Oral Diagnosis Test

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Oral Diagnosis Test


1 / 59

Which of the following are symptoms of  secondary Sjogren’s syndrome?

1/ Dry eyes  (Xerophthalmia)

2/ Dry mouth (Xerostomia)

3/ Hyper elasticity of the skin

4/ Rheumatoid arthritis

2 / 59

The etiology of erosion of the teeth is?

3 / 59

Which drug is specific for Trigeminal Neuralgia

4 / 59

The following diseases are presented in adult and older patientsEXCEPT;

5 / 59

All of the following are the locations of minor salivary glands EXCEPT?

6 / 59

A risk factor for gingival recession is

7 / 59

The following are possible causes of Bell’s Palsy EXCEPT

8 / 59

Sterilization of carious dentin without pulp injury is assured by the application of

9 / 59

Which of the following is /are abnormal functions ? 1. Difficulty walking 2. Inability to open mouth 3. Dysphonia ( difficulty speaking ) 4. Dysphagia ( difficulty swallowing )

10 / 59

Pathologic migration of teeth is due

11 / 59

Among the salivary glands , which of the following had multiple ducts?

12 / 59

Granulation tissue which extends coronally from the pulp of a carious tooth is known as

13 / 59

The cardinal signs of inflammation are

1 redness.

2. pain.

3. swelling.

4. heat

14 / 59

Under normal conditions, the most definitive test to confirm the loss of pulp vitality is

15 / 59

Migration of teeth may be associated with

16 / 59

Which one of the following the radiography is not used to detect ?

17 / 59

Which of the following are salivary glands, EXCEPT

18 / 59

In Bell’s Palsy,the significant signs and symptoms of misrouting of facial nerve fibers is/are : 1/ A post-paralytic hemi spasm (spontaneous clonic spasms) 2/ Eyelid closure is always respected 3/ Reduced lacrimation 4/ Syndrome of crocodile tears

19 / 59

Which of the following oral epithelium is/are non keratinized? 1.Buccal mucosa 2. Soft palatal epithelium 3. Floor of the mouth 4. Alveolar mucosa

20 / 59

Which of the following is immediately distal to the intermaxillary suture?

21 / 59

The microscopic study of cells scraped from the surface of a lesion is called:

22 / 59

Which of the following is/are symptoms : 1. Pain 2. Burning sensation 3. Numbness 4 Dry mouth

23 / 59

Which of the following lingual papillae have taste buds ?

1/ circumvallate papillae

2/ foliate papillae

3/ filliforme papillae

4/ fungiforme papillae

24 / 59

An acute periapical abscess must be associated with:

25 / 59

A genetic disorder that causes prominence in the lower portion in the face is called:

26 / 59

Regarding to abrasion, it is most commonly seen on the

27 / 59

The physiologic wear of hard dental tissue resulting from mastication is known as

28 / 59

which one of masticatory muscles is broad, fan-shaped, and situated along the side of the head,

29 / 59

151. Which of the following are characteristic symptoms of acute suppurative pulpitis? 1. Spontaneous throbbing pain. 2. Prolonged pain initiated by heat. 3. Increased pain while lying down. 4. Increased pain by cold.

30 / 59

The apical region of a non-vital tooth with a deep carious lesion may radiographically show

31 / 59

153. Which of the following radiographic findings are attributable to trauma from occlusion? 1. Widening of the periodontal ligament space. 2. Vertical destruction of the interdental septum. 3. Widening of the lamina dura. 4. Narrowing in width of the periodontal ligament space.

32 / 59

Which of the following lingual papillae have taste buds?

33 / 59

The following are signs of congenital heart disease EXCEPT

34 / 59

Which of the following statements is correct? All of the above.

35 / 59

Which of the following is duct of parotid gland?

36 / 59

The tissue which cannot be seen on dental radiographs is

37 / 59

which one of the largest sinuses ?

38 / 59

Radiographically, the lamina dura is a

39 / 59

On inspection of lateral border of the tongue at the base, which structure would you expect to find?

40 / 59

Which one of the following is not symptoms of secondary Sjogren’s syndrome?

41 / 59

Which muscle originated from temporal lines on the parietal bone of the skull ?

42 / 59

which statement is false regarding to thyroid glands:

43 / 59

A cusp fracture can be detected by

44 / 59

Which of the following are possible causes of Bell’s Palsy?

45 / 59

Patient registration number Useful for:

46 / 59

A patient with bruxism is likely to demonstrate ?

47 / 59

Which one of the following teeth is most frequently impacted?

48 / 59

The earliest radiographic sign of occlusal trauma is

49 / 59

Abrasion is most commonly seen on the

50 / 59

A patient presents with a 3 week history of prolonged tooth pain to hot and cold. Three days ago the symptoms changed to moderate pain on biting combined with a dull, spontaneous ache relieved by cold. The most likely diagnosis is Chronic apical abscess. ?

51 / 59

Which of the following is depressor of mandible ?

52 / 59

Swelling after RCT is mainly caused by

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The normal range of mouth opening for a male patient is :

54 / 59

Transillumination is used to**

55 / 59

The following are sign and symptom in Ehlers-Danlos syndrome Except for:

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All of the following are abnormal structure EXCEPT for :

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Which of the following agents is most effective in cold testing?

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The normal range of mouth opening for a male patient is ?

59 / 59

The following are the nature of pain EXCEPT:

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