
Surgical Pathology Preparation (Pr. Kou Kimheak)


1 / 211

1) Which of the following isn’t a complication of peptic ulcer disease?:

2 / 211

2) Which of the following most often initiates the development of acute appendicitis?:

3 / 211

3) In shoulder dislocations, the humeral head usually dislocates primarily in which of the
following directions:

4 / 211

4) A passenger presents severe abdominal pain by moving crisis amid ongoing pain, and vomiting with lost materials and gases. The review shows that you practice a distended abdomen without contracture. You think:

5 / 211

5) Which of the following is not seen in undescended testis?:

6 / 211

6) A patient has a higher risk of peptic ulcer disease (PUD) if they are a chronic user of:

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7) Who is most likely to develop appendicitis?:

8 / 211

8) Regarding fractures of the proximal humerus.:

9 / 211

9) The main mechanism of urine leakage during the course of an unoperated adenoma is:

10 / 211

10) Large scrotum cold called chronic suggest following diagnoses:
1 – Vaginal haematocele
2 – Vaginal hydrocΓ©ie
3 – Testicular Cancer
4 – Varicocele
5 – Strangulated inguinal hernia

11 / 211

11) Urease, flagella, adhesins, mucinase, vauolating toxin, neutrophil activation protein, LPS,
superoxide dismutase and catalase, and PAI:

12 / 211

12) Necrosis and rupture of ovary:

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13) Which of the following types of cysts most commonly ruptures?:

14 / 211

14) Biliary colic:

15 / 211

15) Which of the following cystic ovarian formations has the highest potential for malignancy?:

16 / 211

16) A patient presenting with acute abdomen is being examined. On palpation of Right
hypochondrial region, there is pain on deep inspiration and the patient catches breath. The
diagnosis is probably:

17 / 211

17) The commonest type of dislocation of the hip joint is:

18 / 211

18) Gastric juices/bile/pancreatic/blood/urine:

19 / 211

19) Dunphy’s sign:

20 / 211

20) Ultrasound carries the diagnosis of extrahepatic obstruction causing jaundice if:

21 / 211

21) Surgery for correction of cryptorchidism is best done before?:

22 / 211

22) Luxatio erecta:

23 / 211

23) Twisting of the spermatic cord upon itself is a predisposing factor of which of the following

24 / 211

24) Bloat of the pelvic colon volvulus:
1. Has an asymmetrical layout.
2. Was tympanic to percussion.
3. Accompanied by peristaltic waves.
4. Accompanied by abdominal contraction.
5. Accompanied by removal of abdominal skin reflexes

25 / 211

25) Among these propositions concerning the usual spontaneous evolution of the functional cysts
of the ovary, which seems to you the most constantly exact?:

26 / 211

26) A fecal impaction is a solid, immobile bulk of stool that can develop in the rectum as a result of
chronic ________.:

27 / 211

27) The inability to pass a collection of hard stool:

28 / 211

28) Which of the following laboratory results would be expected in a client with peritonitis?:

29 / 211

29) Dislocation of shoulder is more common than dislocation hip due the following causes:

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30) What is the basic clinical signs of traumatic posterior shoulder dislocation?:

31 / 211

31) A 22 years old man has had a constant swelling in his testicle for the past 2 years. There is no
pain, fever or tenderness. It is brilliantly transilluminant and is not palpable separately from the
testicle. The cord is uninvolved. What is the most likely diagnosis?:

32 / 211

32) What is/are among the following radiological elements which permit to diagnose a small gut
obstruction on erect film (APF)?:

33 / 211

33) Gallbladder duct inflammation, Caused by the migration of gallbladder stones:

34 / 211

34) Posterior dislocation of the shoulder is characterized by:

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35) Inflammation of the gall bladder. Usually associated with cholelithiasis.:

36 / 211

36) In elderly patients the most frequent cause of obstructive bowel obstruction is:

37 / 211

37) The surgical treatment of a choledochial lithiasis that has migrated from the gallbladder outside
acute episodes of acute infection (angiocholitis, acute cholecystitis) can only be performed on one
of the following procedures:

38 / 211

38) What is the position of lower limb in pubic dislocation of hip:

