/214 28 Oral Pathology I Preparation (Pr. Assc. Yem Sophal) 1 / 214 1) An abnormal disease in the flow of Salive is called? a. Xerostomia b. Trismus c. Salivation d. Sialadenitis 2 / 214 2) Erythematous candidiasis occurs most commonly as a result of? a. Immunodeficiency b. Genetically transmitted c. Sequela to course of broad spectrum antibiotics d. Irritation from dentures 3 / 214 3) Which of the following is contagious? a. Pemphigus b. Recurrent aphthous stomatitis c. Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis d. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis 4 / 214 4) The term used to describe epithelial changes including nuclear hyperchromatism, loss of increased nuclear to cytoplasmic ratio and abnormal mitoses is: a. parakeratosis b. hyperparakeratosis c. dysplasia d. hyperkeratosis 5 / 214 5) Baelz disease is also known as? a. Cheilitis granulomatosa b. Cheilitis glandularis c. Cheilitis follicularis d. Keratosis follicularis 6 / 214 6) Exfoliative cytology is of value in the diagnosis of: a. lichen planus b. herpes simplex c. benign mucous membrane pemphigoid d. erythema multiforme 7 / 214 7) Herpes encephalitis ααΆαααααααααΆααΌα ααΆα a. Fever, behavioral changes and seizures b. Fever, pain in the ears and the eyes c. Fever, headache and vertigo d. Fever, vomit and malay 8 / 214 8) In human beings, regeneration is limited to epithelium and? a. Liver b. Brain c. Heart d. Kidney 9 / 214 9) All of the following are well documented initiating factors of hairy tongue EXCEPT: a. mouth rinses b. antibiotics c. radiotherapy to the head and neck d. candidiasis 10 / 214 10) Taste buds αα·αααΆααα αααα»αα a. Circumvallate papillae b. Filiform papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Foliate papillae 11 / 214 11) What is the Meischer syndrome? a. ααΊααΆ Cheilitis at corner of the mouth b. ααΊααΆ Cheilitis with ulcer c. ααΊααΆ Cheilitis granulomatosa d. ααΊααΆ Cheilitis with pus 12 / 214 12) Contact stomatitis may be caused by: a. dentifrice b. antibiotics c. lipstick d. all of the above 13 / 214 13) Fever blisterβ ααΊααΆα a. Vesicle erupted by sun beam b. Vesicle erupted by coolness c. Vesicle erupted by trauma d. Vesicle erupted by stress 14 / 214 14) Which is usually found when a systemic infection is present a. Stomach upset b. Cellulitis c. Regional lymph node d. Fever 15 / 214 15) Member(s) of the Roseolovirus genus a. HHV-8 b. CMV c. EBV d. HHV-6 & HHV-7 16 / 214 16) Human herpesviruses 6 and 7 are classified within this group a. delta herpesviruses b. alpha herpesviruses c. gamma herpesviruses d. beta herpesviruses 17 / 214 17) The prolonged use of antibacterial lozenges or mouthwashes contributes to the development of: a. fissured tongue b. geographic tongue c. oral candidiasis d. aphthous ulcers 18 / 214 18) The precise manner of transmission is not known. It is known that it can be sexually transmitted by homosexual men. The virus is not shed in appreciable amounts in seminal fluid or the rectum, but is persistent in the oral cavities of some patients. a. Cytomegalovirus b. Varicella-zoster virus c. Human Kaposi Sarcoma virus d. Epstein-Barr virus 19 / 214 19) Incidence is highest in preschool children. Characterised by: pain on eating and drinking, high fever, may be bleeding from gums, extensive ulceration of the tongue, palate and buccal mucosa, cervical gland enlargement, dehydration due to refusal to eat or drink. It is a contagious disease that usually regresses spontaneously within 12 to 20 days. a. Herpes Labialis b. Keratitis c. Herpetic Whitlow d. Primary Herpetic Gingivostomatitis 20 / 214 20) Trauma to which gland can result in facial paralysis? a. Submandibular b. Parotid c. Sublingual d. Palatal 21 / 214 21) Which one of the following is a predisposing factor of Noma? a. Central giant cell granuloma b. Diphtheria c. Congestive cardiac failure d. Dentin dysplasia 22 / 214 22) Divided into two subtypes, A & B, which infect human T-cells a. HHV-8 b. CMV c. HSV d. HHV-6 23 / 214 23) The stigmata of congenital syphilis does not include: a. Eighth nerve deafness b. Interstitial keratitis c. Saber shins d. Cleft lip 24 / 214 