
Psychiatrie Preparation (Dr. Meth Daramoon)


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1) 8) β€’For Cognitive development theory, the language and pretend to play start to develop in:

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2) 30) β€’In Cognitive developmental theory, the ability to mentally go through a series of steps in a
problem and then reverse the direction, returning to the starting point; refer to:

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3) 16) β€’What psychosocial crisis results in either a feeling of self-will or giving-up?

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4) 23) β€’Robert wants to graduate from high school but has no plans for post secondary. He spends all
his time playing video games instead of contacting with his family and friends.

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5) 31) β€’He said that the individual is driven by the β€œpleasure principle”.

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6) 9) β€’Characteristic of Preoperational stage of Cognitive development:

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7) 26) β€’β€œIdentity Vs. Role Confusion” stage of Psychosocial development, the ages possibly start from:

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8) 4) β€’The stage of Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory characterized by the development of logical
operations and conservation, where thinking is tied to real events and object.

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9) 46) β€’The empty nest syndrome predicts that parents experience decreased marital satisfaction when
the children leave home. Research has found that:

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10) 20) β€’Sambath spends most of his time in his retirement home and likes to visit his doctor once a
month. She never wants to go out and get involved.

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11) 29) β€’In Cognitive developmental theory, the ability to order items along a quantitative dimension,
such as length or weight, refer to:

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12) 37) β€’According to Freud, which stage of development related to the fact that potty-training is
important getting the pleasure?

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13) 1) β€’Which of the following psychologists developed a theory of psychosocial development that
comprise in eight stages from infancy to adulthood?

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14) 43) β€’Carol Gilligan (1996) has found that as girls reach adolescence they:

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15) 39) β€’Psychosexual development that occurs between the ages of 3 and 6. The source of pleasure at
this stage is the genitals.

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16) 7) β€’For Cognitive development theory, the ability to search for a hidden object in diverse situations
in sensorimotor stage, refer to:

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17) 27) β€’In stage β€œAutonomy Vs. Shame & doubt”, of Psychosocial development, the individual possibly

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18) 19) β€’In the stage β€œIndustry Vs. Inferiority”, of psychosocial development, the individual start to develop:

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19) 33) β€’If a child sucks his thumb which of Freud’s psychosexual stages is he stuck in?

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20) 15) β€’Eric Erickson characterizes development as a series of what?

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21) 14) β€’Which of the following best describes the concrete operational period?

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22) 32) β€’According to Freud, the unconscious love and sexual desire of male children for their mother is

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23) 21) β€’Bora and Bopha just got married and moved out of their houses with their parents and started
living together.

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24) 22) β€’Bony tried to feed himself while hanging out with his parent even he cannot hold the spoon
correctly and the food is out of his mouth.

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25) 13) β€’The ability to think abstractly and systematically solve problems emerges during the:

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26) 6) β€’Sensorimotor stage of Cognitive development start at the ages:

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27) 28) β€’In Piaget theory, the hypothetical-deductive reasoning is logical thinking of individual in:

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28) 5) β€’The stage of Piaget’s Cognitive Development theory characterized by abstract systems of thought
that allows learners to use logic, scientific reasoning and proportional reasoning.

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29) 35) β€’Which of the Freud’s three main structures of personality is described to be β€œunconscious” and
β€œpleasure seeking”?

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30) 34) β€’This stage of development usually occurs at the age of 1-3, the Ego starts to develop and the ID
is somewhat controlled

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31) 18) β€’In Erickson theory, the psychological crisis related to the purpose of life develop in:

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32) 44) β€’A child in the formal operational thought stage of cognitive development is MOST likely to
engage in which of the following activities?

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33) 24) β€’The term β€œAttachment” consider to develop in the stage:

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34) 40) β€’By the division stage of Freud, the age’s group of Anal stage start from:

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35) 10) β€’In concrete operational stage of Jean Piaget, the ability to group object into hierarchies of
classes and subclasses refer to:

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36) 2) β€’What is the correct order of cognitive development in Jean Piaget theory?

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37) 25) β€’In stage β€œIdentity vs. Role confusion” of Psychosocial development, the individual possibly

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38) 36) β€’What is not a Freudian stage of development?

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39) 3) β€’According to Piaget, children in the preoperational stage have difficulty taking the perspective of
another person. This is known as:

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40) 17) β€’The psychosocial crisis of early childhood is:

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41) 42) β€’Children in the middle and late childhood period of development are also in which Erickson’s
psychosocial stages?

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42) 11) β€’In Cognitive developmental theory, the ability to focus on several aspect of a problem at once
and its related, refer to:

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43) 38) β€’Describes as the final stage of human psychosexual development. According to Freud’s theory,
this stage begins at puberty and constitutes mature adult sexuality.

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44) 41) β€’__________________ refers to global evaluations of the self.

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45) 12) β€’Dany’s mother has two crackers, both of equal size. She breaks one of the crackers up into four
pieces. Dany says she wants the one with the most and immediately chooses the four pieces, even
though the two amounts are equal. Dany’s choice illustrates Piaget’s concept of:

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46) 45) β€’Which statement best reflects Erik Erickson’s belief about the relation between culture and
identity development?

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