Oral Histology Test

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Oral Histology Test


1 / 60

Bartholin’s duct is the name of :

2 / 60

Myoepithelial cells are present in :

3 / 60

Atrophy αž‚αžΊαž‡αžΆαŸ–

4 / 60

Partially keratinized papilla is?

5 / 60

Hyperplasia αž‚αžΊαž‡αžΆαŸ–

6 / 60

The lymph nodes αž‚αžΊαž‡αžΆ bean-shaped bodies αž“αŸ…αž‡αžΆαž€αŸ’αžšαž»αž˜αžαžΆαž˜αž”αžŽαŸ’αžαŸ„αž™:

7 / 60

Wharton’s duct is of:

8 / 60

The peripheral nervous system includes the:

9 / 60

Wharton’s duct drains the:

10 / 60

Color of the normal gingiva is?

11 / 60

The parotid gland opens :

12 / 60

αž‘αžΈαžαžΆαŸ†αž„αžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹ Tubal tonsil αž‚αžΊαŸˆ

13 / 60

20 Which of the following contributes to the reddish coloration of the vermilion border?:

14 / 60

Bartholin’s duct is of:

15 / 60

A cyst occurring under the tongue caused by obstruction of salivary gland duct is called a :

16 / 60

αž‘αžΈαžαžΆαŸ†αž„αžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹ Palatine tonsil αž‚αžΊαŸˆ

17 / 60

The most common benign tumor occurring in the oral cavity is the :

18 / 60

Which of the following papillae of the tongue do not contain taste buds:

19 / 60

Dendritic cell located in the stratified squamous keratinized epithelium of the oral cavity include?

20 / 60

Keratohyaline granules are found in?

21 / 60

The total amount of saliva secreted by all the salivary glands about 5% is secreted by the:

22 / 60

The papillae lined up in the back ofΒ  theΒ  tongueΒ  areΒ  called:

23 / 60

Labial and buccal miner salivary glands are:

24 / 60

Keratohyalin granules are present in

25 / 60

Basement membrane?

26 / 60

The sulcular epithelium:

27 / 60

The mucosa of the dorsal surface of the tongue is:

28 / 60

Masticatory mucosa in the oral cavity covers the?

29 / 60

Intermediate layer αž˜αžΆαž“αž“αŸ…αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αŸˆ

30 / 60

Parakeratinized epithelium is found in:

31 / 60

Myoepithelial cell of an acini is:

32 / 60

The pH of whole saliva is :

33 / 60

When do tonsils or adenoids need to be removed:

34 / 60

Stratum granulosum is not present in?

35 / 60

Inflammation of the lips is refered to as?

36 / 60

αž‘αžΈαžαžΆαŸ†αž„αžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹ Lingual tonsil αž‚αžΊαŸˆ

37 / 60

αž“αŸ…αž€αŸ’αž“αž»αž„αž˜αžΆαžαŸ‹ αž˜αžΆαž“Β  Tosils αž’αŸ’αžœαžΈαžαŸ’αž›αŸ‡:

38 / 60

Masticatory mucosa has:

39 / 60

A node of Ranvier is?

40 / 60

The onecelled microorganisms also known as germs or microbes are:

41 / 60

What do your tonsils and adenoids do:

42 / 60

Most areas of oral mucosa are:

43 / 60

Salivary glands are not found in :

44 / 60

The mucous membrane of cheek and lips?

45 / 60

Which of the following is found in the cerebellum:

46 / 60

Taste buds are in

47 / 60

Bartholin’s duct drains the:

48 / 60

Keratohyalin granules are present in:

49 / 60

Lamina densa of the gingival basement membrane is rich in?

50 / 60

Which one of the following epithelium is least common?

51 / 60

The spirilla bacteria Trepnema pallida causes:

52 / 60

Glands are classified based on?

53 / 60

Healthy line is represented in:

54 / 60

A sign of bacterial infection is:

55 / 60

Function of acini is:

56 / 60

The floor of the mouth is lined by:

57 / 60

The mode of attachment of the junctional epithelium is:

58 / 60

The somatic nervous system is part of the:

59 / 60

In the tongue bitter taste is more perceived at?

60 / 60

αž‘αžΈαžαžΆαŸ†αž„αžšαž”αžŸαŸ‹ Pharyngeal tonsil αž‚αžΊαŸˆ

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