24) The irradiations to the head region do not cause: a. Xerostomia b. Interference with tooth development c. Osteoradionecrosis d. Ramsay Hunt syndrome 25 / 214 25) An occluded submandibular duct can be diagnosed by: a. All of the above b. palpation c. history d. occlusal radiographs 26 / 214 26) The peak incidence of gingivitis in children occurs at ages: a. 5-7 years b. 10-13 years c. 7-10 years d. 1-3 years 27 / 214 27) Healing of which region of gingiva is the slowest? a. Free gingiva b. Interdental gingiva c. Attached gingiva d. Gingival sulcus 28 / 214 28) Inflammation of the cornea. This may result from a variety of bacterial, viral or fungal infections, or may be non-infective, for example due to trauma or associated with an auto-immune disease. a. Keratitis b. Eczema Herpeticum c. Herpetic Whitlow d. Encephalitis 29 / 214 29) Which cells, secreting osteoclast activating factor are believed to be responsible for much of root and bone destruction in periapical granulomas? a. Macrophages b. Mast cells c. B lymphocytes d. T lymphocytes 30 / 214 30) Which of the following is/are NOT usually affected by hereditary ectodermal dysplasia? a. Teeth b. Sweat glands c. Salivary glands d. Fingernails 31 / 214 31) Acute pyogenic bacteria infection may result in: a. Leukocytosis b. Leucopoenia c. Neutropenia d. Lymphocytosis 32 / 214 32) In developing plaque; the adhesive polymer produced by streptococcus mutans is synthesis from: a. Sucrose b. Fructose c. Lactose d. Glucose 33 / 214 33) Prodromal syndrome αα Herpes Virus Infection ααΆαα a. Gastro-intestinal upset b. Fever and malay c. Headache and Vertigo d. Itching, tingling or other sensations 34 / 214 34) Geographic tongue a. Tongue has fissures b. Tongue looks like a map c. Tongue has vesicular lesions d. Tongue has erythema 35 / 214 35) How would you treat Denture Stomatitis: a. Corticosteroid b. Tetracycline c. Nystatin d. Systemic penicillin 36 / 214 36) Replacement of lost tissue by ______ tissue is known as repair.? a. Connective b. Granulation c. Epithelial d. Vascular 37 / 214 37) Surfaces such as tables, walls, doorknobs, or your hands, no matter how clean they look, are very likely: a. Infected b. Contaminated c. Sterile d. Pathogenic 38 / 214 38) In the presence of an acute bacterial infection, laboratory tests will show an increase in: a. lymphocytes b. eosinophils c. polymorphonuclear leukocytes d. plasma cells 39 / 214 39) Which virus is now believed to be the one responsible for causing Bell palsy? a. Cytomegalovirus b. Epstein-Barr c. Herpes simplex d. Varicella zoster 40 / 214 40) Cytomegalovirus is an example of a(n) a. gamma herpesvirus b. delta herpesvirus c. alpha herpesvirus d. beta herpesvirus 41 / 214 41) Fissured tongue a. Tongue has fissures on the dorsal surface of the tongue b. Tongue has fissures in lateral sides of the tongue c. Tongue has fissures in the middle line of the tongue d. Tongue has erythema in the middle line of the tongue 42 / 214 42) The chief complaint of patient suffering from Freyβs syndrome is a. Pain in the tongue during swallowing b. Pain in the parotid region during eating c. Flushing and sweating of face during eating d. Paroxysmal attacks of pain in face during winter season 43 / 214 43) Median rhomboid glossitis a. Tongue has vesicular lesions on lateral sides b. Tongue has a lesion and pus in the middle line of the tongue c. Tongue has fissures in the middle line of the tongue d. Tongue has erythema in the middle line of the tongue 44 / 214 44) The pseudomembrane in diphtheria is mainly seen on? a. Tongue b. Larynx c. Tonsils d. Trachea 45 / 214 45) The cells most frequently found In an inflammatory inflammatory are: a. Mast cells b. Neutrophils c. Lymphocytes d. Giant cells 46 / 214 46) Foam cells within periapical granulomas are ______ cells that have ingested lipids. a. Plasma cells b. Macrophages c. Polymorphonuclear leukocytes d. Langerhans cells 47 / 214 47) Cold sore ααΊααΆα a. Vesicle erupted by stress b. Vesicle erupted by sun beam c. Vesicle erupted by coolness d. Vesicle erupted by trauma 48 / 214 48) A disease that is transmitted from one person to another