Sugical Pathology Test

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Surgical Pathology Test


1 / 60

“Bell Clapper” is another term used to describe which of the following abnormalities?:

2 / 60

The diagnosis of acute appendicitis is most difficult to establish in:

3 / 60

A prostatic adenoma can be revealed by all the below except:

4 / 60

Among the following propositions concerning the liver colic crisis, one is inaccurate. Which?:

5 / 60

Occlusion in strangulation of the small intestine:
1. The pain syndrome begins abruptly.
2. The central abdominal bloating.
3. Vomiting is early and abundant.
4. The infectious syndrome is important from the outset.
5. The cul de sac (uterorectal or vesicorectal pouch) is painful at rectal examination.

6 / 60

A 25-year-old female has a unilateral ovarian cyst measuring 6 to 7 cm in diameter. On
ultrasound, it is anechoic. This may be one or more of the following:

7 / 60

Among the following bacteria, one of which is frequently associated with gastritis. Which is it?:

8 / 60

In the Demongs-Meigs syndrome, all but one of these propositions can be found. Which?:

9 / 60

The adenoma of the prostate:

10 / 60

A boy fell down from a tree and has a fracture of neck of humerus. He can not raise his arm
because of the involvement of:

11 / 60

The inability to pass a collection of hard stool:

12 / 60

A client is admitted with right lower quadrant pain, anorexia, nausea, low-grade fever, and elevated white blood cell count. Which complication is most likely the cause?:

13 / 60

In men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, the signs of obstructive syndrome are dysuria and:

14 / 60

A cystic translucent mass above the testicle is probably a:

15 / 60

Closed-loop obstruction of sigmoid colon caused by the bowel twisting on itself. Can result in
vascular compromise and bowel infarction?:

16 / 60

The image of “porcelain vesicle” diagnosed on the abdomen cliché without preparation
corresponds to:

17 / 60

Limb shortening with adduction and internal rotation occurs in which type of hip

18 / 60

Which of the following isn’t a complication of peptic ulcer disease?:

19 / 60

If a patient reports a recent breast infection, then the nurse should expect to find _____ node

20 / 60

A tongue of peritoneum that precedes the migrating testes through the inguinal canal:

21 / 60

What is/are among the following radiological elements which permit to diagnose a small gut
obstruction on erect film (APF)?:

22 / 60

Twisting of the spermatic cord upon itself is a predisposing factor of which of the following

23 / 60

Best Method Of Investigation of Gall Stone is:

24 / 60

Most common bone to fracture in body is:

25 / 60

What of the following factors, which is usually considered as predominant in the mechanism of
onset of ulcers stomach?:

26 / 60

Caused by obstruction of common bile duct, Jaundice, pain and possible liver damage.:

27 / 60

Stones in the ureters are termed:

28 / 60

Which of the following are the two most important things women can do to lower their risk
for breast cancer?:

29 / 60

Which of the following most often initiates the development of acute appendicitis?:

30 / 60

The bayonet is:

31 / 60

Cause of hydrocele in infants:

32 / 60

A hydrocele develops between:

33 / 60

Nursemaid’s Elbow:

34 / 60

What is the position of lower limb in pubic dislocation of hip:

35 / 60

Handling of intestines during abdominal surgery causes it to lose function Electrolyte disturbances-especially hypokalemia; Peritonitis, intestinal ischemia/ lack of blood to intestines.:

36 / 60

A patient who has had a swollen, nontender scrotum for one week is found to have a mass
within the tunica vaginalis that transilluminates readily. The family nurse practitioner suspects:

37 / 60

Necrosis and rupture of ovary:

38 / 60

Which of the following statement is/are true concerning the solubilization of cholesterol in bile?:

39 / 60

The most frequent localisation of tumors which are complicated by oobstructive bowel obstruction is:

40 / 60

The commonest site of fracture clavicle caused by indirect trauma in form of fall on
outstretched hand is:

41 / 60

Biliary colic:

42 / 60

Pain of hepatic colic in its typical form:

43 / 60

Move the patient’s legs the pain felt in the right iliac fossa on extension of the hip, and the right hip flexed for pain relief is:

44 / 60


45 / 60

Anterior dislocation (occur 95% of time):

46 / 60

Regarding fractures of the proximal humerus.:

47 / 60

Which of the following conditions is most likely to directly cause peritonitis?:

48 / 60

General treatment policy of acute peritonitis is:

49 / 60

Following abdominal surgeries, trauma, mesenteric ischemia, or infection:

50 / 60

What kind of bacteria is H. Pylori?:

51 / 60

Spread person to person by fecal-oral route:

52 / 60

During the breast exam, the nurse palpates a series of lymph nodes. Why is this a part of the
breast exam?:

53 / 60

The rectal examination at a man carrying a typical BPH can feel:

54 / 60

Which of the following fractures is most commonly seen in healthy bones subjected to violent

55 / 60

Where is the appendix located in the body?:

56 / 60

Gallstones develop when the balance that keeps cholesterol, bile salts, and calcium is altered so
that precipitation of these substances occurs. Infection and disturbances in the metabolism of
cholesterol may cause this.:

57 / 60

All of the following have been associated with H. pylori infection except:

58 / 60

A fracture of the middle 1/3 of the clavicle:

59 / 60

What does urease do?:

60 / 60

What is clinical presentation of peritonitis?:

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