/40 1693 TP Anatomie Preparation (Dr. Koam Phaly) 1 / 40 1) Find the correct answer: a. Internal Pudendal Artery b. Sacral Plexus c. Obturator Artery d. Vesical Arteries 2 / 40 2) Find the correct answer: a. Umbilical Artery b. Internal Pudendal Artery c. Internal Iliac Artery d. Obturator Artery 3 / 40 3) Find the correct answer: a. Ischial spine b. Pubo-coccygeus c. Tendinous Arch d. Ilio-coccygeus 4 / 40 4) Find the correct answer: a. Body of Pubis b. Body of Ischium c. Ischial tuberosity d. Ischial Spine 5 / 40 5) Find the correct answer: a. Ischial tuberosity b. Levator Ani c. Obturator Internus d. Piriformis 6 / 40 6) Find the correct answer: a. Levator Ani b. Ischio-rectal Fossa c. Ischial tuberosity d. Sacro-spinous Ligament 7 / 40 7) Find the correct answer: a. Ilio-coccygeus b. Tenderness Arc c. External Anal Sphincter d. Pubo-coccygeus 8 / 40 8) Find the correct answer: a. Internal Iliac Artery b. Gluteal Artery Inferior c. Gluteal Artery Superior d. Internal Pudendal Artery 9 / 40 9) Find the correct answer: a. Obturator Artery b. Vesical Arteries c. Middle Rectal Artery d. Umbilical Artery 10 / 40 10) Find the correct answer: a. Posterior Sacro-Iliac Ligament b. Anterior Sacro-Iliac Ligament c. Ischial tuberosity d. Body of Ischium 11 / 40 11) Find the correct answer: a. Pubic Arch b. Body of Pubis c. Body of Ischium d. Ischial tuberosity 12 / 40 12) Find the correct answer: a. Obturateur b. Ilio-coccygeus c. Piriformis d. Pubo-coccygeus 13 / 40 13) Find the correct answer: a. Coccyx b. Ischial spine c. Ilio-coccygeus d. Pubo-coccygeus 14 / 40 14) Find the correct answer: a. Obturator Artery b. Lumbo-sacral Trunk c. Sacral Plexus d. Internal Pudendal Artery 15 / 40 15) Find the correct answer: a. Obturateur b. Coccygeus c. Piriformis d. Levator Ani 16 / 40 16) Find the correct answer: a. Levator Ani b. Ilio-coccygeus c. Obturateur d. Piriformis 17 / 40 17) Find the correct answer: a. Pubo-coccygeus b. Obturateur c. Ilio-coccygeus d. Tendinous Arch 18 / 40 18) Find the correct answer: a. Obturtor Foramen b. Ischial tuberosity c. Body of Pubis d. Ischio-pubic Ramus 19 / 40 19) Find the correct answer: a. Pelvic Fascia b. Ischio-rectal Fossa c. Levator Ani d. Sacro-spinous Ligament 20 / 40 20) Find the correct answer: a. Ischial tuberosity b. Obturateur c. Piriformis d. Levator Ani 21 / 40 21) Find the correct answer: a. Body of Ischium b. Ischial tuberosity c. Obturtor Foramen d. Body of Pubis 22 / 40 22) Find the correct answer: a. Body of Ischium b. Body of Pubis c. Obturtor Foramen d. Ischial tuberosity 23 / 40 23) Find the correct answer: a. Body of Ischium b. Ischial tuberosity c. Obturtor Foramen d. Body of Pubis 24 / 40 24) Find the correct answer: a. Ilio-coccygeus b. Pubo-coccygeus c. Tenderness Arc d. External Anal Sphincter 25 / 40 25) Find the correct answer: a. Piriformis b. Obturateur c. Levator Ani d. Ischial tuberosity 26 / 40 26) Find the correct answer: a. Ischial tuberosity b. Greater Sciatic Foramen c. Anterior Sacro-Iliac Ligament d. Sacro-spinous Ligament 27 / 40 27) Find the correct answer: a. Pubic Arch b. Body of Ischium c. Sacro-Iliac Joint d. Ischial tuberosity 28 / 40 28) Find the correct answer: a. Obturator Artery b. Internal Pudendal Artery c. Umbilical Artery d. Vesical Arteries 29 / 40 29) Find the correct answer: a. Tenderness Arc b. Pubo-coccygeus c. Urogenital hiatus d. Ilio-coccygeus 30 / 40 30) Find the correct answer: a. Pubo-coccygeus b. Ilio-coccygeus c. Tenderness Arc d. Coccigeus muscle 31 / 40 31) Find the correct answer: a. Gluteal Artery Superior b. Internal Pudendal Artery c. Gluteal Artery Inferior d. Internal Iliac Artery 32 / 40 32) Find the correct answer: a. Obturator Artery b. Nerve to Levator Ani c. Lumbo-sacral Trunk d. Sacral Plexus 33 / 40 33) Find the correct answer: a. Sacro-spinous Ligament b. Urethra c. Ischial tuberosity d. Lesser Sciatic Foramen 34 / 40 34) Find the correct answer: a. Obturator Artery b. Internal Pudendal Artery c. Gluteal Artery Superior and Inferior d. Internal Iliac Artery 35 / 40 35) Find the correct answer: a. Ischial tuberosity b. Body of Pubis c. Obturator Foramen d. Body of Ischium 36 / 40 36) Find the correct answer: a. Middle Rectal Artery b. Obturator Artery c. Internal Pudendal Artery d. Vesical Arteries 37 / 40 37) Find the correct answer: a. Sacro-Iliac Joint b. Ischial tuberosity c. Pubic Arch d. Body of Ischium 38 / 40 38) Find the correct answer: a. Gluteal Artery Superior and Inferior b. Internal Pudendal Artery c. Obturator Artery d. Internal Iliac Artery 39 / 40 39) Find the correct answer: a. Ischial tuberosity b. Greater Sciatic Foramen c. Lesser Sciatic Foramen d. Sacro-spinous Ligament 40 / 40 40) Find the correct answer: a. Anterior Sacro-Iliac Ligament b. Ischial tuberosity c. Posterior Sacro-Iliac Ligament d. Sacro-spinous Ligament Your score isThe average score is 88% Facebook 0% Restart quiz Any comments? Send feedback