by contact is said to be: a. Occupational b. Communicable c. Chronic d. Congenital 49 / 214 49) Which one of the following is a synonym of fissured tongue? a. Lingual varix b. Lingua nigra c. Geographic tongue d. Scrotal tongue 50 / 214 50) Which amongst the following skin diseases has a benign and a malignant form? a. Lichen planus b. Warty dyskeratoma c. White sponge nevus d. Acanthosis nigricans 51 / 214 51) Cheilitis glandularis typically occurs on the? a. Lower lip b. Gingiva c. Soft palate d. Upper lip 52 / 214 52) All except one of the following conditions significantly affect the healing process? a. Beriberi b. Diabetes mellitus c. Scurvy d. Heavy doses of X-rays 53 / 214 53) Which amongst the following cannot be used to describe a salivary duct cyst? a. Mucous retention cyst b. Sialocyst c. Mucous extravasation phenomenon d. Mucous duct cyst 54 / 214 54) Technical term for bacteria that live on dead matter is: a. Viruses b. Parasites c. Flagella d. Saprophytes 55 / 214 55) The blood of a patient with an acute infectious process would be expected to demonstrate: a. Monocytosis b. Lymphocytosis c. Erythrocytosis d. Leukocytosis 56 / 214 56) Atrophy of the pharyngeal and gastric mucosa, kollonychias (spoon nails). and predisposition to oral carcinoma In postmenopausal women are features of: a. Plummer-Vinson syndrome b. Iron deficiency anemia c. Pernicious anemia d. Sturge-Weber-Dimitri syndrome 57 / 214 57) Immunity is the ability of the body to resist: a. Antibiotics b. Infection c. The immune system d. Immunization 58 / 214 58) Which amongst the following is associated with etiology of Bellβs palsy? a. Syphilis b. Gardner syndrome c. Parotidectomy d. Gingivectomy 59 / 214 59) Transmission is by close contact from oropharyngeal secretions, especially kissing a. Human Kaposi Sarcomavirus b. Epstein-Barr virus c. Cytomegalovirus d. Varicella-zoster virus 60 / 214 60) The site where recurrent aphthous ulcer does not commonly occur is a. Tongue b. Labial mucosa c. Soft palate d. Gingiva 61 / 214 61) Hyperplastic lingual tonsils may resemble which of the following? a. Epulis fissuratum b. Median rhomboid glossitis c. Squamous cell carcinoma d. Lingual varicosities 62 / 214 62) Pus forming bacteria that cause strep throat and blood poisoning are: a. Bacilli b. Staphylococci c. Diplococci d. Streptococci 63 / 214 63) Epstein Barr virus is an example of a(n) a. sigma herpesvirus b. alpha herpesvirus c. gamma herpesvirus d. beta herpesvirus 64 / 214 64) Which one of the following would be of greatest value in determining the etiology of an oral ulceration? a. Systemic evaluation b. Cytological smear c. Laboratory tests d. History of the oral lesion 65 / 214 65) Diskeratosis ααΊααΆα a. Abnormality of migration and cells mitosis. b. Abnormality of structure and development of epithelial cells. c. Abnormality of orientation and cells mitosis. d. Abnormality of orientation and development of epithelial cells 66 / 214 66) Which two of the following conditions present as complete vesicles? a. Erythema migrans b. ANUG c. Pemphigus d. Aphthous ulcer 67 / 214 67) Acute tonsillitis may either be caused by: a. Bacterial (75%) or viral (25%) b. Bacterial (5%) or viral (95%) c. Bacterial (25%) or viral (75%) d. Bacterial (50%) or viral (50%) 68 / 214 68) The disease that breaks down the body’s immune system is known as: a. AIDS b. Pediculosis capitis c. Tuberculosis d. Hepatitis 69 / 214 69) Xerostomia is often associated with atrophy of ______ papillae? a. Filiform b. Circumvallate c. Foliate d. Fungiform 70 / 214 70) Diseases caused by viruses include: a. Strep throat and blood poisoning b. Tuberculosis and tetanus c. Abscess and boils d. Measles and hepatitis 71 / 214 71) Acantholysis ααΊααΆα a. Destroying desmosome in stratum granulosome cells b. Destroying desmosome in stratum spinosum cells c. Swelling in intracellular space destroying desmosome in stratum spinosum cells d. Destroying desmosome in stratum basal cells 72 / 214 72) Oral cytological smears are of No value in the diagnosis of: a. Lipoma b. Recurrent intraoral herpes simplex c. Herpes zoster d. Primary intraoral herpes