/211 285 Surgical Pathology Preparation (Pr. Kou Kimheak) 1 / 211 1) The rectal examination at a man carrying a typical BPH can feel: a. A hard with respect median groove. b. A smooth and homogenous tumor. c. A hard and irregular tumor. d. A pain tumor. e. A tumor fixed at pelvis wall. 2 / 211 2) In elderly patients the most frequent cause of obstructive bowel obstruction is: a. Tumors. b. Gallstones. c. Coproliths. d. All answers are correct. 3 / 211 3) Caused by obstruction of common bile duct, Jaundice, pain and possible liver damage.: a. Biliary colic b. Empyema c. Bile reflux d. Cholecystitis 4 / 211 4) The prostate gland…: a. Is backup storage for sperm. b. Sterilizes urine in men c. Makes fluid that nourishes sperm d. Filters urine in men 5 / 211 5) General treatment policy of acute peritonitis is: a. Surgical. b. Surgical in young patients, conservative in elderly patients. c. Conservative. d. Initial treatment is conservative + surgery for some indications. 6 / 211 6) Necrosis and rupture of ovary: a. What is the big danger from torsion b. What are the 3 most common signs of ovarian cyst rupture c. What other disorders resemble rupture of ovarian cysts d. What is the 1 reason why MD's remove ovarian cysts 7 / 211 7) Cause of hydrocele in infants: a. Impaired drainage b. Patent vitelling duct. c. Patent gubernaculum d. Patent processus vaginalis. 8 / 211 8) An anechoic structure arising from the rete testes describes which of the following structures?: a. Prostate cyst b. Spermatocele c. Epididymal cyst d. Hydrocele e. Testicular cyst 9 / 211 9) Which item has no effect on the risk of breast cancer?: a. Preservatives in food b. Excess weight c. Exercise d. Alcohol 10 / 211 10) Shenton line is broken in all of following except: a. Tom Smith arthritis. b. Posterior dislocation of hip c. Congenital dislocation of hip d. Pathological dislocation of hip e. Impacted fracture of femoral neck 11 / 211 11) In shoulder dislocations, the humeral head usually dislocates primarily in which of the following directions: a. Anteriorly b. Posteriorly c. Laterally d. Inferiorly e. Superiorly 12 / 211 12) What does urease do?: a. Colonize b. No, some are Cag+, some Cag- c. Hydrolyzes urea to form ammonia (basic) d. By binding directly to MHCII to induce cytokine production 13 / 211 13) What is a symptom of Breast Cancer?: a. Lump in underarm or breast area. b. Pain in the arm c. Itchy throat 14 / 211 14) Hydrocele is a which type of cyst: a. Distension b. Exudation c. Retention d. Traumatic 15 / 211 15) Increasing abdominal tenderness or rigid, board like abdomen: a. Bile reflux b. Signs of rupture of the gallbaldder with peritonitis c. Gallstone ileus d. Factors of Cholelithiasis 16 / 211 16) A 30-year-old victim of road traffic accident was brought at the casualty with hip flexed, adducted, internally rotated and limb is shortened, the likely diagnosis is: a. Posterior dislocation hip b. Subcapital fracture c. Fracture neck of the femur d. Trochanteric fracture 17 / 211 17) Twisting of the spermatic cord upon itself is a predisposing factor of which of the following abnormalities?: a. Spermatocele b. Epididymitis c. Orchitis d. Testicular torsion e. Prostatitis 18 / 211 18) If a patient reports a recent breast infection, then the nurse should expect to find _____ node enlargement.: a. Contralateral axillary b. Ipsilateral axillary c. Inguinal and cervical d. Nonspecific 19 / 211 19) Nursemaid’s Elbow: a. Golfer’s elbow Inflammation of common flexor tendon b. Medial condylar apophysitis Avulsion Ulnar collateral ligament strain Lateral structures compressed Caused by repetitive valgus stress c. Complication of elbow dislocation or supracondylar fracture Damage to brachial artery which supplies finger flexors d. Traction force resulting in radial head subluxation from under the annular ligament 20 / 211 20) A cystic translucent mass above the testicle is probably a: a. Spermatocele b. Hydrocele c. Hematocele d. Varicocele 21 / 211 21) Which of the following statement is/are true concerning the solubilization of cholesterol in bile?: a. Cholesterol is highly soluble in both serum and bile. b. Mixed micelles are the primary transport mechanism for biliary cholesterol. c. Biliary vesicles are composed primarily of biliary phospholipids. d. Most cholesterol found in bile is the result of excretion from serum. 22 / 211 22) Stones in the ureters are termed: a. Ureterolithiasis/Ureteroliths b. Urethrolithiasis c. Nephrolithiasis/Nephroliths d. Cystolithiasis/Cystoliths e. Cholelithiasis 23 / 211 23) The aim sign of large bowel obstruction: a. . Hyperthermia. b. Absence of gas and stool. c. Weakness. d. Vomiting. 24 / 211 24) A complication of benign prostatic hyperplasia includes: a. Liver failure. b. Deep venous thrombosis. c. Disseminated intravascular coagulation. d. Urinary tract infection. e. Myocardial infarction. 