Physiology Test

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Physiology Test


1 / 60

Acetylcholine is decomposed by _____almost as fast as it is released.?

2 / 60

The membrane closest to the brain is:?

3 / 60

Where is most water found in the body?

4 / 60

Which of these neurons are unipolar?

5 / 60

The greatest amount of body water is lost through: ?

6 / 60

Which of the following carry sensory impulses to the CNS from receptors in muscle or skin?

7 / 60

The cells that produce myelin in the PNS are:?

8 / 60

What type of speech does Broca’s area control?

9 / 60

What is first component of reflex arch?

10 / 60

A change in a dendrite which lessens the probability of a conduction is:?

11 / 60

A common feature of action potentials is that they:?

12 / 60

The resting potential of a neuron is 😕

13 / 60

Which ion is directly related to calcium homeostasis?

14 / 60

A collection of neuron cell bodies located outside the CNS is called?

15 / 60

Where are neurotransmitter receptors located?

16 / 60

Basedow ជាជំងឺដែលបណ្តាលមកពី ៖:

17 / 60

តំបន់ medulla នៃ cortex surrénal សំយោគ និងបញ្ចេញអ័រម៉ូន ៖:

18 / 60

អុីប៉ូភីសបញ្ចេញអ័រម៉ូនចំនួន ៖ :

19 / 60

នុយក្លេអូលជាសរីរៈតូចៗនៅក្នុង ៖ :

20 / 60

ការបំប្លែង Angiotensinogène ឲ្យទៅជា Angiotensine I ដោយសារ ៖:

21 / 60

Transport passif ជាការដឹកជញ្ជូនសារធាតុឆ្លងកាត់ភ្នាសស៊ីតូប្លាស់ តាម ៖:

22 / 60

Crétinisme បណ្តាលមកពី ៖:

23 / 60

មូលហេតុណាមួយដែលធ្វើឲ្យ Pression osmotique កើនឡើង ៖:

24 / 60

អុីប៉ូតាឡាមុស មិនបញ្ចេញ ADH កាលណា ៖:

25 / 60

Microvillosités មាននាទីឲ្យកោសិកា ៖ :

26 / 60

Glucagon ជាអ័រម៉ូនមាននាទីឲ្យកោសិកាបំប្លែងគ្លុយស៊ីតជា ៖:

27 / 60

Testostérone ជាអ័រម៉ូនសំយោគ និងបញ្ចេញពីកោសិកា ៖:

28 / 60

អ័រម៉ូនណាមួយ នៃក្រពេញលើតម្រងនោម ធ្វើឲ្យប៉ះពាល់ដល់ Libido ចំពោះមនុស្សស្រី ៖:

29 / 60

Pancréas sécrète l’hormone ៖:

30 / 60

Calcitonine ជា hormone Sécréteé par ៖:

31 / 60

Insuline មាននាទី ៖:

32 / 60

៥៧-  ស្រោមដែលព័ទ្ធជុំវិញ ស៊ីតូប្លាស់ គេហៅថាភ្នាស ៖ :

33 / 60

តុល្យភាព Calcémie អាស្រ័យដោយ ៖:

34 / 60

Organite ដែលផ្តល់ថាមពលឲ្យកោសិកា គឺជា ៖:

35 / 60

ក្នុងចំណោមអ័រម៉ូនខាងក្រោម មួយណាមិនបានចូលរួម Métabolisme du glucose ៖:

36 / 60

Glandes Cortex-surrénale បញ្ចេញអ័រម៉ូន ៖:

37 / 60

Antiport ជាដឹកជញ្ជូន ៖:

38 / 60

ពត៌មានជាអ័រម៉ូនដែលកោសិកាបញ្ជូនពីកោសិកាមួយ ទៅកោសិកាមួយទៀតតាមរយៈសរសៃឈាមជា ៖:

39 / 60

Les cellules tyrotropes បញ្ចេញអ័រម៉ូន ៖:

40 / 60

Left atrium receives oxygenated blood from?

41 / 60

The Respiratory system is made up of trachea, the lungs, and the ______________.?

42 / 60

Which of the following belongs to agranular leukocytes?

43 / 60

Erythropoietin’s secretion is caused by …?

44 / 60

Which blood component plays the largest role in maintaining the osmotic pressure of blood?

45 / 60

Circulation of oxygenated blood through the rest of body is classified as?

46 / 60

Study of blood circulation and its flow through the body is known as?

47 / 60

Tricuspid valve is found in between ?

48 / 60

នៅពេលមានបំលាស់ប្តូរឧស្ម័នក្នុងកោសិកា Hemoglobine ចាប់យក CO2 ហើយក្លាយជា៖?

49 / 60

As you breathe, this contracts and flattens to give your lungs room to fill up with air 😕

50 / 60

Leukemias are:?

51 / 60

Antibodies are produced by ?

52 / 60

នៅពេលមានបំលាស់ប្តូរឧស្មន័ក្នុងសួត Hemoglobine ចាប់យក O2 ហើយក្លាយជា៖?

53 / 60

Circulation system which provides supply of blood to muscles of heart is classified as?

54 / 60

Circulatory system is made of?

55 / 60

An increase in the number of white blood cells is called:?

56 / 60

What factor promotes erythrocytes intravascular hemolysis?

57 / 60

Which of the following allows gas exchange in the lungs?

58 / 60

Sickle cell disease is characterised by ?

59 / 60

Which of the following is the lymphoid organ that is a reservoir for red blood cells and filters
organisms from the blood?

60 / 60

គ្រាប់ឈាមក្រហមអាចចាប់យក O2 បានដោយសារវាមាន?

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