simplex 73 / 214 73) One way in which bacteria and viruses can enter the body is through: a. Moist skin b. Dry skin c. Oily skin d. Broken skin 74 / 214 74) The redness of an inflammatory lesion of oral mucosa is due to: a. increased size of capillaries b. All of the above c. decreased thickness of epithelium d. increased number of capillaries 75 / 214 75) α’αααΈααΆ Reye’s syndrome? a. Children who take aspirin or aspirincontaining products during viral infection b. Children who take overdose of antibiotics during viral infection. c. Children who take overdose of analgesics during viral infection. d. Children who take overdose of aspirin during viral infection. 76 / 214 76) Recurrent herpetic infectionβ α αααΎαααΎαααΆααα ααΎ a. Facial area b. Trunk c. Lips, gengiva and palate d. Facial area and eye erea 77 / 214 77) What would not cause an airway obstruction? a. Laryngeal muscles paralysis b. Extension of the neck c. Flexion of the neck d. Airway obstruction 78 / 214 78) The so-called βsplit papuleβ an erosive lesion Involving the commissure of the lips, is actually: a. A fever blister b. A traumatic ulcer c. A mucous patch d. An aphthous ulcer 79 / 214 79) Diagnosis of oral candidiasis (candidosis) is BEST confirmed by: a. Serological exam b. Biopsy c. Blood count d. Microscopic examination of smears 80 / 214 80) A patient who has been taking quantities of aspirin might show increased post-operative bleeding because aspirin inhibits: a. Synthesis of thromboxane A2 and prevents platelet aggregation b. Thrombin and prevents formation of the fibrin network c. Synthesis of prostacyclin and prevents platelet aggregation d. Synthesis of prostaglandin and prevents production of blood platelets 81 / 214 81) The redness of inflamed gingiva is due to: a. The degree of keratinization b. Subgingiva deposit c. Increase vasodilatation d. Increase collagen fiber density 82 / 214 82) The one celled microorganisms also known as germs or microbes are: a. Bacteria b. Cilia c. Viruses d. Fungi 83 / 214 83) The most common benign tumor occurring In the oral cavity Is the: a. Adenoma b. Papilloma c. Hemangioma d. Fibroma 84 / 214 84) Cold sores are caused by _____ virus. a. Herpes simplex b. Herpes zoster c. Cytomegalovirus d. Rubella 85 / 214 85) ααΌα αααααα α α ααΆ Seropositive?: a. ααΆα Antibody αα αααα»αααααΎα b. ααΆα Antibody αα αααα»αααΌαααααα»α c. ααΆα Antibody αα αααα»αααΆα d. ααΆα Antibody αα αααα»ααααααααα 86 / 214 86) αααααααΈααΆα Primary infection α αΎα Herpes Simplex Virus ααΆααααααααΆαααααα½ααα αααα»α a. Blood b. Tumor c. Lymphatic ganglion d. Nerve ganglion 87 / 214 87) Intermittent painful swelling in the submandibular region that increases at mealtime is: indicative of a. a blockage of Wharton's duct b. a ranula c. a blockage of Stensen's duct d. Ludwig's angina 88 / 214 88) Atrophy ααΊααΆα a. Lack of nutrition for cells b. Lack of oxygen for cells c. Acute inflammation d. Chronic inflammation 89 / 214 89) All of the following are keratinised EXCEPT of: a. Attached gingiva b. Free gingiva c. Alveolar mucosa d. Palatal epithelium 90 / 214 90) Only one level of decontamination, sterilization, is capable of killing: a. Both bacteria and viruses b. Tuberculosis bacteria c. Bacterial spores d. The HIV virus 91 / 214 91) Failure of the tuberculum impar to retract prior to fusion of the lateral halves of the tongue results In: a. Geographic tongue b. Median rhomboid glossitis c. Cleft (bifid) tongue d. DScrotal tongue 92 / 214 92) Hairy tongue caused by inflammation and elongation of: a. Filiform papillae b. Foliate papillae c. Fungiform papillae d. Circumvallate papillae 93 / 214 93) Kaposiβs sarcoma is now believed to be caused by a. Human herpes virus 8 b. Human papilloma virus 2 c. Cytomegalovirus d. Herpes simplex virus 2 94 / 214 94) Herpes Virus ααΊααΆα a. αα αααα»ααααα»α Human Virus b. DNA Virus c. αα αααα»ααααα»α Human Hepatic Virus d. RNA Virus 95 / 214 95) Trismus is most frequently caused by: a. tetanus b. muscular dystrophy c. infection d. mandibular fracture 96 / 214 96) One amongst the following statements is incorrect regarding burning mouth syndrome? a. Xerostomia