25 / 211 25) Stones in the kidneys are termed: a. Cystolithiasis/Cystoliths b. Ureterolithiasis/Ureteroliths c. Nephrolithiasis/Nephroliths d. Urethrolithiasis/Urethrolithiasis 26 / 211 26) Following abdominal surgeries, trauma, mesenteric ischemia, or infection: a. Nonmechanical obstruction occurs when b. Nonmechanical obstruction is seen when c. The two types of intestinal obstruction d. In mechanical obstructions what kind of bowel sounds are heard and where 27 / 211 27) In men with benign prostatic hyperplasia, the signs of obstructive syndrome are dysuria and: a. Micturition burns b. Nocturia c. Pollakiuria d. Decreases the force of the jet e. Late drops 28 / 211 28) What of the following factors, which is usually considered as predominant in the mechanism of onset of ulcers stomach?: a. An increase in the number of parietal cells (oxyntic) in the fundic mucosa b. Gastric atrophy c. A decrease in the resistance of the mucosal barrier and / or fragility of the wall d. Acid hypersecretion of vagal e. Acid hypersecretion due to excessive secretion of gastrin 29 / 211 29) Which of the following is true of Spontaneous bacterial peritonitis?: a. A survival rate of over 50% is expected at one year b. is diagnosed by culture of ascitic fluid. c. is characteristically caused by aerobic bacteria. d. Gentamicin is the treatment of choice e. is due to intestinal perforation 30 / 211 30) The adenoma of the prostate: a. Is a benign prostatic hypertrophy b. Is a precancerous state c. Develops at the expense of the caudal prostate d. Should be operated as soon as it is voluminous 31 / 211 31) Anterior dislocation (occur 95% of time): a. Test used in evaluation of dislocated shoulder b. Most common type of shoulder dislocation c. MOI for posterior dislocation d. MOI for anterior dislocation 32 / 211 32) Antibiotics, proton pump inhibitor, and bismuth.: a. Reservoir of H. pylori b. Flagella of H. pylori c. Treatment of H. pylori d. Gram Stain of H. pylori 33 / 211 33) Peritonitis produces bowel sounds that are: a. Hypoactive. b. High pitched. c. Hyperactive. d. Absent. 34 / 211 34) Stones in the bladder are termed: a. Urethrolithiasis b. Cholelithiasis c. Nephrolithiasis/Nephroliths d. Ureterolithiasis/Ureteroliths e. Cystolithiasis/Cystoliths 35 / 211 35) Peritonitis signs: a. Abdomen may become rigid and extremely tender. b. Inability to pass feces or gas. c. All above d. Abdominal tenderness. e. Guarding, abdomen may feel firm and "board-like". 36 / 211 36) Inflammation of the gall bladder. Usually associated with cholelithiasis.: a. Cholecystitis b. Complications of cholelithiasis c. Cholelithiasis d. Collaborative Care of Cholelithiasis 37 / 211 37) Among the following bacteria, one of which is frequently associated with gastritis. Which is it?: a. Campylobacter coli. b. Campylobacter fetus ssp. fetus. c. Campylobacter jejuni. d. Sputorum Campylobacter. e. Campylobacter pylori. 38 / 211 38) Cholangiogram: a. Gangrene and perforation with peritonitis, Chronic cholecystitis, Empyema, Fistula formation, Gallstone ileus b. Radiologic (x-ray) procedure, Direct visualization of the duct with an endoscope, Iodine-containing dye is injected IV into the blood. c. C. X-ray examination of the gallbladder: dx of cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, and tumors. d. Nausea, vomiting e. Fat-free diet at least 12 hrs before. Ingest a contrast material containing iodine. Fatty meal or cholecystokinin afterward to stimulate gallbladder contraction expel bile and contrast media in the bile duct additional x-ray 1 hr later f. Formation of stones in the gallbladder or biliary duct system. 39 / 211 39) When should you start CBE (Computer-Based Exam)?: a. Breast cancer b. Upper outer quadrant, ductal areas c. Every 3 years from ages 20-39 and annually after age 40 d. Estrogenic and progesterone 40 / 211 40) What is the position of lower limb in pubic dislocation of hip: a. Flexion abduction and external rotation b. Flexion abduction and internal rotation c. Flexion adduction and internal rotation d. Flexion adduction and external rotation 41 / 211 41) In an uncomplicated dislocation of the glenohumeral joint, the humeral head usually dislocates primarily in which of the following directions?: a. Superiorly b. Medially c. Posteriorly d. Laterally e. Anteriorly 42 / 211 42) Most common bone to fracture in body is: a. Radius b. Pelvis c. Vertebra d. Femur e. Clavicle 43 / 211 43) Chemical Causes of Peritonitis: a. Leakage of Bile, Pancreatic Enzymes, Gastric Acid. b. Elevated WBC > 20,000; Low H/H; Altered Electrolytes- K, Na, Cl-; Abdominal X-ray and US; Abdominal CT; Peritoneal aspiration and culture. c. Caused by contamination from bacteria or chemicals. d. Controlling the contamination, Removal of foreign material, Removal of foreign material, Draining collected fluid. 44 / 211 44) McBurney Point is located ________: a. Around the umbilicus b. In the upper abdomen c. In the left lower abdomen d. In the right lower abdomen 45 / 211 45) Who is most likely to develop appendicitis?: a. People between the ages of 10 and 30 years of age b. An alcoholic male c. An obese woman d. People who suffer from acid reflux 46 / 211 46) A patient has a higher risk of peptic ulcer disease (PUD) if they are a chronic user of: a. Laxatives and stool softeners. b. Magnesium-aluminum antacids. c. Certain antibiotics. d. Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. 