Physiology Test

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Physiology Test


1 / 60

Which blood component plays the largest role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of blood?

2 / 60

Number of chambers in heart are?

3 / 60

Heredity deficiencies of coagulation is referred to as: ?

4 / 60

Study of blood circulation and its flow through the body is known as?

5 / 60

Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from?

6 / 60

Circulatory system is made of?

7 / 60

A 45-years old man presents to the emergency with a 2-week history of diarrhea that has
worsened progressively over the last several days. He has minimal urine output and is admitted
to the hospital to getrehydrated. His stool specimen is positive for parasitic eggs. Which type of
White Blood Cells would beelevated in number?

8 / 60

គ្រាប់ឈាមក្រហមអាចចាប់យក O2 បានដោយសារវាមាន?

9 / 60

Leukemias are:?

10 / 60

The blood volume of an averaged sized male is?

11 / 60

In the ABO system of blood groups, if both antigens are present but no antibody, the blood
group of the individual would be ?

12 / 60

Oxygenated blood received from left atrium then passed to another chamber of heart called?

13 / 60

Cells formed in bone marrow include ?

14 / 60

Which of the following allows gas exchange in the lungs?

15 / 60

Circulation of oxygenated blood through the rest of body is classified as?

16 / 60


17 / 60

The process of RBC production is called:?

18 / 60

Your body couldn’t breathe without this system.Which one is it?

19 / 60

Sickle cell disease is characterised by ?

20 / 60

Leukopenia is what?

21 / 60

What is the main force that causes fluid to leave the plasma compartment?

22 / 60

Which type of short neuron is found in the retina?

23 / 60

Which of these is relatively high in extracellular fluids?

24 / 60

Which of the following carry sensory impulses to the CNS from receptors in muscle or skin?

25 / 60

A collection of neuron cell bodies located outside the CNS is called?

26 / 60

The following could occur together effectively EXCEPT:?

27 / 60

What is daily amount of CSF in the nervous system at any given time?

28 / 60

What is first component of reflex arch?

29 / 60

An inflammation of the brain coverings is termed:?

30 / 60

What is the greatest regulator of water intake?

31 / 60

The greatest amount of body water is lost through: ?

32 / 60

ilot Pancréatique គ្មានកោសិកា ៖:

33 / 60

Glandes Cortex-surrénale បញ្ចេញអ័រម៉ូន ៖:

34 / 60

លំពែងជាក្រពេញ ៖:

35 / 60

ទឹកមានចលនាចូលក្នុងកោសិកា កាលណាឋិតនៅក្នុងសូលុយស្យុង ៖:

36 / 60

Organite ដែលស្រោមព័ទ្ធជុំវិញមានតែមួយស្រទាប់គឺ ៖ :

37 / 60

Transport passif ជាការដឹកជញ្ជូនសារធាតុឆ្លងកាត់ភ្នាសស៊ីតូប្លាស់ តាម ៖:

38 / 60

Pancréas sécrète l’hormone ៖:

39 / 60

ពត៌មានជាអ័រម៉ូនដែលកោសិកាបញ្ជូនពីកោសិកាមួយ ទៅកោសិកាមួយទៀតតាមរយៈសរសៃឈាមជា ៖:

40 / 60

Hypophyse មុខ មិនបញ្ចេញ ៖:

41 / 60

Inclusion គឺជា៖ :

42 / 60

Microvillosités មាននាទីឲ្យកោសិកា ៖ :

43 / 60

ការបំប្លែង Angiotensinogène ឲ្យទៅជា Angiotensine I ដោយសារ ៖:

44 / 60

រំញោចចំបង ក្នុងការបញ្ចេញ glucagon ៖:

45 / 60

Ribosome មាននាទីជា៖:

46 / 60

Acromégalie បណ្តាលមកពី ៖:

47 / 60

Insuline ជាអ័រម៉ូនមាននាទីឲ្យកោសិកាធ្វើមេតាបូលីស បំប្លែងជា ៖:

48 / 60

Organite ដែលសំយោគប្រូតេអុីន គឺជា ៖:

49 / 60

ម៉ូលេគុលស្កឆ្លងកាត់ភ្នាសស៊ីតូប្លាស់តាមរបៀប ៖ :

50 / 60

ក្នុងចំណោមអ័រម៉ូនខាងក្រោម មួយណាជាអ័រម៉ូនស្ត្រីដែលដូច នឹង អ័រម៉ូន Testostérone របស់បុរស ៖:

51 / 60

Les cellules Corticotropes បញ្ចេញអ័រម៉ូន ៖:

52 / 60

អ័រម៉ូន MSH ត្រូវបានសំយោគ​ និងបញ្ចេញពីកោសិកា ៖:

53 / 60

Organite ដែលជា Centre de regulation de la cellule គឺជា ៖:

54 / 60

អុីប៉ូតាឡាមុស សំយោគអ័រម៉ូនយ៉ាងតិចចំនួន ៖:

55 / 60

Cycle cellulaire មាន ២វគ្គគឺ ៖:

56 / 60

Syndrome de Cushing បណ្តាលមកពី ៖:

57 / 60

Les cellules tyrotropes បញ្ចេញអ័រម៉ូន ៖:

58 / 60

Mitochondrie ជា organite ដែលជា៖:

59 / 60

កាលណា Hypocalcémie បណ្តាលឲ្យសារពាង្គកាយមនុស្សបញ្ចេញ ៖:

60 / 60

ការកើនឡើងកំហាប់សូដ្យូមក្នុងឈាម និងទឺក និងការធ្លាក់ចុះកំហាប់បូតាស្យូមក្នុងឈាម, កំណើនបរិមាណទឹក និងសម្ពាធឈាម ដោយសារឥទ្ធិពលនៃអ័រម៉ូន ៖:

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