Statistique Et MΓ©thodologie De La Recherche Test

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Statistique Et MΓ©thodologie De La Recherche Test


1 / 60

The graph showing the paired points of (Xi, Yi) is called:

2 / 60

A Type I error occurs when the null hypothesis is:

3 / 60

In regression analysis, the variable that is being predicted is

4 / 60

If the value of regression coefficient is zero, then the two variable are called:

5 / 60

The straight line graph of the linear equation Y = a + bX, slope will be downward If:

6 / 60

An alternative to statistical techniques for analysis of data to find patterns and trends is?

7 / 60

In simple linear regression, the numbers of unknown constants are:

8 / 60

Correlation analysis is used to:

9 / 60

The correlation coefficient, r, can take on any value within what range?

10 / 60

51. What is the slope of the line y = -3.4x – 2.5?

11 / 60

The coefficient of determination (sometimes known as the regression coefficient) enables you to:

12 / 60

The predicted rate of response of the dependent variable to changes in the independent variable
is called:

13 / 60

If all the actual and estimated values of Y are same on the regression line, the sum of squares of error will be:

14 / 60

Which of the following requirements for a scientific report writing may depend on your
institution (EXCEPT ONE)?

15 / 60

The value of the coefficient of determination (r2) ranges between

16 / 60

If the coefficient of determination is 0.81, the correlation coefficient:

17 / 60

Inferential statistics are useful for:

18 / 60

The slope of the regression line of Y on X is also called the:

19 / 60

My estimated regression line is Y = 17 + 4X. The intercept is equal to:

20 / 60

Which of the following statements is false?

21 / 60

Quantitative data refers to:

22 / 60

Two variables have a positive association when?

23 / 60

An example of an experimental study is a(n):

24 / 60

If the correlation coefficient is a positive value, then the slope of the regression line:

25 / 60

The coefficient of correlation

26 / 60

If regression line of Y= 5, then value of regression coefficient of Y on X is:

27 / 60

When regression line passes through the origin, then:

28 / 60

Positive regression coefficient indicates that the movement of the variables are in:

29 / 60

If both variables X and Y increase or decrease simultaneously, then the coefficient of correlation will be:

30 / 60

If the value of any regression coefficient is zero, then two variables are:

31 / 60

2. A relationship where the flow of the data points is best represented by a curve is called:

32 / 60

The value we would predict for the dependent variable when the independent variables are all
equal to zero is called:

33 / 60

Computers are essential for quantitative data analysis because?

34 / 60

An r value of 0.80 indicates:

35 / 60

The measure of how well the regression line fits the data is the:

36 / 60

To compare three independent means we use:

37 / 60

In descriptive statistics our main objective is to:

38 / 60

If you have 20 pairs of subjects what would be the degrees of freedom for a test of correlation
between the groups of scores?

39 / 60

Inferential statistics enable you to :

40 / 60

A coefficient of correlation is computed to be -0.95 means that

41 / 60

The null hypothesis states the means are:

42 / 60

Which of the following are examples of continuous variables?

43 / 60

A qualitative variable:

44 / 60

If the points on the scatter diagram show no tendency either to increase together or decrease together the value of r will be close to:

45 / 60

The sum of the difference between the actual values of Y and its values obtained from the fitted regression line is always:

46 / 60

The coefficient of determination is the?

47 / 60

The range of regression coefficient is:

48 / 60

In the regression equation Y = a + bX, b is called:

49 / 60

If there is a very strong correlation between two variables then the correlation coefficient must

50 / 60

If two variables have a correlation coefficient of .30, what percentage of one variable is
accounted for by the other variable?

51 / 60

When the p-value is less than 0.05 we can conclude that:

52 / 60

Which Statistical software come with appropriate table, graph, and/or chart-building
features to easily convert tabular data into a variety of formats.?

53 / 60

The strength (degree) of the correlation between a set of independent variables X and a dependent variable Y is measured by

54 / 60

1. The method of least squares dictates that we choose a regression line where the sum of the
square of deviations of the points from the lie is:

55 / 60

The coefficient of determination (r2) is

56 / 60

A procedure used to select a sample of n objects from a population in such a way that each
member of the population is chosen strictly by chance, each member of the population is equally
likely to be chosen, and every possible sample of a given size, n, has the same chance of selection
is known as:

57 / 60

A measure of the strength of the linear relationship that exists between two variables is called:

58 / 60

31. The value of the coefficient of correlation r lies between:

59 / 60

If all the plotted points in a scatter diagram lie on a single line, then the correlation is :

60 / 60

The degree of linear association between two metric scaled variables is measured by:

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The average score is 83%


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