees of stippling. b. All of the above. c. Has a keratinized surface. d. Is bound firmly by the periosteum to the alveolar bone. e. Is attached by collagen fibres to the cementum. 157 / 241 157) Which of the following is/are mandibular nerve? a. Frontal nerve, lingual nerve and lachrymal nerve b. lachrymal nerve and Inferior alveolar nerve c. Frontal nerve and lachrymal nerve d. lingual nerve and Inferior alveolar nerve e. All of the above 158 / 241 158) Swelling related to increased tissue fluid is called a. edema b. thrombosis c. embolism d. surgical emphysema e. hematoma 159 / 241 159) In Dentistry, the most chief complaint of the patient is: a. Pain b. Burning mouth c. Dry mouth d. Bleeding e. Numbness 160 / 241 160) Which of the following is the most powerful jaw-closing muscle? a. Masseter. b. Medial pterygoid. c. Temporalis.. d. Platysma e. Lateral pterygoid. 161 / 241 161) During examination of the temporomandibular joint , we have to do all of the following except a. Palpation of the muscles of mastication b. Palpation of the joint itself c. Evaluation of limitation and deviation of opening d. Auscultation of the joint itself e. Percussion of the joint itself 162 / 241 162) Radiography is used to detect the following conditions EXCEPT for: a. Rarefying osteitis b. Benign migratory glossitis c. Impacted teeth d. Cysts/radiolucent/radiopaque lesions e. Retained root tips 163 / 241 163) Whith of the following nodes drain the scalp ? 1/ Pre auricular nodes (Parotid) 2/ Post auricular nodes (mastoid) 3/ Occipital nodes 4/Sub mental nodes a. 2 and 3 b. 1,2,3 c. All of the above d. only 4 e. 2,3,4 164 / 241 164) Radiographically, the lamina dura is a a. thin radiopaque line around the roots of the teeth. b. thick layer of bone forming the inner