
Physiology Preparation (Dr. Pov Buntheun)


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1) What physiological property provides the erythrocytes biconcave form?

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2) Circulation system which provides supply of blood to muscles of heart is classified as?

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3) Tricuspid valve is found in between ?

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4) Leukemias are:?

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5) Study of blood circulation and its flow through the body is known as?

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6) Upper chamber of heart at the right side is called?

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7) Which blood component plays the largest role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of blood?

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8) ក្នុង ​sang arteriel មាន៖?

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9) Circulation of oxygenated blood through the rest of body is classified as?

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10) Your body couldn’t breathe without this system.Which one is it?

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11) The process of RBC production is called:?

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12) Stoppage of bleeding is called : ?

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13) Leukopenia is what?

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14) Number of chambers in heart are?

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15) The blood volume of an averaged sized male is?

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16) Blood flows from the right ventricle of the heart into which of the following structures?

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17) នៅពេលមានបំលាស់ប្តូរឧស្ម័នក្នុងកោសិកា Hemoglobine ចាប់យក CO2 ហើយក្លាយជា៖?

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18) A 45-years old man presents to the emergency with a 2-week history of diarrhea that has
worsened progressively over the last several days. He has minimal urine output and is admitted
to the hospital to getrehydrated. His stool specimen is positive for parasitic eggs. Which type of
White Blood Cells would beelevated in number?

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19) What factor promotes erythrocytes intravascular hemolysis?

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20) When you breath in air, you bring oxygen into your lungs and blow out_________________.?

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21) Component through which the blood is pumped to the whole body from left ventricle is?

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22) How many major types of blood have scientists discovered?

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23) The Respiratory system is made up of trachea, the lungs, and the ______________.?

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24) នៅក្នុងស្ថានភាពខ្លះខ្យល់នៃមជ្ឍដ្ឋានជុំវិញសំបូរទៅដោយCO ហើយកាលណាយើងដកខ្យល់នេះចូល វាធ្វើអោយមានការពុលដោយCOដែលគេហៅថា : ?

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25) ប្រហោងទងសួតរីក ឬ រួមដោយសារ parois របស់ទងសួតមានfibre musculaires ដែលស្ថិតនៅក្រោមការបញ្ជាររបស់systeme neurovegetatif 😕

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26) Circulatory system is also known as?

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27) Where does haematopoiesis take place?

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28) ក្នុងករណីដែលខ្យល់ចេញ ចូល​ ក្នុងalveole ធម្មតា (ហៅថា ventilation normale) តែគ្មានឈាមរត់សោះ (absence de perfusion) ពេលនោះគ្មានបណ្តូរឧស្ម័នទេ ដំណើរនេះ គេអោយឈ្មោះថា ។?

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29) Circulatory system is made of?

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30) The circulation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to the lungs is classified as?

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31) Erythropoietin’s secretion is caused by …?

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32) នៅក្នុង air alveolaire មាន pression partielle O2 ៖?

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33) The hormone erythropoietin stimulates red blood cell production in the red bone marrow.
Where in the body is erythropoietin produced?

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34) Which of the following belongs to agranular leukocytes?

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35) The antibodies are ?

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36) What would happen to red blood cells if the haem group were removed from haemoglobin?

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37) Components of human cardiovascular system are?

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38) Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from?

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39) Which of the following allows gas exchange in the lungs?

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40) What muscles allow you to breathe in and out?

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41) In the ABO system of blood groups, if both antigens are present but no antibody, the blood
group of the individual would be ?

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42) Platelets are formed from what type of cell?

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43) នៅពេលមានបំលាស់ប្តូរឧស្មន័ក្នុងសួត Hemoglobine ចាប់យក O2 ហើយក្លាយជា៖?

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44) Mecanismes des mouvements rspiratoires មានលក្ខណៈជា ៖?

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45) កាលណាមនុស្សយើងធ្វើដំណើរទៅកាន់ ទីខ្ពស់អត្រា O2 មានការប្រែប្រួលដូចតទៅ៖?

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46) Oxygenated blood received from left atrium then passed to another chamber of heart called?

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47) Echanges gazeux au niveau des poumons ធ្វើឡើងតាម៖?

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48) Which of the following statements about erythrocytes is correct?

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49) Erythropoietin:?

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50) Antibodies are produced by ?

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51) ក្នុងករណី ដែលគ្មានខ្យល់ចេញចូល ក្នុង alveole សោះតែមានឈាមរត់ឆ្លងកាត់ធម្មតានោះ វាក៏គ្មានបណ្តូរឧស្ម័នដែរ។ sang veineux នៅតែជា sang veineux ដដែល​ ហើយវាក៏ហូរចូលក្នុង grande circulation ដែលជាហេតុធ្វើអោយអត្រាO2 ក្នុង arteriel ចុះថយ។ ដំណើរនេះ គេអោយឈ្មោះថា ៖?

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52) As you breathe, this contracts and flattens to give your lungs room to fill up with air 😕

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53) Which of the following is the lymphoid organ that is a reservoir for red blood cells and filters
organisms from the blood?

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54) Cells formed in bone marrow include ?

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55) ក្នុង sang veineux មាន៖?

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56) To prevent blood loss after a tissue injury, blood vessels first?

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57) Which of the following white blood cells is capable of phagocytosis?

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58) Sickle cell disease is characterised by ?

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59) Patient with an artificial aortal valve was admitted to the hospital for additional observation
connected with hemolythic anemia symptoms. What type of hemolysis develops in the patient?

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60) A person with blood type A has:?

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61) Lymphocytes?

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62) Actual gas exchange takes place in the?

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63) The process of WBC production is called:?

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64) គ្រាប់ឈាមក្រហមអាចចាប់យក O2 បានដោយសារវាមាន?

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65) The pigment in red blood cells that carries oxygen is: ?

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66) Heredity deficiencies of coagulation is referred to as: ?

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67) What is the name of the tiny air sacs in the lungs?

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68) The production of marrow cells takes place within:?

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69) How many lungs do humans have?

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70) Air enters your lungs through the : ?

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71) The correct route through which pulse-making impulse travels in the heart is ?

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72) The whole blood cell production is called:?

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73) An increase in the number of white blood cells is called:?

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74) The most abundant cells of the blood are:?

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