
Pharmacie Clinique I Preparation (Dr. Bory Sothavireak, PhD)

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1) Le TDM (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring), est réalisé en cas de _____________. Cochez la bonne réponse :

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2) A propos du développement clinique d’un médicament. Choisir la proposition exacte.?

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3) The mechanism of drug interaction is/are:

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4) Concerning drug interaction, which is the appropriate answer:

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5) You are asked to compare the cost of four different anti-inflammatory skin preparations. Compare the cost of a day’s treatment for each of the following preparations and determine which is the lowest cost?

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6) En pharmacie, la zone de distribution est souvent située :

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7) Among the drugs with high risk of interaction, L-dopa is:

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8) Among the drugs with high risk of interaction, Valproic acid is:

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9) Mrs Baker was prescribed medicine X at a dose of 20mg three times a day for the first time last month. The usual dosage range is 30mg to 120mg daily. She tells you that her symptoms are not well controlled. She is not taking any other medication. Her prescriber asks your advice. What would you recommend?

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10) Quel est l’avantage du système centralisé de pharmacovigilance ?

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11) La pharmacovigilance est importante car :

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12) Type C reaction is defined as:

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13) A 24-year-old woman has had a pulmonary embolism 4 week after giving birth. She has been prescribed warfarin. Her last INR (measured 1 week ago) was 1.7 (taking 5 mg of warfarin), so she was prescribed 7 mg, and has had her INR rechecked. Her current INR is 2.8.Which of the following is now the most appropriate dose?

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14) We need to do therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) because:

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15) L’essai clinique de phase III d’un médicament :

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16) La pharmacovigilance est réalisée en quelle phase de l’essai clinique ?

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17) A patient use lithium together with diuretic, the mechanism of this drug interaction is:

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18) Les médicaments « OTC » :

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19) Pharmacodynamic interaction:

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20) La pharmacie clinique peut :

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21) The medication use process steps are:

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22) En pharmacovigilance, on a différente étape à faire. Quelle la bonne ?

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23) Lévodopa est utilisé avec l’inhibiteur de la dopa-décarboxylase pour:

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24) A side effect or complication from a medication is:

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25) Concernant le plan expérimental des essais clinique, choisir la proposition exacte :

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26) The factor affecting susceptibility to ADR:

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27) A propose de circuit du médicament, indiquez la proposition exacte :

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28) Pour assurer le bon fonctionnement d’une pharmacie hospitalière, cochez la bonne réponse :

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29) A patient use warfarin together with aspirin, the mechanism of this drug interaction is:

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30) In the field of clinical pharmacy, the pharmacists:

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31) For the level of action of clinical pharmacy like before the prescription, which is best answer?

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32) In pharmacokinetics what does the acronym ADME stand for?

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33) Among the drugs with high risk of interaction, Cisplatin is:

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34) Concernant l’essai clinique de phase IV du médicament, cochez la bonne réponse :

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35) L’élément règlementaire de la prescription est le suivant :

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36) Which is the level of interaction between penicillin and probenecid?

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37) Side effect is:

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38) Le TDM (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring) est réalisé en cas de :

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39) Among the drugs with high risk of interaction, Valproic acid is:

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40) You are asked to compare the cost of four different antibacterial medicines. Which of the following treatment courses is the lowest cost?

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41) A patient has adrenocortical insufficiency after he stops a treatment with prednisolone. This is:

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42) Concernant, l’objectif d’analyse pharmaceutique du médicament, cochez la bonne réponse :

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43) What does ICH stand for?

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44) The principle activities of clinical pharmacist is:

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45) A propos des études cliniques de phase III et IV. Choisir la proposition exacte :

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46) What are adverse drug reactions (ADRs)?

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47) The most common causes of medication errors are lack of knowledge about the drug and:

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48) The requirement for clinical pharmacy is the following. Which is the most appropriate answer?

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49) Which of the following is the correct definition of bioavailability?

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50) Quel est l’objectif de pharmacovigilance ?

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51) Concernant le jugement de causalité, cochez la bonne réponse :

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52) Type A reaction is defined as:

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53) La mission de pharmaciens à l’hôpital sont les suivantes, sauf :

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54) L’essai clinique de phase I d’un médicament :

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55) En pharmacie, le coffre-fort est utilisé pour conserver :

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56) An 87-year-old woman has been taking digoxin for atrial fibrillation for 15 years, but now complains of nausea and reduced mobility. Her current dose of digoxin is 187.5 micrograms orally daily. Her digoxin level is 3.0 nmol/L (therapeutic range 1.0-2.6 nmol/L).Which of the following is the most appropriate course of action?

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57) What is the adverse drug reaction?