47 / 211 47) A doctor can usually detect an enlarged prostate by…: a. Rectal exam b. Visual diagnosis c. Urinalysis d. All of the above 48 / 211 48) The most common area for volvulus is: a. Cecum b. Sigmoid colon c. Transverse colon d. Ascending colon e. Splenic flexure 49 / 211 49) A hydrocele is defined as an abnormal fluid collection between the: a. Spermatic cord and the tunica vaginalis b. Tunica albuginea and the tunica vaginalis c. Spermatic cord and the tunica albuginea d. Two layers of the tunica vaginalis 50 / 211 50) A follicular cyst forms . . .?: a. Within the developing follicle before ovulation b. When the follicle enlarges after ovulation c. None of these are correct d. Within the corpus luteum after ovulation 51 / 211 51) May be vague: Epigastric fullness or mild gastric distress after large or fatty meal: a. Empyema b. Early manifestations of gallstones c. Cholecystitis presentation d. Cholecystitis 52 / 211 52) With regard to benign gastric ulceration, the most common location of disease is which of the following?: a. Within the gastric antrum b. In the area of the incisura angularis along the lesser curvature c. Along the greater curvature d. Immediately distal to the esophagogastric junction along the lesser curvature 53 / 211 53) In ischiatic dislocation of HIP: a. Leg abduction. b. Leg external rotation. c. Leg internal rotation. d. Leg extension. 54 / 211 54) Where is the appendix located in the body?: a. In the lower right abdomen b. In the center of the abdomen c. In the upper left abdomen d. In the upper right abdomen 55 / 211 55) Pain felt in the right iliac fossa when you press deeply in his left iliac fossa is: a. The psoas sign. b. The pointing sign. c. Blumbert’s sign d. The obturator sign. e. Rovsing's sign. 56 / 211 56) Urease, flagella, adhesins, mucinase, vauolating toxin, neutrophil activation protein, LPS, superoxide dismutase and catalase, and PAI: a. Urease b. Vacuolating toxin c. Mucinase d. Virulence factors of H. pylori 57 / 211 57) Complications of fracture of proximal humerus include: a. non-union b. All the above c. numbness of skin over a small area of the deltoid d. paralysis of the deltoid muscle e. avascular necrosis of the head of the humerus 58 / 211 58) What is the position of lower limb in pubic dislocation of hip: a. Leg is flexed. b. Leg is internally rotated. c. Leg is adducted. d. Leg is extended. 59 / 211 59) What is the basic clinical signs of traumatic posterior shoulder dislocation?: a. Attitude of arm in adduction b. None of the above signs c. Attitude of arm in irreducible internal rotation d. Deformation of the shoulder stump. e. Attitude of arm in external rotation 60 / 211 60) Rebound tenderness. Abdominal is compressed at Mc.Burneys point, and when release of pressure , pain is felt. : a. Describe primary generalised peritonitis b. Describe blumberg sign c. Describe chemical d. Describe physical causes of peritonitis 61 / 211 61) Biliary colic: a. Provoke a pain of left hypochondrium. b. Accompany of respiratory inhibition. c. Accompany of jaundice. d. Reveal of CBD stone. e. Accompany of fever. 62 / 211 62) Appendix shows the histology of the necrotic area, images of vascular thrombosis, an inflammatory infiltrate small. They are: a. A subacute endoappendicite. b. An appendiceal abscess. c. normal appendix. d. A catarrhal appendicitis. e. A gangrenous appendix. 63 / 211 63) What is the position of lower limb in obturator dislocation of hip: a. Leg is flexed. b. Leg is externally rotated. c. Leg abduction. d. All of the above. 64 / 211 64) Which of the following statements relate to the ovarian dermoid cysts, except one? : a. They twist readily, for they are heavy b. Their breakdown is frequent c. They are sometimes radio visible d. They are heterogeneous in ultrasound examination 65 / 211 65) Cryptorchism is associated with an increased risk in developing: a. Architis b. A varicocele c. Testicular torsion d. A spermatocele e. Microcalcifications 66 / 211 66) Among the etiological factors include, what are the two which appear currently the most important in terms of gastric ulcer?: 1. Heredity 2. Tobacco 3. Stress 4. NSAIDs or aspirin 5. Helicobacter pylori infection a. 1 +4 b. 4 +5 c. 1 +2 d. 1 +5 e. 2 +3 67 / 211 67) Greater tuberosity fracture (simple or fissure) is treated by: a. Sling of the upper limb to the neck. b. Above elbow plaster for 6-8 weeks. c. Wrapping of the upper limb to the trunk by adhesive plaster. d. Immobilization in shoulder spica with abduction 90 degrees and flexion of the elbow 90 degrees. e. Immediate open reduction and internal fixation by a screw. 