is an important etiological factor b. Burning sensation in oral mucosa in absence of visible mucosal lesions c. Strong female predilection d. Patients give a short history of presence of symptoms 97 / 214 97) Angular cheilitis in edentulous patient with complete denture is a result of a. High vertical dimension b. Low vertical dimension c. Mal-occlusion of dentures d. Deficiency of vitamin 98 / 214 98) One of the following is not a histological feature associated with herpes simplex infection a. Multinucleated giant b. Subepithelial vesicle/bulla formation c. Ballooning degeneration of cells d. LipshΓΌtz bodies 99 / 214 99) The mode of transmission of VZV infection is a. Air-borne b. Blood-borne c. Animal vectors d. Water-borne 100 / 214 100) Freyβs syndrome must be considered as a possible complication following a. Maxillary resection b. Parotid tumor removal surgeries c. Nasal reconstruction d. Incorrect infraorbital nerve block 101 / 214 101) Reticular atrophy of pulp is characterized by? a. Infiltration of large number of lymphocytes b. Presence of large, vacuolated spaces c. Dilated blood vessels d. Increased calcific deposits 102 / 214 102) Features of multiple bone radiolucencies, hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemla, and loss of lamina dura and indicative of: a. Osteitis deformans b. Acromegaty c. Hyperparathyroidism d. Hypothyroidism 103 / 214 103) Submandibular salivary gland is the most common location for which one of the following pathologies? a. Necrotizing sialometaplasia b. Sialolithiasis c. SjΓΆgrenβs syndrome d. Mucocele 104 / 214 104) Koplikβs spots are an early intraoral manifestation of: a. Mumps b. Varicella c. Variola d. Rubella 105 / 214 105) Herpes witlow ααΊααΆβ herpes αααααΎααα ααΎα a. ααΆααβ αα·αααααααα»ααα·αααΆαα b. ααβ ααΎα αα·αααΆαα c. ααααΆααα d. ααααΆααα αα·ααααααα½α 106 / 214 106) Osteosarcoma characteristically may develop in cases of: a. Osteogenisis imperfecta b. All the answers in this question c. Osteopetrosis and Osteitis deformans d. Acromegaty 107 / 214 107) Which of the following lesions CANNOT BE classified as an intra-epithelial lesion? a. Lichen planus b. Herpes simplex infections c. Herpangina d. Pemphigus vulgaris 108 / 214 108) The most common malignancy found In the oral cavity is: a. Basal cell carcinoma b. Transitional cell carcinoma c. Squamous cell carcinoma d. Adenocarcinoma 109 / 214 109) All except _____ are a variety of Kaposi sarcoma.? a. Pleomorphic b. Classic c. AIDS related d. Endemic African 110 / 214 110) Fungi, or vegetable parasites, cause contagious diseases such as: a. Ringworm b. Hepatitis c. Flu d. Tuberculosis 111 / 214 111) The surface of the blood clot 24β48 hours after tooth extraction is covered by? a. Collagen fibers b. Fibrin c. Epithelial cells d. Prothrombin 112 / 214 112) Vesicles or bullae of the mucous membrane or skin are seen in all the following except: a. Pemphigus b. Agranulocytosis c. Herpes zoster d. Herpes simplex 113 / 214 113) A patient with pain, fever and unilateral parotid swelling following a general anesthetic most likely has: a. Mumps b. sialolithiasis c. SjΓΆgrenβs syndrome d. acute bacterial sialadenitis 114 / 214 114) Prodromal syndrome ααΊααΆα a. Syndrome αααααΎαααΆααα ααΎααααααααααΆαααα b. Syndrome αααααΎαααΆααα ααΎαααααααααααααααααΆα c. Syndrome αααααΎααααααααΆαααα α ααααααααααΆαα·αααααΆαα d. Syndrome αααααΎααα»αααΆαααα α ααααααααααΆαα·αααααΆαα 115 / 214 115) αααα human herpes virus type 5 ααΊααΆ a. Herpes Simplex Virus type II b. Cytomegalo Virus c. Herpes Simplex Virus type I d. Varicella Zoster Virus 116 / 214 116) A sign of bacterial infection is: a. Bleeding b. Pus c. Parasites d. A cold 117 / 214 117) Hyperkeratosis is: a. Increase in longevity of keratin layer or stratum corneum b. Increase in wideness of keratin layer or stratum corneum c. Increase in size of keratin layer or stratum corneum d. Increase in thickness of keratin layer or stratum corneum 118 / 214 118) Transmission is by droplets from upper respiratory tract lesions or contact from ruptured skin lesions a. Cytomegalovirus b. Epstein-Barr virus c. Varicella-zoster virus d. Human