Oral Diagnosis Test

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Oral Diagnosis Test


1 / 60

The earliest radiographic sign of occlusal trauma is

2 / 60

Which of the following are symptoms of secondary Sjogren’s syndrome?

3 / 60

Which of the following is /are abnormal functions ? 1. Difficulty walking 2. Inability to open mouth 3. Dysphonia ( difficulty speaking ) 4. Dysphagia ( difficulty swallowing )

4 / 60

The following are the component of the external auditory meatus EXCEPT of:

5 / 60

Which of the following is/are symptoms : 1. Pain 2. Burning sensation 3. Numbness 4 Dry mouth

6 / 60

Which one of the following the periodontal pocket can be recognized ?

7 / 60

Which one of the following the radiography is not used to detect ?

8 / 60

Gingival hyperplasia may be

9 / 60

In Dentistry, the most chief complaint of the patient is:

10 / 60

A genetic disorder that causes prominence in the lower portion in the face is called:

11 / 60

Which of the following may be caused the migration of teeth 1. lip habits 2. tongue habits. 3. Bruxism 4. periodontitis.

12 / 60

β€œspoon-shaped” nails (koilonychia) may be seen in

13 / 60

Which of the following radiographic findings are attributable to trauma from occlusion?

14 / 60

Which of the following is one of the principle jaw-opening muscles?

15 / 60

Which of the following irreversible pulpitis can present as the asymptomatic conditions?

16 / 60

Enlargement of thyroid gland can be caused by

17 / 60

Which of the following are vital signs?

18 / 60

The physiologic wear of hard dental tissue resulting from tooth brushing is known as

19 / 60

Swelling after RCT is mainly caused by

20 / 60

Transillumination is used to

21 / 60

Tooth under occlusal trauma shows

22 / 60

A clenching habit may be a factor in

23 / 60

The following are the characteristic signs and symptoms of Bell’sPalsy EXCEPT for:

24 / 60

An acute pain is described as :

25 / 60

The following are possible causes of Bell’s Palsy EXCEPT

26 / 60

The Most common cause of enlargement of the lymph nodes of the head and neck is :

27 / 60

Which of the following is/ are ducts of sublingual gland?

28 / 60

The muscle primarily responsible for moving the mandible to a lateral position is the

29 / 60

A patient presents with apparent paralysis of one side of the face which appeared the day before. What is the most likely diagnosis?

30 / 60

A cold stimulus applied to a tooth will produce a hypersensitive response if the tooth

31 / 60

Which of the following is/are the nature of pain : 1. Throbbing 2. Squeezing 3. Dull 4.Severe pain

32 / 60

In Bell’s Palsy,the significant signs and symptoms of misrouting of facial nerve fibers is/are : 1/ A post-paralytic hemi spasm (spontaneous clonic spasms) 2/ Eyelid closure is always respected 3/ Reduced lacrimation 4/ Syndrome of crocodile tears

33 / 60

Percussion of a tooth is used to evaluate ?

34 / 60

All of the following are abnormal structure EXCEPT for :

35 / 60

The normal range of mouth opening for a male patient is ?

36 / 60

Which one of the following, is asymptomatic?

37 / 60

Which of the following conditions may result from cross-brushing the teeth?

38 / 60

The tissue which cannot be seen on dental radiographs is

39 / 60

Which of the following is/are mandibular nerve?

40 / 60

Name of patient is used :

41 / 60

Which of the following is immediately distal to the intermaxillary suture?

42 / 60

The papillae that are few in number associated with most taste buds,and associated with Von Ebner’s glands are:

43 / 60

The following are the nature of pain EXCEPT:

44 / 60

Which of the following are possible causes of Bell’s Palsy? 1. Incorrect injection technique. 2. Viral infection. 3. Inflammation of the facial nerve. 4. Surgical trauma.

45 / 60

Which of the following is not true regarding thyroid gland ?

46 / 60

What clinical evidence would support a diagnosis of acute dento-alveolar abscess?Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  Β  1.Β  A negative reaction to the electric vitality tester.

2.Β  A positive reaction of short duration to cold.

3.Β  A positive reaction to percussion.

4.Β  Presence of a draining fistula

47 / 60

The masseter muscle originates from the

48 / 60

The microscopic study of cells scraped from the surface of a lesion is called:

49 / 60

The white appearance of the oral mucosa seen following extended local application of aspirin is the result of

50 / 60

Which of the following are symptoms ofΒ  secondary Sjogren’s syndrome?

1/ Dry eyesΒ  (Xerophthalmia)

2/ Dry mouth (Xerostomia)

3/ Hyper elasticity of the skin

4/ Rheumatoid arthritis

51 / 60

Which of the following is true regarding to HYPERTRICHOSIS ?

52 / 60

Which muscle originated from temporal lines on the parietal bone of the skull ?

53 / 60

Which of the following are vital signs?

  1. Blood pressure.
  2. Body temperature
  3. Β Pulse rate and respiration.
  4. Pupil size.

54 / 60

153. Which of the following radiographic findings are attributable to trauma from occlusion? 1. Widening of the periodontal ligament space. 2. Vertical destruction of the interdental septum. 3. Widening of the lamina dura. 4. Narrowing in width of the periodontal ligament space.

55 / 60

Radiographically, the lamina dura is a

56 / 60

Which of the following is/ are ducts of sublingual gland?

1/ Wharton’s duct

2/Bartholin’s duct

3/ Rivinus’s duct

4/ Minor salivary glands duct

5/ Stenson’s duct

57 / 60

A cusp fracture can be detected by

58 / 60

Which of the following is the hardest?

59 / 60

Electrical pulp testing is least useful in :

60 / 60

A small circumscribed elevated area is call

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The average score is 89%


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