68 / 211 68) Epigastric pain without radiation, post-prandial late, cramping, punctuated in the day, speaks first: a. A gastroesophageal reflux b. An ulcer pain c. A gastritis d. A hemorrhagic pancreatitis e. A colic 69 / 211 69) Surgical placement of the testes in the scrotum: a. Orchistatis b. Testoplexy c. Orchidotomy d. Orchidectomy e. Orchidopexy 70 / 211 70) A prostatic adenoma can be revealed by all the below except: a. Dysuria b. Acute urine retention c. Hematuria d. An Incontinence e. A urinary tract infection 71 / 211 71) A boy fell down from a tree and has a fracture of neck of humerus. He can not raise his arm because of the involvement of: a. Musculocutaneus nerve b. Axillary nerve c. Supraspinatus nerve d. Radial nerve 72 / 211 72) Middle 1/3: a. Most common clavicle fracture b. Clavicle fracture imaging of choice c. Clavicle fracture S/S d. Clavicle fracture treat 73 / 211 73) Gallbladder duct inflammation, Caused by the migration of gallbladder stones: a. Cholecystitis labs b. Cholecystitis c. Cholecystitis imaging d. Cholecystitis PE 74 / 211 74) Lower back pain, pelvic pain, abnormal bleeding: a. Common signs of large ovarian cysts b. How soon after removal of an ovarian cyst can a woman resume sexual intercourse c. Cysts on the ovaries are usually malignant. d. Compare signs of non-ruptured ovarian cysts with the signs of ruptured ovarian cyst. 75 / 211 75) Forceful abduction, extension and external rotation of the shoulder usually during over-head activities ( humerus comes to rest under the corocoid process): a. MOI for inferior dislocation b. MOI for anterior dislocation c. MOI for posterior dislocation d. 3 different types of glenohumeral joint dislocations 76 / 211 76) Regarding small bowel obstruction a. Causes colicky abdominal pain and vomiting. b. In the United Kingdom is most often due to an obstructed hernia. c. All cases can be managed conservatively for the first 24 hours. d. Rarely requires aggressive fluid resuscitation. e. Abdominal distension is seen in all patients. 77 / 211 77) Which of the following, the three most common complications after surgery for peritonitis? : 1. Small bowel fistula. 2. Abscess cul-de-sac. 3. Postoperative occlusion. 4. Gastrointestinal bleeding. 5. Parietal suppuration. a. 1-2-5 b. 1- 4-3 c. 1-2-4 d. 2-3-5 e. 1-5-4 78 / 211 78) A client is admitted with right lower quadrant pain, anorexia, nausea, low-grade fever, and elevated white blood cell count. Which complication is most likely the cause?: a. Internal bowel occlusion b. Fecalith c. Bowel Kinking d. Abdominal wall swelling 79 / 211 79) Also known as cryptorchidism: a. Hydrospadia b. Varicocele c. Undescended testis d. Indirect hernia e. Direct hernai 80 / 211 80) Limb shortening with adduction and internal rotation occurs in which type of hip dislocation: a. Anterior. b. Central. c. Posterior. d. All of the above. 81 / 211 81) Posterior dislocation of the shoulder is characterized by: a. An external ax blow. b. An irreducible internal rotation of the arm. c. A sign of the epaulette. d. An external rotation of the arm. e. The abduction of the arm. 82 / 211 82) Pain in the hypogastrium when internal rotation of the hip is : a. The obturator sign. b. Rovsing's sign. c. Blumbert’s sign d. The psoas sign. e. The pointing sign. 83 / 211 83) Helicobacter pylori: a. Is isolated from the stool of the patient b. Sensitive to metronidazole and erythromycin c. Is isolated from gastroduodenal biopsies d. Pathology associated with ulcerative e. Bacillus gram – Spiral 84 / 211 84) Paralytic or adynamic, ileus is what kind of obstructions?: a. In a thin person b. Non mechanical c. Large and small intestine usually as dramatic. d. Shock and death e. Following abdominal surgeries, trauma, mesenteric ischemia, or infection 85 / 211 85) When the abdominal muscles become rigid in an effort to protect the abdomen from further irritation, this is referred to as: a. Referred pain b. Rebound tenderness c. Tenderness d. Guarding 86 / 211 86) Which of the following types of cysts most commonly ruptures?: a. Corpus luteum cysts b. Cystadenomas c. Endometriomas d. Dermoid cysts 87 / 211 87) The most helpful diagnostic radiographic procedure in small bowel obstruction is: a. Supine and erect x-rays of the abdomen. b. Contrast study of the intestine. c. Ultrasonography of the abdomen. d. CT of the abdomen. 88 / 211 88) Pain of hepatic colic in its typical form: a. All of the above b. Is often associated with nausea or vomiting. c. Seat in right hypochondrium or epigastrium. d. Inhibits deep inspiration. e. Has a brutal start. 89 / 211 89) Which is most likely to lead to a shoulder injury?: a. All the above b. Painting the ceiling in your house c. Lifting something too heavy d. Falling in your arm e. Slouching 90 / 211 90) Which of the following fractures is most commonly seen in healthy bones subjected to violent falls?: a. Intertrochanteric fracture b. Femoral neck fracture c. Vertebral compression fracture d. Clavicular fracture e. Colles’s fracture 91 / 211 91) The most common fatal complication of chronic peptic ulcer of the stomach is: a. Acute gastritis b. Adenocarcinoma c. Pancreatitis d. Perforation and peritonitis e. Pyloric outlet obstruction 92 / 211 92) In the Demongs-Meigs syndrome, all but one of these propositions can be found. Which?: a. Ovarian fibroids b. Ovarian Cancer c. Ascite d. Alteration of general condition e. Pleuresy 93 / 211 93) The prostate gland is located where in your body?: a. None of the above b. Right next to the kidneys. c. Below the bladder and in front of the rectum. d. At the tip of penis. e. All of the above 94 / 211 94) Move the patient’s legs the pain felt in the right iliac fossa on extension of the hip, and the right hip flexed for pain relief is: a. Rovsing's sign. b. The psoas sign. c. The pointing sign. d. The obturator sign. e. Blumbert’s sign. 95 / 211 95) What US