/20 2374 Sémiologie Preparation (Pr. Muny Sothara) 1 / 20 1) Which of the below is not the symptom of depression? a. Difficulty in concentrating and making decision b. Anhedonia c. Low self-esteem d. Echolalia e. Loss of pleasure and daily activities 2 / 20 2) A 40 years old man who does not respond to your question. He only arouses from sleep after painful stimuli and lapse into an unresponsive state when the stimulus ceases. Which below conditions should you consider? a. Stupor b. Dementia c. Stupor and Coma d. Dementia and coma e. Coma 3 / 20 3) Severity of mental illness strongly link with: a. No family support b. Poor education c. Lack of nutrition d. Lack of services e. Comorbidity 4 / 20 4) Depression frequently accompanies: a. Stroke b. Cancer c. Heart disease d. Serious medical illnesses e. HIV / AIDS 5 / 20 5) Which of below statements is not open-ended question? a. Did you drink alcohol last night b. What did your doctor advice you about drinking c. How did your wife react when you drink d. How did you feel when you get drunk e. What happened when you have emotional difficulty 6 / 20 6) CAGE questionnaire is used to screen for: a. Substance misuse b. Drug misuse c. Alcohol misuse d. Alcohol and other substances misuse e. Wine misuse 7 / 20 7) Doing mental status examination will a. Label the patient as pathologic b. Upset the patient c. Invade the patient’s privacy d. Gain trust and understanding e. Harm the patient somehow 8 / 20 8) A 22 years old man graduated from college for 2 years. He had no motivation to study any more. He rather keeps watching TV most of the time at home. During the interview he shows limited facial expression. His mood is low most of the time at home as well as during the interview. On the other hand, he sometimes smiles alone as if someone is communicating with him: What diagnosis is likely to be differentiated? a. Alzheimer’s disease b. Depressive disorders c. Alcohol and substance abuse d. Anxiety disorder e. Schizophrenia 9 / 20 9) During the examination, clinicians need to look for: a. The patient’s financial resource b. The patient’s occupation c. The patient’s family condition d. The patient’s outlook, concerns and habits e. The patient’s symptoms 10 / 20 10) The clinicians understand patient’s mental status examination: a. During the interview with family members b. During the waiting for interview c. During the process of psychiatric interview d. During the registration e. During the interview with patient 11 / 20 11) A 17 years-old boy brought in the psychiatric out-patient clinic by his parents for abnormal behavior, speech and thinking. During the interview he does not aware that his particular mood, thought and perception is part of his illness. He even does not know the reason the parents bring him to the hospital. He does not know what is wrong or trouble with him. Which mental disorder should be appropriate to think about? a. Affective disorders b. Developmental disorders c. Psychotic disorders d. Depressive disorders e. Anxiety disorders 12 / 20 12) A 70 years old patient who remains no response to external stimuli or even inner need and unable to arouse with eyes close all the time. Which below conditions should you consider? a. Dementia and Stupor b. Stupor and Coma c. Dementia d. Coma e. Stupor 13 / 20 13) A 22 years old man graduated from college for 2 years. He had no motivation to study any more. He rather keeps watching TV most of the time at home. During the interview he shows limited facial expression. His mood is low most of the time at home as well as during the interview. On the other hand, he sometimes smiles alone as if someone is communicating with him: Which below diagnosis should be considered? a. Alzheimer’s disease b. Schizophrenia c. Depressive disorder d. Alcohol and substance abuse e. Anxiety disorder 14 / 20 14) Rate of suicide using firearm among men and women in the US: a. Men 4 times greater than Women b. Men 2 times lesser than Women c. Men 4 times lesser than Women d. Men 2 times greater than Women e. Men equal to Women 15 / 20 15) A 17 years-old boy brought in the psychiatric out-patient clinic by his parents for abnormal behavior, speech and thinking. During the interview he does not aware that his particular mood, thought and perception is part of his illness. He even does not know the reason the parents bring him to the hospital. He does not know what is wrong or trouble with him. Which area of mental status consider impacted? a. Insight b. Perception c. Thinking d. Memory e. Mood 16 / 20 16) What is the main reason that the clinicians need to learn common feature of mental health illness in their practice? a. Because physical illness can manifest mental and behavioral symptoms b. Because mental illness always present in all animal including human c. Because health and human behavior are intimately linked d. Because clinicians often miss clues of mental and behavioral dysfunction in patients e. Because mental illness can manifest physical symptoms 17 / 20 17) Important (common) conditions that primary care office should look for: a. Depression b. Alcohol and substance abuse c. Depression, suicide, alcohol and substance abuse d. Suicide e. Depression and suicide 18 / 20 18) When a depressed patient gives a clinical cue about suicide, what to appropriately do? a. Refer right away to emergency psychiatric unit b. Avoid reminding him/her about suicide by changing topic to talk c. Ask patient directly about suicide ideation and plans d. Prescribe antidepressants right away e. Wait for self-expression about suicide ideation and intervene later 19 / 20 19) Screening for suicide should be targeted to? a. Old, male, divorced or separated and seriously or chronically ill b. Young, female, divorced or separated and seriously or chronically ill c. Old, male and female, divorced or separated and seriously or chronically ill d. Young, male, divorced or separated and seriously or chronically ill e. Old, female, divorced or separated and seriously or chronically ill 20 / 20 20) A 30 years old woman moves expansively, dancing or singing in an inappropriate place, situation and time. She makes up colorfully her face. She speaks fast, loudly and talkatively. Her personal hygiene remain good. She should suffer from: a. Anxiety disorder b. Mania c. Depressive disorder d. Alcoholic e. Schizophrenia Your score isThe average score is 91% Facebook 0% Restart quiz Any comments? Send feedback