Kaposi Sarcomavirus 119 / 214 119) An infection of the skin and occasionally pulp space of the finger caused by herpes simplex type I virus. The fingertip is reddened, swollen and acutely tender. Vesicles form which then merge to give bullae. The bullae crust over and heal over the course of about a month. It can lead to vessel thrombosis distally with avascular necrosis of the phalanx. a. Herpes Labialis b. Eczema Herpeticum c. Balanitis d. Herpetic Whitlow 120 / 214 120) Exfoliative cytology is not indicated in which of the following lesions? a. Sickle cell anemia b. Pemphigus vulgaris c. Fibroma d. Squamous cell carcinoma 121 / 214 121) Which amongst the following can cause glossodynia? a. Pernicious anemia b. Vertigo c. Chickenpox d. Tuberculosis 122 / 214 122) Hypertrophy ααΊααΆα a. Decrease in size of an organ b. Increase in cell number of an organ c. Decrease in cell number of an organ d. Increase in size of an organ 123 / 214 123) Drooping of corner of mouth, drooling of saliva, watering of eyes and inability to wink are indicative of? a. Auriculotemporal syndrome b. Facial paralysis c. Trigeminal neuralgia d. Sphenopalatine neuralgia 124 / 214 124) α’αααΈααΆ Reye’s syndrome?: a. Children who take aspirin or aspirincontaining products during viral infection b. Children who take overdose of antibiotics during viral infection. c. Children who take overdose of analgesics during viral infection. d. Children who take overdose of aspirin during viral infection. 125 / 214 125) Which amongst the following is commonly associated with diabetes mellitus? a. Actinomycosis b. Candidiasis c. Porphyria d. Cardiac arrhythmia 126 / 214 126) Cheilitis glandularis: a. ααΊααΆ firm nodules αααααααααααααααΎ nodules ααα ααΆαα ααααΆ mucus liquide α¬ααΆ pus b. αααααΆαααααΈ minor gland infection c. αααααΆαααααΈ Lingual infection d. αααααΆαααααΈ lip infection 127 / 214 127) Plaque is considered as an infection because: a. Indication of bacterial activity b. It is devoid of any problems to teeth and mouth c. Antibiotic therapy prevents or stop its formation d. It is common to human 128 / 214 128) Hypochromic anemia is associated with: a. aminopyrine therapy b. vitamin B12 deficiency c. folic acid deficiency d. iron deficiency 129 / 214 129) Nystatin is the drug of choice for: a. necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (NUG) b. candidiasis c. periodontal abscess d. aphthous stomatitis 130 / 214 130) Postoperative bleeding in thrombocytopenic purpura is due to a deficiency of: a. Red blood cells b. Prothrombin c. Vitamin C d. Platelets 131 / 214 131) Gonococcus Angina has symptomes: a. Diffused erythema of pharynx, Ulcerative lesions and Cervical adenopathy b. Cervical adenopathy c. Ulcerative lesions d. Diffused erythema of pharynx 132 / 214 132) Which of the following is NOT associated with infectious mononucleosis? a. Pharyngitis b. Petechiae of the palate c. Gingival enlargement d. Lymphadenopathy 133 / 214 133) ______ is also referred to as βThrush? a. Acute atrophic candidiasis b. Chronic hyperplastic candidiasis c. Acute pseudomembranous candidiasis d. Chronic atrophic candidiasis 134 / 214 134) White or reddish, ulcerative or superficial erosions on marginal and attached gingivae involving maxillary canine and premolars is most likely to be? a. Toothbrush trauma b. Recurrent aphthous ulcers c. Epidermolysis bullosa d. Herpetic gingivostomatitis 135 / 214 135) A smooth, elevated, red patch devoid of filiform papillae, located in the midline of the dorsum of the tongue immediately anterior to the circumvallate papillae is indicative of: a. benign migratory glossitis b. a granular cell tumor c. median rhomboid glossitis d. iron deficiency anemia 136 / 214 136) A cyst occurring under the tongue, caused by obstruction of a salivary gland duct, is called a: a. Follicular cyst b. Dermoid cyst c. Dentigerous cyst d. Ranula 137 / 214 137) What is strep throat? a. Strep throat is a sore throat caused by CMV b. Strep throat is a sore throat caused by streptococcus c. Strep throat is a sore throat caused by EBV d. Strep throat is a sore throat caused by VZV 138 / 214 138) Pyogenic