findings are suggestive of acute appendicitis?: a. > 6 mm in diameter and compressible b. > 6 mm in diameter and not compressible c. < 4 mm in diameter and not compressible d. < 4 mm in diameter and compressible 96 / 211 96) The inability to pass a collection of hard stool: a. Functional Constipation b. Fecal Impaction c. Can the skill of removing a fecal impaction be delegated to a NAP d. What position should a patient be in during digital fecal removal 97 / 211 97) Regarding fractures of the proximal humerus.: a. Fracture of the surgical neck is common in the elderly and Fracture of the anatomical neck may be combined with anterior dislocation of the shoulder b. Injury is through the anatomical neck characteristically following a fall on the outstretched hand c. Fracture of the anatomical neck may be combined with anterior dislocation of the shoulder d. Fracture of surgical neck is treated by excision of the head of the humerus and replacement by prosthesis e. Fracture of the surgical neck is common in the elderly 98 / 211 98) Among the following propositions concerning the liver colic crisis, one is inaccurate. Which?: a. Pain can be relieved by the deep pressure of the epigastric cavity. b. Pain is related to the sudden straining of the bile ducts. c. Epigastric pain of sudden onset without a peritoneal defense should evoke first of all a hepatic colic. d. Pain may occur in the left hypochondrium. e. Irradiation of pain in the right shoulder is common. 99 / 211 99) Only humans: a. Diagnosis of H. pylori b. Reservoir of H. pylori c. Gram Stain of H. pylori d. Treatment of H. pylori 100 / 211 100) Spread person to person by fecal-oral route: a. Gram Stain of H. pylori b. Diagnosis of H. pylori c. Treatment of H. pylori d. Transmission of H. pylori 101 / 211 101) Pressing the abdomen at Mc Burney’s point and then rapidly released, the patient may increase in pain, is: a. Blumbert’s sign. b. The psoas sign. c. The pointing sign. d. The obturator sign. e. Rovsing's sign. 102 / 211 102) Most common complication of Anterior dislocation of shoulder is: a. Recurrent dislocation b. Myositis ossificans c. Osteoarthritis d. Avascular necrosis of head of humerus 103 / 211 103) Which of the following are the two most important things women can do to lower their risk for breast cancer?: a. Limit alcohol intake and maintain a healthy weight b. Quit smoking and limit alcohol intake c. Quit smoking and limit red meat intake d. Maintain a healthy weight and quit smoking 104 / 211 104) As part of a generalized acute peritonitis in young patients, regardless finding on clinical examination alone is an indication formal operational?: a. Exquisite pain in the right iliac fossa. b. Contracture abdominal. c. Abdominal distension. d. Vicious facies e. DRE sensitive. 105 / 211 105) Helicobacter pylori causes : a. All of the choices are correct. b. Gastritis. c. Stomach ulcers. d. Increased risk for stomach cancer. e. Duodenal ulcers. 106 / 211 106) Bile: a. Salts contribute to the solubility of cholesterol in the bile. b. Becomes more alkaline following concentration in the gall bladder. c. Contains bilirubin mainly in the unconjugated form. d. Contributes more than pancreatic secretion to the neutralisation of acid from the stomach. e. Is produced at a rate of approximately 2000 ml/day. 107 / 211 107) The observation (finding) of following signs must think at BPH, except one, which?: a. A pollakiuria. b. Initial dysuria. c. Terminal haematuria. d. Imperious micturition. e. Weak urine stream. 108 / 211 108) Obstruction of small intestine by a large gallstone: a. Gallstone ileus b. Bile reflux c. Cholangitis d. Cholestyramine (Questran) 109 / 211 109) Which of the following conditions is most likely to directly cause peritonitis?: a. Gastritis b. Perforated ulcer c. Incarcerated hernia d. Cholelithiasis 110 / 211 110) The surgical treatment of a choledochial lithiasis that has migrated from the gallbladder outside acute episodes of acute infection (angiocholitis, acute cholecystitis) can only be performed on one of the following procedures: a. Choledochotomy with ablation of calculation and closure of the common bile duct. b. Cholecystectomy + choledochotomy with ablation of stone and closure of the common bile duct on Kehr drain. c. Cholecystectomy. d. Choledocho-duodenal anastomosis alone. e. Cholecystostomy. 111 / 211 111) Best Method Of Investigation of Gall Stone is: a. USG. b. CT. c. MRI. d. X Ray. 112 / 211 112) Internal fixation of the clavicle fracture is obtained (achieved) by: a. Kirschner wire and Plate and screws.. b. Plate and screws. c. Kirschner wire. d. Screws. e. Bone graft. 