Oral Microbiology Test

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Oral Microbiology Test


1 / 59

Causative agent of scarlet fever?

2 / 59

Herpagina is usually cause by?

3 / 59

Which of the following statements on Prevotella Intermedia are true:?

4 / 59

Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)?

5 / 59

A patient attends the surgery with bilateral swelling of the parotid salivary glands. Which condition are they suffering from?

6 / 59

Mumps virus is belonging to?

7 / 59

Certain strains of Streptococcus mutans?

8 / 59

Which of the following statement on Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans are true?

9 / 59

The organisms most commonly associated with root caries are ?

10 / 59

Which of the following bacteria that is predominant in chronic periodontitis?

11 / 59

Which of the following is associated with dental caries?

12 / 59

Which of the following statements on aggressive periodontitis is EXACTE?

13 / 59

Widely accepted theory of dental caries is 😕

14 / 59

Mouthwashes used for controlling oral malodor should contain?

15 / 59

Normal flora help protect the body from pathogens … ?

16 / 59

Demineralization of inorganic portion and destruction of organic of tooth is known as:?

17 / 59

Viruses can be cultivated in?

18 / 59

Probiotics exhibit all BUT the following characteristics:?

19 / 59

Which genus of bacterium contributes to plaque, caries, gingivitis, and periodontal disease?

20 / 59

Which of the following statements on the natural history of periodontal disease is INEXACT?

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Which of the following statements on diagnosis of dental caries is INEXACTE?

22 / 59

Which is not true about Ludwig angina?

23 / 59

Which of the following statements on periodontal disease is INEXACT?

24 / 59

What is the cause of death in Ludwig angina?

25 / 59

Which of the following disease most commonly afflicts human?

26 / 59

The most common protozoa in the oral cavity of people ?

27 / 59

Predisposing factors for acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis include INEXACT:?

28 / 59

Microorganisms play the most essential role.?

29 / 59

A facultative anaerobic is:?

30 / 59

Initiation of dental caries depends upon:?

31 / 59

Which of the following bacteria that is predominant in healthy condition?

32 / 59

How to manage dental caries?

33 / 59

In dentoalveolar abscess, the bacteria reach pulp by:?

34 / 59

Microorganisms that are frequently implicated in the pathogenesis of periodontal abscess include:?

35 / 59

ពពួកបាក់តេរីដែលគ្មាន peptide-glycane តែមាន enveloppe externe និងភ្នាសcytoplasmique ហៅថា ?

36 / 59

សេចក្តីត្រូវការផ្នែកថាមពល ( besoins énergétique )សំរាប់ធ្វើសំយោគម៉ូលេគុលដែលជា សារធាតុសំខាន់ក្នុងការបង្កើតថាមពលរបស់បាក់តេរី?

37 / 59


38 / 59

សារធាតុណាខ្លះដែលប្រឆាំង និងការរីកលូតលាស់របស់បាក់តេរី?

39 / 59

បរិមាណចំណីអាហារសំរាប់សាងសង់និង ដើម្បីថាមពលហៅថា?

40 / 59

ដើម្បីរស់ បាក់តេរីការចំណីអាហារប៉ុន្មានភាគរយ នៃ Ration totale សំរាប់ការរស់នៅក្នុងធម្មជាតិ?

41 / 59

បាក់តេរី Doderlein អាចរស់នៅក្នុង milieu?

42 / 59

បាក់តេរីដែលធ្វើអោយពុលដល់ចំណីអាហារកំប៉ុងឈ្មោះអ្វី ?

43 / 59

ក្នុងការជ្រាបចូលនៃសារធាតុនិងចំណីអាហាររបស់បាក់តេរីប្រភេទ perméase មាន?

44 / 59

ក្នុងការជ្រាបចូលនៃចំណីអាហាររបស់បាក់តេរី perméase មានប៉ុន្មានប្រភេទ​ ?

45 / 59


46 / 59

នៅក្នុង condition physico-chimique de la croissance របស់បាក់តេរីក្នុងល័ក្ខខណ្ឌ័ Perssions partielles d’oxygène គេបែងចែកបាក់តេរីជាច្រើនប្រភេទ?

47 / 59

បាក់តេរីខ្លះមិនបង្កអោយមានជំងឺ ( non pathogéne ) អាចរស់នៅក្នុងmilieu?

48 / 59


49 / 59

បាក់តេរីប្រភេទ cryophile អាចរស់នៅក្នុងរង្វង់សីតុណ្ហភាព?

50 / 59

បាក់តេរីប្រភេទ Mésophile អាចរស់នៅក្នុងសីតុណ្ហភាព?

51 / 59

Oral opportunistic infection happens when:?

52 / 59

In dental caries, the pathogenic factor is 😕

53 / 59

Analytical techniques for monitoring biofilms by “Direct detection” 😕

54 / 59

Antimicrobial against Porphyromonas gingivalis is 😕

55 / 59

Major bacteria cause periodontitis 😕

56 / 59

Pathway in order of pathogenesis of oral infection:?

57 / 59

Among 4 phases of biofilm formation, the phase that is done immediately about 4 hours is:?

58 / 59

Major bacteria cause chronic periodontitis:?

59 / 59

Major bacteria usually cause dental caries:?

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