granuloma can best be classified as a ______ disease.? a. Reactive b. Neoplastic c. Infectious d. Autoimmune 139 / 214 139) What is Lemierreβs syndrome? a. Infection of the internal jugular vein giving rise to a spreading septicemia infection b. Infection causing inflammation signs c. D. infection in pharynx and in the chest d. The infection may spread beyond the tonsil resulting in inflammation 140 / 214 140) Occasionally, mucous glands are seen in the epithelial lining of a dental cyst. Which of the following terms best designates this state? (Abnormal change in the nature of the tissue): a. Dysplasia b. Neoplasia c. Metaplasia d. Anaplasia 141 / 214 141) A clinically similar condition called postherpetic neuralgia occurs after _________ infection. a. Herpangina b. Chickenpox c. Herpes zoster d. Herpes simplex 142 / 214 142) Disease in plant or animal tissue is caused by: a. Pathogenic bacteria b. Acidophilus c. Nonpathogenic bacteria d. Saprophytes 143 / 214 143) Swelling related to increased tissue fluid is called: a. surgical emphysema b. embolism c. edema d. hematoma 144 / 214 144) Intraoral carcinoma can not present clinically as: a. Abscess b. Nodule c. Cauliflower-like growth d. Ulcers 145 / 214 145) Transmission is by contact with discharge from ruptured lesions a. Epstein-Barr virus b. Herpes simplex – Types 1 & 2 c. Human Kaposi Sarcomavirus d. Cytomegalovirus 146 / 214 146) With regards to Herpes viruses, which of the following is FALSE? a. Common and often cause mild or asymptomatic infection in early life b. None are associated with malignancy c. Usually establish persistent or latent infection – for life d. May cause problems in pregnancy to mother or foetus 147 / 214 147) Hyperplasia ααΊααΆα a. Increase in size of an organ or tissue b. Increase in cell number of an organ or tissue c. Decrease in size of an organ d. Decrease in cell number of an organ 148 / 214 148) αααα»αβ Grammaherpesvirinae ααΆαα a. Varicella Zoster Virus b. Herpes Simplex Virus type 2 c. Kaposiβs sarcoma virus d. Epstein-Barr Virus 149 / 214 149) White, interlacing lines (striae of Wickham) on the buccal mucosa are a characteristic clinical feature of: a. Carcinoma in situ b. Lupus Erythematous c. Leukoplakia d. Lichen planus 150 / 214 150) What is Lemierreβs syndrome?: a. Infection of the internal jugular vein giving rise to a spreading septicemia infection b. Infection causing inflammation signs c. infection in pharynx and in the chest d. The infection may spread beyond the tonsil resulting in inflammation 151 / 214 151) Physiologic (racial) pigmentation differs from melanoma because melanoma: a. undergoes clinical changes b. contains melanin c. is macular d. affects the gingiva 152 / 214 152) The HIV virus isΒ notΒ transmitted: a. By kissing or hugging b. By IV users sharing needles c. Through cuts and sores d. Through unprotected sexual contact 153 / 214 153) The most frequent site for occurrence of tumors in minor salivary glands is? a. Lower lip b. Floor of mouth c. Palate d. Buccal mucosa 154 / 214 154) Identify which one out of the following is not a predisposing factor of candidiasis. a. Radiation therapy b. Prolonged antibiotic usage c. Exertion d. Immunodeficiency 155 / 214 155) A patient complains of dull, constant pain in his jaws upon awakening You would suspect: a. sinusitis b. bruxism c. acute pulpitis d. chronic gingivitis 156 / 214 156) What is the Melkersson Rosenthal syndrome? a. Red tonge b. Non-pain swelling of the lip c. ChΓ©ilite granulomateuse, facial paralysia and red tongue d. Bell's palsy 157 / 214 157) All of the above Which amongst the following diseases is capable of producing developmental alterations in teeth? a. Chickenpox b. Syphilis c. Diphtheria d. Tetanus 158 / 214 158) Principle treatment αααααΆαα Herpetic infection αα½αααααΎα a. Antihistaminic drugs b. Antiinflammatory drugs c. Antibiotics d. Antiviral drugs 159 / 214 159) Herpetic whitlow is an infection of _____ with HSV 1 a. Conjunctiva b. Abdomen c. Finger d. Genitals 160 / 214 160) αααα»α human herpes virus type 3 ααΊααΆ a. Herpes Simplex Virus type II b. Varicella Zoster Virus c. Herpes