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58) Un patient épileptique depuis l’âge de 10 ans est hospitalisé à son retour d’une mission de travail en province et il a présenté une crise convulsive avec perte de conscience. A son arrivée à l’hôpital il a repris conscience à moitié il dit avoir fait des crises convulsives pendant son séjour, il est déprimé et craint de perdre son travail. Le traitement du patient à son entrée est Dépakine chrono 500 mg : 3 fois/j Gardénal 10 mg : 1 fois/j, Lariam (Méfloquine) 250 mg : 1/semaine Ce traitement est inefficace car :

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59) L’essai clinique de phase II d’un médicament :

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60) La gestion pharmaceutique signifie que :

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61) Iatrogenic Crushing’s syndrome with prednisolone is:

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62) Une femme âgée de 80 ans a pris la Digoxine pour la fibrillation auriculaire depuis 15 ans, mais récemment elle se plaint de nausées et de la mobilité réduite. Sa dose actuelle de digoxine est 187,5 microgrammes quotidiennement par voie orale. La concentration de digoxine dans le sang est de 3,0 nmol / L (index thérapeutique : 1.0-2.6 nmol / L). Parmi les propositions suivantes, laquelle est la plus appropriée ?

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63) Type E reaction is defined as:

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64) Concerning drug interaction, using Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitor and thiazide diuretic in a patient with a hypertension is:

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65) Le Dorosz est utilisé pour :

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66) The gold of clinical pharmacy is to:

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67) Parmi les produits suivants, lequel est le plus vigilance ?

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68) Concernant la recherche clinique, choisir la proposition exacte :

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69) Which of the following patients are most at risk of suffering from an adverse drug reaction?

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70) Among the drugs with high risk of interaction, ciclosporin is:

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71) L’objectif de la pharmacie clinique :

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72) An 88-year-old woman is treated with Nisis® 80 mg 1 tab / day and Lovenox® 4000 anti Xa units / day. The patient’s renal function is considered to be normal (clearance of creatinine between 70 and 100 ml / min). The potassium level in the blood is 5.8 mmol/L. What is the intervention for this patient?

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73) En pharmacie hospitalière, la recherche concerne :

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74) Le Vidal permet d’avoir la connaissance sur :

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75) Les essais cliniques :

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76) L’objectif d’hygiène de bas en milieu hospitalier est de:

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77) Quel est le niveau d’interaction entre la warfarine et le métronidazole ?

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78) La dispensation nominative concerne :

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79) Type B reaction is defined as:

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80) In the classification of immunological reaction, hemolytic anemia is in:

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81) Which statement about the process of drug discovery is true?

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82) Type D reaction is defined as:

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83) Le mécanisme d’interaction médicamenteuse est :

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84) Among the drugs with high risk of interaction, Digoxin is:

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85) Which is the following agent is preferred in the treatment of insomnia?

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86) L’activité principale du pharmacien clinicien :

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87) The clinical pharmacy is:

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88) Au sujet des principes des essais cliniques :

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89) A patient has a second cancer after using alkylating agents for the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease, this is:

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90) The role of health professional:

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91) Mr. Ben takes warfarin 5 mg at every evening, actually he is bleeding. What is the appropriate answer?

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92) Concernant les essais cliniques, cochez la bonne réponse :

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93) Quel est l’avantage du système centralisé de pharmacovigilance ?

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94) Quel est le niveau d’interaction entre la pénicilline et le probénécide ?

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95) En cas d’utilisation de lithium en même temps avec le diurétique, le mécanisme de cette interaction est la suivante :

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96) Medication errors are the most frequently source of preventable medical errors in a hospital. Which of the following is not preventable?

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97) There is different type of drug interaction, which is/are the best answer:

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98) Le circuit du médicament commence par :

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99) A Serious Adverse Event (SAE) is any untoward medical occurrence that at any dose:

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100) Adverse drug reaction is classified in:

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101) A propose du développement clinique d’un médicament, choisir la proposition exacte :

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102) Quel est la limite du système centralisé de pharmacovigilance ?

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103) Levodopa is used with dopa decarboxylase inhibitor in order to:

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104) Le bon usage des médicaments :

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105) Which is the level of interaction between warfarin and metronidazole?

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106) Concernant le placébo et l’effet placebo en clinique, citez la proposition exacte :

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107) La rétrocession :

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108) Concernant le type d’un essai clinique, cochez la bonne réponse :

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109) Lo pharmacopée permet d’avoir la connaissance sure :

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110) L’ordonnance de l’officine :

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111) La dotation signifie :

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112) La responsabilité de la qualité du fonctionnement des appareils de stérilisation incombe au :

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113) En cas d’utilisation de warfarine en même temps avec l’aspirine, le mécanisme de cette interaction est la suivante :

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114) A patient has an anaphylactic reaction after taking medication containing penicillin, what is the appropriate answer?

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115) A patient use gentamicin together with hydrocortisone, the mechanism of this drug interaction is:

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