Pediatric Dentistry I Test 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 35 You will have 60 minutes to complete all the questions. After the timer reaches 60 minutes, the exam will end and be saved automatically. Good luck! *Fingers crossed* The timer has been reached. The exam has now been terminated and saved. Pediatric Dentistry Test 1 / 60 One boy age 9 year old have got the first permanent molar very big cavity with painful and poor oral hygiene? a. Save that tooth by root canal treatment b. Save that tooth by give the antibiotic c. No need to save it extraction is better d. Save that tooth by root canal treatment and antibiotic 2 / 60 Why the children need to see dentist? a. For check-up their tongue b. For check-up their teeth and mouth c. For check-up d. For check-up of gum 3 / 60 How to manage if bleeding doesnβt stop after 15 minutes? a. Just wait 1 hour b. Take him or her to hospital emergency room c. Strong pressure with clean gauze and wait d. Wait until 30 minutes 4 / 60 The below answer are not use to stop childβs thumb sucking? a. Punish b. Put cayenne pepper c. Put hot sauce d. Punish and put hot sauce or put cayenne pepper 5 / 60 What the X-ray can help the dentist? a. To monitor mouth and teeth injuries and also to determine the teeth or mouth are infected b. To see the root position c. To monitor mouth or teeth injuries d. To determine whether the teeth or mouth are injuries 6 / 60 How to manage of knocked out Permanent teeth ? a. Find the tooth b. Find the tooth and handle the tooth by the root position c. Find the tooth and handle the tooth by the crown not the root position and immediately to see dentist d. Find the tooth and handle the tooth by the (top crown) or root position 7 / 60 How to stop the children who is grinding teeth? a. Hit them b. Ask them wake up c. We can stop it by wearing night guard d. We cannot stop it but we can protect it by wearing night guard 8 / 60 How many time for brushing teeth per day? a. Two time per day morning and lunch b. Two time c. Three time d. Three time per day morning ,after lunch, and before go to bed 9 / 60 When you extract the first permanent molars,which teeth can be replace it ? a. Second permanent molars can be take the place b. No teeth c. No teeth because it is erupted in permanent teeth already d. Second permanent molars can be take the place if you extracted the first permanent molars on time 10 / 60 What kind of typical dental emergencies for kids? a. Tooth ache or possible broken jaw b. Possible broken jaw c. Broken leg d. Tooth ache 11 / 60 Below are some signs and symptom that may indicate teeth grinding while sleeping : a. Stress or insomnia , loose and or fractured teeth with unknown reasons and sore or painful jaw b. Loose and / or fractured teeth with unknown reasons c. Sore or painful jaw d. Stress or insomnia 12 / 60 Children or baby tooth paste and adult tooth paste the same or difference? a. Difference b. The same c. Adult tooth paste strong test d. Difference children or baby tooth paste have not much fluoride 13 / 60 Brushing teeth technique? a. Brushing teeth all surface back and forward b. Brushing teeth all surface up and down by use soft tooth brush and tooth paste with Fluoride c. Brushing teeth all surface up and down d. Brushing teeth all surface up and down with tooth paste with Fluoride 14 / 60 What kind of typical dental emergencies for kid? a. Broken tooth b. Broken jaw or tooth and cut or bitten tongue c. Broken jaw d. Cut or bitten tongue 15 / 60 Here is the sign of teeth grinding: a. Worn teeth b. Jaw problems, such as TMJ, severe jaw of face pain, headaches and worn teeth. c. Headaches d. Severe jaw or face pain 16 / 60 Indication of Pulpotomy include a. Internal root resorption b. A vital tooth with profuse bleeding from pulp c. A vital tooth with accidental opening d. A non-vital tooth associated with an abscess e. Presence of pus in the exposure site without pain 17 / 60 In pulpectomy: a. Biomechanically cleanse and obturate the root canals and maintain the tooth free of infection b. The surgical removal of the entire coronal pulp ,leaving intact the vital radicular pulp with in the canals is done c. Maintain the tooth free of infection d. Biomechanically cleanse and obturate the root canals e. Place calcium hydroxide mixture over the radicular pulp stumps at the canal orifices and dry with a cotton pellet. 