113 / 211 113) Handling of intestines during abdominal surgery causes it to lose function Electrolyte disturbances-especially hypokalemia; Peritonitis, intestinal ischemia/ lack of blood to intestines.: a. Most common cause of obstruction in people 65 and older b. Best way to treat non-mechanical / partial obstruction c. Most common cause of paralytic ileus (non-mechanical obstruction) d. Postoperative care for minimally invasive stabilization 114 / 211 114) Among these propositions concerning the usual spontaneous evolution of the functional cysts of the ovary, which seems to you the most constantly exact?: a. Possible malignant degeneration b. Evolution towards an organic cyst c. Significant volume increase with abdominal distention d. Spontaneous regression e. Hormonal hypersecretion responsible for endometrial hyperplasia 115 / 211 115) Dunphy’s sign: a. Blumberg’s sign in Petit’s triangle. Symptoms of retrocaecal appendicitis. b. Localized pain always has the FID (pt Mc Burney) during palpation of the area, the patient being in lateral decubitus left. c. Pain in the RIF by percussion of heel. d. Increased pain in the right lower quadrant with coughing 116 / 211 116) When teaching a 22-year-old patient about breast self-examination (BSE), the nurse will instruct the patient that: a. Performing BSE right after the menstrual period will improve comfort. b. Annual mammograms should be scheduled in addition to BSE. c. BSE will reduce the risk of dying from breast cancer. d. BSE should be done daily while taking a bath or shower. 117 / 211 117) A traffic accident, with a vicious attitude to the type of internal rotation adduction with leg extension, suggests: a. Iliac dislocation b. Obturator dislocation c. dislocation ischial d. Fracture of neck of femur e. pubic dislocation 118 / 211 118) Which of the following is a TRUE statement regarding benign prostatic hyperplasia?: a. Ten percent of men will have it by age 80 years. b. It is an uncommon condition. c. It may be problematic if urethral compression occurs. d. The prostate is largest at birth and continues to shrink. 119 / 211 119) What is volvulus?: a. With complete mechanical obstruction and sometimes even incomplete mechanical obstruction, Always with strangulated b. Twisting of the intestine c. Antibiotics for strangulation, Octreotide acetate (Sandostatin) used for paralytic ileus / enhances gastric motility d. Abdominal surgery, Radiation therapy, inflammatory bowel disease, Gallstones, Hernias, Trauma, Peritonitis, Tumors, Familial relations with above diseases e. Keep patient NPO until physician gives orders 120 / 211 120) Which of the following conditions does not predispose to urolithiasis?: a. Hypercalcemia b. Hydrocele. c. Chronic pyelonephritis d. Hydronephrosis e. Cystitis 121 / 211 121) Dislocation of the shoulder is most often: a. Superior b. Subclavicular anterior internal c. Antero-internal subcoracoid d. Posterior e. Lower glenoid 122 / 211 122) What’s the Hippocratic method? : a. The surgeon first applies traction to the limb followed by external rotation then adduction and lastly internal rotation. b. The patient is made to lie on his belly and the dislocated limb is allowed to hand down by the edge of the table by a weight. c. The surgeon puts his foot in the arm pit of the patient and applies traction with his hands. d. Pt supine, elbow flexed at 90. Pull up and externally rotate. 123 / 211 123) A patient presenting with acute abdomen is being examined. On palpation of Right hypochondrial region, there is pain on deep inspiration and the patient catches breath. The diagnosis is probably: a. Cancer Caecum. b. Acute cholecystitis. c. Rupture Spleen. d. Acute Appendicitis. 124 / 211 124) In patients who have an inappropriately high attachment of the tunica vaginalis, the testicle can rotate freely on the spermatic cord within the tunica vaginalis. This congenital anomaly is called the;: a. Epididymo-orchitis b. Bellend deformity c. Hydatid of Morgagni d. Bell clapper deformity e. Hypospadia 125 / 211 125) A common temporary benign enlargement of the male breast is ____.: a. Paget’s disease b. Gynecomastia c. Fibroadenoma d. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma 126 / 211 126) Fever, Tachycardia, RUQ or epigastric tenderness, Guarding or rebound, Murphy sign, Palp gallbladder or RUQ fullness ~40%, Jaundice ~15% of patients.: a. Cholecystitis presentation b. Cholecystitis labs c. Cholecystitis PE d. Cholecystitis imaging 127 / 211 127) A 42 yo male came to you because of painless swelling, in the left testis, he gives Hx of mild trauma few days earlier. Swelling is cystic, involving testis only and is not transilluminatable. Diagnosis is : a. Tumor. b. Hydrocele. c. Spermatocele. d. Varicocele. 128 / 211 128) The obstructive and irritative symptom complex caused by benign prostatic hypertrophy is termed: a. Prostatism. b. Prostaglandin. c. Prostatectomy. d. Prostatitis. 129 / 211 129) Epileptiform convulsion may be a cause. For each description below, select the type of fracture or dislocation with which it is most likely to be associated.: a. Posterior shoulder dislocation b. Navicular (scaphoid) fracture c. Monteggia’s deformity d. Greenstick fracture e. Spiral fracture 130 / 211 130) A 25-year-old female has a unilateral ovarian cyst measuring 6 to 7 cm in diameter. On ultrasound, it is anechoic. This may be one or more of the following: a. Mucus cyst b. None the above c. Serous cyst d. All the above e. Functional cyst 131 / 211 131) Luxatio erecta: a. Tear of the glenoidal labrum Newer Post Older Post b. Inferior dislocation of shoulder c. Anterior dislocation of shoulder d. Defect in the humeral head 132 / 211 132) Among the clinical forms of peritonitis following, which gives a pneumoperitoneum?: a. Peritonitis in acute cholecystitis. b. Peritonitis in pelvic inflammatory disease. c. Pneumococcal peritonitis. d. Appendiceal peritonitis. e. Peritonitis by perforation of a duodenal ulcer. 