39 / 211

39) Which of these findings in the breast of a patient who is suspected of having breast cancer
would support the diagnosis?:

40 / 211

40) Antibiotics, proton pump inhibitor, and bismuth.:

41 / 211

41) Peritonitis produces bowel sounds that are:

42 / 211

42) A fracture of the middle 1/3 of the clavicle:

43 / 211

43) Best Method Of Investigation of Gall Stone is:

44 / 211

44) Among the clinical forms of peritonitis following, which gives a pneumoperitoneum?:

45 / 211

45) Risk factors for breast cancer include?:

46 / 211

46) Before a bowel obstruction which is on the item for a small bowel obstruction due to

47 / 211

47) When the abdominal muscles become rigid in an effort to protect the abdomen from further irritation, this is referred to as:

48 / 211

48) There may be a pneumoperitoneum in perforation of all the following locations, except one,
which one?:

49 / 211

49) Invasive with endoscopy or noninvasive with urease breath test or ammonia breath test and
detection of H. pylori antibodies in saliva:

50 / 211

50) The bayonet is:

51 / 211

51) The most frequent localisation of tumors which are complicated by oobstructive bowel obstruction is:

52 / 211

52) Which of the following are the two most important things women can do to lower their risk
for breast cancer?:

53 / 211

53) Treatment of fracture clavicle in an infant is best treated by:

54 / 211

54) With respect to gallstones:

55 / 211

55) Which of the following fractures is most commonly seen in healthy bones subjected to violent

56 / 211

56) Helicobacter pylori causes :

57 / 211

57) The erectal dislocation of the shoulder is a dislocation:

58 / 211

58) When should you start CBE (Computer-Based Exam)?:

59 / 211

59) Among the following bacteria, one of which is frequently associated with gastritis. Which is it?:

60 / 211

60) After thorough inspection of the abdomen, the next assessment step is:

61 / 211

61) A common temporary benign enlargement of the male breast is ____.:

62 / 211

62) Which of the following position should the client with appendicitis assume to relieve pain?:

63 / 211

63) Stones in the ureters are termed:

64 / 211

64) Landing forcefully on an internally rotated outstretched hand:

65 / 211

65) Chemical Causes of Peritonitis:

66 / 211

66) Surgical placement of the testes in the scrotum:

67 / 211

67) A cystic translucent mass above the testicle is probably a:

68 / 211

68) Following abdominal surgeries, trauma, mesenteric ischemia, or infection:

69 / 211

69) A tongue of peritoneum that precedes the migrating testes through the inguinal canal:

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70) Lower back pain, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding:

71 / 211

71) What US findings are suggestive of acute appendicitis?:

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72) Regarding a midshaft fracture of the clavicle:

73 / 211

73) What does urease do?:

74 / 211

74) Hydrocele is a which type of cyst:

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75) You should talk your doctor about shoulder injury if:

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76) Sudden onset of severe scrotal pain in an adolescent patient is most suspicious for:

77 / 211

77) Pain of hepatic colic in its typical form:

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78) Epileptiform convulsion may be a cause. For each description below, select the type of
fracture or dislocation with which it is most likely to be associated.:

79 / 211

79) A clinical examination of a patient with uncomplicated peptic ulcers:

80 / 211

80) What kind of bacteria is H. Pylori?:

81 / 211

81) Internal fixation of the clavicle fracture is obtained (achieved) by:

82 / 211

82) What is volvulus?:

83 / 211

83) A 42 yo male came to you because of painless swelling, in the left testis, he gives Hx of mild
trauma few days earlier. Swelling is cystic, involving testis only and is not transilluminatable.
Diagnosis is :

84 / 211

84) Where is the appendix located in the body?:

85 / 211

85) The most common fatal complication of chronic peptic ulcer of the stomach is:

86 / 211

86) Pressing the abdomen at Mc Burney’s point and then rapidly released, the patient may increase in pain, is:

87 / 211

87) Which is most likely to lead to a shoulder injury?:

88 / 211

88) Which of the following conditions is most likely to directly cause peritonitis?:

89 / 211

89) What are the key virulence factors of H. pylori? Why?:

90 / 211

90) Asymptomatic scrotal swelling, often bilateral, and sometimes with a blueish discolouration.
Contains peritoneal fluid.:

91 / 211

91) The complication of fracture of the clavicle gives skin emphysema by:

92 / 211

92) Regarding small bowel obstruction

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93) McBurney Point is located ________:

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94) Hyper abduction of the arm force the humeral head to lodge against the acromion. or from
direct axial loading down the shaft of the humeorus while abducted.:

95 / 211

95) What of the following factors, which is usually considered as predominant in the mechanism of
onset of ulcers stomach?:

96 / 211

96) Handling of intestines during abdominal surgery causes it to lose function Electrolyte disturbances-especially hypokalemia; Peritonitis, intestinal ischemia/ lack of blood to intestines.:

97 / 211

97) The commonest site of fracture clavicle caused by indirect trauma in form of fall on
outstretched hand is:

98 / 211

98) Cholangiogram:

99 / 211

99) Shenton line is broken in all of following except:

100 / 211

100) Failure of this perineal extension to obliterate after birth may lead to the development of an
inguinal hernia or hydrocele:

101 / 211

101) The aim sign of large bowel obstruction:

102 / 211

102) Which of the following is true of Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?:

103 / 211

103) A doctor can usually detect an enlarged prostate by…:

104 / 211

104) Also known as cryptorchidism:

105 / 211

105) Who most likely to get a shoulder injury?:

106 / 211

106) In men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, the signs of obstructive syndrome are dysuria and:

107 / 211

107) A hydrocele is defined as an abnormal fluid collection between the:

108 / 211

108) Which of the following ovarian tumor is most prone to undergo torsion during pregnancy?:

109 / 211

109) The prostate gland…:

110 / 211

110) As part of a generalized acute peritonitis in young patients, regardless finding on clinical
examination alone is an indication formal operational?:

111 / 211

111) General treatment policy of acute peritonitis is:

112 / 211

112) The most common area for volvulus is:

113 / 211

113) Among the following which ones can be retained as a cause of intestinal obstruction by strangulation?:
1. The occlusion of the sigmoid cancer. 2. The occlusion by volvulus adhesion. 3. The gallstone ileus. 4. The strangulated hernia. 5. The acute intussusception.

114 / 211

114) Which of the following statements relate to the ovarian dermoid cysts, except one? :

115 / 211

115) Among the following propositions concerning the liver colic crisis, one is inaccurate. Which?:

116 / 211

116) In ischiatic dislocation of HIP:

117 / 211

117) The most helpful diagnostic radiographic procedure in small bowel obstruction is:

118 / 211

118) Lower fiber:

119 / 211

119) A14-year-old boy presents with sudden onset of pain and swelling of his right testicle. There
was no history of trauma, he is not sexually active, and denies any history of penile discharge.
On examination, the scrotum is swollen and tender. The cremasteric reflex is absent. A testicular
flow scan shows a β€œcold spot” or absent flow to the affected side. Which of the following is the
most likely cause?:

120 / 211

120) Most common complication of Anterior dislocation of shoulder is:

121 / 211

121) The adenoma of prostate:

122 / 211

122) A 30-year-old victim of road traffic accident was brought at the casualty with hip flexed,
adducted, internally rotated and limb is shortened, the likely diagnosis is:

123 / 211

123) Stones in the bladder are termed:

124 / 211

124) A prostatic adenoma can be revealed by all the below except:

125 / 211

125) All of the following have been associated with H. pylori infection except:

126 / 211

126) A client comes into the clinic for a routine breast and axilla exam. Which assessment
technique does the nurse use first during this examination?:

127 / 211

127) “Bell Clapper” is another term used to describe which of the following abnormalities?:

128 / 211

128) Which of the following statement is/are true concerning the solubilization of cholesterol in bile?:

129 / 211

129) Among the etiological factors include, what are the two which appear currently the most
important in terms of gastric ulcer?:

1. Heredity
2. Tobacco
3. Stress
4. NSAIDs or aspirin
5. Helicobacter pylori infection

130 / 211

130) A client is admitted with right lower quadrant pain, anorexia, nausea, low-grade fever, and elevated white blood cell count. Which complication is most likely the cause?:

131 / 211

131) When teaching a 22-year-old patient about breast self-examination (BSE), the nurse will
instruct the patient that:

132 / 211

132) What is clinical presentation of peritonitis?:

133 / 211

133) Forceful abduction, extension and external rotation of the shoulder usually during over-head
activities ( humerus comes to rest under the corocoid process):

134 / 211

134) Obstruction of small intestine by a large gallstone:

135 / 211

135) A complication of benign prostatic hyperplasia includes:

136 / 211

136) Helicobacter pylori:

137 / 211

137) What is not true about fracture surgical neck of humerus?:

138 / 211

138) BPH can complicate of:

139 / 211

139) Complication of appendicitis:

140 / 211

140) The shoulder joint is composed of bones except:

141 / 211

141) A traffic accident, with a vicious attitude to the type of internal rotation adduction with leg
extension, suggests:

142 / 211

142) Gallstones develop when the balance that keeps cholesterol, bile salts, and calcium is altered so
that precipitation of these substances occurs. Infection and disturbances in the metabolism of
cholesterol may cause this.:

143 / 211

143) Anterior dislocation (occur 95% of time):

144 / 211

144) The diagnosis of acute appendicitis is most difficult to establish in:

145 / 211

145) Increasing abdominal tenderness or rigid, board like abdomen:

146 / 211

146) What’s the Hippocratic method? :

147 / 211

147) What is a symptom of Breast Cancer?:

148 / 211

148) Most common bone to fracture in body is:

149 / 211

149) The image of “porcelain vesicle” diagnosed on the abdomen clichΓ© without preparation
corresponds to:

150 / 211

150) Epigastric pain without radiation, post-prandial late, cramping, punctuated in the day, speaks

151 / 211

151) Complications of fracture of proximal humerus include:

152 / 211

152) Occlusion in strangulation of the small intestine:
1. The pain syndrome begins abruptly.
2. The central abdominal bloating.
3. Vomiting is early and abundant.
4. The infectious syndrome is important from the outset.
5. The cul de sac (uterorectal or vesicorectal pouch) is painful at rectal examination.

153 / 211

153) Rebound tenderness. Abdominal is compressed at Mc.Burneys point, and when release of pressure , pain is felt. :

154 / 211

154) The observation (finding) of following signs must think at BPH, except one, which?:

155 / 211

155) During the breast exam, the nurse palpates a series of lymph nodes. Why is this a part of the
breast exam?:

156 / 211

156) Cause of hydrocele in infants:

157 / 211

157) Middle 1/3:

158 / 211

158) The combination hydrothorax + ovarian tumor + ascites makes you evoke the diagnosis of:

159 / 211

159) Paralytic or adynamic, ileus is what kind of obstructions?:

160 / 211

160) In an uncomplicated dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, the humeral head usually
dislocates primarily in which of the following directions?:

161 / 211

161) Pain felt in the right iliac fossa when you press deeply in his left iliac fossa is:

162 / 211

162) Concerning fracture of the shaft of the clavicle, it is untrue that it:

163 / 211

163) Greater tuberosity fracture (simple or fissure) is treated by:

164 / 211

164) Before performing an abdominal examination, the examiner should:

165 / 211

165) The obstructive and irritative symptom complex caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy is

166 / 211

166) Complications of Peritonitis:

167 / 211

167) A 25-year-old female has a unilateral ovarian cyst measuring 6 to 7 cm in diameter. On
ultrasound, it is anechoic. This may be one or more of the following:

168 / 211

168) A follicular cyst forms . . .?:

169 / 211

169) The adenoma of the prostate:

170 / 211

170) Dislocation of the shoulder is most often:

171 / 211

171) Which of the following, the three most common complications after surgery for peritonitis? :
1. Small bowel fistula.
2. Abscess cul-de-sac.
3. Postoperative occlusion.
4. Gastrointestinal bleeding.
5. Parietal suppuration.