18 / 60 Why we are doing sealant on child in age 6 or 7? a. Because the first molars are deep fissure so the food easy impacted b. Because the first molars are first erupted c. All are correct d. Because they are so young doesn't know how to brush or clean their teeth well 19 / 60 Why we are not doing sealant for children in age 15 year-old ? a. Sealant so expensive b. Because teeth can be decay c. All are correct d. Because they know how to brush their teeth 20 / 60 What kind of problem that can cause grinding teeth? a. Too much angry b. Too much stress c. Too much thinking d. All are correct 21 / 60 How to stop childrenβs thumb sucking? a. Wearing a sock over yourβs child hand b. Warnings c. Warnings, wearing a sock over childβs hand and sometime apply nail polish. d. Apply nail polish 22 / 60 Below are some signs and symptom that may indicate teeth grinding while sleeping : a. Chronic facial pain b. Damage on the inside of the check or tongue from chewing and worn tooth enamel. c. Damage on the inside of the cheek or tongue from chewing d. Worn tooth enamel 23 / 60 How to stop childrenβs thumb sucking? a. Ignore it b. Ignore it, cover thumb a band, c. Use positive reinforcement d. Cover the thumb like a band 24 / 60 Is it the same reasons why bruxism or grinding teeth occurs? a. The same reason b. Unresolved anxiety, stress c. Reason by anxiety d. Not the same reasons 25 / 60 If your child get cavities early so can course baby teeth to fall out early too. What happened for permanent teeth? a. Your child may experience to chew food b. All the answer are correct in the question are correct c. Your child may experience crooked permanent teeth d. Your child may experience speech difficulties 26 / 60 Kind of material for grinding teeth treatment? a. Night guard 1 b. Hard bleaching tray 3 c. Soft bleaching tray 2 d. The answer is 1 and 2 27 / 60 Ectopic eruption is? a. Delayed eruption of a tooth b. Eruption of tooth at abnormal place c. Eruption of an extra tooth d. Eruption of tooth before its eruption date 28 / 60 All the following below are the advantages of Non-vital bleaching Except: a. Irritation to gingival tissues b. Easy for operator and patient c. No problem with changing gingival level in young patient d. Conservation of tooth tissue and maintenance of the original crown morphology 29 / 60 ααααααααα»αα’αΆαα» 8 ααααΆαααΆαααΆαααΆααααααα#11 ααααΉααααααααααα αα1 αααααααααααα αΎαααapex αα·αααΆαααα·ααα·ααααΆαααααΆααΆαααααα’αααααΊα a. Pulpectomy follow by RCT b. Restoration with GIC c. Partial pulpotomy + Fill with Ca (OH)2 d. Direct pulp capping with Ca (OH)2 30 / 60 What type of caries that need to do ART? a. The tooth with caries on incisal edge of anterior teeth b. The tooth with caries on proximal surface c. The tooth with small caries on occlusal surface d. The tooth with caries on mesial and distal surface 31 / 60 At ages 18 month which tooth start to erupt? a. tooth number 75 and 85 b. tooth number 71 and 81 c. tooth number 52 and 62 d. tooth number 73 and 83 32 / 60 Posterior superior alveolar nerve block should inject at? a. At buccal fold between tooth number 7and 8 b. At buccal fold between tooth number4and 5 c. At buccal fold between tooth number 1and 2 d. At buccal fold between tooth number 2and 3 33 / 60 ααααααΈααααΆααααΆαααΆααα»ααΆα α’αΆαα»α‘α€ααααΆα ααααααΈαα·αααααααΆαααααααΆαα½αααΉαααΆαααα’αΌαααα’αα ααΆααΆαα ααα»α α’α»αααααααα·α ααααα½α αα ααΎααααααα»αααΎααααααααΆααααααΉαααααΌαααΊααΆα’αααΈ? a. Hypomineralization b. Enamel Hypoplasia c. Discolouration d. Fluorosis 34 / 60 The process of mixing the amalgam powder with the mercury is called: a. Attrition b. Abrasion c. Trituration d. Condensation 35 / 60 Adrenaline is used in local anesthetics: a. To prolong anesthesia b. To permit bleeding c. May cause bradycardia d. May not cause sensitivity reaction 36 / 60 Traditional Alloy( Amalgam)C Contain silver about:? a. 65% Silver b. 75 % Silver c. 55% Silver d. 45% Silver 37 / 60 In pulpectomy: a. Canal is obturated by Ca(OH2) b. Biomechanically cleanse and obturate the root canal c. Place a calcium hydroxide mixture over the radicular pulp stumps at the canal orifices and dry with a cotton pellet d. The surgical removal of the entire coronal pulp leaving intact the viral radicular pulp within the canals is done 38 / 60 Enamels rods in the gingival one-third of primary teeth incline:? a. Horizontally b. Occlusally c. Apically d. Gingivally 39 / 60 Which of the following is the disadvantage of amalgam? a. Cost less b. Poor esthetic c. Shorter time for placement d. Less technique sensitive 40 / 60 Disto-buccal root of upper first molar is supplied by: a. Infra orbital nerve b. Middle superior alveolar nerve c. Posterior superior alveolar nerve d. Mental nerve 41 / 60 The basic fear of most children under 2 years of age is:? a. The instruments to perform dental treatment b. The reason for dental treatment c. Separation from parents d. Injection of local anesthesia 42 / 60 ααααααΈααααΆααααΆαααΆαααΌααααα»α α’αΆαα»α₯ααααΆαααααααΈαα·αααααααΆααααααα»ααΆαααΎααααΈ ααααΆααΆααααααααααΆααααααΊαα