Simplex Virus type I d. Epstein-Barr Virus 161 / 214 161) Metastatic calcification is most commonly seen in? a. Pulp stones b. Hyperparathyroidism c. Osteoporosis d. Hyperkalemia 162 / 214 162) Benign migratory glossitis or Geographic Tongue, manifests itself in the oral cavity as: a. A fibrinous exudate on the dorsal surface b. Irregular area in the midline of the tongue c. Irregularly outlined areas of hyperkeratosis of the dorsal surface of the tongue d. Loss (atrophy) of filiform papillae in multiple irregularly outlined areas 163 / 214 163) ααΆ Reye’s syndrome? a. Children who take overdose of analgesics during viral infection. b. Children who take overdose of aspirin during viral infection. c. Children who take overdose of antibiotics during viral infection. d. Children who take aspirin or aspirin-containing products during viral infection 164 / 214 164) Bacteria that cause disease are called: a. Nonpathogenic b. Protozoa c. Pathogenic d. Saprophytes 165 / 214 165) Paralysis of the tongue is referred to as: a. Geographic tongue b. Ankyloglossia c. Glossoplegia d. Macroglossia 166 / 214 166) Displasia ααΊααΆα a. Disorder of cell structure formation b. Disorder of cell in mitosis c. Disorder of cell in migration d. Disorder of cell distribution 167 / 214 167) Glossodynia refers to painful a. Tongue b. Nose c. Ears d. Mouth 168 / 214 168) Organization of the clot in an extraction wound occurs by? a. Epithelial cells growing into the clot b. Fibroblasts growing into the clot c. Contraction of the clot d. Blood vessels growing into the clot 169 / 214 169) The HIV virus is not transmitted: a. Through cuts and sores b. By kissing or hugging c. Through unprotected sexual contact d. By IV users sharing needles 170 / 214 170) Incubation period 14-21 days. Most common in children aged 4-10 years. Rash may last 7-10 days. Lesions progress through macules and papules to vesicular eruptions which develop a crust and spontaneously heal. a. EBV b. VZV c. CMV d. HSV 171 / 214 171) ααααααΈαααααΆαααααααααα·αααααααα ααΆα Genital herpes outbreakα αααααααααααα ααααΌαααα a. αααααααααααΆαααααααΆαα αααα b. αααααααααααΆαααααααΆαα ααααα αΎαααα’αΎααααΎα c. αααααααααααΆαααααααΆαα αααααΈαααααα d. ααααααααααααααααΆαα 172 / 214 172) Parasites are types of: a. Pathogenic bacteria b. Pathogenic virus c. Nonpathogenic bacteria d. Disease 173 / 214 173) Amongst the following causes, the least probable cause of hairy tongue is a. Radiation therapy b. Smoking c. Epstein-Barr virus d. Poor oral hygiene 174 / 214 174) The Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome is characterized by facial paralysis, Chellitis granulomatosa, and: a. Geographic tongue b. Black Hairy tongue c. Scrotal tongue d. White Hairy tongue 175 / 214 175) Median rhomboid glossitis occurs a. Tip of tongue b. Posterior to circumvallate papillae c. Lateral border of tongue d. Anterior to circumvallate papillae 176 / 214 176) All the following developmental cysts of the Jaws present as radiolucent lesions except: a. Median palatal cyst b. Globulomaxillary cyst c. Nasopalatine duct cyst d. Nasoalveolar 177 / 214 177) Which amongst the following is not a cause of macroglossia? a. Leukemia b. Hemangioma c. Lymphangioma d. Downβs syndrome 178 / 214 178) Which type of biopsy also serves as a treatment option? a. Excisional biopsy b. Punch biopsy c. Fine needle aspiration biopsy d. Incisional biopsy 179 / 214 179) The most important indication of malignant lesions is: a. Pain b. Tooth resorption c. Teeth movement d. Paresthesia 180 / 214 180) Out of the below mentioned causes, which one is not a cause of xerostomia? a. Salivary gland aplasia b. Tobacco chewing c. Diabetes insipidus d. Medications 181 / 214 181) αααα»αβ Alphaherpesvirinae ααΆαα a. Varicella Zoster Virus b. Human Virus Type 7 c. Epstein-Barr Virus d. Human Cytomegalovirus 182 / 214 182) αααααααΈααΆα Primary infection α αΎα Herpes Simplex Virus ααΆααααααααΆαααααα½ααα αααα»α: a. Nerve ganglion b. Tumor c. Blood d. Lymphatic ganglion 183 / 214 183) Occlusal (night) guards are used to: a. reduce pocket formation b. prevent pulpitis c. prevent tooth erosion d. treat bruxism