133 / 211 133) Dislocation of shoulder is more common than dislocation hip due the following causes: a. All the above b. Trauma of the shoulder is more common. c. Shallowness of the glenoid cavity. d. Laxity of the capsule of the shoulder joint. e. Lack of support by strong muscles. f. Wide range of movements of the shoulder. 134 / 211 134) Asymptomatic scrotal swelling, often bilateral, and sometimes with a blueish discolouration. Contains peritoneal fluid.: a. Hydrocele b. Direct hernai c. Hydrospadia d. Indirect hernia e. Varicocele 135 / 211 135) What is clinical presentation of peritonitis?: a. Acute abdominal pain b. WBC is more than 20k c. Localized bacterial overgrowth which leads to wall invasion > edema > vascular compromise > gangrene/perforation because of tissue death d. Appendicular luminal obstruction e. Abscess/free air/fat stranding 136 / 211 136) The adenoma of prostate: a. Is benign tumor which sometime degenerate. b. Is developed from periurethral gland. c. Manifested often by incontinence of urine. d. Is rare after 70 years old. 137 / 211 137) The bayonet is: a. The rotary motion. b. The angular displacement. c. The transverse displacement. d. The longitudinal displacement. 138 / 211 138) The shoulder joint is composed of bones except: a. The humerus (upper arm bone) b. The scapula (shoulder blade) c. The clavicle (collarbone) d. The first rib 139 / 211 139) The incorrect statement about anterior dislocation of the shoulder joint is that: a. The anterior and posterior folds of the axilla are elevated b. The hand cannot be placed on the opposite shoulder (Duga's test) c. The elbow is abducted from the side d. Shoulder loses its rounded contour & becomes flattened e. All movements of the shoulder are limited and painful 140 / 211 140) Sam Ath is admitted to the hospital with a possible diagnosis of appendicitis. On physical examination, the nurse should be looking for tenderness on palpation at McBurney’s point, which is located in the : a. Right upper quadrant b. Left lower quadrant c. Right lower quadrant d. Left upper quadrant 141 / 211 141) Which of the following isn’t a complication of peptic ulcer disease?: a. Pain b. GI bleeding c. Pyloric obstruction d. Perforation 142 / 211 142) Which of the following is not seen in undescended testis?: a. Seminoma. b. Hernia. c. Teratoma. d. Hydrocele. 143 / 211 143) The commonest site of fracture clavicle caused by indirect trauma in form of fall on outstretched hand is: a. Junction of the medial third with lateral two thirds. b. Anywhere. c. Middle of the clavicle. d. None of the above. e. Junction of the lateral third with medial two thirds. 144 / 211 144) What is/are among the following radiological elements which permit to diagnose a small gut obstruction on erect film (APF)?: a. Air under diaphragmatic. b. Central air-fluid level. c. Air-fluid level higher than larger. d. Aerobilia. 145 / 211 145) What are the indications for surgery for broken collarbone?: a. Bilateral fracture. b. Fracture of the outer ¼. c. Pseudarthrosis of the fracture site. d. Fracture moved. e. Existence of an immediate complication. f. All of the above 146 / 211 146) When assessing a patient for breast cancer risk, the nurse considers that the patient has a significant family history of breast cancer if she has a: a. Grandmother who died from breast cancer at age 72. b. Mother who was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 42. c. Cousin who was diagnosed with breast cancer at age 38. d. Sister who died from ovarian cancer at age 56. 147 / 211 147) Gallstones develop when the balance that keeps cholesterol, bile salts, and calcium is altered so that precipitation of these substances occurs. Infection and disturbances in the metabolism of cholesterol may cause this.: a. How do gallstones develop b. Other causes of cholecystitis c. Diagnostic Studies for cholelithiasis d. Post-Op Care for a Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy 148 / 211 148) Which of the following position should the client with appendicitis assume to relieve pain?: a. Sitting b. Lying with legs drawn up c. Supine d. Prone 149 / 211 149) Occlusion in strangulation of the small intestine: 1. The pain syndrome begins abruptly. 2. The central abdominal bloating. 3. Vomiting is early and abundant. 4. The infectious syndrome is important from the outset. 5. The cul de sac (uterorectal or vesicorectal pouch) is painful at rectal examination. a. 2-3-5 b. 1-2-3 c. 1-5-4 d. 1-2-5 e. 1-4-3 150 / 211 150) Invasive with endoscopy or noninvasive with urease breath test or ammonia breath test and detection of H. pylori antibodies in saliva: a. Flagella of H. pylori b. Reservoir of H. pylori c. Adhesins of H. pylori d. Diagnosis of H. pylori 151 / 211 151) Complications of Peritonitis: a. Controlling the contamination, Removal of foreign material, Removal of foreign material, Draining collected fluid. b. Caused by contamination from bacteria or chemicals. c. Elevated WBC > 20,000; Low H/H; Altered Electrolytes- K, Na, Cl-; Abdominal X-ray and US; Abdominal CT; Peritoneal aspiration and culture. d. Bowel obstruction- from inflammation, Sepsis- from bacterial invasion, Shock- from sepsis and hypovolemia. 