αααααααΆαα’αΆα αΆααα·ααα ααααα»ααααααααααΆαααα·αααα’ααα ααααα ααααααα»αααΆαααΆαααΊα αΆααααα ααΎααΆαααααΆααΆαααααααΉαααααΌαααΊααΆα’αααΈ? a. Extraction b. Root canal treatment c. Restoration d. Pulpotomy 43 / 60 The usual eruption sequence of permanent mandibular teeth is:? a. Central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, first premolar, second premolar, first molar, second molar, third molar b. First molar, central incisor, lateral incisor, canine, first premolar, second premolar, second molar, third molar c. Lateral incisor, central incisor, canine, second premolar, first premolar, first molar, second molar, third molar d. First molar, second molar, lateral incisor, central incisor, canine, first premolar, second premolar, third molar 44 / 60 How many types of needles lengths that used in Pediatric dentistry? a. 4 types b. 3 types c. 5 types d. 2 types 45 / 60 After give ASA injection which of the following teeth should be anesthrtized? a. tooth number 4,5,6 buccal bone plus gingival at buccal site b. tooth number 1,2,3buccal bone plus gingival at buccal site c. tooth number 5,6,7buccal bone plus gingival at buccal site d. tooth number 6,7,8 buccal bone plus gingival at buccal site 46 / 60 In the preparation for stainless steel crown the occlusal reduction is:? a. 1,7mm b. 1,2mm c. 1,9mm d. 1,5mm 47 / 60 Indication of Pulpotomy include: a. The organization b. A non vital tooth associated with abcess c. Internal root resorption d. Presence of pus in the exposure site without pain e. A vital tooth with accidental opening 48 / 60 Give a child a βrestβ if things become stressful and take a break for a few moments to let the child sit up, hug mum, etc? a. Both statement are true b. First statement is false and second is true c. First statement is true and second is false d. Both statement are false 49 / 60 The duration of anaethesia is dependent on the following below Except: a. The rate of diffusion away from the nerve and into the tissue space and then into blood vessels b. The number of blood vessels (in highly vascular sites, duration shorter eg: posterior maxilla) c. The concentration of solution around the nerves d. The percentage of local anaethesia 50 / 60 All the following are some sequelae of the primary tooth trauma except? a. Pulp-Obliteration b. Ankylosis c. Discolouration d. Pulp necrosis 51 / 60 How many percent of children sustain primary teeth injuries? a. 0.55 b. 0.35 c. 0.45 d. 0.65 52 / 60 αααααΆαααα ααααΌαααααααααα»αααΆαααΎ (maxillary permanent canine) αα»αα ααααα a. αα»αααααΆαααΌα ααΈ1 ααΆαααΎ (maxillary first premolar) b. αα»αααααΆαααααΈ2 ααααααααα»αααΆαααΎ (maxillary second permanent molar) c. αα»αα ααααΌαααααααααα»αααΆαααααα (mandibular permanent canine) d. αααααΆααααΈ ααααΆαααααΈ2 ααααααααα»αααΆαααΎ (maxillary second permanent molar) 53 / 60 Maxillary diastema frequently do not close until the eruption of permanent? a. Maxillary cuspids b. Maxillary lateral incisor c. Maxillary premolar d. Maxillary first molar 54 / 60 αα ααΎ Mandibular dental arch ααααααααααααα»αα’αΆαα»12 ααααΆαααααΆααααααα permanent first molarsααΆααααααααΆααΆαα½α first premolars αα·αααααΆαααααααα second premolars αααααΆααα»αααΆαααααΆαlingualαααΌαα ααα»ααααααααΆαααααΈα a. Ankylosis of the mandibular second premolars b. Premature loss of deciduous second molars c. Teeth too large for the dental arch d. Lack of space 55 / 60 What time of ages that the permanent upper central incisor erupt? a. at 7 years old b. at 10 years old c. at 8 years old d. at 9 years old 56 / 60 There are many techniques used for Vital bleaching-nightguards, The techniques below are used for Vital bleaching-nightguards Except: a. Relieve the labial surfaces of the teeth about 0,5 mm and make a vacuum-formal splint as a mouthguard b. The splint 2mm in thickness & not cover the gingivae c. Apply topical Anaesthetic to gingival margins d. Instruct the patient how to use it 57 / 60 Which of the following sentence is the advantage of GIC? a. Strong b. Fluoride released c. Esthetic d. Durable 58 / 60 Radiolucency in enamel and reaching to inner half of dentine is? a. R1 b. R3 c. R4 d. R2 59 / 60 Treatment of uncomplicated crown fracture is:? a. Ceramic crown b. Root canal treatment c. Ca(OH)2/GIC lining and composite d. Extraction 60 / 60 ααααααΈααααΆααααΆαααΆαααΌααααα»αα’αΆαα» α‘α€ ααααΆαααααααΈαα·αααααααΆααααααα»ααΆαααΆαα½αααΉαααΆααααααααα·α αα ααΎααααααα»α #21 ααΆααααααΆααα·αα·αααααΎαααΆαααααααααα2mm ααΆαααα Periapical x-ray αα»αααΆαααΆααααααΆααα¬ααααααα‘αΎαααΎααΆαααααΆααΆαααααααΉαααααΌαααΊααΆα’αααΈ? a. Root canal treatment b. Extraction c. Reposition and Splint d. Replanting Your score isThe average score is 97% Facebook 0% Restart quiz Any comments? Send feedback Β Β Β