172 / 211

172) A hydrocele develops between:

173 / 211

173) What are the indications for surgery for broken collarbone?:

174 / 211

174) Mr. Sok, 19 y/o, is being admitted to a hospital unit complaining of severe pain in the lower abdomen. Admission vital signs reveal an oral temperature of 101.2 0F. The doctor ordered for a complete blood count. After the test, Nurse Sokha received the result from the laboratory. Which laboratory values will confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis? :

175 / 211

175) When assessing a patient for breast cancer risk, the nurse considers that the patient has a
significant family history of breast cancer if she has a:

176 / 211

176) Sam Ath is admitted to the hospital with a possible diagnosis of appendicitis. On physical examination, the nurse should be looking for tenderness on palpation at McBurney’s point, which is located in the :

177 / 211

177) May be vague: Epigastric fullness or mild gastric distress after large or fatty meal:

178 / 211

178) If a patient reports a recent breast infection, then the nurse should expect to find _____ node

179 / 211

179) Nursemaid’s Elbow:

180 / 211

180) Prostate growth is stimulated by which of the following hormones?:

181 / 211

181) Limb shortening with adduction and internal rotation occurs in which type of hip

182 / 211

182) What is the position of lower limb in obturator dislocation of hip:

183 / 211

183) An anechoic structure arising from the rete testes describes which of the following

184 / 211

184) Which of the following conditions does not predispose to urolithiasis?:

185 / 211

185) Pain in the hypogastrium when internal rotation of the hip is :

186 / 211

186) Peritonitis signs:

187 / 211

187) A boy fell down from a tree and has a fracture of neck of humerus. He can not raise his arm
because of the involvement of:

188 / 211

188) Ladder step deformity characteristic of fracture clavicle is:

189 / 211

189) In patients who have an inappropriately high attachment of the tunica vaginalis, the testicle
can rotate freely on the spermatic cord within the tunica vaginalis. This congenital anomaly is
called the;:

190 / 211

190) What is the position of lower limb in pubic dislocation of hip:

191 / 211

191) Spread person to person by fecal-oral route:

192 / 211

192) The prostate gland is located where in your body?:

193 / 211

193) The incorrect statement about anterior dislocation of the shoulder joint is that:

194 / 211

194) Stones in the kidneys are termed:

195 / 211

195) Caused by obstruction of common bile duct, Jaundice, pain and possible liver damage.:

196 / 211

196) Appendix shows the histology of the necrotic area, images of vascular thrombosis, an inflammatory infiltrate small. They are:

197 / 211

197) Fever, Tachycardia, RUQ or epigastric tenderness, Guarding or rebound, Murphy sign, Palp
gallbladder or RUQ fullness ~40%, Jaundice ~15% of patients.:

198 / 211

198) Most common site of fracture of the clavicle is:

199 / 211

199) Move the patient’s legs the pain felt in the right iliac fossa on extension of the hip, and the right hip flexed for pain relief is:

200 / 211

200) In the Demongs-Meigs syndrome, all but one of these propositions can be found. Which?:

201 / 211

201) Closed-loop obstruction of sigmoid colon caused by the bowel twisting on itself. Can result in
vascular compromise and bowel infarction?:

202 / 211

202) Only humans:

203 / 211

203) A patient who has had a swollen, nontender scrotum for one week is found to have a mass
within the tunica vaginalis that transilluminates readily. The family nurse practitioner suspects:

204 / 211

204) The rectal examination at a man carrying a typical BPH can feel:

205 / 211

205) Rebound and percussion tenderness, Guarding; Roving’s sign = Pain > in RIF than LIF when LIF is pressed, PR painful on right; Tender mass (occasionally) in RIF, Tachardia, Fever, Lying still, coughing hurts, shallow breaths.:

206 / 211

206) Cryptorchism is associated with an increased risk in developing:

207 / 211

207) Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding benign prostatic hyperplasia?:

208 / 211

208) Bile:

209 / 211

209) With regard to benign gastric ulceration, the most common location of disease is which of the

210 / 211

210) Which item has no effect on the risk of breast cancer?:

211 / 211

211) A male infant is presented in two months by his parents who have discovered a mass in the
inguinal region of very recent appearance, a little painful. I tis irreducible to the abdomen; one
does not feel well at the upper pole of the inguinal ring, it is transillumination. The testicle is
seen below this mass. What diagnosis do your call?:

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