152 / 211 152) “Bell Clapper” is another term used to describe which of the following abnormalities?: a. Testicular torsion b. Varicocele c. Cryptorchidism d. Microcalcifications e. Hydrocele 153 / 211 153) A tongue of peritoneum that precedes the migrating testes through the inguinal canal: a. Mullerian duct b. processus vaginalis c. paramesonephron d. mesonephron e. gubernaculum 154 / 211 154) Ladder step deformity characteristic of fracture clavicle is: a. Dislocation of acromio-clavicular joint. b. Lateral fragment is displaced downward & foreword by weight of the upper limb while medial fragment is displaced upward & backward by spasm of the sternomastoid muscle. c. Lateral fragment is displaced foreword while medial is displaced backward. d. Dislocation of sternoclavicular joint gives ladder step deformity. e. Medial fragment is displaced downward below lateral fragment. 155 / 211 155) Before a bowel obstruction which is on the item for a small bowel obstruction due to strangulation?: a. The existence of an abdominal scar. b. No matter the digital rectal examination. c. The gradual onset of pain. d. The absence of fluid levels on radiographs of the abdomen without preparation. e. The permanent nature of the pain. 156 / 211 156) A patient who has had a swollen, nontender scrotum for one week is found to have a mass within the tunica vaginalis that transilluminates readily. The family nurse practitioner suspects: a. Carcinoma of the testis. b. An indirect inguinal hernia. c. A varicocele. d. A hydrocele. 157 / 211 157) You should talk your doctor about shoulder injury if: a. You have a histoire of shoulder injuries. b. You have a dislocated or separated shoulder. c. You have followed your physical therapy regimen and see no or little improvement. d. All the above. 158 / 211 158) A clinical examination of a patient with uncomplicated peptic ulcers: a. We often hear a systolic murmur. b. It is common to see a splashing palpation of the epigastrium. c. There is a sore point for Mayo Robson. d. Is triggered plexalgie happy one. e. It generally does not detect any abnormality. 159 / 211 159) Surgery for correction of cryptorchidism is best done before?: a. 1 month of age b. 6 months of age c. 1 year of age d. 2 years of age 160 / 211 160) The complication of fracture of the clavicle gives skin emphysema by: a. Brachial plexus injury. b. Achieved skin tissue. c. Waiting for axillary vessels. d. Myopathy. e. Hit the dome pleuropulmonary. 161 / 211 161) Mr. Sok, 19 y/o, is being admitted to a hospital unit complaining of severe pain in the lower abdomen. Admission vital signs reveal an oral temperature of 101.2 0F. The doctor ordered for a complete blood count. After the test, Nurse Sokha received the result from the laboratory. Which laboratory values will confirm the diagnosis of appendicitis? : a. Hgb 15 g/dL b. RBC 5.5 x 106/mm3 c. WBC 13, 000/mm3 d. Hct 44 % 162 / 211 162) Failure of this perineal extension to obliterate after birth may lead to the development of an inguinal hernia or hydrocele: a. Processus vaginalis b. Mullerian duct c. Paramesonep d. Gubernaculum e. Mesonephron 163 / 211 163) With respect to gallstones: a. Mirizzi's syndrome is caused by a stone in the common bile duct. b. Most people with gallstones are asymptomatic. c. Approximately 90% of gallstones are visible on plain abdominal x-ray. d. Gallstone ileus occurs when a gallstone travels through the bile duct into the small bowel and causes an obstruction. e. CT is the imaging modality of choice in diagnosing gallstones. 164 / 211 164) Ultrasound carries the diagnosis of extrahepatic obstruction causing jaundice if: a. Extrahepatic bile ducts are normal. b. There is an ascites. c. The liver is hyperbrilliant but homogeneous. d. There are calculations in the vesicle. e. Intrahepatic bile ducts are dilated. 165 / 211 165) Prostate growth is stimulated by which of the following hormones?: a. Dihydrotestosterone b. Progesterone c. Thyroxine d. Testosterone e. Prolactin 166 / 211 166) The erectal dislocation of the shoulder is a dislocation: a. Anterior internal coracoid b. Antero internal coracoid c. Lower d. Superior e. Posterior 167 / 211 167) Among the following which ones can be retained as a cause of intestinal obstruction by strangulation?: 1. The occlusion of the sigmoid cancer. 2. The occlusion by volvulus adhesion. 3. The gallstone ileus. 4. The strangulated hernia. 5. The acute intussusception. a. 1-4-5 b. 1-2-4 c. 1-3-5 d. 1- 2-3 e. 2-4-5 168 / 211 168) Gastric juices/bile/pancreatic/blood/urine: a. What are chemical irritations of aseptic peritonitis b. What is the most common obstruction seen in acute appendicitis c. What are infectious causes of peritonitis d. What are symptoms of subacute bacterial peritonitis 169 / 211 169) Regarding a midshaft fracture of the clavicle: a. Non-union is possible. b. The fracture should be reduced. c. The coraco-acromial ligament is ruptured. d. Malunion is uncommon. e. Significant displacement of th