/19 1519 Sémiologie Preparation (Pr. Sao Sokuna) 1 / 19 1) The sport pre-participation screening consists of? a. 14 steps b. 15 steps c. 10 steps d. 12 steps e. 16 steps 2 / 19 2) Among the following physical examination of the chest and lung, which one is the most likely to be not found in case of respiratory difficulty? a. Contraction of deltoid muscles b. Wheezing audible on auscultation c. Contraction of the sternomastoid and scalene muscles d. Cyanosis e. Supraclavicular retraction 3 / 19 3) Among the following physical examination for sport pre-participation screening, which sign is the most carefully assessed? a. Breathe sound and blood pressure b. Wheezing and blood pressure c. Blood Pressure and cardiac murmurs d. Breathe sound and cardiac murmurs e. Wheezing and Cardiac murmurs 4 / 19 4) Among the following skin examination, which one is the most likely to be found in case of liver disease? a. Brownness b. Redness c. Jaundice d. Cyanosis e. Pallor 5 / 19 5) Which association of signs is typical in gynecomastia in young boy? a. Enlarged neck b. Enlarged nose c. Enlarged breast d. Enlarged mouth e. Enlarged testes 6 / 19 6) Taking history, a good way to start questions with adolescence is: a. To chat directly about the current disease b. To interview without presence of parents c. To chat informally about friends, school, hobbies and family d. To interview focusing on his or her current problems e. To chat informally about what you are going to do on examination 7 / 19 7) Among the following physical examination of musculoskeletal system in adolescence, idiopathic scoliosis was seen mostly in girls: a. 50% of cases b. 75% of cases c. 70% of cases d. 80% of cases e. 60% of cases 8 / 19 8) The normal range for onset of breast development in young girl was between? a. 7 – 11 years old b. 11 – 15 years old c. 8 – 13 years old d. 9 – 14 years old e. 10 – 15 years old 9 / 19 9) Taking history, which social characteristic of adolescence can be classified into a late adolescence (17 – 20 years olds) stages? a. Experimental behavior and Dating b. Limit testing c. Role with respect to other and sexuality d. Much introspection global issues e. Peers increasingly important 10 / 19 10) Among the following physical examination for sport pre-participation screening, which sign is the most found in step 1, stand straight by facing forward? a. Weakness of shoulder or neck b. Loss of range of motion c. Asymmetry and swelling of joints d. Asymmetry from scoliosis e. Loss of strength of deltoid muscle 11 / 19 11) Among the following physical examination of male genitalia, which one is the most likely to be found in sexually transmitted disease? a. Rectal fistula b. Vaginal discharge c. Leucorrhea d. Hematuria e. Penile discharge 12 / 19 12) Taking history, which social characteristic of adolescence can be classified into an early adolescence (10 – 14 years olds) stages? a. Much introspection global issues b. Separation from family c. Peers increasingly important d. Role with respect to other e. Limit testing 13 / 19 13) Which association of signs is typical in puberty delayed (constitutional delay) in males? a. Delayed bone maturation and sex hormonal levels b. Delayed mental and physical maturation c. Delayed bone and physical maturation but normal hormonal levels d. Delayed mental and bone maturation e. Delayed sex hormonal levels 14 / 19 14) Among the following skin examination, which one is the most likely to be found in case of anemia? a. Pallor b. Loss of pigmentation c. Redness d. Jaundice e. Cyanosis 15 / 19 15) Physical changes in young girl’s breasts are generally progressing through the Tanner stages or Tanner sex maturity rating (SMR) stages, which divided into? a. 3 stages b. 7 stages c. 6 stages d. 4 stages e. 5 stages 16 / 19 16) Among the following skin examination, which one is the most likely to be found in case of heart faillure? a. Pallor b. Jaundice c. Brownness (increased pigmentation) d. Cyanosis e. Redness 17 / 19 17) Among the following physical examination of male genitalia, which one is the most likely to be found in delayed puberty? a. No signs of pubertal development by 16 years of age b. No signs of pubertal development by 14 years of age c. No signs of pubertal development by 13 years of age d. No signs of pubertal development by 12 years of age e. No signs of pubertal development by 15 years of age 18 / 19 18) The first Tanner stages or Tanner sex maturity rating (SMR) stages called? a. Preadolescent stage b. Mature stage c. Breast bud stage d. Projection of areola and nipple stage e. Enlargement of elevation of breast stage 19 / 19 19) Taking history, which social characteristic of adolescence can be classified into a middle adolescence (15 – 16 years olds) stages? a. Peers increasingly important b. Separation from family c. Limit testing d. Role with respect to other e. Much introspection global issues Your score isThe average score is 95% Facebook 0% Restart quiz Any comments? Send feedback